<br />I
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<br />83-003796
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<br />(1) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage lOsurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or
<br />
<br />F
<br />
<br />(rn If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held hy the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban Development. a monthly charge (in lieu pIa mortgage insurance premium) which shail be in an
<br />amoont equal to one-twelfth (1/12) of one.half (1/2) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments:
<br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, neXT due, pius the premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />polk;ies of fire md other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property. pius taxes and assessments next dlle
<br />on the mortgaged propeny (all In estimated by the Mortgageell",s all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months- to elapse before one month prior tu the date when such ground lents, premiums, taxes and
<br />a~n1S wm become delinquent such -sums to bt~ held hy Mortgagee in trUs,I to pay said ground rents. pfe~
<br />miums. taxes and s!,,!cia! a1llIeSSments: am!
<br />(0) Atl payments mentiornxl in the two preceding subsections oj Ilus paragraph and all payments TO be made under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggreg.1le amount Ihereof ,hall be patd by Ihe Mortgagor
<br />c.adl: ll'lo:ruh m a single payment to bf applied by the- Mortgagee to Ille foUowm:g items Hi the order set forth:
<br />
<br />(1) premJum charges under the ~O!ltra(;t df msura.')\.~~ wHh the Secretary of I lous.mg and Urnan Development,
<br />or monttdy charge tin Jiru l){ rtl()rt~a1!c jnfUTaru'c /JftWHwn}, ;1<:' (he l.,'.a.se may b~:
<br />HI) ground tt"'nts,. taxes.. aSSeiSnleOts. tire and other hazMo Wsuran-Ct~ premiums;
<br />011) interest ('.11 the note sc,l,;:ured herr-hy', and
<br />nV) amorUzatiun of the pnncipa! of S-<1Jtl flott".
<br />Any dt-Hd-w-cy in the ;JI110Um or any such ;~ggrc!liitc mOflrhiv p3vment "ball, unJt"ss made g(tod by the Mort.
<br />gagOt prior to the due datc of the next .'mdl Fi.lVHlt.'<-d ",.pstnU{i:.in l'yt"nt ,}! Jd,:wit under this mortgage, The
<br />Moft.gagee may ~'olle(t a '"late <.:h:J.!g{~\' nut h) ~x":(:cd t'Led' (cub t4tl hI! ..'ad: do.lhlr t~l_J nf each payment more
<br />than fifteen (15-1 days HI .lucan; ht ~'H""tf tile txtra ~xp('nS(' lfIvI_I-IVt'J In h;mdling Jdmquent payments.
<br />
<br />~L That if thtl t,otai of th(' pa.~'nHmL'-! mau{' hv dw \lorl!!}4!(H llU(h'r ' of pi}rag-raph :! pf('n~din~ ~hall {'x(~N~d
<br />th!" iUMKlftt of paymfmL4 actuliUy rn~ by rht. \tHrtgiU!"~~' for uround nonts, \ax{',-" and a::-,s~~'"i"...ftH:'nt.s or in~unuw(.' prl"~
<br />mtU-m~~ a..~ UW e~t+ may lw. ,~uch ex(.'{'ss, d d~e k'Yl to; ..:urrent, ,-it tht: vptwn of rhe ~k:)ft1otaftor. "ihai1 ht.. (Tcdtted b)
<br />tht' \1ort.g~t-..~ un :-l-Ub~qlt('11l pa.\-'fflffif.... lH hv mad.. h" tilt' \h.n.ga~oT. of H'fundt.d to dw \lo-rlgaguL If, hH\\(~nlr4 tht,
<br />,_thl)' l'a...."'nt.-; maJ.: hi' rhe M<'rr~"!l'>r under t oj l"ra~mph " !,r<"',,,hn/( sh,lIl "ot he sufh,.telll tn pa" wound
<br />rent. t.au.l!'i and a~~(l~!"\ment.~ ur H1J-QJf'.t.nTl' pn"mWn1:--. .b Itlt. l a....P mi.t\' tit' \\hpfI dw "'am~' :--haJi ht'('omt-' dup and pa~.
<br />able-, tht'm th-(f \tortJ!AROf _...haB Pll\ to l.n... \tnng-a~,,'t' ;un umoUfH tH't'('....:-an HJ m;}~t' up lilt' deiicit<O\,,,. on ur twfor(~
<br />tht- daw wtttm p-ay-m~nI of ,"'Udl ~rnund ff1nb< t-a'\('~. a.:"i~~..~~m.~nt.... Uf lO:""-U~~UH:t' p<<'!Otum:-< .'..hull ht.. d~tl, H at al\~'
<br />ti1t:W t}w. \Surt~~,,~o-r :4.-.U tt"'num to- the ,\-tort2:~~. w ;i('('oniann' ~Ith th{> pft)\i..wn~ ttf Iht" Huh' ,,,,p~:urrd hl"reby,
<br />full payment ui tb., tl'-nlin~ i"~bt~_~J'...... fl'~prt'~{'nh""J thl.m'h~. ttw "ort.~~(W :--.halL ill fHmpUhn1! tht> amuunt of "'iuc.'h
<br />tnJc.bl-~s-... l;.'tet:ln 1-0 t.he ~lCCfJWH uf tht~ Mnf'1i<<lg-or .In P:.lHfl(.'tU... m..i-t, under dw pro\ ",ion", ()f, Hf p<lra~taph ~!
<br />h~f wh-i('i1 the- \1onta,w"" n3s Mt bt'"(~-1)m-(-1 nbhttiilt"'(t to j'it)" j{) th(' ~'{'r"taf\ nl' ttnu~tn~ <lOti ('rhan lk.>\"{'lopmcnt
<br />and an)' balance- fl""n"tnHt~ jn ifW fund.... aCTumulntt:.d undt'r lhp JU'UVt'lo.wn...: nf t' qr plU'auraph :! h('f(*oL If f1Wft'
<br />4\aU bt, a d~J3U1t uJ-ldt-r ~UH- ~Jf thto PW\-l-"'Wn:>i of (1.".-. murt--&!'~t. f('~uhl"U H\ a llublu' ~,~tl" hf tht' prl:'"lI,~\'_'" ('O\'f;'fPd
<br />hff<<'lb:f' nt if ,,\... \Nrtl~~ d(~(fUtffi!"i th(~ prupen~ ntiw-fl-"'~>;;t' ;dt..(~r di1fautt. till' \lofuw#t"t" '-lu.li apt'l). at t.lw lim(-' of
<br />th-e- t~("etltr1't'- f.f ....tH:.~h prun:"t'<dJn~"'. ~)r al' tnt. t!mt~ fh.~ rJ-f'l)twn\ I'" .JllWf\\l...t' ~l('tfUtrpd. 1h.' l,ai,Ult'\, th('u rt,'main~
<br />m__ in the hmd~ ~u."'rt.u.uh,u.'"fi undtLr llr f'a.ro.UTiiJ:th } ph....t.t~dlU~. .two ,! nt~dl f ,t~~tn-t diP ::lmUUnl of prinnpui lhf:~n
<br />rem..>>i:n~ unpa1d Ufldf_""f '~aJd !ll.,tt., .Hut ..hid! prof.wrh' aO'\I"'t ;-HH Pl\\-IlWtH"" ,~hld\ -haii IU1\1' hPt'fl m~d(' uJ1th.r ill
<br />of I'lInlji(f"llh c.
<br />4 fhal the \-h.li'~\; ,\.lit f\~\ ~JH\.JnJ. ;\-:01'1. L-i_"\t''''''. .l:"'!-t;""j,n1Cm~, ~\'"i-1~f j,H;;,,", ,ifl-J \!thC"l }:.tl-\' t.'l'fH1H: ntH! ,ll lTHtnKlpal
<br />..:haflCl!-- 11n.e:i. vI" .!tnp'-t-"-iHun.... tor ...h:h,:h Ph,vl'..h;fllhl'\ not ~n m-,1\11: hcrttnr.ei.IIC. "ad In Jdauft !hCICl.'i lilt' \iolt~a~("e mil..
<br />pb)' tat- "arne, ;u~ th.u tht- ~h)rtr;";tft\}f ~ lit N\'mt'th Jell'd'l !h-t"- ~,)th,ta! fn:~'lph !t~!d,-\f to I,hc \lon~.Jj.!et"
<br />5_ Tk Mf.:.flP-IVf \H.il P..H ,iV 1~,\C~ ""hk'h !ij.<;l\-- br k..h:U IJ~~Hl the' \tort~-ilgt.'('."'- ,lllcft..f Hi \MU le..l <;''\I~lt(; ,IIHi jIllpfO'H~
<br />tl'tenh. fUld lA'bk:'-h mat' ~ k'\lCI.l U~1n thl, w\lng4;c lIt lhe \.kht '\,et:llrctl herd'>\' thut ;.'ul-\ hI the" {'\(i:ftl th.u \lh.:h I.... I1l11 prlirHf\I{'
<br />cd by ht.., ",nd t)lll;: h~ the ~\l-t'nt {"ltt ...ud~ ""tH f)l.lt m~lil(" !hh !l1;J1l U\UfWwd. hut t"jtHjtn~ .111\ jfl,:tHllt' (;1\, Stale:.' ,It f~oer;.d.
<br />impu~ tHl Mott~, .dud \A'tU Tilt> I~ j,..ml.:f,;t1 t{"(\.':tpl "!n.)" log ~Ih.:h p-<t\mtnt "~th tht' Mo-ft~a}i.ce, t. piHi '\ Hti"t)tiO tit' thl"l- undcf-'
<br />taklftS,t ()f If file Mtlft~1f '" p.ruhthlted h\ ,lIn !;J\\o nv\\- ,~r h-t"fc-:.fter ,,'\l~lm~ hom r~Htn~ rhe "'hf\le Ill' ~tll\' rortllm l'llhe ;lfoct"-
<br />\Ud '11-'.\".0), Uf UJ"..\n tbe remitftJtg vi ~n} u!~H'1 dt':.:rct" rrl\hl""tm~ ~h(' p;t\'nlent 1"\ the .\1\lIt~agor ilf an\' '\lh.ch t,IXe\, iH If "u...h lav.
<br />~)f' -dc"f~ pr"~\o"id(~ that an) ~HUHun1 '0 Pdh:i f\" the \1\){t~m ..ttall h< ':fi:dth:t1 nn the- fJ:lurt~~t~( dc-hI, the \.tortj!ugee "hal! h;l\ t.
<br />the risht to )."t,.'e ntO<'l) J.a}\,," ",-nUen 0\)11-('(' hi It\(: .)~fitJ ,.If the I1wft~atteti pre-ml'C;", I't'quHlng the P~\\'Olc-nt of the nwng.agt:
<br />debt. n w~h i'lOtk:-e be g;\en, tit< ~ud iJeN ,.hhU ~\,:ome Ju<. ra'4bi~ ;Uhj ;';:O!k'd1Nc: <l.t It\e-c:\pnitHuO of ...tlLt fHn~ly Jay',
<br />6. That ,~ht.lUkt he tau h) pay au)' ~wn (\f keep iU1Y co\."efl-Ufit P-'\l\'l\kd hlf Hl thi~ ,\loffgage. lhen the M-ort~:..tge(, ,lllt" op
<br />lion. nll)" ray Of ~rfm"m the; ~ann.'~ .100 a}! t'\pe-nditurC'~ "f1 ma.dc ",haB he- .iJdcJ tv 1f1.c pnn..:tpaf ~um llwmg on the -thOh' Hnte.
<br />.1laI11'I' ,"",mnl .......eby. anti ,hall tlt'ar I_.e.t ..tlhe- r"l.. Kt !<)Tlh In lhe ,;UJ ""Ie, unO! paid
<br />! Tluu he: here-by illhlJU:.', lr-a-lntt'f\- ",oo:jtfii, .\JI!..-er ((l lhe \ch>>"tgaget'::. h'-'- t'f: .aprikd h)v.ani the payment {~f the note ;lI1J ;t!l
<br />~ums S(:("ured here-h} In (a.\e \If a Jefault in (bot petformanJ.:"c ui any uf the term., and \.'(\'h..iHHrn, {if thi~ \1ortw,ge- Of the "d_h.!
<br />P()te~.flU the: fents:, fe\'~-n~ and itw.:\lfl1e In be den"e-'ll iro-m tht m-ongilgt-d rtcmi..(~ Junn..\i ,til.:h urue doS lh{~ mOft~a~t' Hkl~p{eJ-
<br />ltC>> ~ .n:t~n~; and th(, ~tor~<< ~h-itH na\-'t'; r~Jwt"r t~J ap}Xiin-t any ;;lgenl or agt"oh It ma~ tle:>,ut' hlt- thr PU,fp-t~'( ~li
<br />f~~ FlUt>>~!\ and--of tc:fUJt\I the ~m~ anl.i ...X\Ut'\:ung me re-nh. teve-nu'e') i.wd tncume. ,!flU H nItty pa~' ,,,t (tJ ..aId !ft'.
<br />..:(~ all CAJ!iC!'flH':3 of u-piUrin,. ~ fll'(!mls<'~ aoo nCU:!'S4t) ;,;'ommh),ion~ aoo c.\pc-nse-\ ilKurf~ti in n.ntwg ;tfHJ nhma~tng fht.'
<br />~Itle;m.j <>f c<I/~lilll. ",malo Iherdn"'L lhe tWart<:c remainilll!, If an~. to tlt' "l'plinlIL'"ard the J"~h,,r~c o( ,aid m,"tlt""C
<br />l1l<k~o
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />S., TI";;;i b;;- 1it;it i.:~!= ilnpf.v~~h n;._H~' t:.'htl:1j ~.:! t.~fe,;Hef ~te";;-!*,J ~'!on- !he mt,~nWl-~~..J r;..tv:-rrly. H1~med ;_~, In;n ~w
<br />toQ.w.rod th.~ rime w Hmt: h-y the MOftJB~ ./I.(lilfll_st Ji:t.!O~ b~ fiff" and nfbtr h~l.ard~, '~'~-J.:i>u4Hlt" ~mt.1 ":'lH1hn~Ih.:H:" In ~m:h
<br />~.. aDd-im -~b-~tvd),-~ BUt)' he' requu-ed by the Monglti<< ~mJ \\-iil ray pH.Hnplh. <A.h~l) Jut:. ;Jn~' prl'mmm.. t'l--f! ~m.h
<br />in$-Uf~ "'CWl~ for_-p;ay_al ~ wh-ldt ~ ~Il o<<-n made here-inbe{i.)fc. An !rplllf~j'H,~r -.;,hai! he ",',tined in t..:~.nipanit''' <If'
<br />ptt>Vcd '" 11te~" ",ld th.!. pOO.,:;"'~ and rene...als lhereof 'h"ll he held 1:-\ lhe .\lmlil"ge< and hUH" ,,"",hc,llh<r<h' I""
<br />pay'- ('.JlU!!C-l in f.a\':Ot iU -Md in form ac.:eptabk f() tAt MOft~c. tn <"lo~nl of ~ln MOTf~I,)~ "-'lJJ ~Jvt: Hllmi,.'dmte- nlJlI>.:t' h,
<br />mattto' ~ .~~ w-lK.\ mAY ,~ pr~ of kl'J.'- if tlll~ -m1Uk pliJmrtly 11-v ;\-iorl~of _ :lnt.i eal.:h m,un,m~c ;.._,imp~n\ ..:fln-
<br /><'llIfllll4lf ~ ~MW diw,'~<ll" malo: I,.~mcfl( t,,, ",,,h ",,' u,re"h liJ Itw Murlwer ""Ie"" I'; I" tile Murll'''tlW
<br />_,tlteMot~ j<!intly, 11M the ,ll"'UIl". "",,<<,1$. L~. an} I',UI ,here..l. ma, ~ "fll'lied b; lhe M"T1!l>tllee "t th "l't~H' ..thu
<br />ktt_~_.lIt.i_.~_ltcr~y _'''~ <1t k'lhe 'e>!ural/onill 'tp,oltul Itlep"'I'l'fl; uarn.'1f"" I".'<lll ,,! "".d"
<br />_ill _1lI(l/:.....<>f '_It~ttilf of title ,<> lhe IT\!Jf!llall~ pt'tpC'll); lfi ., llllllUl>llmenl ,.f ! h. ""khledne "'e, """I heu!>;
<br />"'-fflDt't,_tidt~_~_i'llJt l".Mor~ milfld to Kn;'-i_n'lunUll.~t p\'~bclt,~ tn.:--n HJ ftln:t' .,hall p.a....~ Ii) the: pUfchal"er tlf ~fant('<
<br />,. 11P4.-. ~--1Od- ('~"'.t se,,:,urtt;. (Ot- tM Vit;'ment t-rf the nole dt~'n~d~ ~ln-,i aU ...um~ h~ t:oc".,HIW ,life lHhkr flit...
<br />~_,'" t"_~ ~"a...~ ie the M:t)l,~ aH "roft~s. f1:,,~m.t(:~, t.-.'!\-aHl('~, flithb-, ilnd lwnt'lif_" ~h;.TUf'\!t ~.l,"I~e
<br />- ~ ~,~ ~ k1tUJi Oil ~ pre:m-li!loe-~, 'ik'lth UNl' ngM ~{.l ft:t.::('~\'(;. ~n,j n:-":'-i.',fP( hH' the ,..\Un€, Mlr.l ,-lp'ph
<br />t.,.,;", _ _, _ ~l~l,btf~'ift;iI.'ii,~lklJ Mi\t""t_~d~{:('ftditK\j)~,of f-tm, m~)ngajC, ~1~)tJ ~~ :'''(It"t~f:-t' fUa~ iltnMnJ,~ "'u('
<br />~,___~~<< ,." V-:t_1U:!!t '*'M,n -due:- aOO v.)~_~ but l!.ban flljf he t~<<!:ttd ...n 1(' iht f hh ~""ilt",mt"m l'<l III tt'tn1H'\..i\W
<br />Ollld,*_.. .rmll ;m.j V* <lll>>il f"~",,,, "t !.m. a....'_ ^
<br />
<br />"lJCi>'!i)I,i-}M 1;---'\
<br />