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<br />rill1>DmWOF TRR<>T t$~ 'J:W< ,.~Qj:\l. ,. , . . .. . . . . p.d~)'of ... ,AI.t&U~J;,. . ,., ':'.; ....,,:
<br />19.11}"'amonftiw:Trustor..q~9n~, ~" .lJQ"!J{lr!i. .8.1\4 ..J'i'~i. j:.,..JJqvnll~...... ,...,... ... .,...... ,...!.
<br />1tp'B;l\~l!'L~H J".~f;,!... p........'..... ..,. . (herein HB<>rrower") , ..,..,., ... ..... p".. ,. "",", ,.
<br />~~~~~. ~~:r~ .~~~. .sA11~~, N'P. .I,Q~ .~l>9C.I.I\'lil;Qlt . (herein "Ti'usteeV) ,and IheBenefu:iary;
<br />,. Nmll~,~.rm!!~~,SAVJ.t>$.u.I!J;Q".~T{QJ(,. ,..,'. .' .. .' .", a corporatiollorga"i~and
<br />existing under the laws of. . ' ~~~, ,llni~<;<:i. ~.t!l.t,~~ .o~ .~!':r.i,c:a.. ."... whose address is;,... ...:,.. .,;,
<br />. . .2!l~,~)~!l\ ~\I'M!l,7: !<~,.~e,h~ft.ll.S!l~.. .. p ....... . (herein "Lender"),
<br />
<br />BoR_WElt. 1O consideralion of the indebtedness herein reciled and Ihe tTU.'! herein created; irrevocllblygraflls
<br />and convljr to Trustee. in lruSl, with powe.r o( >ale, the following described property locatedin!hCCounl)' of
<br />. , . . . , . . .l! 11. . . , . . . ' . ' " State of Nebr.L,ka:
<br />
<br />Lot Two (ll in Block Two (2) in Brcntwood Second
<br />"" of Om' bh.., ""U '="'7
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />L1'-!t:cYff
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<br />... ich lla.\ the addrc" "~I ~ Soth_n Dr. >
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<br />Subdivision
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<br />Gtelld. l,sl.and,
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<br />~~j~"',,(
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<br />1I.hr.u'ita6.l}~Ol
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<br />i,~rem "PK1-po-:ny Adern',
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<br />;~~ 8!"d l,l~ ~~4<t;
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<br />t(i(a_l Hl'Jt vnth .Joif tho; aHpn.~\'.' rrl't-"i\.j.." ,\~)",." ,-x ~h_'H~;~H~'l ... r..'\...i,-'~,;: ,,:> i lh' p-r\~pt.'fl) .Hl ,"-~j.......'m,-'llh, 'l~h;_\>
<br />appuxh;~..an~~, rl:nts ~ subje~--t howt.'vt-r iu tnt' -ng:nh '-,UHf ;~uthnfllte:'l p",,;n he!'t:!H to Lt.'n0.:t 10 Cfijh:-...:t d!ld :iPPi\ ....uUj
<br />ten.bJ, rl)Y~U~~).> ~mlH:-rJ,L \'Hi and ~a~ [';ght.!- ,Hi,.! profig. w;Htr. ...\-<.tho, fl~ht'i-. ~ind \.\~t(t ..f>.'Kl.:.. HhJ ,lit !lxttH('" ;h'\\--
<br />bt:r-cailc:t attached w the pt'~,rt}, ",H uJ 'Whidl. 111chKhn-g rc-p-kl\:~'mt~nb ;_.nd ;H.h._htI'On~ U-u..'n"k. .,haB f\c t..k':!H":'U hi ~',,-'
<br />and remam-a. pan of {he pt'()pt"'fty ,;(>.,,-t;:'r-0d ~y 1hl;., Dn::--d !1-f Tru~t: ;m.,J ;111 of ~h-;: t{)reg\_nn'!o!. !,~gt:>th',:r ;\"ith ~;u-I..i fH\;f~:rn
<br />{Of' ttrehsclit.>kt t.'"Stat< tf [his Deed r.t -fru~~ i'i- Ftl J kil~-ch,01-1.1 \ ,H'e h~fcin rl,..r(~rft."'d IO ,,'" !he >'P-rf'1pCn~ '
<br />Tbeunderaigned waivas the benefit of the homestead exemption as to this debt.
<br />T-Q SECt~A~ ~o Lt'nder t a) the re?U:ymenl 01 the IHdt~N-t:''lJne~\ rv.dencn! h> B{)fn.1\\'..~{" nole d.tted August
<br />)040. ,1'.8) . i.her~in "Nm."). HI In.: j""""I"'; 'liJn 01 nGlfl'11:lIQ\}S~NP
<br />...._ QQ.1-~OO. ~.: ~~-QQQ-!W) < ,DoU.ar->.., With mf(;;:-tM ,hcn:nn. l7fO\'ldlflg fOf munthiy H)\LIHnH:m~
<br />{if ~-.and Inb:test" \\'lfh t-he batam~{',,~ the 1:nde~tt'u.n\.'~",_ It ft(O;, "c~")rh.'f raH1, ~Ht' ,:\.~ld pa~,atlk> ')~~ SePt~mb~~
<br />.., _" 0' ,t. ,1'''. ", < " . Ihl::' r..t):mefll .')1 ,.H \.!tf1'l'f ....uHl':!o, ,\,th ~:1h;fl.'q ~ht,,'h'~~ll, ,.\J,J,n",i.',l
<br />tn ~~~'~llb to ptotect t~ ..ccuhty \..~t' ;tn..;. r^"t~ (}f TrusL ,mJ tht~ p'-~t1i)rmanu.: n.\" lhe ~:n\'nhwh ..H,d
<br />a&f:et;~-oi ~ ~n cQntaiu'Ct_t'and i{\'i tfh't n.~r;.tJnh_~-nt rn -un~ fuhl.t'i.: .h:!V1.Ult."1.~, ~\'l~h \nt(ft:-h,! thr;n-\'!,_ ,q,hh'
<br />to_~~hy ~~! t()p.:IfJtF~ 2.1 hrfcot (b-ch~in "l:utUf\_' Ad~,;'~Ptt:~'\)
<br />
<br />...
<br />
<br />B(q1l~ ~nti t&tt Botn"Wt.f t'~ -ta'.fuUv *l:WJ nl ifk- ~~'>i;{;:H-{" !){:'f~tt". ,,;,~.u_1!:\'>;'v~!d ,and hl.l~ th.;:' nd-n h' f!L~nt ;l1~!i
<br />~~- t~ '-ropmj~ tm.t- the r~'(ty t~_ ~~w;;u'nllx:ri:'~L ,;tfltl trnlt B6ffn\h~f \J;'f-H ~'~HHnt ~m~t ;;,kh:'l;d ~k"'H>:-r;iH'V nK
<br />t~tD"lhC_~' ap:.lmt-idt ("Q.um. ;'u\{l~rKh.. 't_t~b~t:-t F) ~ln~ i.k,;d;,H1tH,(H1~. ,"~:'!I'\;:mi.'nh n,t ~.::-.tnl;t!'(Kt", F'it~'~1 n, ,(
<br />~-9f.-t"""~-'W-,,,,~a. intf-JryHtk hn-uH\,nn' fM:)lki; .!\S.li--rifi~ I.-t'nth.'f'", 'IH('f('~1 Pi lfl.' P-rn-p.;--:-~!\
<br />
<br />...i(.~,.,...*..t ~.,t. forth 00,. "ville""'..."t. Titl." n,quin,<l hy and certifil!<l Ie> lAlnu"r.
<br />.,) '" ~ ',_",...j, Jl\..._f!!tld .1IlllHIM Il!!!U_lIt
<br />