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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />83- 1)(;3828 <br /> <br />I.....~ written ___ or aoDlicable law. Borrower slulll pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />,.;_ provided ;;ndcrparagraPh 2 hereof. <br />Any amou_ dilbuned by tender pursuant to tbis pamgrapb 7. witb interest tbereon. sball become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower ...., by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. .ueI1 <br />amounUsballhepayabfe upon notke from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from tbe <br />date of .~ at the ratepayabfe from time to time on outstanding principal under the NOIe unless payment of <br />intelalat ouch rate would he contrary 10 applicable law. in wlUch event such amounts shall hear interest at the higbest rale <br />pennillftillumde, appli;:able law. N<ltbing conlained in tbis paragraph 7 shall require Lender 10 incur any expense or take <br />aoy aetiM beteuoder. <br />8; I~ tender may make or ""WI<: to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of tbe Property. provide<! <br />that l.cndcr wllgive Borrowernorice prior to any such .nspectian specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />int_ inthePmperty. <br />9..: C r ~.. The proceed, of any award l)( claim {or damages, direct or consequt:ntial. in connection with any <br />condemtuition or otller wing of the Property. or part tbereof. or for coo..y.nce in lieu of condemnation. are herehy assigned <br />and shall he paid ta tender. <br />In the event of . total tuing of the Pmperty. the proe<<m ,hall he applied t" the ,,,ms .ecured hy this Mortgage. <br />wilb the es""",. if any. paid to Borrower, In the event of a parhal laking of the Property. unl"" Borrower and Lender <br />OtJl<!rwite acnee in writing. there shall he applied to .he <urns ",cured by ,his Mort~age " proportion of the proceed. <br />as j~ -equal to that proportion which (he 3mount nf the sum>;; 1j.~"tJ(ed hv !hl~ \-f{'trtgage immediately prior to the dalt' of <br />talt;"' bcars.tntoofair _rite! vall", of the PrOf'erty immediately prior In the date of taking. with the halance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrow"". <br />If the ~. is abandoned hy BnrTOwer. 0' if. after nntice tw Lender to BOrf<'Wer thaI the condemnor offen to make <br />an awatd -o-t "",k it claim for dam~~ Borrower fail;, in re!iiJXm-d H-1 Lender within 3f1 day\ after the date ~c:uch no1ice is <br />tnlliled. tender i. aut~ '" col.1ect and apply the Pto<:'eed.. at Lender', option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />l'1'Opi'tty or t" the "'1m ..,,,,,,e<! bv this M"" <br />Unl. Lt-nder a-ad 8of'rowt"t' othef"Wf~ apee in wrifin~_ ~nY folk'h apphcafi(,iU 0-f pr()ceeds to principal shall not extend <br />L'l' pouponc: ,the due- dafe {'\'f trn: rnonthh' hv;t~Hrnen1s rdefTcd In in paragraphs. 1 and 2: ~reof or change the amotlr'lt of <br />,ud\ lmt..nm..m.. <br />to. ~ Not a....~ Extetl!j;'on or ~he 11m€: for p<i~mcn( OJ mndifkatfon ''If 3;moraUt1on f1f the \ums 'ie~ured <br />f'fy thii. M-(tft.sase gt'a.ftted by Lender tn .H1'r 1'"U(:t-t".',"Of ," itH("fC<\,t (,f Bonnwe-f "lhall nt.t operate to release. in any manner-. <br />d~ habifify llf the (lflprwJ 8MMwcr M\d B<ur-nw('r\ 5HCCe,~'im,<: ,r; inferr~t I_cnder "ihsH Hi.1-t he required 1<.:\ co-mmence <br />p-rOi%ttdic;tp ..ptn-st weh ~ or refuse hi t',1(tcnd tm~<.2' fnr- j',l",ment <rf ('<!hc~+-~e m!,.'w:lifv- amor1iutl(lo of the Jtuns <br />~~~}'Jy_ th~-_Mt~~ by Te'U\-'m of any dctt'Hv'HI made bv lhe <..,rjQ-HH1J Borrower ,md Bf.'>rfower't S-UCCe~(1" in inte:reJt. <br />_._~~<i~,:~'JTI':.'~',:.Not',. W."fl'. /\ny f.\Thcartm....: h~' I t:~nder in e~ett:.l~H1~ uny ~f,~hf or rem~y hereunder. or <br />ot~ i$tf~~,~_,_&-p~~~Wj, ,haU n-nt he ~ W;Ht;l~r r:\~ or preclude the e\CfcJ\e !'If any slich rj~t or rc-meUv. <br />~- prqCt~ of ,~t1~~_ Ot-t~ p-aWT'leflf .at ti.1'i:t~ ,~-r (j1her htn\ ,nr ;::har~e" ~v t _t~f1dc,r "hall n(tt be OJ w;;uver of L-ender'!{. <br />right "'.~,iIie.twil.lIri'Y<)f t~;,,~hl.dnc" ,<~':r<d hy ,h" Mnrtt.l!'C <br />11. ....... C........"~ A1I n:-r:nedje;l; p1"t~';;fc:xd thl1.. MOftg-ll"C at\' Jrnin..:t and cumulative TO dn\' \\ther right Of <br />~ undct-1h1~ Mtm~ O-f .atf,wdf'-d. h\-,' !.l.1~' ~"T (,~UHV ;,on\! fila,-' rw:.. t"q;rt'{~~d ('(m-\..~Hr-!'CrHiv.. mdepende:ntly or ;.uC('c_s.iWel~., <br />13. ~... A...... Jklmod:. htInf ...... s..~~ra1 Ualoilfl)o: ClIJ'!!<tm. 111e ,,,wen.nlS ,,,,d "treemen.. he'e," <br />i.'::t>>ttained .haU hind.. ilOO H'W: ti1thu hi:-T~Hfldc!- ,haH ifHlft' ~(t the n''i'pe.t;fJ\"C iHi.',n::-,-:"n('i> and .a~,-hHn uf Lt."nder and Borrow-et. <br />-'iub~ tt,) the tn(Wll-t\."1A~ n-f tlarAgf~ph 1-"? hNr.f;j "\H .(;uy,;on.ulis :tnd ~~-irf~'Cmt'nh, pf 8{1-rrf'i~~ "hall be joint and '\e\>eraL <br />T'bc t~ttpt-i:mN_ .a'mt fwadln~ H-f d~ p::ifi1@:t';!pn.. ;,1f tnt"t !l.-f~'n~a.e ~~rt' fliT .~-()n\'t'nn~n,ce ~'l-nly M~ U-iJt 10 he H-~d to <br />H'il~ Of ~*inc !-h<' j'f,n.~""~"wn' her~{.'tt, <br />t..... ~,. ,E:t:(:. fot ..n," 1WK-~ tt"i.ptitt"-4 under <'>Pfth";'.1-o1-c law tf' N- jtiven In a:nt.'l:dlet" manner. L.l} ;wy "Olto:: t() <br />-Bnt-rf--l'wtrr_ ptvvt't!ed [.tw' lfi fhk MortJiige .....h:a-H ~: tl'..-C-fl h.,,. m;~:i1~~)jl' ..tKtJ n,;:)hce hv ",t"rttfied mail 4(hirMsed W Bon-ower at <br />the _p~. Add-re!i~ ~).-r- ;at 'UX':h -\.)tner ~dd-rt'\~ ;H a.u,n.(f\ld~t rt1Ol\ -:,k-"'~f!ltW hv ~l-{Hf-t.C h' Lemler ~~ provided herein, 3:od <br />t'b-} ;ltn,)' ~u t-c- te.ndet- ~".4If ~ ~~v~n f\~- i:.'erhlkd f;":.t!.L f-;;"Wrp f-:-'i,:"1;lp1 !rque~~d.. ff. i "ender'\< I)ddT-ns !HAted herein of to <br />-snell (uoo adtt~ it" L~r ffi,:\f ~gn-..u~ hy t>~'tK\':: hl fk~nnw-t:-r "-'I. pr,p\'tde.d herem Anv o_{ltk-e provided fOf in thi-; <br />MMtJap- thaU he ~ h~ M\f~ n.eetl given H, f<<'tft~W-ef d1 f ~':!'J-dt'f lh'hltn m fnc mariner dC!iiignated he-rein, <br />t!" U......'~ (;o~.nd:tIJ, f,aw~ ~~;, Ti'u-~ k;.-f'rn nf mvn,aJj;C: ':dnhm-c.'J !ft\~{Ol'm cov-cnant,o;: fOf n<itionat <br />use, and nrm~'-unif~nn oCflYenanh wun h.rni-h:.d Y;Stii\j.fi1nto hv ~Hri'\dn;lH,m_ {'f {:t-~ttn!tiHct; ~ UlJttOml. ~(,;t:!-f{tY instntmrnt ~o'Verin@ <br />rt'-:ai pro-~-r, Tbi-s Mon~ .~futH be Jg.u\-:enw-d b>;,' tn.e Ll'~- ,l,r !M.t'- !\In'id~dl-pn in whkh the I>-rnperty i~ kx:-ated, II) the <br />e:'Ven1 tn#-. -an)' ptt'rVft.Km ;,,'i-f dauw l.';{ ~his- M~lrtg:tg(': I.H ll1-t!'- .N~,ffr <.:untlkh= ',dfh l1f}p{ic-.u.bk taw. !\-neh cntHlic-t <:,haU nN affect <br />ofhm' prov~ vf ifh~ MOrt$3-..., ~1:r th-c- NNi.." \~;rh-t.;tl {,',;;,n i).e tr~--"C'n t~llccc wlthom the .:nnffi-cting provl'\k'm, and 1(j th~ <br />end 1M ~~'W-~~M vi 1M Mon:n. and the Srwe ;t,re occJ,1r~ tn 1"1(': '4:'_\'eftlhle <br />16..- ~ Copy. Bor~'C'r \haH ~ ftHI"u~d ;,.t l,)Ut0tmt'd .~'(~-p"" t)t f~ Ni;,te and of Ihis Mt,nga,t: af the time- <br />D'( l1~<<uriM (If a,tter f\;1..."-l'itdtt_tJon hei1;1'lf. <br />.7. Tt'tllllhrof'" ~~. 1f.J! Dr ."y 1'"..1 "f '~e f't"l"'rty '" an int"f"'l Ih~rein l' ,old or transferred <br />by ~ '*{tik.~ I~'-1\ pru')f wrIt-ten t(frtWf'fL t','\duding (:,ij the t..,te.;,Hinn of ;.l; lien (\-1 encumbrance subordinjte 10 <br />r.hi$ M-.)rt..~ ib) the ,~itm of a pu:rc-ha'io(: nh~'r '!<Cudn- ;t"Hlfrtiil fc.r h.(lUXn(1ii! ;'tppliancet. (c,) .a tran'!.-fer by d~tljse~ <br />~-t or_ -by opu-flioo o-t Wtw ttpe:m tbto. dC'_ath cd' .a ~(tim: twoutt Dr hit thlt of iJn-y i-ea:!fCi'lotd inten:st of thr-ee yt'lH$ {'}t less <br />noc,~nt.Iftg':en i:~ioo to ~n:ha.$e'~ L::-t'Kkt' may. :at Li':::Slder'~ l;"pot-n.m. lkdare- :aH {he :'.Hm~ M"-t.:'-ured h~r this Mortl!age to be <br />i~atety due--.nd P;&)1lbl:e.-- I..enek! ~~l hl1.."t ti<~t"'ed t.U'\;;'u (~!-tm ft' -a.ecekrat-e tf. prior to the 'I.-;l[e, Of transfer. Lernkr <br />;,wd;dm ~ to whom-tM--~.rty h t(~ be- $Otd t~r H1WJJerted. tea-cn agreement in ~rltin.g tbat the credit -01 s~h rt:,J'li0f1 <br />i. ~lOry to Under lll!d thal lhe. inler',,, l'apble <'" the ""I>< ..,,,red by thi, Mortgall" ,hall he al s"ch rale as L.nde, <br />~t~. lCl.mMr lias wlli"*<l It.: "pI;oo W "u;ci<:..te I'ro\'"k<! ill th" poragraph 11. and if Ilorro......I.' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,rln <br />;n~""'ex~a ..'Titlen _,,'ico.> ~gn:emenlllttep;e<! in writing by Lender, Lender,han relelue Born'w~ (rotrJ all <br />~ionsWldcr Ibis M~ lll!d lhe No<<>. <br />If ~ ~ "ueb: t.ion to, l..tntkr ,\r,.:aU rel,ad 8onowC"r rlOttt':f' of acc-ekutJon in t\ccordance with <br />~. 14 m,_f Suet "'..._ <ltoil l',,,,,i<lt . ""rind "I' "'>< l($~ .han )1) d.", r",," '00 dale Ih. ""tic<: i, mailed wilhin <br />~-b, fIcrru.,. -'1 PB:_>" t~_ MIroS- dectM1t.d d.uf'-. H Ik~cr fi$:d~ ~H pay tRl.,ch \'ums prior lO the cxpirati-ofi iJf ";lith pel"uJd. <br />~ ~,wlthPm furtt!<< n<lfi<.e. Q~ d-..d <)11 8<>1"....,,,, ''''',<I<e ~"r remWie> pelm.ned lw l"'11l1'll\>h l S hell'.of. <br /> <br />~Ul<l_" C_""ffcBo_ef and t.mder h;nt.:, '"''''<,IIMI .00 .gne ... Inn"",.; <br />...4-.....' . I......... ...... ~ ill.......... 11II-..f. ....... 8omt-.'. Imnlck..r....y ".._ ... <br />................tIt illk~ .~..tlIo> ""'_<I<> pay ..h$ clue om:y _ ....and by IblsMenltlte. <br />~., "lel~"';"'__1l!IiiiOl1! to "'--"... .~. tit ~ 14 lteRof .!M'rifyhllJl(H IIle '--It: <br />1~_"","""1lIo_".....(3).""" .tlOI. kM __ JO ~. from tk .... tlw ~.. maIklIlO ...........,. <br />"\IWIlllIIII'~......__"dHCIolallll KJ ..... ~... ...... .....,. m-lI .... or bof_ tM ... ~ hi I.... ........ <br />......_U~!1 . lI_______li1..thi!I ~.~ "" jJHlidal ~ aU.. 01 tlw~. <br />.;tIIIIIlIIIII..........~---oI"...... ~ .......~...... the riPf It, _ '" tk r___ <br />..I.i'"'...,~.........of __l.~...... f~> ff 1M In""" <br />l!i;_;...._~_..............1a1llO' ,"",", '.-wllt I...___...............,...~ all of ."" __ ___ Ity <br />....,.._"fijR.illlt!'t..lIIIll....~. flltiJoro'............ "".'-'-"y jlI4kW ~ ".... <br />_................___~..,.__oI~. ~"'" _ tlolokN t.... ~_.r ~ <br />...............,.j...... <br />.....~J..IA",j......IlIo........ S<ltwlttlmulditlf ,,,..0..1", """flIrfllt...... ,,( !he ,unu .....un<! h, lh.. M""'~"1l<1. <br />~...~*....tlIoWi.., ~..~ hr t"..." tv ~"(1.'!1U Ill,,,. Met'.. dh"''''I'''uw., My h"'" <br /> <br />",- <br />