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<br />I <br /> <br />83- uG4603 <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Par- of Prlnclplll and l.lemR, Borrower sholl promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />mdebtedness evidenced by the NOIe. prepayment and late charges .. provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Adyances. secured bv tim. Deed \Jf Trust. <br />2. F...... for Tu........ I~. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />lo Lender on the day monthly in!itaHmems of principal and ioreres..t are payable under the Note~ until the Note is paid .in-full. <br />a sum (herein "FunOs..) cquai in unt-iwd'lin uf ihe )'catiy i.a.~C5 anu ~~es~-ftie.-,i~ whk:t ii'liiY iiiiiiiu: p:ritiril"j _ VTVi". -;:his <br />Deed of Trust, and gJ'ound rents on the Pn>perry. if any. plu~ onc-lwclflh pi yearly- premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one4welfth of yearly premium installme-nts for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and (rurn <br />llme to time by tender on the basi~ l)f a.ue.ssments: and bifls and reasonable estimates (hereof. <br />The Fundli- sJrolH be- held in an lIutltut,on the de-poS-tu: or ~lccount-s of whic.h are lIls.ured or guaranteed by a Fedenl or <br />~tate agency (induding Lender jf Lender i:\ <,uch an tfl$tlttiUonl. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said: taxes. assessml;nts. <br />msurance premiums. and gfu-und rents. Lender may not charge for 50 holding Jod applying the Funds., analyzing said account <br />or "-ctifyjng and compiling sai-d aS5Cssmcnts: and hi!!...., unles-s Lender pay~ BorTflW-er- imcte:!tl on {he Funds and applicablc;:Jaw <br />-permits Lender h..'\ make s.uch a "harg~_ Borrowt::r ,and Lender may ;1gree in wrtting. .at the time -of execoHOfl of t-his <br />Deed of Trust that interest l\fl the Funds ',ha.ll he paid to aud untes~ s.ud~ agree-ment IS made Dr applicable_law <br />requires such lote-re-st In he paid, Lcnde_r ;.haH not he fcqum:d ft_'! p;ij' B-oITQwcr any interest or enrning_s on the Funds, Lender <br />shaH gjve io Bortower, WJtrn.nlf i:hargc. .In annual a>..~C{Jl.m{mg ,jf the Fund" .....hawlng (~_redits and debits to the Funds and the- <br />purpose fOf which each debit to the Funds wax made- The Funds arc pledged a:r:: additional security far the sums s.<<:ured <br />hy thIS Deed of T.usl, <br />if the amount (If the Fumh held hy Lcndec {(lgdht'f "\lith the- future monthly imlallmems of Funds payable- prior to <br />the: duc dates. of lax.e'l.. a'i;;.e~'UllerH:;, HtHW.lOCe pr-emwms. ~,Hl gunmd f,-'ms, ...haH cXJ::eed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />it.UeS~ments, Ir\S.UT3fKC pn;niHlm~ ~md .t;\'i,;und oft'tlt-. ~I>; l_hc~' ;~~!l du~.. "u~'h ;;,,-(e~!> "hall be, ;.il Borrower's option, cither <br />promptly repaid to Jl,o-TrO,",U Of ~-redhed in (1orn..J\.\'t:t on ~thHHh!v Hls1.illmeoh {It funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held b,; Lender ~han not X .-.uflh:lerH ,\1 p<J\ 1;ae,-, ,ls<;{'-,-,rnctits, in'\manc-:e premmms and ground rents as they faH due. <br />Borrower \haU pay to Lltndel any arHtJmH neu,-~~'af\' ~'i' !lla~,:t ,jP fhe Jdioen<..:Y within ..10 ,day.... from the date nmicc is mailed <br />hy l.-ende-r to Borrower- req~Hng payment ! he-reof <br />l~r<'if} t--'1al,'01em in laB ,A ~jl :iunh ,.e<lu"'cd h.. ~''il'' !Jcc-d ,1/ Tnr"; I C'_mh,'f "han Pf\:_Htiptly t"1~lun-d 10 Borrower any Funds. <br />heM bv Lender If ufHier p-.Ha~far-h is -h-t~!>:~); lh,-' Pr..~~n\ I" ;,-piJ Pf ~lh' Pr'<Pt~rtv i50 .-nh('rWl~ aCtluirl'd by Lender, Lender <br />s.haH appciy., nu hU-ef loan Inurt~di3tdv Pfidf to the -,,,,k pi I!)!.; ,-U' ,1\ ,1.,:;:q\ll\IIiOll hv Lender. .lI''l\' Fund~ held hy <br />L.c-nd.:-r at the llmc nf 4fJph;;"J.til.Hl ..i<; ,I ;..:r-cdlt ;).~-:tln'-'J it;c ';-laB, "'~UJn,:-d [).:ed elf TruST <br />3~ '-\pplkario.n ut P.~nupt'lj, t'!,I('\'S 4"-P1it,ibk ,}thi.:.'''J.-,...e. ..ill fh"..-mCnh re":-Clveu by L-::nder under the <br />~orC' ~nd f'I',;uagra-phl:. I ,~r~d ~ ht':rL'X)f ~h,JH h\~ apphcd I "-;li.k, n pa\ tn~'nl "f aflW\ll)!:<. r"vabic !l) Lemler f1y Borrower <br />~lndef i~arffgr,ilph .:. her-t:oL 'ifx:n t;;; lm~fc-'H p:;rv~bh' dO n~e- '1.*', rhc-f1 tl' Hl~ P! J!1up.:d ,'f the ~nt{', ;lnd then l{) int~re~f and <br />pnnc!p:aI -':!U any Futart:' ADv-"\nCC! <br />4, ClIaqft: tJt.tb.. H':)f'f"''''Tf "Jt;li\ f',n' ,Ill "nc', ..l'..sL~'\;.Il1C-nh. ~\l1j df.t,:, harrc." tint'\ ,'H1d JH1p{'Qtions. atlributablt; {\) <br />the Propeft~. '.~tnk:h mii~ ;Wi1Hl .I pn<:IWY (,Vt"!" 'hi" fx"'t:"d "~I fnn.L ;\nd :i'a;;,-cho!d paymt'nt~ \If ground rents., if :my, in the <br />!1l1Ul~ pro~',ded under p:;uagr.lph i he!t"of ,jr. d aftf P;'Jh.! 1'-\ t;lH.:h m~t1mer, h.,- Ikno'-'Cf m!.l"'lO~ pll).'rnent, when due, threetly <br />tn the: payee tW:J'Co-L BnrrO>f,.'-(T <,haH pmmptlj' h~rrmh ~n f! ;dl I\{llh:..... "I ;WU)lmt\ dm: tlnd('f lhi-s paragraph. olnd in the <br />event 8otfilwe-r llhail mai(' j:\,n'mtnt dIH~\.~th.. 8onn~\._r "hall pnJ,mptl~ 1<lffl.s.h hi f ,'ndcr ret:clpu cVhknl,.'mg stich payments., <br />ROrTo.."'-er shaH prompth ~h-\4,har~t' ,tU\ \u'n ",hKh ~,;t\ prHHlt~ .'\'-t;f thl" tkc-u nt tnl!<t: pro\'idcd.. fhat B(}fr{Wn::r ..hall no! ~ <br />required :0 d~'h.argt' 3.n\' tu;:h hen "-\) l~'li~ ,1:> HOf!P~n '-hall .Hrn,"'!,,' !o -",ri1I1W Iu the p~\ym('nt ~).f fhe llbhg~ltlt;~n :iel'urc-d tw <br /><:h hen in a manner a-.;:-.:-ept..hh.- f~,- lol;_rH._kl ,if ,i;;tli ,:11 ~t.~,,:'o(j !,Hlh ,.',)fHe~l "> hen h\. (.t defend enl0n;em~nt ot su;."h !len In.. <br />tegaf pn:K':<<dtn,g~ .~"hti:h ..~pc.t.ottc p-nven! ~ht '..'uItH';.;::<:mnH ,..,1 th(' lien l)f t\li(;:ih!H~ ...t the Proflerl,"' ,1! any pan thercol <br />S. HaDnlI~. l!OHI,:m:t'f "hall tecp ,!1(' lm}'h1\'NnJ.."'tlI;; n\~.\-- cH,,tmg l'r hct'G.atter crcJ..'l(~~J ~'1\ {he }-)t(lperty Insured <br />31ainsf lou -b~ fit'"t'~ hu..aroo; lfichtdeti wlthm the \~r'H} "e'lcmkd ,~\\''''l>l(e''' .m>! \'ud\ l~ther hazJ:r-i..f\ dS t coder ma.\' rettulfe <br />and In \uc-n .a..muunt5 and tm 'j,ud~ pe:Hxis:i'\. 1 !:!1.-\..h:"f fHa\ I-e--qU:ft~, pn'~'!l.kd. lhat I cflUer ;"hall no! reqUll'e thai the amounl 01 <br />'5,uch .:-(WC':ril~ c,cc-ed :hat atTk.!-Unt dt ;,"''lIer;jgt n."\.lillf,;;'U !,1 p~f'; l~K \nllh ......"'i. ured bv lhl'" DN:--d lof T nl~l <br />The imUf2.'J1CC 1.:.:Hllcr f\-f{WIQmg !he m\tH;H1i,.(, ,r'i~;H he '" h.-.-,;>:n hv U.:'rn'wcr ~lthj~....t !i> <l.pPH_w:ll hy ! ,t'ndcT. pHwtde-d. <br />that iucb rtppfoval lhall 1'W-t t1C unreQ~Q'n3~!.Y w~lhh{"hi ;\11 premlUm-, un mli.UfarH:e pt"lhClt.'" ~h1i1i he Ila1d 111 the manner <br />provtded UIJckr paraarapb :.. herecJ t,!L -Ii iw'.lt van;' ,n. "li,"~h !fLHlOeL b;.- Burrower payment, when due.. directly to the <br />lQSur:ance QlTtef'. <br />All In'nitanee- pohc:cs :A1'J:d rene\llii;lh :1-"-1.7:-<;';:1; ~.haH h~: It: hHm ",-...-~"('p{;\bk !(> ! ~ndet .lifJd ..hiill IIH.:lude a sl",ndard monga~C' <br />d:a.UiC in ia\-'"t.'\f iJt and tfl ~\>rm .\..::~cp!,lhk ;(l L.t:tldcr t cmkr "h;tli' 1hc nght 10 hnld the l"Olit;t~ .lnd tenC'~"ah Ihereof. <br /><tAd Burrowef ",hall pn:\.mpll)' tunu'J.h !{l ! cudn .lil fCli:t*;id H...m,:-{"\ ..mti .tll fCLCIPh \lr p.u.:.i rretnl\un'\, In l'hc t.~'''ctH ot hJ~\, <br />Bt,),rrower- man gn-'e ;\TOmpt rUJ{H.-e :}~ !1li: ,n'lUf;:Jil.<..c ;..H! leI ,m..i I c-ndt:f Leoder m:.1\ make pHli.\f of h)~\ ;( nOl made prompt" <br />b" I..lorrower, <br />Unlen lender .and Bt.HfO\lier ..therw,"\{;" .J~re~ In '-'\fllllliZ.. :f1l;,tlfJ:Hd: pffH,:e~th ",h>ili toe ~lpplicd 1(\ rC"l(tfallOn IJr III <br />lhe ~l1y .u.ilU.ged, PfO'l'h,ied ,;;w:h (~~h-'f"ll<~t\ ,Ir rer,:n: ;\ "li-mpm~(JJi:o !l.~<1"'fh-le lh:~ ~m:ty ,If lhl.. Deed of Tn:!!.l 1<; <br />114.'lt tbe-.rc-b~" lmpain:d If '>llih ft",hltJ.aot\ ,If rep~tt !'\. lMf ntm,Hl1h,_.:J.U" ka.Mhk ;'1 11 Ih~ '\e':UIHy \.Jf thl~ Deed of fW\f would <br />t"oC tnlp$,lre,t tnc- IMuram'.(' pH':~_\- ..h,;dl be dpp.hctl w th~ ,-um, ....e(-mcd h\' ft'l1''!. [) f\f Tru"L wllh th~ e'~('.ss, It anv" plud <br />to Horn""'''C'f_ It lhe Propc::tt) l' ",,J M-\' a.utln~,"(~ ,-'t If HW'H1WC'f Lilt.. I,; :C'"p'OUO to L(;od-cr withm 10 day.. (rom the <br />dale tl:Otl>Ce i\ mailed by Lt:odef 1l..'\ Botr'l.l\toC'r fhilt ftle lU~Uf...fH.'~ ~ ;H/}~r <,Hel'. to ~eule " l..:hum h)r tll'Sllf.UlI.:C hetlcfit\, Lender <br />1\ autnonteJ h.l .:t.llta:t .nd a.pPly the mwnUli:e pWl.:et'u!. ;i{ i .cn-tier's ,lpftUn t'lfhcl' H) re:o.fOratlOn or of the P'wper1Y <br />(1J h..1 the 1-~ 5e1..:uK'd ~y thIS J)cc.d (If Trml <br />Uft.ias Lconder and Borrower t>thent.'I\C i-Igftt H~ WntiHil:.. ,U1'I' \-\h.h ii-pphC.:ll(l(J \.!t pftXW'ds [0 prinCIpal snail not exteud <br />Of ptlStP-'"'M the due dale IJ1 the i11Ol1:thl\' HhlaHm.;t\h !{'fe:rr~ i(} III f'-JHagr<iphl 1 ,md .2 hereof (If (hange the amounf oj <br />,ucit lOS-laUn'letlts_ It lU1der paragtiph 1 J{ hercv! the Pto-~rt) t"\ .J~4uH<d tw I _~f!dei', ;,11 lIght. !Itle .Hld InltreM o.t Rorwwer <br />I-n and to li1iU__Y i-n-iuram:e poh<:lcs ~nd In :and h~ the- pt\l:>;c<<h th<':-t,",--.f r~tllHng fwm l130\agt:' W tht:: Propcrty prior It) the "ale <br />(~-'lCqmsilwn UtaH ~ h~ Lender I.., the lZ.1U-.c-nt \11 the :;.um\ \oC~ured b~' rh!~ Deed oi Trll:it anmWt,uc!y pnot ~(! such sale OJ <br />o:lii~lOft~ <br />6. rn..n.... aU ~~ ut ~y; l.("~ eondomiAiunu;. Mnned lfnit Oevf'loplMnts. BOHOWt'I <br />....h,di k-et.ll tn.c Pn.'PCfl)' In g\1\.~ n:-pal! ,lfrtl o.;fMil 1H'! t",'mmIJ "'>.l-."'IC ,~l i~rH\lt finp,tllrn~lll <.ll ~ktcr,\\ra,j-\m ..If Ihe ProfX.rt;: <br />~ shaH comptv with the pro-Vu.h.)fJS 01 :Hllle..:i'-e If' th~, l)ceti ", f"rm...'o, "m a le01:)ehold_ V thl5. [)'.;ed of Trll,'St i<;; {m ~1 Unit in ~l <br />:;t)ndomtmum ,)r a piAnned unit de',dopme-nt. BOH0~{ s.n.aH pedtlfm J.1l Of BOHowC'r \ \JhligatlOn1!; umitr 1tH:: ,lcclaratHHl <br />.." ~oven.ant\ l.-rc-aftP:& or ~-..ycr-ni:ni lhe ;.:-t.'\:tKiommlum ,)f pkUHH:d unit de'\ie-lopment, the\ :.HlO l'egui3tu.\n' \l~ the <br />~nium eM' plaw;'t:e-d unit de~~lopment. ;tOO ;;01l$tlttient J~)cu~nh_ If a ('t'l'ndon\.IllIurn or planned \u\ll ik\'eh.'pmcnt <br />.lik-t ;.1 e.:teculN b~ Borrt,)Wcr and fe;..~nJe.d fl.~gethef .....,th th-~_~ l~ ot rru:u, the I,.',-Wt::nanls. liod ilgrcemenl) of ..ui.:h nder <br />sbail he 1:le'_O,-pOnnN into and. :sh~U amend .l-nd ~pple-mem tbe ;;,p\,en{l.ii!!. anJ ~18feement~ l;.\i thiS Dew nt Tnn,t ;,1' If the nde'J' <br />weR 4 put ~, <br />7. ....... of l~'. St1cllrity. If Borrower frob to perform lhe co"'-cmmts ~nd ltgreen~m'\ ..:-:.'Otamed in thi, <br />Deed-of Tnat. ~ }f dY action (it" ~ing ,f\. comnlt'~ wtUch rn.uenuJI.'t' 3ff~f') Lender\: intcfbt 10 ihe l)rnpe-ny, <br />I~ but not hnnled. to.. ~tUMnt domaul., UlMHVcncy, ;;;oo-c enfQf\..-emetll, or .trrangemenb \)r proc.:eedlOg~ IIlY1:tl\'Hlg ':1 <br />~tupt Of d<<:eden-c tfttm Lender allende:f'~ (I-phon, upon 01}h.;;e f(i lkuHYWe-f. may nH~k~ Hh..'n ,ippe;:lf,'mI,.'(:'S, -(hsh\,Ir\c \w.'h <br />,~W'm ami take:. SU(:~ afo-i:;(m M JI, necdS4i()' to prOu,xt Lender\ mlt'fe\f, mdmJiI,g.. but H\Jt Jimttw ft~, dis.burscmenl 01 <br />~ ~I.tom- and rotry upon the Property lu llia),~ fep~lir.. It l"ender TC'qUtt.ed ll\ottgage m"\Uf;!fKt ,i.lo .:i <br />~ of m.Jun._ t_ loan ~ by lh" {>et::d (If Trt~t. Borrower \hitH pay the pumlunu requlu.d 10 malOf.un "n.:h <br />~ in-~. tUlltt $\Kit tune _as the reqw{e-tncmt for ~ueh Inlouran...~ ttfmmate!l. lfI accordance' wl1h Borrower':, Jfld <br />l..-eIIdef\-wriuen .~ Of appb(,:.~ lAw, Bnu()We, i.h"JJ par ~he- :In-k--mnt ,-;If aU moogage in1:.uran(:c prernillm!. In fhe <br />_'~ tlnder ~ 2 be_I. <br />A: ~ ~. bY lender pursuant to It'rts ~ra8faph 1, with ;nl~,ffl-t tnen.'()R, .,hall hecnnlc ~dditinn...l <br />*_. 'tM_ of Bofmwcr MJ;lU'tld by .tiN! ~ of "frutt Unin." 80rruwer a.nd tender J._g~ H) other tenrn oi payment, "lh;,~h <br />.~... he ..,... tlpoa oot.tce lro-m t-ePdef to- Borr~er req~1in. pIl')'l1lt:ai the:f('1.}f. Jnd \hlaU ~~t mtef~t from the <br />... t:tif 4hINr- llfuflt .. 'M ta.. Plyabh: 'fr'omdmc tf,,'l time- on ilut~apUm@: pnftCipai uAdcr the Note uniess. pll)'mwt t,~l in-lI:-te--$t <br />at ~ -*_ ~ b6 '('.~lGtnuy t-Q apphcable. taw, ~fI w'n-Kh e'vcftt 'HK:h ;J.rno-un-h li.-han hur 'nfe~( at the h1g-~t Titt.e <br />_~ -WIlIIer' ~~~, Nmht-nc e_~ HI thtl'.piJ ? ",ha.H reql.ufe t~n-dcf to Hl(~-Ur any cxpeNA!' ()f h\ke <br />oaf ~ ___, <br />1.- ...... t~ m.y ~ ()! ~aU" U, be m'" tt:Aj(jMOte e-n-l.n<,.), U-ptlff -*nd 'm~tHm" (.\( l"'~ Pr~tpe'HY, fH"n'oHwd <br />f-' t.~ ~ JIW- 8of~ tlOtn.... -prlot -\(l an~ &\h.--b Hl~p:t:tt(.:m \pedt.)"m, relK'1t\;Able (:-ilUK tMref-of rdUfI::d 10 J .~m:tltr'" <br />'_'..Il!e~, <br /> <br />L <br />