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<br />I <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />ThiS form IS used in connection <br />with mortgages insured under the <br />one-- to four.femi'y' provisions' of <br />tne National Hooting Act <br /> <br />83~on3796 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />Tfi:lSMQRTG.AGE,madeandexecutedt!tis 18th day of July .A.D, <br />19 83. ,by IiIId benv_ Eugene V. Ulmer and Rhonda P. ULmer, Husband and Wife <br /> <br />oUheC<.lI1lItyof <br />theMl'II1lJlllIOr.and <br /> <br />Hall , and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, bereinafter called <br />SUperior Mortqs'iJe, me. <br /> <br />II !:Ot'JlOfation orpniud Jllld existing under tbe laws of <br />party of the second Patl.hereinafter called the MorlJllaee. <br /> <br />WITNF)iSETH: That the said M<>r!glIgOr, lor and in consideration of the ~um of Fifty Six Thousand Six <br />Hundred Fiftv and NQ/10Oths ---------- DollarslS 56,650.00 l.paidbytbeMor!. <br />p~lM r<<etpt <>f whicli .. lilereby ackllOWledged. bas Granted and Sold and by tbese presents does Grant, Bar- <br />tl<<in, SefI. C",wey aod Confirm unto the Mortgllgee. ils ,w:cessors and assign!;, forever, lbe following-<lescribed <br />real eSlale, ,,_ted in the C""nll' of flAIl . and State <br />of Nel>r'aska.lo wit; <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />Lot Twenty-Two (221, Fonner View <br />Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall <br /> <br />County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />of the SiMII Princ'l'l'l Meud<all. "Onl"mm~ If! aU <br />tne'tlt Wl"n;:} . <br /> <br />TO HAVI' .'l.N[) Tn HULl)!he f'""m,,,,,, ,,!><".,' "e""i'>ed. "i.1l "lithe 'l'l'urleuall<'<' 'I..reunlo i-elongmg and ,"cluJl!l~ <br />.iJll beattna. rhnnbit1.l ~nrl hgtUJtli h\fure-\. .and e~ulpm('m fiuw \\t ht:-reafter ..tHa1..:hcd t..,l1Jf u\:ed to nmnedion wjth ,aid real co;,tatc.' <br />utttc tilt- Mott~. ~nd. 10 th 'lK~c-":I'<<.1f~ ~Hld ;t,'l-:'\.I.j(n'\. ftlfc-vr:r. ~ M()rt~l(tf rt:pr~~cm~ to. ~Ind \."o\r'~n~nh \nth. '-he Mortgs- <br />tt<<'~ that tfit McttNiK ha~ (..l!tA-ttJ nd\l hJ 'l.t:H and ':':t1-n'i"e~- \J.ld rt('mi~'!l-, that fOe\- art" h<<.~e J'rom t',fH:umbn,Ul,e; und that the- <br />Mur1~)( wilt Warnuu ~ -Llt::ltnd tb(-_ ,&:n-e d~am:\! !~ :A\\--{ul ~'f>t.m~~ ~d itH P<<~Hl'\;. whOm-"HC\tf. MlO the \ald MurtpgOf heft'- <br />h}: re1inqUIlM,\ all f-iibh ,"~i h4..)Ste~t~. ant.i aU marnaf nghh. either tn 1<i'A Of to "quit;! dntl aU of her \-'Hlltingt'nl ml(f(:~t~ of the <br />Mort~ in and hJ (~a~~"e-de\'<nlht\i ptrml~"", t~ tntenlkHl ht;m~ hi ton'vt:\-' hefl:h~ .it) .io'i(\lute Ultc, in ke ..imrle. Indud, <br />In&all ritdth ~~f home-_tt~.;,..~. anJ (l-thcr n!rilh und mhni'~h ~\ ,~fOfe-";1~,-i <br /> <br />,h.:rt1'S t.u.'corthng to G(l-"ern~ <br /> <br />I>JtOVIDEn A I.W A rs. and 1M'" pre,e"h .,< e '''''''!eU.11<I <kl"'cred up"" t~ following .:"ndibon., tn wI!' <br /> <br />l11e Mor'IaIl')f ...."". tOl"'~.t"!IIe MOfI~, "If ordel, thel'r!"",!,'; .um "f Pifty Six Thousand Six <br />Hundr<<i FUty And NollOOths -------- 14IU"'H~ 56,650.00 !. <br /> <br />"'nil inleltit Inun Jalc at Ii." lat< Of Twelve and One-Half 1"" ,,,,,Wm \ <br />lIIe ""~ balan<< tU.ti! pow, Tho .aN prli""""l .00 intere" ,!taU he p.~,.bk at the office of <br /> <br />12.50 t 1":< .nnum "n <br />Superior MOrtgage, Inc. <br /> <br />,n Gr~ Island. Nebraska ,"'.1 ,uch other ria", '" th< holder ,.f <br />Iltcc n<>lec _~ de..~< in ",rift"'. in IOOnlllly ;n.!allment> d Six Hundrt1ld Four and 60/10Oths ---- <br />__________ f)olf.....,$ 604.60 . >. COm"te"cillg on lhe Ii,,! d", of <br />~-.ber .19 83.. \.H1IM tlrst day tJf each month I'hettitrtCt unt<< 1hc principilJ and 10- <br />tert:st ate m~ p8W; ~~cq>> tn.1 the <<1m! pa).mt'nt ~)f principal and tntere\_l, if O(;t "i"H~}twf p~uJ. ..hall he. liue ,md <br />",y;ohW (\(\ tbe liBt day of Atl'iJust. 2013 . ,,,II a.:cordmll!;' the term, 0' ",'<fla,n 1'''''''''- <br />wry 00l< "f nM illite here..ithe,",,_ilby the ;,aid Mutlpg<.'f, <br /> <br />l"Il\'<~~ m<lfdet nn'ft lull~'l,) l'.<>l<<tlhe ...~ur;t, olllli> M."tlfollic, "lite., <br /> <br />L 'T\Iat he w>il ""J' tbe ind!>btedlW<', ll> het'..inbeh".. ".",'1<1<4. ,,"vd<ti. ;, r<>t".d l\l pa, rhe debl in whole, <" ,n all <br />-~"'- <lttll<'<<< "''''"tlly I'l'ym.lllli (>11 thCl'rindl"tlthal ,,,. nut dUe on rhe nOle, '''' the firs! ,I,,~ of ''''y ",ollth <br />Pf'itv tc* ~,~ .A\l~.. MW'tffl,.- 'fba.t \\Tfit1('D nutk~ of ~n ip.-f.ent.k.~n to 1/':,-en:+"t'" ~u~h prhdejtt 1-'!o !tl\-t"tl at it",a,,~ ihir{~. t .\(H <br />..u.J.prlOrtoFt"'~t, <br /> <br />J, '_,1'- ",itl't..~ in IId4lIitlnl<>.lbe_tblyl"ty_1tl, of prlIWl\'lll and Illl...'.'t panhle llnd<r the te"'" "I lh< <br />~~,~,,~pay It, the M9r~. "n the fin. d">.>/ t'a<b ll\\ntd, unld the "'''' f\l". " full~ paul, 'be <br />~...: <br /> <br />be) ~\5U{~t tv pnMtlll .~li<>kklr hel""r..ilh fund, IU pay the neXI ,,,...tll\ltl,, llI,u,""", .""""un,,, !Iu, <br />'~~l Illld .lb., :~ .~:tf~.n~~f~bY. ~.c Wi\u~~ fJi' !.J n'!VDlhiy ~h~t#t /in hot o..t d fl~i qt~..t.~ mJ1'uV'Kt. pn'" <br />_)I(.!hlIr ~u1>.!<ltJj<. Tll.' li!>t:11tl!llY.t,fUt>T<!iinl\uw.l'trn.rllle"d"l'lll<:.m.", t"lh,w, <br /> <br />.u if .~ ~l}~~,::jl~n~' _n-ut:e. nt .~m ~k ;1M tht$ i~lHtiJ'ifin $t(' ~"lW~C\.t 0."1 ii~l.' 1.f('l.n~lHnJ HuJ('i !ht, ph' <br />~.~~j''k~~ A<:.t.l?~ ";ilVUlH ~uni\.j~tl{ h:~ ;iK:nUJ:Uit..}.{{: ten the !1.A-n-..h, ul \h~' HuMer \'!H <br /> <br />~'-:t~.l!'iI!lt.*~"jJj"1H.....>l1il_. '. ,,,,__ <br /> <br />HArt. (). "'.I>>t.AS>:t\ <br />'.H)f} :i-1~'~ 1'JM t'!- J9i <br />~'>Ij t:f "'-~ ;;'..10..1 t~l' <br />