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<br /> <br /> <br />if <br /> <br />~J ~.. <br />, ..... <br />i_.' <br />{Je i <br /> <br />the .ums fCeu..edby I.hi.De1:dof TrUSI.hall continlle unimpaired, Upon,"eh payment .ntl eur~ by Borrower. Ihi, D,-etl 01 <br />T"I$I~!Id theobli~l.i<lns~llredhe-rl:byshaU remain in {ullfMce \lIld.e/fect as if nO accelerallon had occurred. <br />~g. Amp~I'oflfelllStAJiPilInlllle.f..f Receiver; (",1Idff inPosSesskln; As aMilional security herellnder. Horm,,'cr <br />""rebYil$~ijp'lSlol~"dert~renl~of tflcPropeny. provided thaI Borrl)wcr shall; prior 10 accclcral.onunder paragraph Ii! <br />hereOf or ablindOoltlent ol'lnePmpel1Y. have Ihe nghllocollccl and relain ,"eh renh as they become tlue and payable. <br />/)ff':i<:eeJetatio,!unde'r par~ph IR hereoforahandonment 01 the P">perlY, Lender. .open;on. hy.geolnr hy <br />jltlfw ,)enler upon, takcpo!i.cssion of and managelhe Property and.lncollecHhe <br />.~ All relllS coll~cled hy l.ender or the reccivenhall he ."plied first 10 paYme"t <br />()ftllceOSt~ "fmaoo . . ... .. . .. . . d collcctionof rellts.> meluding, bUI 10. receiver's. fees. premium' <br />,,!,~.i"er'soorids llndreasoilableanoroov's fees. and lhcnlo Ihe sum. secured hy Ihis Deed of Trust. Lender andlhe <br />rel:lli'l'efltlalftlt!li~lo accouilt (jmyfJ>r tho.. re,w,aetuallyreedved <br />~hFvtUttAil~es; . Upon req_ of Boffower. tender. at Lender's optlon, prior 10 full recnnveY"llCe of l!'tcPropl.'rty <br />bY Tfimce tdBorrower, may make F,,,ure. Advanc", 10. Borrower. SuebFutllre Advances. with iO'eres! there<m.. shall be <br />'leCurt'd by IhisDeed of Trust wlt<:nevidetlced bypromi.sory nole. suuillgthaBaid 1I00e<are secured hereby. ,\1 no t,mesh"ll <br />lhepr!neipafamoulll of lhe il1debrednes, _"redb)' Ihis De1:d of 1'",,1. nol ineludmg sum, advanced In a<..,nrtlaneeherewllh <br />to prolect lhe seellrity of thi\~ of Ttml, exceed lhe nngmal amO'lnl of Ihe NOle plus US $ 28, 125.00 . <br />12> ~> Upon payment of all sum(secured hy Ihi, Deed of Trust tender shall requesl Tru\1ccto reconvey <br />rile ProperlY and shall ,urrendenhis Deed of Trust and .lInolcs evidencing indebledness ,ecured by this Deed of 1ru,1 <br />10 Tmstec Trus1"'" shat! ",convey' Ihe Property WlthoUI warraltly and withouI charge 10 the persnnorpcrs"''' Icg<1lh <br />enlltlfttthefefu. Sirehperron orpenbns .hall pay all Cl)sts of <<cordllllon. if any. <br />:U; Slltillih,k l'nISIei!, lender. lit lender's optIOn. may from time to lime rem"'e Tru<teeand appoint.,ucee,,,,,, <br />irfKfe.c {C;) -nny- TnJS.t<<t aPPOinted hereunder by an rn4;frum('tll r\!"\.'on.tcd in the county .in ""hich this. Deed of Trust is rt:~Ct",rdcd <br />Wllhout coovey"",",,' of the ProperlY, lhe 'ua:es"" trustee ,hall ,ucceed 10 all Ihe lille. power and dUlies conferred ('1"'" <br />the Tru<lec heJ'Cm and by "l'P/icabJe l;,w <br />%4. R...... fOI'NIltke& Borrower requests tha. copies of the nOflee of default and nOli<.., of sale be "'OlIO Borrower', <br />add~'$ which is IIlcPropeny Address. <br /> <br />jNWrrNEss WUElI.EOf, Borrower has executed Ihi, Deed of Trusl. <br /> <br />y~: 4'/>)( . .t.?- <br />. . ("'Eug~:-?P~' 'Iru::t~~U~' " . . ' . . . -BorlOw" <br /> <br />,.....-; - <br />... ,,1\'Jctf..,:}:;-.. .lli<.<_(;ti-ri<:.L:'.... .. <br />Ru th .J ~ Sue Vtine r Borrower <br /> <br />ST.\ TE Of NUllASKA.. .liall. <br />On this ,,8th .dayof August 1'1 <br />duly commi5sioncd and qualtfied for said counly. personallY came <br />J,_ . , . Husband .aod. Wife. <br />identiQl penon(S) whose nllllK{S) arc >ub$cnbed l<l thc foregOing <br />Il1en:ofto be. - their Vlll'unlary ael and d~-cd. <br />Witf1e$ my hand and notanal seal ~I Grand Is land <br />dau: aforesaid. <br /> <br />County ss: <br />83bcfore me. the underSIgned. a Notary Pubht: <br />Eugene. .1'_ . Buettner. .ami. Ruth, <br />'. to me known 10 be the <br />IIlslmmcnl and acknowledged the execulion <br /> <br />'n ,aid counly. the <br /> <br />My ~on expires: <br /> <br />--j <br />i 1<". L <br />~A-l.lL .#. <br /> <br />//j/'LJ <br />\., j. \.AD/t.q~. <br /> <br />~Not..,y PUCI;(; <br /> <br />-......,.""=-_.~.~:~,,~~ <br /> <br />ltjj}.jjJ <br /> <br />L.~__.~:..:::.-..---",_..-~._---.-._-...............~"_} <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR ReCONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To TlI.lJSTEE; <br /> <br />The under&lgncd 1$ the holder of Ihe nolo;; o. ilOle~ secured by Ih" Deed 01 Trosl SaId note or nOle,. log~lhel' <br />WIth 1Il1 olher IlI4lebtedness SCCLlfI.-d by thl~ Deed 01 Trusl, ha,',' been paid 11\ lull. You arc hereby direcled to cancel <br />said lIO\e or notes and thl) Dee..! of Trust. "' ale ,kh'ereJ her~by. anJ to recon,ey, wll!'tour warranly. all Ihe <br />estate fi()W hdd by you under Ihls Deed o{ Tru'l 10 lhe p.;rson or p.;rsoH' legally clllltled therelo. <br /> <br />Dale:" <br /> <br />lS,o.1i;:-4 6e+o. nuS. l'~. Reur....o For len44tf iJl'lrJ R.corde.rl <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />J. <br />"h <br /> <br />",,-,_it l.a:.., <br />... <br />51 <br />tj\: <br /> <br />CD, <br />~ <br /> <br />s, <br />5 <br /> <br />.~ <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />.' <br />,",' <br />