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<br />I <br /> <br />83...;.;;, 004451 <br /> <br />Said.prOmit!8Orynote wasgiveII to secure a loan in which the Small Bueiness Adniinistration, an agencyo! the <br />UnWid.Statd nfAmerie.\, has partiCipated. In compliance with ,section lOLl (d) of the Rules and Regulations of <br />the s..n Bu.in_ AdminWration r 13 C.F.R. 10l.1 (d )1, this inetrument is to be construed and enforced in accord. <br />aJU:e~thapptieahk Federal law. <br /> <br />I.The_rtpgor~eDantund ag~ as folloWlli <br /> <br />/I. He will promptly Ifay the indebtedn. evidenced byoaid prommorynote' atllte limes and'in the. <br />malineI' therein provided. <br /> <br />b; He wilJpay alltaxe$, _enle, walel'rate.. and other governmental or mumdpaieharges. lines, or <br />impositions, lot whiehprovieioa hae not been made hereinbefore, and will ptomptJy delivertheoftieiai receipts <br />therefor to the Illlid mortgagee. <br /> <br />c.He wiU,p4ly <lueh eltpe_ and fees umay be incurred in Ihe protection and maintenance of'eaid <br />property, induding Ihe f_ of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtednesa hereby llCt."ured, or foreclosure hy morlga"....'. .ale, or court proceeding... or in any,olh..r <br />litigation or proceedinll affectinll .aid propertv. Attornev.' f""" r..a.anahh incurred in am' oth..r wavshall be <br />paid by the morljl;alltor. <br /> <br />d. For better ""curil)' of Ihe ind.,hledn"". herehv ",,'ur...l. ,,!,on the )'t'que.t of the morlgagee, it, <br />SUffeMOn or aSfii:.-O.R, he AhaIJ f"Xe('ule and delivt>f a ,..,uppl...m~fltal mort~aAf~ or lHort~aJtes cov~ring an\' <br />addition.~ impMvpme-nts~ or brtternwnb made tn the propt'"rty h('rdnab(l\f.~ dt?'~C'ribed and all propert~ <br />acquirf'd by it after the- tlatf": hereof, aU in foml l'iatisfaf'tory h) lHort~a,tret' i Fllrtlwrmort". should mort~a~or <br />fail to cure an~' default in the pa~'nwnt of a prior or inferior PUc,lHllhraIH't> on the prnperty ~J~scribed hy <br />this inatrunlent. mortJ:;iIAor hereh~' aflrees to permit Hlort~a;It."r to .:un' ~Udl llt'fault. but lIlortJ.(a~e(" ii' 110t <br />ohli.p:.att"d to "io l'oO: and ~uch ad\'anct"~ :ohaH hf'conlt' part uf tlu~ itlftf"ht(.Jhw!"':'" ..1"'1tr~{1 h~' thi~ inl"trum~nt, <br />subject to the ~ame terms. and condition~. <br /> <br />.~. Th-t!' ri~hts ('r~ated b~' thifi C'on\'eyance "haJj reina-in in iull furn" and f.fff'd tJurlufl au\ postpuneuH'lIt <br />or ~xt~nsioll of the ttrue of thr payment of tht;> itl(lt'ht~finf's..." F\ Hh'nn~d h~ ~._i~1 prumiAAnr~' IJOIt' or an\ }larl <br />thereof ;.ecurcd h"reb" <br /> <br />/. He will _tin_Iv maintain hazard ineunnee. of .uch tv!>" or type. and in .uch amounUl as Ihe <br />rnortlt& In-a,.. from tinte to time rt"quirt" un tht, impro\'~tnt'J1"" no\\' \>r Ilt'rt'~trh'r HII to,till pr()I','rt~. tnld <br />will pay promptly wben due Any premium. therdor. A.ll in.ura"".,. .hall be carried in companie. acceplable <br />to mort<<a<<.,., and the polici.,. and renewal. the..e,,! sball k hd.! by nlOrt~agee and have attached therelo <br />l.oo\a payable claUllC' in favor of and io form accept..ble to Ibe mortgdgee. lu e'.eut of 10&8, mortgagor will give <br />immediate noliee in wriling to martgag....., an.1 mortgall"" may make proof of 10... if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, an..! eaeb iM...anc., company cuncern..d i. bereby duthori.d and dirt'cted to make payme"l for such <br />10!l6 directly 10 m"l1gag"f> instead of to morlg"!;01' .H..l mort gall"" Jointly, and the in..uranee proceed.. or any <br />parI ther..t>!. may be applied by murtgagee at it. UpllOn elther to the reduclion of the indebledne", hereby <br />"""un..! Ocr to lhe ""'.Ion.tion ur of the pwpertv ddn,age,i or .Ie,tnned. In event o! foreclosure of this <br />murlgall", or ,,\her Ira",,!er of title to said ,>ropert, in CUJtll\ of the in.lehtedne.. secured hereby, all <br />ri&hr. tille, and inlereot of the mortgajl,or in and to .Hl) iu.uran~" pulicie. then in force .hall pa8l; to Ihe <br />I),UI'('h~r or'.~ or, at th~ op-lJOU of thf" ttlOft~a.Jt.t't'. 11'.4' ht' ~urr...ndt'n.{1 fur il rt,fuud. <br /> <br />/(. H.. will keep all building. aud other illlWOVeult'ul. on ...i.! prop....l, ill ~'H"I ""pair all,1 oOlldilion: <br />win p~l'nlit, ('OJUUllt. or ~utIer nu W4~t~, in\fHtirUleUI, tlett\riufAlluu. of lOiu..1 prvpl'rt~ or au~ p.lft thereof~ <br />in Ih.. e,'"nt of failult. of the .....rtllagor t.. k.,.,p Ihe buil.!iu~. Oil .ai<l 1'''''1II1.e. .IUt! tho.." <,""de.! 011 ,aid <br />"'fe.lli:3e~'t or impron,"ult"ut..; th~rc:'uu. in ):ooJ repOllir. the Inort~aitet:!: UI.Y make :,Udl n~p..lir~ J.:- in it!> dis('retion <br />it IU..-) (leeUl nec~r~ for the prol',er prt'Mrqltion tht'n~oL ~tul tht' full amount uf t'afll aud ~H'ry :-0\1('11 <br />p"ymenl sball be immediatdy .Iu,' an,l l'''yabh>; an,l ,hall he ...eun'dl.. the lien of thi. 1II0rt:.tal"" <br /> <br />h. He ..,ill not ,'olunlarily create or 10 he "realed against the property .ubjectlo this mortgage any <br />Hen or liens inferior or .uperior tu Ihe lieu of Ihi. murtllage withoutlhe ..ritten conoenl of the morlgagee; and <br />Curtlwt', that lk- will k.eep aud nlaiutain the :!'a.UU: free frulll th~ daiul of all p,,-rSOIl.l'\ I'Hppl~'inp; Jabor OJ <br />lu_aterials for t'Ol18tt'uetion of a-n~' aud aU buHdiullg or irnpro\'eJut'nb no~- heiug en'l'h.d ur 10 ht.. r'rt'l'tt~d 011 <br />! "remu.... <br /> <br />t, lit' will not ren.t or a~liigu an) part of thr .rent of e'-did mort~agt:{t ptopt'rl~ or d"'moli~h. Uf H'mO\ e, <br />[I-r ?.u~tanlian)' aber a_n~- buildin;t without the wriUt'n t'Htl-M,'Ht nf mort~a~e~. <br /> <br />j. All awa...u of .la1Ultjl"" in "otmeclionwith any n.udemudtiou ior fl"blH- U'~ vI' ur illjur) tu "uy of tl", <br />l>rop<'r'y >lIb./<<\'t to Ihi. ",ort,;age ar.. hereby ......glletl an,l .hall be paid to lll',r1,;a"..e, who may apply the <br />J1i~~'~__,~,~ }~Yfn~n,t_ of tl~~ in$-tan'U~'nh- ta~l due under ~aiu nuh'~ and ml)rtlt,j~.'(' )1'> hen'b~ ~tUlhorit-e_tl, in lilt' <br />fttun~ (.)1 11M" t:nort.'a..or~ tu (l'-'e('uh~ .and cleli"\.er vaHfl-il4:quiuluH'ejoi th-t"ff"of ~lUl tH ap(H~ar frum "H~' ~\h,'h o\,,;,\r\1. <br /> <br />k. 'l'~ _I;tall"" "hall h..," rl!!hl tu mopeet th!" ..wrt....lld l''''llll'''' .It .,,~ ......""..1.1.. tllll.... <br /> <br />'2.D,f_hbt any 01 ta.tovC!'DantA Ol' CUl\{/iti_ or thi. imtnunent or of the note or loan agreemenl """ured <br />~~t.Y,$h.n t<!'rmln.ll1lhe m.>tta-.or'. rijlhllo V-i.m. U"'" and enjol'",-nt of the 1m'pert}. al the option uf the <br />i~J~...r ki. ....l.'m \Ilhtin.....eed thlll~~PW~'!,~t,.hall .uch rithl until defalllt), Upon any .uell <br />~u~ lhe _t..." ..baUhHome 1M"..",,' 'o,~n 6V"~nnb ;>nd prufitMa""ruing lifter default ... ""ctlrit' <br />f~lh.;, Wk~_ ~ndn......~y.,lJr'\r,.,,*~~~~ ~...,~.. proJH'l1y for tn..pll~r<- of ('ull.,..til1l\ ."eh <br />rt'tttlillll>d prMlh. 'Thu i_rum....t ah;.ll ofi"rrit'.. ........{ at anr ""..t.l, on ""QP"f1~. to "dent, <br /> <br />~..4 Ii'n II'f'W !tl. iJ~'n'l <br />