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<br />83---004103: <br /> <br />consent of the Lessor, which consent shall not be withheld unreasonably, <br />Before this lease may be sublet or assigned, the Lessee shall offe.rthe <br />leas$t6 the LeSSor upon the same terms and conditions as the Lessee has <br />offer<idthe same to any third party, Lessor shall have thirty (30) days <br />from the date of any such offer to ma tch any said offer reC~i"ed by the <br />Lessee, In the event the Lessor clmoses or elects not to actepttheof-fer <br />to match any offer by a third party to sublet or assign this iease,then <br />and frnly in that event may the Lessee proceed with the subletting or assign- <br />ment of this lease to any such third party. In the event of any such <br />sublease or assignment, such sublessee or assignee shan expressly cove- <br />nantand agree in writ i"9 to be bound by a 11 of the tenns, condit ions and <br />provisions of this lease and the Lessee shall expreSSly covenant and <br />agree that Lessee remains I iable to Lessor for the performance 9f all obliga... <br />t10ns of the Lessee under this lease for the entire term of this lease <br />notwithstanding any such sublease or assignment. <br /> <br />17. Subordination. Lessor aqrees that lessor's interest in this <br />lease and in ttle'descr^ibed premises and any bui 1dings and improvements thereon <br />shan be subordinate to one mortgage, deed of trust or other security agree... <br />ment which is permitted by the provisions of paragraph 9 place.d by lessee <br />upon the leased premises and the Lessor agrees to execute and deliver to the <br />mortaaQee under' such penni tted mortgage, a subordi nation instrument. In <br />any ~vent, Lessee covenants to pay and to perform all conditions of any such <br />perr.itted mortgage, deed of trust or security agreement and any default by <br />Lessee under the terms of any such pernlitted nQrtgage, deed of trust or <br />security agreement shan constitute a defau1t of Lessee under this lease. <br /> <br />18. ~~~~~~or!2~~, This lease shall be subject to and subor- <br />dinate to the lien of any mor~';dge or mortgages, deeds of trust, or other <br />security ilgn,ements WhlCh at d'lY tine may be placed by the Lessor upon <br />the fee title to the premises herein desc,'ibed dnd to any and all advances <br />to be Blade thereunder and to the i nteres t the"eon and a 11 renewa 1 s, rep I ace- <br />ments and extensions thereof and the Lessee agrees to execute any instruments <br />af subordination winch t:'aj reasonably be r"qulred by any Sllerr mortgagee <br />0'" lendor'; provi(~eD" however) any such mortgdue. deed of tr'ust or secut"ity <br />agree>>~nt shall je subordinate to the lien of any oermitted mortgage placed <br />U~!(}!1 the leased pnc'fl'lses by Lessee dno tOe Lessor agr'ees to have this ;ease <br />n"<.:ognued j'l any ~;ich mar-tgage, deed of trust or security agreement and tne <br />riGhts of the lessee dnd its successor's and dssiqns hereunder sha11 not be <br />cut off or affected by foreclosure of any such m;rtQaQe~ deed of tt':Jst or <br />security agreement It)dced upon the fee t, t 1 e by the -:'e5s0r', so 10ng as Lessee <br />and its successors lind assigns shall not tle in default hereunder, <br /> <br />19. "jo1nder'in Easements, Lessee agrees upon the request of lessor <br />froll tin~ to tiiiie'to--jeiliiiii- andexeclJte any easements over the Jeased <br />pl'emises which may be deemed reasonably necessary by Lessor to provide <br />water', sewer, 'IdS, electt'icHy, telephone or other util ities for the leased <br />premises or any otlle" real estate si tuatedin Wild Rose Hanch Estates; <br />prliV ideo, no such casements 5.11<111 affect any building of the Lessee on the <br />leased prem] :;es ,Ind further provided the Lessor Shall restore any impm~e- <br />ments or the land on the leased pr'emise5 altered or affected during the <br />installation of any such utiiities. <br /> <br />20, Events of Default. Each of the fonowing sha11 be deemed d <br />default by the-ressee and a breach of this lease and cause for for'feitlil'e: <br /> <br />(a) failure to pay the rent herein reserved, or any part <br />thereof, for a period of thlrty {3ll} da.ys after the serving of notice as <br />provided hen~in; <br /> <br /> <br />(b) failure to do, observe, keep and perform any of the terms, <br />Cf1.venants, cQndi Hons, agreements and provisions of tili s lease, or to pay <br />ariytaxor other charge or expense reqvired to be pai.d by Lessee for a pel'tod <br />ofsiJ;ty (60) days after the serving of notice as provided herein; <br /> <br />{el Theabandonlllen~of t~e pftlmbes by Lessee, the adjudicil- <br />U9.noft~ LeUee aSilbilJ'Ikrupt, thallli~ingbytne :'essee of a genel"al assign- <br /> <br />-5~ <br /> <br />"'-":~~~~~...,,.;,..,-~,,:-~, <br /> <br />'>?~"'~"-'-'" <br />-'-<-M",.."."",~~~ <br />