<br />83- 004J03
<br />
<br />ment (or the benefit of creditors, and tretaking by lessee of the benefit of
<br />any insolvency act or law, or the appOfntment of a permanent receiver or
<br />trustee in bankruptcy for the Lessee' s property.
<br />
<br />If, during the term of this lease any of the acts or things ~pecified in
<br />subparagraph (c) of this paragraph shall occur without the consent or over the
<br />Objection of the Lessee, and if at the expiration of ninety (90) days aftar
<br />the fHing of such petition or' such appointment or such taking possession,
<br />such petition shall not have been dismissed or sllch appointment revoked or
<br />possession re-obtained by Lessee, Lessor may give to Lessee a notice of can-
<br />cell(\tion of the term of this lease and at the expiration of thirty (30) days
<br />fr'Ol1l the date of the service of such notice, this lease and the term hereunder
<br />and an right, title and interest of Lessee and of any succeeding to Lessee's
<br />interest sha11 expire and this lease sha1l be terminated,
<br />
<br />Fell- the purpose of sl.Iboaragraph (b) of this paragraph, if the default com~
<br />plained of t~ a default other than one which may be cured by the payment of
<br />money, no default on the part of the _essee in the performance. of work required
<br />to ~e oerfonned or acts to be done or conditions to be n~t shall be deemed
<br />to exist if seeps 5'.hall 'lave been in good faith commenced promptly by the
<br />Lessee to n:'cl.ify the sal1~ ,jnc sha]] De L'rosecuted to completion with diligence
<br />dod (-0ntinui~y.
<br />
<br />In the eve"t of dny default in the performance of the terms and conditions of
<br />th1S :e-a_se as herein specified and wi thin :he time 'H~rein i imited~ this
<br />:eil5l:l <Hle (11' hght. ,itle and interest of t"e Lessee, its successors or
<br />d$sicH1s. in ami to the 1.casehold estate hereby created shan, at the option
<br />ot the Lessor, be for-felted. Possession of tne described premises and all
<br />lddHiuns, ~)uildings and jmp1'o\lements !:Jade !:ly Lessee shall be delivered to
<br />'~e:S.5,or vooo tr,-! r~ty 30} days written ro. ~-c-e ..tram lessor to Lessee that Lessor
<br />e~e~~ise5 Sd1G 0P:~on ~o deClare 3 for~eit~re and ~hereaf~er the described
<br />pre-~laes .-:1nu .:111 Fnprovesnents tr:ereOf1 sh;;11 :)ecome the property of the
<br />Less-or. SevtiJC'(! (1n~)/ ~"o the 1 ie-n cf !1t'ty ~'q)rtgase. deed of trust) or security
<br />.j.4rt~e.tn~nt.. permitted !..1)' tne t,erms of trns ">"7:..~$e~ :n the event of any such
<br />defau1t iH~d the :.,cssee1s fai~ure to cure SUC~1 cefaiJJt~ dS herein provided.
<br />ilnd tffe l [~~${H. ~J t:~).,el'(~'Se cf its Z';""o ";on :0 :enr~1t'l3:e th1$ least:: dnd declare-
<br />.) for'feltJH~et ~<~1~~ 'eJ~~e hd 1 e~p~t-f' en :he date ';;Jec'ified )n the dfor-<esaid
<br />Hf-<ltt.-en fHyt1ce 3$ ..: that ;j,jte ~ad o-r~cindl1y been fixed as the e)q)~rdtion
<br />t-e of tht: terhl h~r'ejn gf~dntccL :t ~s flJr-tr:er agreed that r; the event
<br />of "ny :;\let, cefJult and fodeiture, :~e Lessee ;.'1a:1 not ~e compet15ilted in
<br />~lny :;!h:lnn~~- tor~ t.he,,fiah.ie of ~es$ee;'S ~nt~rest in s.aid ~ed)ehold dfH.i in~;)rove-
<br />ne~lt5 the,-"on "or the reason ~hat ,'Ie 105S 'Ji svch ',!dlue is the agreed' upon
<br />v~.tvdty to be Podid t)~y Lessee because of ~~-ch breeches 8nd default in the terms
<br />of trns d.gn'?'ef:f\€nt.
<br />
<br />21. P:,f!!!'t._'JL,3.!:.,~.~.l' : f this lease shan expir'e at the end of the
<br />in1tlal teem or cHi)' '-ent!wal tnerevf Qt' f ,n~$ lease shan he in default and
<br />~ht:l'~\lpoll tenllin<lted by Lessor, LeSSor may ir:rnediately or at any time there-
<br />i\ f tel' '-e-ente!' c';e ~ el~d prul'll ses and '"elH..we a 11 persons and a 11 or any property
<br />thel'efrOIll, L'y TO';:€' or othen"ise, wi t~v\.lt being ~ ial:t1e to prosecution or to any
<br />claim for damages therefor, and the Lessor shall thereafter repossess and
<br />enjoy said 1e<lsed premises together with a11 additions, buildings, imrlr'ovements,
<br />or alteration". In addition, the Lessor 'nay, during the term of this lease, at
<br />al, reasonable tin~s, enter upon the leased premises for the purposes of
<br />lnspli;cting the Sillr.e Of' '01" the ;:HHT>ose of performing any work that may be
<br />necessary by l'eilson of Lessee's default under any term of this lease.
<br />
<br />n. liotices. it is agreed that any notice given by the lessor to
<br />the Lessee shilrl~'5e siven by mailing the same by registel-ed Qr certified "lail,
<br />retuNI receipt requesteJ:l. postage prepaid to the following address:
<br />
<br />
<br />~7~
<br />