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<br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />..1;IftS:~I!DOF~t.tS1'iS'lrt~clell\is'; ,"'" .?t-b:. ,. .... . .... .. .. .dafor ... '~~~~~"." .......,.. . . <br />.(1)'~,Ef~l~on:~l~ Trustor;. .We~.P.~. .&llet:t.M~d.qI}4. ll\l,:.tJ. .&~~t!-!l~,r.,..I1l,l:;!>si!'l!1.N!4,\iJ.f~,.,.:.., . <br />..,..u... ,.,... . ., n. .. '" ," , . . d. . ., .' . (herein "Borrower").. . . JP.ql'!.~!, 13pp."!l'I~nf. fl!>.t:ol'l',llfY. <br />:.c..: ..,.....,....;. ;'" d"......... . ..... .., ..,..... . (hcrcin "Trustec") , and the B&t~fii;ia1y; <br />J;~P~,Y; .qt:. 9r!i!'l9. ))~~<MI9. . . . . . . . . ., . .. ...... aeorpotationor~'atld <br />thelaW!iof ,. ..~Ar>EU\l!:4, . . . .. . .. ........ 688'" . . whose address is '. ...;. .. .. ..:. . <br />"'...~~,!l~...,.~O.f:llf'?,9J.1." .q,!,~~. Island, N!S.. .' .O?,..... . (herein..Lender"), <br /> <br />East. Half (E:t) of Lot Nine (9) of Frank l'. Bark I sSubdi vision, <br />Locat.ed on part of the East Half (E:,) of the Northeas t .Quarter <br />(NEi) of Section Ten (10), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range' <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P. M.. Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br /> <br />fiIoRllOWEll, m'oonsidetlllll:m of 100 mdebtedness herein recilcdand the trust herein created. irrevOt;;lbly .&f.lnts <br />a~di:'(lIIveyno Trusree. in trust, with power of sale. the (ollowing t!cscribedpropcrlY located.inl\lc County of <br />. .naU, ",...,.. . , St1lle of Nebraska: <br /> <br /> <br />wNett ~t\le ..4drm 01'. . 16ll4.lW.\t. 7t:tJ. ;St.!"..!., r;ra.1J4 1l'J.a.nQ, .Nf:. (>6,~Q1. <br />~StlfUtj !Ctt,l <br />(ltere!n '"Property "ddm.~"); <br /> <br />fSt&lfl..-!Z", ~I <br />fQl.,Util'. wllh alf lilt.;. lmpt'v~.:-mcnb '..". tIC ocrcdll"r cT,,<:t,-.J tlll.lhc prop<:rt). and all c"""mcnl~. right... <br />.~~ r~15 ($~ how.c:"'Cf to the r"lIb and "uUlOrillc~ glwn herem to Lender 10 coll~'C1 and apply such <br />r:~h ~J~~~~- nmw.~.l. 011 a~- pt. jl ~~- aa--J Foftt~ w4tc-r, wialer ngbt\,. and wale!- ~t'JCk.. and. aU fi~!u~~ .now -or <br />~""",lt~-d 10 I__pt.rt)', all of ..bdl. lncludinll rcplal;ctmcnts and additIons IOOeto, ~hall be d~'CI~-u tn bI.' <br />a~r..~ a pall"" ~l1y~cl\.-d bytm" Deo.:d of Trulil ;alld "II of' lbe.fotcauinlt- 10Fther with said prupcl'ly <br />(ot Ilk- ~bt>W c>t_.f this Dt-ed of T'\I:>t "on a ka..,dmkH arc hcr.;m rdcrrcd In as the "Prop.,..ty"; <br /> <br />1~Sf.<'I~'.loLell<kr('" chi; repaymenl of !heinlkt>IC.tnc<.' cliKll'lI<XU by Borrow"r\ note tIltt~'tl, .8,;,8:-!l.3. <br />,'.' q...t~_"Notc."l. iluiM: prinl;ipill_of. . Sut.en, Tho.uaand. Dollars. aM. ,llQOOO,.:-.--;.. <br />"~;$,l~~.oaj, .... . ... . . . .~n, wilh llltcn::"'lhcn:oo,providinl [or mOflthly ;n.,tallmcnb <br />qe,~06jntl;~~.,~ttHl!:~Ul;c9ft~i~d'~. I! 119t!il.lOllCr paid, dlle alldpayable (lII. .fJ.,.J2~81\. <br />.. . ., . ,. ,.. . : IhcplY'lIICl1! of.all olhcr ~um.., with inlerC!d thereon. adv'"lc~'<l <br />~p!Elt,,~{~~~il)of lbi~ tlt\'dof TMt; and lite ~rfOflJlanl:C or lite <Xl't'cnanb llnd <br />~_~;lInd{bii~I'\'~1melll\lfJ;ln:y ftllun: ad"llllCcb, willi mtcrcst Illcf~'Qn, ,n;rde <br />>~tw~2l bcl'!.-of flw<<:m ~'fi'ut\lf'('Ad""n~'S"). <br /> <br />,~f jli ~f~wl~'fJ ,,/ t!lt: c"l~ Itcrchy I;QI1~i"'d.oo 1llI" the riptto gttml >Int! <br />~ 1\U!~lc4:..nd .lhat8om~f \It'illwflrrallund dcf.'1ld lC'K'!'nUy II1c <br />~;l~~~..~~'i;ttP;Nl)'~liu-MI~S, f..'a>ClnCnt, Of r.:;slrlChons liSI< <br />~,,1~~"1l1 i~il.'\i~".jlVl~,. 'Il:~ring Lcnd<<',im~'<<:'>I in Ih.: Pl"OiWfly! <br />