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<br />r <br /> <br />83- 004603 <br /> <br />9. Coadnmatloa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />.condemnation or other taking of the Propertyl or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of conwA1oatioo, are hereby assigned <br />and sball be paid to LeDder. <br />In the evenl ola IOlal tnking oltIK Property. the proceeds shall he applied to tbe sums secured by thisDeednf Trust. <br />with the eXee5$. if any. paid to Borrower. In the event of 3; pa.rtial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise asree in writing, there sball he applied to the sums secured by ,his Deed 01 Trust such proportion 01 the proceeds <br />as i$ "'tUMlo that proporticm which lhe amount of lhe sums secured by this Deed of Trusl immedialely prior 10 the .date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property ~mme-diateiy prior to rhe date oi isking, with toe baiilul,."C uf ili~ pfUl;~ <br />paid to Borrower. <br />U the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. aller nOlice by Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for dama.ges. Borrower fails 10 respond to Lender within 3_0 days after the date such notice .IS <br />mailed. Lender is authorized 10 co/loct and apply the proceed,. al Lender', option. eltber to restoration or repaJrof the <br />Property or t(y Ihe sum. secured by tbis Deed of Trust.. <br />Unless Lender 'and Borrower othet"W'ise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shaH not extend <br />or postpone tbe due date of the manthly installments referred 10 in paragraphs J and ,2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such ins.allments. <br />10.' IIonow~r Not R~ Extens.h:,ln of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sum-s secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender 10 any successor in interes_t ():~ Borrower shaH not operate to release. in any manner, <br />the- riabilil}:' of the original Borrower and Borrower's sUCCfiSorS In Interest. Lender shaH not be required to commence <br />-proceedings against 'Such successor or refuse to extend time: for payment or 0th~rwise modify amortization of the sums, <br />s.ecured hy this Deed or Trust by reason of any demand m:=de 'tl-y the ;-mginal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />tl. FCKbnraa<< by l.atdf.or Not a Wahe-r. Any ff..'rbe-.:arance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />othc.rwi.le ;afforded by applicable law" sball nor he ;i wrtivet of o. predudt' the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />Thr: procurement or insurance or the payment of lues or other hens or charges by Lender .shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to acceterate tbe malurdy of the' indebtedness \Jectm..~ hy lhi~ [ked of Trust. <br />11. Re1UMifl- (~u:mal"i'n. All remedics pro-\:lded In rhl') [)eeJ of Trust are Jiiflm..t and cumulative to any other right <br />.of remedy under this ()eaj of Trust or atf('rnied 0) Lt\\.' or equity. Jud may he e:x.efclSe"(! t":oncurrently. independently or <br />~ucceuivety . <br />13. Suc<<:uon.aod AdiCas Bound: Joint and ~vc-..... UaWlity; Captions. The l.'OVenants and .agreemems herein <br />contained !b.aH hind. 3.nd the- rights. Meit'uMder ..hall Inure !>'. the r~pe'~tl"..t:' \Ui..-Ct;S50Qrs dnd :t\.)igns of Lender and Borrower. <br />sub,.ect to tbe pro'l(is~om ot pU<lgraph 1 -; heN""',:'!! AU ;;'~.)'.(enJnl~ and l.l.gfeem~nh of Borrower shaH he joint and several. <br />1'be (.apuon'l a.nd head-in-Ii of the pi:ragrap~s Of rhl'. D.~-ed \)f Trust arC' lor ,:unvemence only and arc nO! to be used to <br />mlerpul or ddine the proVl.stOfl! hereof <br />I.. Nod<<:~ Except for ;iny m:HI('C re4WII.~d mhlt,,~: ;lpph>':..1bk 1.i\\. h1 ht: gp,,'cn 111 another manner, fa) :toy notice to <br />Borrower provided for in thi.j. [)eed ~i Trw-t \h.ilH be glvcn hv !T);uhng such nOh'C hy certified mail Olddr6sed to Borrower at <br />the Propert). Add,~1 Of &t :\\K'.h Nne! -ldJrt"1& u.~ Bonn-we, mas de"ggn:ut;' hy Ilntlce w Lender .\1 prm:ided he-rem, Jnd <br />fh) any flOtKC to Lender ~h-aU t'IC giYco h... t~Ntitkd m~ul, rewrn fc.:etpt rcque.' to Lender's address stated herem or to <br />'li,uch ~~heT addren II !..ender ;nay dCllgnalc hy lH){i\;t: 10 iiormwer ,n p-ro'\iH.ied he--:-em Any notice providoo for in this <br />{~ ot Trwl mal! he w h~\'e hceo ~fven l;) HOrh'\H'f M LenuCf ~hen glyen 1ft the manner designated htrein. <br />tJ. liuiform 1)e.H of TnKtt (;cn'ff1tilll 1...._: y\C"rabUfh" no... f,lrm I't .h."~d ~!i lfll\t u)mbines untform C'ovcnants for <br />.natW' u\C ~nd m:,m.....umform cO-'('rl.olnh wrlh !inuted. ~':i.fntl;'ln\ h\" \url'i-Ol\:1iOI1 W l..on<;,l;tuU:. {\ lmiform securif\' instrument <br />..'overmg fClIIl pro.pert,. fht'i I:X-ed pi Tn",1 \h;di he !Z(.\:ouCl:f 1'1\ lhe !dW "t :he fuwI'Ji,,:lfon In which the P'ropcrlY is hx-8ted. <br />In the evt'-Sl{ fluE iW\' prO,"'IH...lfi i)( \ !;m~ ,If :ha, n~"t'J. pI Tru~. I'; ,he ~Oh; ,:O!1fth,:h with ~lrr,-h;;ahl(" law, s-uch t'\)ntli\:"t 'irhaH <br />not aJfa."l l.ltk.r pt'(WUIDtU ~:t HH~ Dcc>ti n! Tn.a.[ ,-,{ the ~t}tt:' which (..ill\ he g:r"'"~n dfecI WHhout the conflicllOg pr.."l\,f"wn. <br />and t.o thi'l end. tM p<<n'tIWla ;J! the fk~d \)1 T:U'.1 ,md lht" ~nt(' .Ih.~ de-d;Hed h~ be \c....ef"llbl~ <br />.6.. Bono~ C;opy. fk'tf1owt'[ \full t~ ~ilft1r~h('i1;1 ...ol\lnrrn("d ~~lf)V i'l ltw ~~J!E;'. ,If.d l~r Ihl' Ot'ed i,t fru:\t al the lime <br />,,-tt (':(ecUtK'm v.r a.fkt rccurda-.tion here-fif <br />"1' T't1uIsfe.. of t_ Proputy, ."......ption.. 11 all _'t Ml) pan ,1f lht' l:lr,.'pcrt\: tlf ;.II'.! mtt'fc$:f IOCH"It. rs ..old or !'\fcrreJ <br />fl)' Borf'QW~ wltb.t~t LcnOC'r":%o prH,lT wntten .,;:..H"/."l.<HL ~~.\':-Iudmg (4) [he (ti:.<t~ion ~'.t ;l hen ..JT cflcumbr-dncC' ~uhordmale to <br />thu Deed \',f Tttl$L ! !-J'J !M ~.'U;lttOll t)l j P'Un:h~ rnone\ 'l>t!....uttl.. Hlkf~:\l lor hD-u.Y.::.ht1-1d ~pphtHl>':~. it: I ..i Iti:Hl\kr hy d~vis.e-, <br />d~enl ,"'r hy {!pe'u,tlon nf i3W UPO-!t It--.t dc-aih d J. ;;11:1! !CIl.ilM pr 'd I lIlt grant ,)i :tl'l} h;.:awhoid ii'ltC'fCC\t nt three re.itf~ 1.1r lCi.-S <br />not C.ontOlUltng:;;tn '-)Pft{1tl k' pun;h3.k' LC!!Uef 0"1-..... ,it! cmJc.!' i "Pth.l:1o ~1-t.'d~1tt" ilH lhe sum.. ,"C'CtHc.d hv !hi.... rX'1."U .It Tru'){ h) he- <br />:mrnailalel)' due and p.l.vahk.. I.ender ",hid! h...r~t" "';Ant.] 'Hi,-h ~)p{l(~n t,-, ;,,;cd-cratc If, poor fn the 'iale: or traihfer, 1.1,~fldeJ <br />';uw, lhe pcrSi.')n 1..1- -wbn.m the PH).~r!~- 14 k. roe \-t,li.d or ~L.m....te-PCt.l '.:~.:h ~\gft,"~mco{ '1\ wtitlf'~ Ih.~( !he ,,;n:,{fit of "i.Udl IX~r~{lll <br />\~ ~atidacf.or~ w Lendcr .;md flwl ..he n.~~!t"'it ~\ ,'i\ ,h~' \Hni', h\, ~h(~ Peed dr r fWd ...hall h~ ~it ~u~h qle ~I~ <br />l-e-mkr ~haH fC'{ues.t H lEnder !1;h 'AlilPied lhe (~ptwn 1d ;J~...cln~lk in Ihi'l f,~~r;:J.graph 1;, MW if Bo[towt"r\, '\'S{\t <br />In int~{ h;u. C'u:.;u;ccl d wnUen ...~umphon ;l-&i('~mt'nl .,..,,:\,."qttcJ ':l '~'nrmg h\ Lender, Lender ,hat! reic.a..~ Bl.).rrowt:r ff('1lH <br />aU obhphons under thi:... [~.d ~}i l'rU:i-1 .uuj the ',;nte <br />a Lendf'r C\~t\;i~ 'l-u.:n \.~i.wi\lfI t\~ ;K\:e-it", 1 t'wkr -.,n.tH :\)ad HOo-"\.\<<<::1 !Wlll.-'c nt iiG,,-def;Ulon 1" ;:~Turd3nc-e wiih <br />p.u~raph 14 hc;ei(~t SU\.'n llt.}tKC "haB PWy:J;: ,l pt'rtt:;J ".'t i"~! Jr-",... {h-iia Hl d~h f~ d15.le fiKo notice 1.. nuule-d wffhin <br />""hl~h !kltr\)WCf m1l; p.;l~ H.e \Uln.> ck.d.lfl:..j ~tUl: 11 H,,-,((U"I,j~'f 1,llh },~ t'.l\ \th"h '!>lltn'i p.nnt hI ihc c\.p\raw.'11l \'( ~uch pcrH.'lJ" <br />Lender m.~, \\'Hht\t.H lmthcf natll"."'(" ('If demand ,In H~)fh\"C, ;<:\c\~t:'.....m t-crnedie~ ~ftt1-ilte~ b\ p,.!f.agmph 18 hereof <br /> <br />Nu~..t>'Illl().M l \l~.t NA~l"; tJ.i).[I,'Wt"f M\d I t'lldcr ltltlhct ,-',l;,'eO<tf!i ,1n.d .iJ:;trec ~l' h,l!f......'i <br /> <br />.1. At-c-riHal-ioa; kcllltiilift. ":'\t't"pllil'\ pl"uv*d in p....acraph 17 hf'feof. upon Bonuwe-rli bRat'b uf any t'o\:e-nanl or <br />..~...t o-f a-ro.ff ift tbe. t:hrotd of ''In:I, inclu.ding 1M ('o'u'na.ft.b to pa~ ~"",e-n dllt' art)' 'iunUi ltt'Cund by this Ilfi'O <br />..r.r...... t.te..., prior hy<notioa \luoIl mall ~. I.. Bo,""", .. pro, ""'II in prI_Olpb 14 her"'" 'IWdf~iRll: (II 'b. <br />.......11: Ill"'" ..._ <0<1- In <1,,,, .ucb bJTlKb: 131 a lIat., nm r.,., lhan .Ill dal' Irom th. dal. lhe ""lie. b llUIil.d to <br />Bono...... by which ~_h btC'lKh ~ br l.'un-d;: .ed t4t that fuun to ("un- '!<och hh1K.'h un O'f lw-fufe fftto date ! <br />.. t1tc<< ..., rntdt ilt ac<<h:n... of t~ ~m;, 'iC't'~ b) thr. ()<<d l)( "hWi' attd we or tht Prope-rty. Tilt- MHke <br />~ f~ iRfonn Borro""'<<'f (~ tM ritht 10 rriMW~ aftff ki'riof'i'atioo and fM tigh.t to briog a ('.(luff ~djon to ~rt <br />1M- ~e of . ..f.... I'" .., UCtkf lkftftH of Bwro"n '-u lIt.~,,-rltrafioo .aDd sak-. If th~ bnacb i.. nut c:u.rt"'d <br />- M ~ ... tbH ~i6ecl ie tlw DOIitt~ t-t'ak.r lit l~.~ -opiUm ",aJ d<<lau aU of t~ .sum, W<'un-d by thk Dft1:I <br />of Tnat.. bt ~ a.. _41 ,.,abk ~i.flwaj fU:l1Mt df'mand and "lit) ihH*~ tbe PO"" (tf qk and all) odte't remedk5. <br />~ .., ~.... bw. t~ d&aU ht' ('uti.kit to t.'oJ.kt.'f liU rf'aunahk ('..-.;b /lad t"IWtlSe'S incurnd in pursui~ tbe <br />............ __ iA..... ~ 18. ilKI...tioq;. "'" ..... limit... .... .._nabl< aU_,.. {.... <br />U dw- pewt'f' of ~ " m\'Med. Thtdtt ~ rttord .. notkc- uf Maml in l"Kh couat:". in ,,-bich CM Propet'Q' or 1;Omt <br />...... dtotnof b kK--atHt aad "Wi mait ("optn of such notkf' in ttw- m.JlM'f Prfl,('ribtd by applkal* law 10. Brot'-ro'Wf'r ami 10 the- <br />...- _ _-ltlllf'Plkalol<' law. Mt.. Ill< '- Ii....... ""'l bt rf'lulnd bl appllea"" Ia.... Tn..r..,>hall <br />p* p~ ~ of sak fO the ~ ... it. fht-: ma:lt1M'f' ptn('nbed by applkllbk .......... 'rron<<~ ~ifhoul tkmaod on <br />~. .... >dI.... P.......,ny .. pBllIic .......... t<> "'" h...... _., a. Ill< 11_ .Dd pili<< aDd u..o..r ,he In_ d..icn..... <br />Ia lite _..r uk irI_.... -.. "",..10 "" ift .....1> ...... .. h......"" may MI.~. 'f1lM<< may _ of all <br />Of ..., ,....., of lite l'mp<rty 10). poWic _._... At tl>< 1m.. ..... pia.-. of .n~ p< "'h....d _. l..u<kr "r <br />1.n4n'. ~ _ ~tlte I'ropmy at ""l _. ' <br />U>>oa ~ of pa)'1IIIe8t of tM, ~.~ hid.. l"-f1I5lfto li.haH drii"<< to tlk pUft:baw.r TrustH"1t dffd cUD\"f'}"ine. the' r.rfJlH'r1~ <br />...... 11. r""" llr tk T_', _ _ w prima {lK;" ..ill....., ..r ,"" truth 01 I"" >IAt......... ........ lhem... rrust.. <br />..........., lIte............r Ih<... ;" I"" '-lrw ....., (a:;... all ...__ ,.,.1> .nd u_ of II>< sal<. IAdudlAft. ..... <br />..... ........10. 1'_" r... ..r _ _ t_. .. .L ~\l .... "'0- of I"" I""'" sal< I'tl<<. ..--w. allo"",,', f_ and ....1. ..r <br />:::............... (It 1 10 .. _ _....... it,ll>" 1)oH ..r 1..." """ 1<11"" ur.,... il ."l. '0 I"" .......... or ........... l<1lall, ....itl<d <br /> <br />.9" ~t: Itts;Id to~. Not".! l..t'rttkr'ii ~t.\:'diCrat.Qfj ,.t tht' "'lHJU '!;.t~f.'tif'cd h'r thl\ fk<d l)f TrusL <br />fIot,tMV' ,,"a>> ita~ the- ( to h~H'C )).ff)" ~dm4t'\ t"'tlIun h~ teuder it! ~n(~}r~-e lhu. Ilt~.d of Tru:\i ,hl<:..ontJntttd at <br />iUll ~:unt Pf~"" ~l' tM t..d,~f tQ ~-cVf ,t." <iJ lhe. fifth ~.\.. beJo-te tht: ~.-lk:, ~"'ff the p,..n~nY rM:.lI~u.;ttlt In the Jk~\\'-cr \~f '!.ah: \:ofit>$;lo("d <br />lfttlt.De.cdul r'Ulhn {Jl)emryl:Jt -i j'1J~mcnl t'flfof..'t-tt:m,g In!.. tA..~ (1.{ rTl~t if: f<,lt Etorn)W\~f pOt)'''' t.xm:let' nil illJUl"l. WhK'h \Jr'~1.Hjd <br />~ f-'~..~lM [~.ct l'.ru:~, the Not(: and ,~~~ ~:tltmg Fulure Ad\'Mk."t:"'" l( <In)-. had no a~(def-a!l"On ;,~~'~.m'\"d <br />ihl ~~,f {;w~ atl.h,ttK".hn (,~t ;tny ~.he'-.c-('WlH'j.nt\ 0.( .llfeoeme'oh ~)! &rn~'Cr \..'(mt:lifn~'d 10 lhll, I~d i~t fru...t <br />~~t ~~ ~"t. tit ,...~if'~ 't'l.~"C~!\ l'tu;UU'e-d b~' t.elldc1 4nd m enflH''Cmj: tlw "~-llwn.mts "lnd :l~rl,.o't.:nCJ'\H ,'1 <br />ij("\f"t~~r ~'!*t~ iN U<<~ ~ed ut 'lnf\4: :aoo ttl. ef1(u:'\.,fJ'\~ Lt<:'ml6,,~'f'" ;,!t,n(f rru..H:-~ \ h:'m.edt'C'\ In pH'\'nll:d In r'H,\gup~ 1~ <br />~~, i'K'~~ t::v' tQ:)f i~rrn~ to, te"#w.n-.bit ~J:tOf:~~l'" f~" 1tnd hil f:kWf(i'W'cf 1.di.C'\ \;,~r: ""'''!I\1r\ ~, LC'r"t\it~r rtHH q~.a"').!'.ilhh <br />!cq;mtr; h't k~c- l~ j.~ !I'ft!: ,pI lhtJ 0ce-6 i.lf fn~t. t;t'f~lei;; !Ht-C;'J;eu ,tl i~ r"FHflert~' A'ud HOffl1\\.cr s uhhg.HI(l.ft h'~ l'~l) <br />