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<br />83,-004103 <br /> <br />and also that any notice to be given by Lessee to the Lessor shall be given <br />by mailing in the same manner such notice to the Lessor at the following <br />address: <br /> <br />Werner Equi pmen t, I nc. <br />129 East Second Street <br />Hastings, Nebraska 68901 <br /> <br />Each party shall give the other reasonable prompt notice of any change in <br />address and until such notice, any party may rely upon the most recent <br />addresses fun1i shed. <br /> <br />2.}. ~lL~0-'.U_a~~2~~. <br /> <br />d) This lease contains the entire agreement oetween the parties <br />herf'to dnd no terms or provisions hereof may be changed, waived,. discharged <br />QI' tel'minated unless the same be in writing executed by both parties hereto. <br /> <br />(t) rhis lease shan be c:onstl'ued and enforced in accordance <br />with the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br /> <br />(c) ; f any provisions of tile lease or the appl ication thereof <br />to ilni Dp.rson 01' cin:umstances shall to any extent be inval id or unenforce- <br />dble, the t-'emainael" of this lease shall be enforced to the fullest extent pe-r-" <br />,nitted by ~dW. <br /> <br />(d) The article headings contained herein are inserted only for <br />convenience of reference and i'l'e in no ~lay to be construed as a part of this <br />ease or as d limitatIon on t~e scope of the particular paragraphs to which <br />they n,'fer. <br /> <br />e; :he term Lessor as u:;ed in this :ease so far as covenants <br />or nbli9at;on~ .K~n :~H~ Dart of Lessor are concerned sha11 be 1imited to mean <br />and include Of>], the ;.essQt' dnd any successor in 'nterest to l.essor and in the <br />event of transfet~ ~ '~essor~s in~erest in an'.1 :0 the property 1eased to <br />LeSsee. the- Less.or. 1dii:ed herein sh.J;1~ be aut(Y-f~3tical1y freed and relieved <br />Fl'''om dnd after- ~.!1e .':d:te of cQve-nan::.::: : ;Sdt..iofl5 on :he part of Les~ol~ <br />contdlneC 'in th~s edse thereat-ter to :.:e w'erf()nreo. ~henevet" the term <br />J..oess-ee is used heri:i~, it sth~i i " t~e heirs, executors, administrators, <br />oet~snnd1 repres~ntu:-:ves) $;;CCeSSOf~S. d'S'S~gnsl ;)~.. survivors of ~he Lessee. <br /> <br />1 <br />if) The '!>peco fi C ",,,medi es to ",'1 i e'l Lessor 0)' Lessee may n:sol't <br />under t~e :et~H\ of ":.'''\1$ ?ed$t: dn~ cur:".i~ative J~d ar-e not intended to be <br />e-xt~uS1ve of 0::~et- r"emedif:$ 0'-' f'-',edns ;)f n:~dress to vihlch tney may be <br />lawful ty erltit ed. <br /> <br />(g) 7he parties hereto agree not to recor~ this lease, but <br />E:<leh party .lgl'ees TO execute upon request of either a "Short Form Lease" <br />ur "Notice of Lease" suitable for recording purposes. <br /> <br />(h) No waive" of any forieiture or defdu1t, by acceptance <br />of !'ent or otherwise, shall waive any subsequent cause for forfeiture, <br />defaUlt 01' breach of any conditions of this lease; nor shan any consent <br />by Lessor to any assigtlment or subletting of said premises, or any part <br />thI:H'eof. be held to waive or t'elease any assignee or sublessee from any of <br />the foregoing conditions or cOllenants as against him or them, but every such <br />assignee ane sublessee shall be expressly subject thenlto. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS 11HEREOf, the parties halle executed this lease till: day <br />and year tirst aDolle written, in duplicate. <br /> <br /> <br />"} ~ <br />~_ ;1(:_- _ ( / ~'-~{-)~#~L~ <br /> <br />~9)~fp~ <br /> <br />"LESSf.i;:" <br />