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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />...... ...'.'.'. 'n,i'c."D~. >.'''.(.'L''.'O <br />1"_!_:.A"D::~- <br />..~..)... <br />,'.: ','-:--,-- ,-.-:','-->-, <br /> <br />~;~.Cliilid~bito.Wl....' 22 day N <br />19"'83' GaleO. Squier and Ka/Squier. <br />(lIeNiDJw'~~'~...~)aad The First'Natidnal Bank'of'Grand Island, <br />Grand island\ f(~braska <br /> <br />JIlortppe),wh>OJll.iIl.......G&e.aDdp.olfiiWbfile..t <br /> <br />(~~to'.. <br />20eWest Third; Grand Tsland,i Nebraska <br /> <br />WlTlfI5limr; that for tIae ___ration heniDafterlltated, receipt ofwhiehj".~.....~tIae <br />lIlOl"tppR''doeShereby morlppo eeIJ,. grant. _p. aud e_..,y unto themonppe, hia__..lonJaad'...... all <br />oltlaefollOwiltldeileribed~'>>hIaIecl audheia&iatheCoaaty.of Hall <br />State of Nebrasl<a <br /> <br />THE WEST ONE HUNDRED FEET (100') <br />OF LOTS FOUR AND FIVE (4 & 5), <br />WARREN SUBDIVISION, AN ADDI'TION TO <br />THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />T~.tlt~,"I.I~.,a,.l'i.ela!l.l.fl all b"ihtiags, all fixtufUl including hUl notlilDile4to ..II plumbing. !.eating,lighting, <br />~!I"l~", ~~plll\ll,, air L"Ollditiolliag appaftltus, and elevators (the mortgap)f herehy declaring. thaI <br />it is i.le,.ded.lhat l~ i~"", Itreei. e.."",erated shall be deemed to have been permllJlently installed... part of the realty), <br />andalLi!'!P~Y~""".apw orhereafterexislinr; theteoQ; the hereditaments and IIppurtenllJlces and all olher rights. there- <br />~!eJwl, . i~~a~;y",i..eappe~tailliJlr;. alld the reversioll and reveffliolls, remainder alld remainders, all righls of <br />.,~~i, tL~c~,i~s\l~s.alld profits of Ihe above described properly ( providcd, however. thaI Ibe mortgagor <br />s,....tfl:\.i . .totllE: po..~ssll)ll of said property alld to .collecland ",tain Ihe renls. i""'les, and profh" 'lnli! default <br />h""cund,et), _1.1 the sallle nnto the mOftgngee and thE: suc"essorsin interest of Ihe _rtgaE;<'o; forever <br />ill~..s.i!\lPA~:qr,li!t~o,~~_"~~~' thny, as is "Iatlld herein. <br /> <br />Thellt~t COVtlllUUlw.lheialawfaUY'lJebed and poaaeeaed of and ha. lhe righl 10 ~l and eoovey <br />fl1"Cl~~l!!~"it)~,.(wm,.a!1 el;'~!fmJ!ra-!,cell "",,,epl a. hereinaboverec;iled; and that he hereby binds <br />. ,:a~~~~I;~to warrallla~de('!l1d the 'tide afOl'ellaid thereto and, every part thereof againel <br />..,~nr. <br /> <br />,.~t.,i+Jliv1lQ,to~~,t\u; Panl~nl,ufapf9~~i~U nOI~ ,bh"l Augu; t 22, 19831. <br />,."'~.o(,ll~.~.Q9;,...pte,4~ ..Gll:l~ D~ Squler and Kay Squier, <br />{,f ...-. Husband and Wife <br /> <br /> <br />$-.,A !'o.~~ i1'~8t~...7J~ PJtttCY'-fJ~_~~ C~I"tH>Nt .r.ft: oB!\iC't\"'f. fir, <br />