<br />I
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />vioiii"O:iu..i Cuvc:r:",r;.a. 3v.""t"VWW ;;.;:"~ l.-;~r cu';.'~;~,:,~~ and ~gr= ~~ !oH~~s: 83-- f) (J 3 828
<br />1. PaJ-t of PdaeiplII..... IaIenIt. Borrower .hall promptly pay when due the principal of and intere.t on the
<br />indebtedoeu evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided 10 the NOIe, and Ihe principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advllll<:eS secured by thi> Mortgage.
<br />2. F__f.. T_....I_. Subject to apptieaMe law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shan pay
<br />to Lerlder 011 the day mootblyinsrallmenls of principal and imer"'l are payable lInder the Note. unlll the Nole is paid in full.
<br />a aum (hen>in "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and ..""smenk' which may allai" priority over this
<br />~ llIJdllround !"MIS On the Property. .f any, plm <>ne-lwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />ploa _drib of yearly premium installment. for mortgage IOwrance. if any. all .. reasonably ""Iimated initially and from
<br />time 10 time by l..e11deroothe basi> of_n.. and I"Ui and reascoable eslimates thereof.
<br />The FuudJ sh.1l be held in an inOl.tution the depo.m or account. .)f which are IIlsured or guaranteed by a Feder.1 or
<br />srate.agem;y(indudingLellder if Lender is .uch.n lflstituti<:,ftJ. i.ender sh.1l apply the Funds to pay s.id tases, ",,,,..ment..
<br />insuranccpnlmiwm and ground rent.. Lender may not charge 'or so holding .nd applying the Funds. an.lyzlCg s.id accounl.
<br />or verifying and comp;/inguid ....,..Il\enl$ and bill.. unless l.ender pay> Borrower lnteresl on the Funds and .pplieabl, Jaw
<br />pc:tntics .Lender to make ~ueh a charge_ Borrower 311d Ll:nder may agree in writing at the lime of execution of this
<br />Mtlltpp that In_Ion Ihe Funds shall be paid w Borrower. and unl"". ,ucn agreement is made or applicable law
<br />r~,.-$UclI in:te.rat t'O be paid. t.e:nd~r shaH not he. required to ,xiy B{)ffOWer any imerest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />~l give to Borrower, without char-p.. an annu~l aCCtluntll1g of the fund:} ~,howll1~_ ctedJt.s and deblis to the Funds and the
<br />~ lor which each debit tN the Funds ,""as made, The t-uocb .arc. pledged a~ adduJonat security for the sums secured
<br />by Ibis MortPll',
<br />Utile amount of the: Funda held by L~-ndcr, t-t'l"gc'the-r ......Hh rh~ future mOnthly m..,taJlments of Funds payabJc prior to
<br />the dutdates af t:aXf:j.. aMcamems, l05Uf1lt1(.'.c pt't'flllUmli and ground rents. ~ha-H C.'(-t.:'ced the amount required to pay sa.id taxe~.
<br />~t$. lniutanu premIUm;. 400 gn;mnd fcnt!t. if!> tht::y i.l.U due. _m~h c\.ce~'t ..haJJ be, .t( Borrower's OpflOll, ei-ther
<br />PnNUpt..ly h!pajd to Borrower llf credl1,ed to lU1l'l'Uwtl:r \111 rnumbl)-- !n~!ilUmC-nls. of fundit-o If the .amount of the Funds
<br />held by l.eAder mati not be -~1 to- pay laxe~. ;1.~5'\-.rne-nU_. ln~unu)<,;e pft'"mmm.. and gro-und rents: as they faU due.
<br />BolTOVtreTWD pay- to l~nde:r -any anmunt n-ece:!t3ar~- it) make up ~hc ddh.'I('!1l'! wlthm 30 -i:b\'~ trom the date nottce is mailed
<br />l>y l~ \<) Botr_<< ""'-'ll" pay"",m the"'''l
<br />Upon payment in futi of all -sums ~u.re-d b) lhl~ Mong3gc I ender ~hall promptly refund to fle.rrower .lflY Funds
<br />hdd. by Lender, It u~ p-ara,at.apn 1.1it :bet('.(1( the Prnpenv I~, <,j.liJ ,if th{~ P:-opt.'rty t., (l[her-.\'i~ ;-H..:qwfed by l.ender. Lender
<br />dlall apply. 00 l-liter than u>>medt4lcly -pilOt hl !.ne ".ah.' ..:d In-l' Prop'..'ffs .'" It<:! ..~;.:qw~tlon hy l.-I:nde-f. any Fund.s held by
<br />f...e:tnJer at the lime (Jt ilWh{,.4t~ ;U- :Iil dedit uM-am,! tnt ~unl<;' 'l,~~t:.r;red fI\ lhr.. Me-nga.gt.".
<br />.;t. AprpIkaIion of ~ Cnt~, .-pp-tKahtc bw P"c.''<i-de'i P,thCf~-I~; ;;:U p,aymefH:s: rc-~~t:j'.-cd bv Lender under the-
<br />Note 4Ud pa.r~:a.pbs. t and :! httret>f- 1rmH he J:pphed hy Lcn.-lh:r nt"l-\ Hi: r';l ~rrH~-nt t)! ;Hnoum.s paY;lbi~ w Le-nd-er by Borrower
<br />t.lnQer PoiIlilIfaph :2 hi-~. thon to mt.efn~ j,'!:4labk 1-~n thr.: :"o1e, l'n;;-n ru !he prHlClpat of the NNe, and then to interest and
<br />po_pal <"l.\> any F ..lute Ad"...."",
<br />4. C~ 1...-. B-ti(to~'t:r .r.:.\H P<tY ~dl 1,i\t"L .~'.<.'i;--;m;:_!H' .lfld ;;-nho- c;:h.l-r!tC',,_ Hne., ,md lmpt'rl:ltiOf11- attnblltabk w
<br />the Propaty w3Wb -may lum a p-n(t!'ft)' OV~f tnn _Mt1ngagt:. <!.n.d }e~'SChr,-M p"ymenb ;:)'f gr\Hlfld rent~c It any. in the manner
<br />provided U::n-dttr palAf,faph 2 ~-feQI 'Jr. d [j.t)t paId m "'H~_h m,,;1U1C! h..- H1..'HP\-vi,'f nUl-mg p,l)'menL \J,'nen due. dln:-ctly to the
<br />~ ~t.. Bo:rt:t'llN':c $baa:t J}rum-plh' h...TflH,h [i;,~ Llt-.Jtdt:t aii r;lltt~:e;s o{ d-mt.ltml:'li ,Jut untlcr ~hI<; paragraph. .i)o,y jn the event
<br />Ror-rc~ !hail mur: p:a.Yi'flQU flJl<<!l)-. H~_)H{)-'lA-Cl' \-h.;di- i~HHnp:h h~mn-h 1,_, L:mk.r n:''::;;:i:pt:i l,;VUfCll,,-mft -:'ouch paymc--nt~
<br />8orrowct'- thmJ jU'O:fJ$ptiy -d-'~fge any heft '-il'hocb: ha" pt"'_'1.~y t'''o:r ~hl<,( \;h'}f'tg:.Jge; rr(wHied, Ihat B(lfW-WCr ~tmll. nOi be
<br />tequif't'id HJ dlf;~hli:J_1'C- .-ny .'\.'udi hen r.o ktt1-g 4'l- l-kUi-(li'WCf 'l.hiiH ,lflt_n::", H1 ;,~ ntmll h~ Ih-l: p:-i):u\e:nt (it (he Dhhgi!tlfH1 :-.-ei."ureU hy
<br />~ucb h8 m.. man.sm:--:&1::'upt.nk to Le~i, ,v .'l-haU m .gi"',~ {,'11~h ~-,)tl,I<,'~.t -..,4,;:' 1~l.:Cn ~~', 1.'1' dt'-f.~~nd Cnhlr(-Cnwni r-t ~\I(:h hen 10,
<br />!e.-I p::t'Qt~np whid\ tJf1tW~w '-<;1 ptc-~nt t.iM.'" l;"t-Unr~:dj)l,1n1 t-ff !h" j,c-n :~'!1t!~mc ,.if the l'H)-pcrty or .Hl\' pMl thereuf
<br />5.. ~~... fkm-'1,::W~1' ~-n.iiH It:e,p the .mp1'(''',.-('Ol-ClH:'>. rh"'" n.t).tiHJ t'jT h~N::';'lftCf n-cde:d ,,m the ProflKl ty Insured
<br />~ k* _hy fire+ h&Wlf~ -!ndu~cl >4-,,!ha~ d~ !ct:'m -,t\h~!~d~d <--ind ,-ut;h nthet h.t_lJ1:d~ {l" LeHliel OM-, reqUIre
<br />and in uu:it ::t:lli:mnb .1In~ tvi 'W\,.~h P'Cnt~'j- ~t... 1 Ci'-n.kr Hi.):>: j~:\'lV-lfc, ~h;d LtHt,k:f ~,f'H$Jj on! reqwre that ~ht' .tnH'Hwt 01
<br />,,~ co~~ C-M.~W dlat 4maum ;;.'1>1 "';:f-\,,>er~.t: n~Q(tin"1j In p:.l'f the ",-um'!, ~\,Ufi:d hy Hl-i."i M(lng~g<.
<br />-fbc i-tlitttance- -\~-atnc-f rn,~wbtfJ: (he- In\Ul-ufh;t': ~hah h<- ,,:h()\,('Jl1 try U-I.~HUW"-:f ~'ijhtc-(-t h~ appr-tl\,).{ by l.eHdcr; provKied.
<br />l~ $-UCh App;n.wal -~ l10i tM- iH-ttebO!l&hiy 'A<uuheid :\H fH'i:mu1ti-l"'- dn m"J,J(~th;;e ~\{~h.;a;~ 0-!~H be paid m the IHanner
<br />prcW!dtd- undez ~.pb 2 bcf<<.'It n.r. ~ p'sHd -m $.i,;\;:h- ftHUlrn:-t, ;,'.,' fu'n'-rower malU:i-S, pa.ymel'H. when due, dne-ct1y to the
<br />,--~,
<br />AU ~ -~_* aml ~ilh t-hern~i ~~\:Hi be _m tt."'nn .~i;~!?p.t..H~k to Lcnda 4nJ :-h.-..H mdudc it 'ltt;lOOM'\! mortgage.-
<br />~ m I.~or il{ _nd ifi I-orm kcqn...bk h.J Lt.,t.1tk:.f. Ll;fHk-r ...hJH fn.",'€: the ngfH (p hl.Jl~l Ih~ r(thnc'j ;1-nd r(.'-~wah t~rt:(Jf.
<br />llQd ~ fi!t.H PfUUl,Hy fur~ l{~ Lend,\~t' All t~nt'~~i no'\.H;:t;:.') ;j.Hd il\l tt....-l.'CfpH- 1)f p.ud rr-emHml~, In the event of };;)~!>.
<br />_~ shaH. JJ\^'-c f)f1:ifnpt OOtlt;c it} fiw- l'fi'.W--f.U4.-~ ,,~rn'Cf ,~ud: 1.,,"11dCf_ tel'!oct tn;;.~ HMic pjTl\.~f ~H h~ II not !11ade pf;;~mptl}
<br />by.........-,
<br />Unle$a ~ ilnd Btm'uwt;r ct,hc:N<:i:~ agnx if! v.- fdmg. 1H~u.tljn;;.:< PH~'e..";(.b <dl~U bl; apv-hed [0 rc~w-ratitHl {,r rep.iiir (If
<br />dte Propeny ~.u. provi~ 1m'h ~tOfil:lh.:m .n ft.'r~H ~\ ~\':on<Lm1!c;iHy ft:'ll.~tbi-e ..mli the ~-curily of tht'i Mortgu-,g-e h
<br />not t.i._~)' impa~{1!d, It sucb ttMOfi'dJOU t->-f rep:aa 1$ n~~t ~..:~ftf}(\Jn!tl:.-".tHy ft.~.t'"ih1e i~{ if the: securny -of lht.;;;. Mortgage would
<br />~ ~_ the U'J$Ur.-..'C- ,,~ ~~l be -ap-pht::~ h:. th-t.: ji.ti"" ~'\.'ured by Itus Mortgage,. WH,h the eX:~(:\.i. if :-m)', paid
<br />to, Bott~... it the Pmptn-y n. dhftltd-(.;tW'd [}J tt:'I1f-c.n~-C(. Of If lk>>f't}wct fdl'h l>.' (~pond to Lender wittuo J.H da)~ from the
<br />date ~ it ~ by ~ 'w Bt)n't;;w~- -tha_' the- ~n!ur.uh.'e -c',n"f~'f' (lff~ to s<:iie a C!;um t(~r In~urance- benefits, Lender
<br />~ ~ to-~' ttnJl .:ppty- the- i,ft,\-Ufa'lll:C P.!oc<<1.b: ,ji.t, LCl:ntct-~ ~).ptffm -e-1~-f tiJ tau.nIttion or repair (l-t the Property
<br />'" 1O__~by Iht$ltlor~,
<br />U-ttle.Ja_l..endct-_ .nd._.a~nnv~ Of,h<t,rw'iiC ~'<< it! wfHmg~ ;i!,ny sud:r ap-phL::a,.tH,,'lo ~}f p-n:w;ee-d~ t(~ pr'il~*p;d s.haU not extend
<br />or ~-.tiw due ~ c..'l{ ~hc JUflftfidy h;Util!hlk!'llil\ n'i~:nw to,," In p;ifag(ap-h~ I am:1 2. hereot or ~'hangt J:he arnot.ml of
<br />~ i~R:tIi. U under parq.r4tph 'LS be.rC'{:J{ the: Pro.pt'-H): i~ acql.Hr.ea hI l.-endt:r. <'Ii! f1ght. wk an{.i ftHeres.l ot BcrrO"~t
<br />in .Qd_~ 0):' iMUt"atw;;t:: pui~ And 1ft ..u1d_ W !bt: p~n_-'K~b tbf-~t :i'L'$uiung trim'! J;'i.I1Htg-t to the Property prIOr to the ~-at(;
<br />Of; ~ l.~! pau .k) Lender' w the: ~\t.-eu,t (.f '\ht;: '\i;unu -loc.;;;.u.-reU hy ti-Wi;. ,'lortg'!l~ Hnrne\oJ.I-3:tely ponf In ~u~h ~i11e l)f
<br />~
<br />... "-'~"_M~ of ........yl t~ (<JAdomjaj......, f.......... l'1Ill O"..dop_ts. Bom'w<r
<br />-~--~ tno_ P'topen:y, $. ~ ,f~p.Uf ;And sb.u not i:onl[ni-~ ~~- V! perot!! tmp~j.rnumt VI' deterIDr'AfitJH oi tM PfO~HY
<br />."MtaI ~~- with, -~ pttJo\':~ cf -an~' Ut;Ue 1!- thh .MM~ga'~ i!- qn kif l~;u.t'ho-hj, H tht,\ Moftia:g< u- ~:Hl .:t un({ H'f J
<br />~- Of_ a ~ tln-d-~~. 8on(,"wet !ih1i-ti peth)rm ~H jJf 8ornm'cr's tlb-hga1!o!U under the dcdaU.lWH
<br /><<-~--~ ~t,so.~, fM, t..ondt~mW-tum t~r pLm-_o-ro wm d~'{\"-t()rmtmL '(he b)'-la.w1i and rcgulaHOB\ i)t ~h-e
<br />.,~~ti~fi.i~~,-'~,~___U_ ~_... and- i,"Omtih.u.:n-t ~"cU(Ui.tnt;i. it ~'i 'l~l\h';H:ntnium Uf phmned 'iHllt Jcvdopm~nt
<br />~-_-ij_-~-hr,:Iolr~ ~-tt>-,;:-o'ded t~-":M ~-Hh tht~ Mortgage.,. the ,t.J\'-t'-n...Ul!_S ;Ul-d f;Jgr~m":f1H of ,\Ui.:h flm:r
<br />"',.~,flut~''''''' and llhid! .~..rn.l ~mwI II!<: ~<"e"''''f' .00 ogte"r""lu. "j till' MartgaJle '" " ,Ir" riJer
<br />.....'*'...'~,
<br />ilf;;-__:~-..,::,j~6--~}.:_ H lk-~''t-f_ f$k- H~ ,pttfoTm t~ i:ow('~-al)fl< :Jtnd: a~rn:tml~nt~ ~~,\"Mtned HI th!~
<br />.~'l.!l'iI"_J~l.!l' .p;~. ,. .,__.1 whICh rn~".uy .11""1.0 L""oo,', ",'eff.,t m (he Propt:r'l\.
<br />:~-~:_''''-'~:-.-1: ~' _~,- m~;tmcJ" ~0'i.k _t-.n-tm-~cmefH, ~!it an3n~mfi or pn:"l(.-eedlt1it$ iHy(\-jvm~ a
<br />~<_.,~~-_~,L__-.t L~'-'ld-pt~. t(~ ,ffi'JU~ tQ Ikn-ft'-~'er. nUl! m;it-ik-c -)u;".'h 3ppc-arii..n'l~c~, ;J;;;h-U.fM:, "itH::h
<br />....-_-..~_-..-_~_,Ii5... ~.'f- to _p!~~- l~n4e:r'-~ ~ntcf~t.,. :i;"~iodl-~ I:-m, n~~ li.mwld to. iliWUfM"m\'"tH 'i~i
<br />~ .~.__ cmty "f.i'i'Il.~ ~1' ." film ,~~, If lmld<-. t<:<q...wl "l\'rtPll" m""t~ .' ,
<br />~.,f1t-.....-,_-~ ___--by: -thti--MM~ ~~t .st'-.<<$t p.;sy t_h-c r-n~n:HUfm !'f:4um:d- hl malutauJ 'dKh
<br />-~-__ ....d~ --~ ~: fi l-bo- t~!~~- fur- -,;udl imw'~;(.' t.trmi(liH~ ('1';'- .;aca.-:I;,(tj4U<C~ w\,th B.:'tfr('-w-t't"~ ~nd
<br />
<br />u
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<br />