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<br />83- 004451 <br /> <br />:};'a. The mortgagor <lOvehanl8 and agr_ thai if he shaIl (llll to pay said illdebtedlleo" or allY parflhekof when <br />d~~-0r'1Ihall fail 10 perforiIJ 'any covenant or agreement of IbUin.trument or the promissory no Ie ""cored hereby, the <br />emireindebledneo8 hereb)' .ecilredshallimmediately becOllufdue, payable, and colleclible wilhout nOlice. al tlte <br />o~On of Ihe mortga@ee or ,assign., of maturity, ahd"the mortgagee or Iti. allSign. may hefore or after cnlry <br />oqR',nid pl'9perty wilhout'apprai8en>ent Ilhe mortgaj1:or having waived "ml ...iglle,llo the ",ortftagee alrrighl. of <br />lIp~eDt) : <br /> <br />(I) al jndicial ..Ie pUMtanl 10 the provisions of 23'U.S.C. 2lKll 'a); ..r <br /> <br />(II) at lhe option of the mortgape, either by auction or by solicitation of sealed bid.. for the highest lInd <br />beet bid complying with Ihe tenDs of .ale and maDDer of payment specified in the published notice of sale, fi",t <br />giving four weeks' notice of the time~ ternl~ and placf.> of ~uch eale, hy ~Hlv..rtilO-("nlent not le~l'i than uIlC~~ <br />during each of gid lour weeks in a newapaper published or distribuled in the county in which .aid property <br />is situaled, all olher notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and eaid mortgagee, or any penon on <br />behalf of .1Iid mortgallee. may bid with the unpaid indebtednellS e.idenced by said nole). Said .ale shall be <br />held at or on the property to be aold or at Ihe Federal, county, or cily courthouse for the counly in which the <br />property ia loealed. The mortgagee i. hereby authorized 10 execute for aml on behalf of the mortgagor and to <br />deUver to the pllJ'Chuer at .neh ..Ie a sufficient conveyance of said property, which conveyance .hall contain <br />reeitalo .... 10 the happening of the default upon which Ihe execution of Ihe power of sale herein granted <br />depend.. and the gid mortgagor hereby constitute. and appointa the mortgagee or anragent or attomey of the <br />mortgagee, Ihe s8""t and attorney in fact of .aid morlgagor to make such redtal. and to execute said <br />convey_ and henhy eovenanta aDd agreea that the recitala 80 made.hall be effectual to bar all equity or <br />right of ""dempuon, homeateaa.dower, and all other exemplion. of Ihe "'orlllal'or. all of which are lIerch, <br />exp......Jy waived and con~yed 10 lhe morlgagee; or <br /> <br />(uti tak.. any other appropriate action pu.....a..' ,to 81ate or Federal olal..h: eilher in .Iale 'fl' Fe.lel'8l <br />conrt or oth.."",i.., for Ihe dbp""ilion of lheproperl~'. <br /> <br />In the event of a ..Ie aa hereinbefore provided, the mortgagor or any persona in poeaeasion under the mort- <br />gagor shall then become and be IMants holdinf[ over and .hall forthwilh deliver po...e..ion to Ih.. al <br />.uch sale or be summarily~. in accordance with Ih" provision. of law al'pli,'ahl" to lenunt. hol,lin/( """r, <br />The power and "genc). herehy granted are coupled wilh an intere&t anti are irrevo,'ahle by dt'ath "r olherwi.e. and <br />are grllDled aa cumulative 10 the l'\lInedie. for eolleclion of ".i4 indebtedn..... pwvided h)' law. <br /> <br />4. The proeeedsof any ..Ie of said property in aeeordan.,., with the preceding paragraph. .hall be applied fint <br />10 pay the _ and expenoea of said &ale, the expeueaineurred by' the mortgagee for the purl'''''' of protecting or main- <br />laining property, and re&lIonable attorney.' fee.., ""condly, 10 pay Ibe indebtedn..... ""cured hereby; a...llh...Uy.. <br />to pay any surplns or "xe.... to the pe~ or pelllOtl8 l"llally entilled ther"lo. <br /> <br />5. In the e"..-ilt &aid property is sold at a judicialloreel04u"" .ale or punuant tu the power of .ale hereinabove <br />granted. and the proceed. are not .ufficient 10 pay the lotal indebledne.. ""cured by' Ihi. instrumenl and evidenced by <br />""id promlNOrY nole, the mortgagee will be entitled 10 a deficiency judgmenl for Ihe amounl of the deficiency without <br />repnl to .,.~. <br /> <br />6. In the evenl Ihe n\Oftgagor fail. 10 Jl&)' all) Federal, .t"te, ..r 10000ll"" a""e...melll, im'ome laX or ..Iher I." <br />lien, charge, fee, or othu e.xpe1Me charged againat the properly Ihe mortg"llee i. hereby aulhorized at hi. option '0 <br />pay theaame. Any sutm 80 paid by' lhe mortgagee .hall be added to and become a parI of Ihe principal amounl uf Ihc <br />indebted_ evidenced by Ilaid note, .ubject to the IlilJIle tenna and conditiona. If the mortgagor shall pay aud <br />d~ tJw ~~_ evid.eJ:u,ed by said p.r:om.iaaQcy note, and .haIl pay .uch SUID8 and .hall discharge all <br />taxea iUld Iiene. and the COllI, fee&, and espeuaea of making, enIorcing, and executing lhi. mortgage, then this mortgage <br />,haD be ~. and iRIJ'I'eI1dered. <br /> <br />7. The eov~heuin eontailled ahall bmd and tI... belle6t.a and ad"'lllall",.hall inure: 10 ,he f<"I,ecthe ,11," <br />e~_'~m thep~ hereto.. Whenever n.sed. the ~lar numh..r .hall inclnde Ibeplural, tbe plural the <br />~~. ~.the .qse maay ~ ~ iacblde aU .eaden. <br /> <br />II. !Ii!" of any eGveWlllt he.rein or of the obli.atiun ""curd hereb~' .hall al .n) time: IhNeither he hel,l <br />10 be a "'~Yef of the tenns hereof or of the nole. ""cured hereby. <br /> <br />9\ Ajll~lll~~ ord",r, 0." judllll~tholdinll 1I1ly provioioll or portiQu of II,.. iu.<trUlnenl illv.hJ .., IIlICll' <br />~~~.~l'"'t -iDly way imp"ir or preelude the enfort~ment oftbe remaininlll'rovi.ion. ur I'urtion. of thit <br />~ <br /> <br />ut~~~tobe~tothem!;J""'4W pnn!l.'U to the p~iQeh4 of tbia. ingcument ah..1l be ad. <br />~_""~at 3022 West Old Potash High.\t/. ay, Gr. ao.d. !shod. Nebraska <br />_d any -ritUtn notiee to be iJaoed to tbe "'ortgagee .h..ll <br />~ ........... the .....asu at 202 Wes t Tlli rd. Grand I s land, Nebraska <br /> <br />..: ...'.,,,.. <br /> <br />'iSj-,A. f'O~M ~U:," fl'''')l <br />