<br />r
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<br />prior 10 entry of . judgmenl enforcinglhis Mong.ge If: (a, Borrower pay. Lender all .um. which would he then due under
<br />this M~,. the Nab!:. and- 00Ift se.cnrins Future Advanci!!'" if any, h.;.,d no acceleration OCCUJ"'red; (b) Borrower cures all
<br />breaclles of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained m this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable
<br />e%peniOS ;IlCUTred by L:nder in enforcing the "ovenants and a,reements of Borrower contained in this Mongage and in
<br />enfordngl..ender'. remedies as provided in paragraph III hereof. including, bllt not limited to. reas<>nable attorney'. fees; and
<br />(d)lIorr_ tam 5l1.:b ""tron as Lender may reasonably require 10 assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's interesl
<br />in the I'ropertyand lWrtowu'. obIiJ!lUion to pay the sums sec"red by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired. Upon such
<br />pa}'tlll:!tt and cure by e..rro-r, this Mortpse and the obhllationsMcured hereby shall remain in full foree and effecl as if
<br />00 ~hadoccurred.
<br />18, ~of R~"JlP'li_ut of Rerdver: Leeder. in POINSllioA. As a<klit!onal securilY hereunder. Borrower
<br />hereby ~.IC l..ender the reDn of the Property. provided Ihal Borro'wer shall. prior 10 acceleration \lnder paragraph 18
<br />hereof..... ~nt of the l'ropoTty. have the r1!1ht tocoll<<:1 and retam sllch rents as .hey become due and payable.
<br />UflOIIac<<leration ll'I>.<kr paragraph III hereof or abandonment of the Propeny. Lender, in person. by agent or by
<br />judicially appointed receiver. shall he enlitled to enler "poll, take pos,",ssion of and manage Ihe Properl)' and to collect the
<br />ren.. of the Property. ",eluding tho,", paot due. All rents ""Heeted by tender "r the receIver ,hall he applied first to payment
<br />i)f the c-O$u-of rn:an.agemen-f -of the Pruperty and c-{)-)Jc-CtfO-n pf rents. tw..:.luding, but not hm.1ted to. receIver's fees. premiutniit on
<br />ret':ehr.er~$ bonds and re~ attorney",. fees.. ~lfld then to- the ~1,Jm~ ~cured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver
<br />.hall be liable to account ()Iilv for ,h.,.., rents aClUall\' ''<lOd..d,
<br />21... F~ Act".... "11p<>n requcM of 8orr("~'(,f. L~ndeL :.t! Lendt-(i ortion prior to releasc of this Mortgage. may
<br />mate-Future ,AdYan~ to Qcn'fOWU' Such Future Ad"<lfl{'C:s'. With Inlcrest tnerenn. s.haH he ..ecured by this Mortgage when
<br />e-vKlenc:cd. by ptOmtUbr)' not(lrf, s-tating that .);,:ud' not~ are ,.,eu.lfcd hachy At (h' hme :shaH the principal amount of the
<br />lfi.dcbt~'S. ~red by thi$. Mortgage. not mduding sum_li. advanced al Olc.:'ordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />MOftg...., a.ud Ihe ''',ginal Ml"'UUI of the NOlO plus US $ 15,500.00
<br />%%.. ...... Upon payment ot a1t 'sums i<<urc-d h'r' thf". \h")rlg:tgc. L;:n-dcr \f!3H di~harge this Mortgage witbout
<br />~"-...atp t.u B~er. Bor'm'Ao'et 'Shall p'~y ;lH '~J'l'" of re,;ord..l.fh,iR i-:' Any.
<br />
<br />IN WlTNllSS Wmll.f.OF. Borrower h3c1; e~",clllcd lnll; M"rt~allc.
<br />
<br />~~~;~~~t
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<br />,laul b. f'H,UYk /!Jj!"v.
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<br />W~ tn:.y ~~ and n!~UUti Kat ~u. G.I;.'&n4. }~-:.l.i'.nd. ~'-oi-e'bl'iJ.$:k~
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