<br />83-004231
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t. . I'liIJment of Prind.... and Imnst. . Borrower shall promptly pay when due lhe principal of and inlere,t on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by lhe NOIe. prepaymenl and lale charges as provided in Ihe Note. and Ihe princ'pal of and interesl
<br />on any FUlu~eAdvances sectlred bylhis Deed nfTr"'''. .
<br />2. .,...rer T_ ....I_ce. Subject to applicahle law or to a wrillen waIver by.I,ender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on Ihe (fay monlhly installments oC principal and inferesl are payahle under the NOle. until Ihe NOle is paid in Cull;
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal 10 one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may anain priorily over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on IheProperlY, if any, plus one-Iwelfth of yearly premium inslaUments for hazard insurance,
<br />plusone-twelfth of yearly pfl!Jllium insrallmenls for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably eSllmated inilwlly and from
<br />time 10 time by Lender 011 the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable eSlimales. Ihereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an inslitution Ihe deposits or accounts of which are Insured or guaranleed hy a Feder.l or
<br />slale agency (i:>eluding tender if Lender is such an institullonl. Lender shan apply the Funds to p.y said la,es. as.se"ments.
<br />inSurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may nOI charge for so holdmg and applying Ihe Funds,am"ynng saltl account
<br />OJ' verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, IInle" lender pays Borrower Ifltcrest on the Funds allll .pphcable la"
<br />permit~ Lender to make such ti charge, Borrower and Lender may <.tgree in writing ~t the itme nf c)(.ccution of thj~
<br />Deed of Trust Ihat inlerest l'n the Funds shall be paId to Borrower, and un""s such agreement is made or applicahle law
<br />requires"lCh interest 10 be paid, Lender shall nO! be reqUIred to pay Borrower any Illlere,1 or earnings on the Fund". Lendcr
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accountrng of the Funds showlOg credIts and dehils to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fOJ' which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addirional security for the sums secured
<br />by Ibis Deed of Trust.
<br />/fJhe amount of Ihe Funds held by Lender. together WHh Ihe future monthly instaHmenls of Fllnd, paphle prIor to
<br />the due daleS of taxes, asseMme:nts. insurance premitfm~ and ground rents, shall exceed the amount requtfcd 10 pay said ta'\cs.
<br />~nts, insurance prtm-lums and gtound rents uS- lhey t.ill! due, \-uch e^ce~" sh<!H he, at Borrower's ('plioo. either
<br />promptly repaid to BofTOwer Of credited 10 Borrower on monthly installments ("'If Fonds J( Ita~ am{~lInI (If the Fund~
<br />held by Lender shan not he sufficient 10 pay taxes, as-~s.~menls. ln~Ura"ce premIUms and ground renfs a~ t~cy .f;lll due.
<br />Borrowet' shall pay to Lender any amount necessary 10 make "1' the defineney wllhm J{) day' rrom the dale nolIce ts maIled
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof
<br />Upon payment in full or all sum. secured by th.. Deed 01 rru,t. render shall promptly refund l() Borrower any Funds
<br />held by l.ender If under paragraph 18 hereof Ihe Property " sold or the Property" nther,,"e a":'lUll'ed by I.ender, Lender
<br />shan apply, no latcr than imn4~iatdy pnor to (he :l>ale of {he Propertv Of U... ;l~~qlll"'I[H_'m by Lender. ,lOy FHnds held hy
<br />I.ender at the time of application as a credit againS! the ,urns secureo by th" Deed or TruSl
<br />J. Applleadon of Paymeat5.. Unle.u ap-ph-t.~~hle i....... j.lhlVltie, nth('r~lsc. all pa\'mcnf'l fe'~ei\'ed h-v Lcnd-~r under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shaH he applied hy I cndcr first In payment of arn01tnB, p:Jyal1lc fl. l t:ndcr hy B,)rrnwer
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, lnen to interest payable on the Nt'tc_ then to the princlral ot lhl.~ Note. and Ihen to interes.t ;Jnd
<br />principal on any Future Advances,
<br />4~ ~ I.Jeu. Borrower shaH pay all ta\c\_ a~es.smenh oifllJ ~Hhcr char~cs-. tines and Hnp-n~lllons .lttnhmahlc hl
<br />the Property which may attain oil pnonty over thn, Deed of Trust. aod leasehold payments or ground tents, If any. in the
<br />mlllUlCf provided under plll'agrapb 2 hereof l)t, iI nol paid III such manlln. bv Borrower maklOg payment. when due, directly
<br />to the payee thereof. BOtfO\\"C'f shan promptly furni-;h 10 l.ender all fiO!J..:C<; of arnount~ Jut' under thiS paragraph. and in the
<br />ew:ot Bot--rower shail make payment ducctJy. Borrower s.nail promptl\" f;lrnl:\h tll I_l..'ader r"t'l..'ctp-ts cYHknl.'lng 'illt.-h payments,
<br />Borrower shan promptly discharge any hen WhKh ha.i pHont) 1\'\"L"f th... Deed ot 1 [\1..1: prnnde..i. th..tl Ih~n\'''''t'r sh~llI mH h~
<br />required (.0 discharge any such Hen so long a~ 80TH1WC-! sn;lH Jgu'c l!1 \\. flfHH~ fl' !he pJymco! of l.tw t1hh!!<.lllOf1 secured by
<br />such hen In a manner acceptable to Lender. or ~haH in )lood tooth c\..mlcst ;11...;11 hen hv. 'H ~1~t("mJ C'Ilh'ru..'mctH of SIKh Ilcn Ifl..
<br />leplf.roccedinp which opentte to p-rt'vent the enforcement t.-ll the !It:H 0: t(1ncllurl~ ill tne Pft"lrt~rty m ~~ny part thereot
<br />. HaIanl J-...cc& Borrower ,hall keep the tmpr-oo't:mc-oh nuw C\I'1tn~ vr hClc~l!ter ere-cleo \H1 dlC Ph'JlCr1Y Insureu
<br />...ins! JO$'S by fire. h-aum lm;ludcd .....-rthm 1m: term "e:ucndtd u;wer-'dRc". :'HltJ \u(:h OlhC( h.ll.anh 4\ l qlU\.'1 may rcqlflrl'
<br />and In $ouch amounts and for "!uch pe.nO(b- a~ J ,coder may rCt~UJh" P'V\,llkJ, lh.d Lcndl'~ "hJl! op{ l'l:'-4wr-r that !h~ amOtllll nl
<br />such coverage ex-c<<d that amount o( -covefa~c rt::4lHrc-d tn pdV the "Minh w~urcd in til." Oc-t..tJ tlt I i-\l'\1
<br />The insurance carrier pro,,;ding the- In\UnUh:e ",hall be ...ht_t\en hy UOffO'lh'l :<.phlt.'l,.t to 'lpp[tl\oll tn j <:iH.kr: f'h)y'ldetl
<br />thaI such approyal .haU not he un:-eawoah;y "''l'thhdd AU p-r-e'Htium.\ \ltl ltl'\ur.ln,,_L' f'lJlt,,':le~ s.haH ~ rt-~wJ In the rnanner
<br />provided under par4lllfapb 2. hcrwt Of, 11 tWl p.ud Jtl MJt.:n nu.tm<-f, h; 8nrto-wet !lli!...ing paym~n(, when due, ,1Ir<<:1I)' w the
<br />i~carrier.
<br />AU ins.u~e PObt;lO and ft'flCwaJs there~ii shajl he m {nill) a,";,:~ptdhk 1,_1 ! cnder ;tild ,h.d, dldu~k Ll ClItand'--lld mung.-igc
<br />clause In favor of and in form a-"~-e'pI.bi:t:: tu Lender f _~ntlef ,h.aU ha\ir; Ihc llttht h' h\.ll'f ~hc p.~lit:h:' ,wd tcne~ah, rhef'efl-L
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furnu.h to L-enJef .;tit rCIl1::'o!l-<.i1 fi~,Jtkc~ iHld .t!l 1('.,~j"rH,) ~-,t p.llti prcnllUflh Jp !h~: \,vcnl of hh'!-,
<br />Borrower shalt give pfOlnpt notk.-'C h.llhe mMUan~c \.:dlltCt <ill~ I CtlJcr. i cUi,k-r Hld) Rl.t_l~ IHod ,-jl lo'!i\ d :iLli m.H.1e rHumpll)"
<br />by Borrower,
<br />UnJeI.\ Lc-n-der and B\lrro-wer tHncr-..;.5C" <igfee HI '4rttdlg. 'n~HhilKc p!~t;..ecd:!t. ,h<Jli h\' ;Ippitnl 10 It',>\('J.tOOH Of n:pJH oi
<br />the Property- dam<i,goo. proviJed su~h re~.i:t)rUH_HI Of ft'p..Hf ,;, c;.'l.mtJmh':.JH} 1~'~'1\thlc ,liHJ the '-'\.'Ulltt} pf 'tH\ Dn:'d PI .1 rost j..
<br />not the-reb~ impaued. It \l.h:h re${OrallQll -t.-'( repaH h no: t.',.\}fh1fHh...iHj h_o.i'lhk iH d lhe '-Cdil ,t~' l"if thh lkcd nf f fll,>! ....i.ltIld
<br />he lmpaucd, the It\i\tfatl\,.:C PHIIoC<<ds $haU ~ apphc.ti it") HH..~ ~u_m~ ~.c'--Hlcd h} _ rhl\ f kl..:d (tf -J ru\(, \-I. lit! lh"l' t.'\U~"'''', II an;. piHd
<br />10 BorrO\\-'ef. If the. Pror-..erty is aban...14.:meJ by BOrr,,}"'-('L tIT H tl(Hh)""l~f I~llh in f~~)jJdIHj lP l.t:nJ~f 'iIolthw _\0 d.~y.. itom the
<br />dale llotlCe .s nl.1Ieu by Lender- to Borro'Aer (hau fh~ msuranl..,(: (.alIH,:r pllt:f' i~) ..cUic ~l .l.lint lor H1'>Uro.HKC be oc:.tih , lender
<br />is authofiud tu CoJk"'=l .And ..ppJy the lfiMJr"'fKt: ph.~('cJ:~ oil l.cfHJe(\ HpU"lU l~l(h(r lu q:.!oohH.tIl\.HI HI repan d lhe Prtlpcr1~
<br />or to the $um. s<<ured bv Ih" Deed of TnJ\!
<br />Unleu Lender and Boffowcr othe"''''-'lM;" ..glC'-C In ....llllng, ,]il\ ')u...h .ipp.h":,HUJH ot pt'.\,'t~c,-h hi pfJll\:lfMJ .,hall n,,1 \:\Il..~'h.l
<br />t:>>" P<>;SlpO~le the due: dale ot the fTh.Hltht~ H'/\tallOlt.'ub fd("H~J t,> .n p~H4f_r<iph., i ,lilt!, '~ h1.'n:ol \'f ,!MllgC tlw _~mf.HHlI nl
<br />such installment:., If unUcJ: paraaraph I ~ hCh:iJl !ht: .PrupClh ,', .,....~utl'cd ()\ ! :..'mkL .tll llghi. 11th: ..-sn.} 1111l'1L"~ \il UorjU"~.-L:f
<br />II' ,and to any tn,.ur..m.::c poltCtes ,jtnd a\ .mu h' the phh,,~cd> rhcr6)I rc~u.!lln~ lrom tl:J.IH.igc 10 the Prup\"lly prl~\r !l' the '\.11.:
<br />or acqul-,ition ),haH ~ t(j Lender to the: C,\tcnt (If the sum~ ;,..t;-,,:wcu !.1\ \h,.... Den! nt I fUll JnHnc"il..lk!~ p>l,--'1 In ,,1.1<.." ~.ik 1.11
<br />iOC'luWhon.
<br />6. P""'"alioa ud ~c of P"'i"'rt); l.u,..hukl~; ('....o..ooni.....'" Planned l:nil Denlopment.. llu"",,".
<br />",h.U keep the Pn~n) In i{~J;.j H~p-~H -inJ .,hall l'h..H ,-'\\ramll ~\,;)h: .'1 f'...fn~l; it!)p..Hlml.~li; '" .L;:\..;h),,t[II':l l,f (he Prt1fJ\;.rt)
<br />and.shall contply \'nth the pfOV::iH'nlS of 3n) It-.d~ if thf~ I)eeJ ,~f -1 ru~l !;. <.1) ,i k~l.~t.':h\.)ld II thl\ DCl2'J (It 'frm..! h ,)H a l.!OIt In a
<br />condominium or ~ Dlanned unH dc\--reh.lD:HH:nL 8o(ro-...-.'(;:( ~h4il ncdi.)nn ,di qI Ht)njJw~r-.... ,Jhlat~tl1.m' unJcf the JC..-I.H.-HHlli
<br />Of covenants "reaong or go-\'('roIl1g !t.e \".(HH.ionUrHUm ~,( pja!;n~J un,; de\ch)pment. the hy"~bw\ .mJ frgt.I.Hll.Hh <'I the
<br />c~iniutn or planm..~ un~i Ue\ick'!pineiu, and d1on1{,Hjem d\~vnH:Hh If.d ;;,>;tJ-I..'illtflhUH '-.If pl<J,fHh:J HOlt dc..dt1pmcnt
<br />rider is ~:\ecuted b)' Borrower and recvrdcd i(\gether "" !in th.':', Dc-eJ i.l! 1 nut. the ;.;ov(,':n,tt~h ,tntl agrc~m~nh (d ..w:h I fJt::f
<br />shttlt be. m-corponitoo mh) and !\thaIl afllcnd amI ~Uprkm~H-i the ..:"\"t:H~m") J:nJ .tgfc~mC"nh n~ thi~ Dct.'J t"! 11\1..\ y, d the fHkl
<br />were a pan hereof
<br />7.. Prolcctioa of l.~~. Security. it Bt.1HtH\-Cf !ad~ 10 pedorm fhe .:~t\cnanl), ;,nd ag-i":;;-em~nh l..l>nt.nKJ itl (h~...
<br />~_ of.T-"JSt~ or It any a.ctl"\.'Ul \)f pf(.lCt'et1~ni is ...-\.--Hnme"-H':t.'-d wnKh ma~cr;J;H} .itrt'\-.'h- LenJt:r\ ;nh;n:_~t HI !he Prupen}
<br />tnctudiag,. OO( not Hmtte:d It), eminent dool4-\n, imoh-cnq. l.."()Ol: enton.-:rment, dr ;Hf.mgi.;rnenh o:~-r phh.:::c-~hng'~ H)\'{'h ;ug
<br />ballkrupt or dcc-~nt. tht-n Lendc( at le-nder''S ephon, upon (lUrK!.:' h) B\Hh,w-cr. ,',iar mat\.' 'i-w:h ,lppe.1f .llH..\~", ,'h,hu~ \~
<br />lunH and we ~h .:!'Clion a~ i!o ne(e:..\$afj' to pfQte~...t tCfh.k(~ inh:fC\t, HlduJH\~. hut tW~ j;rn-{tc-d k. dn,hllf~(-',~j,,"!lt
<br />r~~ble. ~ltQn~:Y,'$ fees .and entf}' upon ,the PIOpcrt} to HlLikc rCr-mtT') If Lemler fn~UH~:d Hwrtgdg~ ;;t..lif;nl\\~ .;" "
<br />~t,U)b ~ _rnakWli t,be .loan S.~~ft.-'d 0)- thIs. tJee.d or ~IU!>t. Botr\)Il~'ef shall p:lj' th~ PI;,',llltHll:\ reqUired 11\ fn;.lWLtnl. :,+-.I<.:h
<br />uuutant-e fft_dt~t un-U _SUCh ume _,as. the requiremcn: tor ,,>u,,,"h msur;:m;..c lC'imir~atl.:~ m ,Jc.;.:,-ll'dafi((' Wiih Hpfr(IVl-ot'(\ ,pld
<br />~~. ~~en ~f~mt"nt 0( ai!Plu;~b~ ,'..... BorroYter ~haH ra> Ihe .H'n{'!Utlt d oill llwrtgOlge ;n..uran...:\,' ptcmH.Jm:-. Jl) tht:
<br />ma_r provided UlI<Ier JlUlI.IYapb ::! hllreof
<br />AirY ~nli disbune.d- by tender pur$wult to tlu\\. p,H-.l,gr;-iph -: \\>l~h ,nh:.f-st !hCh',JH, ..haH ht'I.",_HIi'l..' ,idd!1H1n~t;
<br />~ nf80rrower .secured by- t.his Octd 0.' TUn! l!nic\'it. 80nQwer antll.emh.,:r agr~c to f~th~r it:'rm:. of P;:i)f'HttH. '!\h.'h
<br />~ ihaU-be _Pl:yabk upon notice from t~~r to Bo.n:~)wC'r r~qu~ltOg p,a.}-'m..:-m then'tof. ;md ~h-..dl ~"C.lr int(:Tcst frum ihr
<br />~:~ ~f al the rate: paf#blt from tjrJlt' to dme On out$unding: p-r-mdp-a! under the _"h)tt:: \'n~t,'~\ pitYft'lt:nt of jrHt:r~~:
<br />l(:~ __-,*, ~ be, o..lt1t.f~ry t.o ~icable '.w., in wbtl:h event ,,,n~h amnunh ~haH ht~;.H at ~h(' hilthc~f tiih::
<br />~_~ applR.-.ble l~w, Ni,'J':lmg Ct,l-ttf-llfncd in this.- p:..ii.:.gr;iph ., snJH rcquin." b,'::1d'~f ~.' 2Hi.,\- t'_'\jX11-S~ (lr tJlt...~
<br />~.~.~.
<br />, L ~__ te~l 1\\&,)' tn._Le- Of Y-_.:U:K, _ft) h.;: matk rf"a~~.1nJ.bk' i"rtHI~ upon iW:<.\ p~ tf1\'
<br />lllltt l~ _tl~. Rormwer ',,-like 1>""1' t" ~ny 'lKh ''''1'''''1',." 'p<:",frin& ,w'< ';'dd,"
<br />,~..lbt:..~.
<br />
<br />