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<br />83-004231 <br /> <br />9. Condtmlllltion. The pmceeds of any award or claim for damages. direCI or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or olher taking of tbe ProperlY, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and sl'tall be paid to l~r. <br />fn the evellt of a total laking of the Property. the proceeds shall he applied to tbe sums secured by this Deed of TrusI. <br />with the excess, if any. paid to llorrower. In the evenl of a partial laking of the Propert)', unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherWise Ilgree in wriling, tbere shall be applied to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Tmst such proporlion of the proceeds <br />asise'lual to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by thi, Deed of Trust immediately prior to the dale of <br />tak:ing:bellrs tl'} the fair market value of Ihe Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to lJOm:>wer, <br />If the Property is abandoned b)' Borrower. or if. after notic. by Lender 10 Borrower Ihallhe condemnor olf.n 10 make <br />an award or !iettle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to rCipond to Lender within JO days after Ihe date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authori2ed to collect and apply the pro<:eeds, at Lender's oplion. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by Ihis Oeed of Trust. <br />Un~ Lel'lder and Bofro-wer otherwise agree in writinp:, an\' such application of proceeds to prindpai shaH not ex.tend <br />or postpone the. due date of tbe monthly ,"staHmen!s referred ." 1M paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change tbe amount of <br />,och installmenl.<l <br />Ie... Jormwf" Not R~. Exten~ion nt !ne time for na\.'ment or nlOtilti<:tUI(\O of amortization of the sum~ secured <br />fly this Dttd of Trust grante-d hy I Cn..1:("T to i-my succt-ssn( in in"terc;;;l (If Borrower "hall not operate to release; in any manner. <br />the fiabilit)~ of the: origin-al Borrower and Borrower\ s.uc(,'cs\or" in fntere~l Lender shall not he -required to commence <br />prt)C'ddings. a-gam~t 'H.JCh successor ~}r rdus.e to extend tlme fpr payment or f"lherwl~ modify amortization of the sums <br />~cured -by this. Deed of Trust by reas(~n of .any demand made hy the or1gm-al Borrower and B..-"lrrower's successors in interest. <br />11. F~... by UlIlkr Not. Wainr. Any ,,,rbear.nee by Lender ill cxerciSlng an\' fight or rcmedy hereunder. or <br />ot~rw-i$C afforded hy a:pplicahft' law< "ih:atl not be .1 waiver l1f ,,'!r prtdooc- the eoz;:ercise "f any such right or remedy <br />fhe procurement of .flS,Uf1lrn:e or the p..1-y~nt tlf ta~es 0r (l..ther hens or charges by Lender s.haH not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to """"lerate the matunty 01 lhe mdehledn<<. '''cured hy !hl> Decd of Trusl <br />12. R~ Cullltlbdiv-r. i\H rrmcdi~ prOVided Hi thi.. Deed o-f TnJii:t are- d,.,tmct and cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy under this f)eed (if Trust Of :lfforded r.\' law or eqwl'v, dud may he- exercised \"'oncurrentlv, independently or <br />StlCe.....vely <br />13. SoKe_ aJICI A..... 110......: Joitol ..... Soyenl Hab/lIly: CaplloM. The ((wenants and agreements herein <br />com:mned ,han h1ml and the nght:;. hereunder ..hall Inure to. !he !""(;o'sperw:e ~ucces~ors. a.nd 3s'Sfgns oi Lender and Bor-rower, <br />~t to thr- prnvf1;J()fU- -of par:agraph t J ncret:'l-l AI! (~(l\'e-n,anh and ~greements. of Borrower shall Me joint and several. <br />f"he- captk.i-ns and he.admgs o.t tjoo.e paragraphs ~,f itF", Deed of rrn"\t are for cmv('mence .cmh and are n(l[ to he used to <br />mlerpre1: '>r dellne tbe ptt>V'swns her=L <br />I.... NoHn-... E:xcept for any nohce requue-d unGer apphcabte ~aw to ht, glven m another manner. la) any notice to <br />Borrower P(O\'~de1J- for i.n tnu ~ of Trust i-h3U he grven hy mailing ~uch notice hy certified mall addressed 10 Borrower at <br />ltMt Prope-ny ,'\dut-es:1 Of at \uch other a.ddres!t ;j\ 8ornlw~r may dcs!gnatc tt'J" notice to Lender as. provided herein. and <br />,bl ""10' "ohce 10 Lemler ,ball be gi""n hy cerl.fied om\. relurn r<<el'" cequested, 10 Lender', address stated hen<in or to <br />such uther add~ .;.u, t...ettdu may deugn.a.e bv noh~ h:"1 Borrower as provHied herem. ....\ ny nohce: provided for In this <br />f>eed of Trw.-i $:h.\lH he deemed to have', t~n ~wen ip Borrower ,-"f I .I;.'ndcr when given IH ihe rnanner desi[il:nated herein. <br />i~t l;Mfenn- llH4 of Tnnt; Go.......... taw; ~~C'nlhilk)'. ! h!". form uf Jr-cd .,! -combmes umfQrm (:l)vcnanb for <br />natlonai use ;.md nttn.umfonn ..'(fVenanh ....uh iJmm:d V-3natlon, h~ lun-sdKtJOn W ..:omtitute a uniform \ecunty Instrument <br />co'vc:nn, fe-a! prupc-rt)' Th~ (')eed af rt;n~1 ~haH he g<J"ctnw hy ~he h\w of lh-e- JUfJ\.dl-ctJOn !O whIch the f'roperty IS localed. <br />In the event thai ..m. p:t'fWI\:tDn or clauK nt. fhl! l'>eed d "I fU'it or the:: NUft: i..:llnfhcls WIth law, ~uch ..::unflu.:t -shall <br />ttt.... affect nthtr pt('~ffl:iom ot Hm, Dft;d nf '{n.ut ~u the: NOle whH.:n '.M\ !'IC' given dfect WUhtJUl [he conflicting p-rovJsion, <br />and to thts end [he pruY:l$-toea t.'tt the 1>e<<1 (it l'nl$( .anti the "lot(' aR oed-ared to he ievenlble, <br />.6,. ~'5 (~.,,~ Borrower sh3H be !un~IMted .. ~nnt()f-mc-d ...'opy iJt the Note iJod uf thu Deed 0-1' Tfu~t at the time <br />of c:xecuhtm t)f ~he1 r~ltOn bemui <br />11. 'r~ of dw ~,: A........... H aU ~ll .tn, pan ~,t Iht' f)-rupcft)' ~;r an mtcft..~t thert'tn Iii ..old or lransferreti <br />fir Borf(lWCil Wlfhout L-crt-U('r"~ prlOf 'WnUcn nm~nL e~dudm~ l..i f the (,H~'aHOH \)f .t hen n( encumhrao<.."e ')uoordmate to <br />~ht:;. ~ oJ TfU:J.-I. i h} the ~'rt;.b\ln t,}t a t--'tU"ch..~ ml-}ut:'} ~ur!!r }ulernt fpr h,)UkhnW app-h...o,c,$. 1 i.,:! .:t tran5lcr hy devise. <br />delcem: Of" ht ~.tJOO ot law upon rhe dcaJh \.'d ,J l..-tnt le'~lilm (u (d)- ihe gum \lj .:lO-) icouehold mtef'e'it pI three yean or IC::M <br />f1(~t l;~\fHatnlf)1 3" t."!f'tW.lfl h'f putcn.le. Lendef' m.n.. .:it Lc1' ~ nfl4<<.m. ilH lhe )UUts ~ure-d hy thiS Deed of Trust to be <br />HlUl~lC'l! due ;\mJ P*li1-b~..'t:i'.k-r tin.H hot".: ""iw~'cd $Uf.:n ~'~ptt\.lfl In a~~e~n'll(, d, p-rUJf h-, ~hc "laic pr Hanster, Lender <br />and- the pt.f-Wn H} wbtwn Jhe Pto-pet-t.l' I~ l{\ be ~~ or lriln~ft':nw ~t'"Kh .!l'feemcnt Hi wlitlU, that the i.::reda of !iluch person <br />,~~lttt"act~ tv Lender if-nd UloIt the int'(:.J~M P4yank on the $Urn~ ~Q.:ufcd hy thu. 1)eOO 'Of Trust ;-;haU be at such rate as <br />Lemlt:f -shall <re-quai. l! l~ndet bait __aJ"C'IJ ,be- l.,)f1'tJi.Hl ip ,a(,.,;;ei<tatc pro~lf.kd Jt) fhH~ pantgntph ! 7, ~tnd if Borrower's successor <br />m ~ au- e'-~.utcd Ii$ wrak'n ~)ptP:~l agf~'mcMt a~~'$ptcQ ~f! W!thng hy t~rv-J<f, I en-der shaH rc-leoue Borrow~r from <br />all oblIJlAOO'" un.iet Ih.. [)ec4 vI' rfU$l ~",j the Note <br />If LefKkr \\l;-cn.'-~:\oO ~u<h OJ)f;U.ffi to ..i'.:(,e!'. ! .,-,fkkt ~h.dl nt..d HOf{(lW-ct fl\.)fl-L-t' iJi ;u':-t:derahc,m in accordaru;e with <br />pat.aph 1:4 heffti..ll, ~-ft oo~'C' ;$haU P-fO'HJ< .l pc-f.h....t t\~ ,h\<< ku tn.n \0 liit,~ from the dalt' the fl\1.1!-cC' IS maHed Within <br />..hM.:-h BOOO-t\'C'f ina)' p-&) th~ \-urn~ \jcd~rN;JUt" If Bono'Wfc-: fjit~ 10 p.y \t.k.-h Slum pnor to the C"..\.pnaltun or such period, <br />Louder fllA), w~th(lUt fwtbct tl\Jh..-e fH dt"fn.ti1J on Jj()HU~C~, ifU'Ot..(' an) fC-l1wdlCS pt--lmiuni hi' pau.raph 18 hereof. <br /> <br />N()r\t~LNltOkM t'O\lNA...." Konv"C'f ,,uw LC-.ndc-r lurthcf l.-'-''llC"tl-4nl ano 4,glee Ci\ loHo'lllls <br />I" Ae<der'........ a........ Ku",.... .......lde4 itI ........... /7 lMnol. ..poa .........,r'. ........10 ..r ..., ,onDMl Of <br />___ .... ..........ti ia 11115 0...4 ... llllOl. itIdadiaa lhe c..._ '0 po, ",be. due ..y __ _........ by Ibis Dead <br />J T...... ........ prior I" ""....... ..... .... -*" 10 ............ ... ,....lde4 i. .......... 14 huwf spKlfylaa: m t.... <br />~ (2, 1M ""lieA ........... to <W1I .1Ida lNuc/o; 131 ,. .t, _ __ ,..... JO da~ f... dw ..... the nolln .. maiIttl to <br />............., toy ....It l>1Idl .......... _ be ~...c4; ... C4, ~ t...... ... n.... WKh ~h _ or before lbe date s"",dfitd <br />Ie lloc ......, ~ ........ ill ..~ of !toe ..._ """urccI It) .1115 lhtd uI .J..... """ salt of !toe PJ'Ut'CI1J. 'floe _I<< <br />... fwtkr iaJ_ Itono_ of tlle rilcAt Ie RiooMalt at..... lK<.......... ..... /be riPllo brie& a <....rt 11"'1011 10 _rt <br />Iloc ~ of II del.. Of -, ...... .._ ul lI<ono_. I.. K<:dtnotiue ......... If lhe ~" Is nol eurccl <br />..... bel,," IIM;.... ...... ill 11M; --.e. ~ at lAadtl., optiM .." lice..... all of the _ _uml bl litis Dead <br />-<<.T-.l!!to "" i__,dlo!t,- elM 11M ..._>Mk ..idMMot flP1locf ~ M!t IMY i......, tIM ......u.., ~ Y4 MY "'be< remtdits <br />.........toy ........ law. 1............... ftltidMitI ........ all ",--we cooItI .... ~ l..nne4 I. l'unutnc t.... <br />....... ,....lM<t ill............. at,........... _ llt&IItd to. ~ ,,"-,', f__ <br />If dw...- of .. Is.......... T...... ... ft<Onl . --.e of .,....1 ... eadI -J" ill ..Weh the p~ or _ <br />..... ......., la .......... .... ... .... .,.,.. of _. .... itI 1M __ pn<<riioetItoy .......... law to ............ and 10 the <br />........,...--..........toy ......... ..... ""'" thrlllf<oot of ....... t~ .. _, be ......... toy lOjJtlIkabk law, T......,.., ... <br />aM ,IIMI, ...... of .. Ie'" ~ .... Ia 11M _ P"'k1'1be4 IIy ....,o..bIt I..... T...... ..ltllottt ""-d .... <br />-.....-. ..... IlIc ~ at ....... lIIlC.... 10 ill<! h/cIItol bilWu allbe 1'- .... ......., llIl<I ,,"'r ,he I......... ~ <br />.. IN lIlIClc1o.of ... .. '*' Of' _ poM'Cda .... III !lUclI ..... as T_ may dtltmtlM. T_ ilia)' pool""'" sale of all <br />.., -I f!Iil'<<I of IN ~.. .... ....1101_ III IlIc t~ llIl<I pla.., 01 H) ptff'-'y "".....llItd....... l.tadft or <br />~~....,.-~.... ~ llIIM)' uk. <br />t_.'....~. .', c. """__of tM poke *. .T......... ......, I.. tbe pun'''- T_'. dttd <onny.... lite Pntptny <br />""*l "".-W" 11M; T_' .. .. lit ....... fade e.~t .... lilt t",", of lilt ......__ .... tl\emtl. l'rusttt <br />... ... ~ of lIIot .. .. IlIc ......... ......: (III III.. "'___ .- .... ...-. of lhe sale, ....lIIdIna. but <br />..... ....,............"'__.... 3.1,; of 1 ~ of I...~_ pri<<, ",--we IlIlonaty'. f.. and eOllluf <br />.. . . (II) to ... _lOOIOIM IIy ... Oed J TI'tIItl .... Cd the u..--. If ..y, to the penon or ""'DOllS It&lIIll e..tllltd <br /> <br />~ ~........ III........... NtIt".rtMlandl'" L!:t,de,', "",de,.t_ "I the ",,"' "", by Ih.. need 01 Trust. <br />..,,~ ~ !lay... lbe .~. 1(j1!a'~l\t>:rpr(1""tdm.. '-.u" try b,nder 1tJ ~nlO11:<: this ~ 01 r""1 d..,.o!llm'K'd at <br />~ ~ptlU!' Ii.. Ill<: elOrlie.r to \llL'<'" ,..It!l u.., lIhlt.~y ""'/(If" tit.: ..Ii': (11 !/!t;l'rupel1ypumuonl 1<\ lhe POWcf .'>1 sale ,,"llll,ned <br />......~{>fTt'ffl;tOtI..,_(Yllh j1.~n! Mf<>t('lnt lh,. Ot..:l of Tru$! ,I: {alBorro_, pays t""der allsum,wh",1> wouW <br />- ~N ~.m.. f;'IcII<l',f TI.m. tft,e Sm.,. and "'*" ~1'''nJ Flltlln ,~d.",,,,,,,s. .r any. ".ad no ~""leratwn "".:uned; <br />el!(<<1' ~~ 1;>(. iUI)' ~M1C_""ts'" a.._me.... of !lorl_er ''''''tl'",,,d '" thts ~ of Trust: <br />. "~,.......':*" by 1,<., md 1't>l$'<< III ....It>roll8 the "we"""" and "IIteern",," ,'f <br />~ ....." .. . 1m. ~ ", Trml and '" mllr!'..... t"nder', aP4 Tr",.;.',. "',,""'''''' .., !,"...dal ," p"'''lrllph ! ~ <br />~,_~ bu........ lUIl1l<f610. ",,,,,,,,JIbf<, ;J.1tvt!\c'fI.. r_. ..m1 fill Borrow"," .d.... '".h <<Ii"" '" lcnder may.'....ofl.hh <br />t~ ~ ~n~ ~~ t~ hle~ f.'r'lt'b:" ~ ttf 'rtl~.t, t-e--n.(~ H1:1l'tt.",-J .-n !M f'rt,~ffy :!ni1 ~lTtTl-~.t>-;"" nhh~.i\Hnri In ra,," <br /> <br />