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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />83-003796 <br /> <br />JOc That the ~r will keep thebui/dings upon said. premises in good repair. and neither commit nor permit waste <br />uprlIl.saidlatld, nor .s~r!he said premis6 to be used for any .unmwfulpurpose. <br />1l.)rhatif~pnlftIiws..or any part thereof. be condem~ ullder the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a public <br />use,Cthe1laln1l.enWaFded' !he proceeds for the taking of, or the consideration for such acquisition. to the extent of the full <br />anmiJlItof illdebt~llpo1l tltit mortpge.and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assigned by the <br />M~", !he ~,and sbaUbe paKHorthwithlO said Mortgagee to be applied by the latler on account of the next <br />~~of-mfndebtedneS$. <br />l2:11\c ~.fllJ'tbet ~ t.bsIt shoWd rhis mortgage and the note seeured hereby not be eligible for. in. <br />~ll1lderlheN~IIiOUsillJ~t witliin ,. sixty days. from tbe date hereof (wrinenslatement of any officer <br />oftM'~ofHousillJ aRC! Urban Devel09ment or authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban <br />Dc~dlICed 511.~lo !he sixty days. time fromlbedate.of this mortgage. declining 10 insure said <br />nole.andtltil' l'Imrtpge. ~ deellledcouclusive pj'QIlf of sucil ineligibililjll. the Mortgagee or holder of the note <br />may; at itsoptioft, dtcl1irull sum' sectJl'fl!dbereby immediately due and payable. <br />t), 'TIiat if the~ faits 10 make any payments of money when the same become due. or fails to conform to and <br />COl!llIiY.~' anY of the (;0llditi0flS or agreements. Ctll\tainedin this mortgage, ortheuote which it secures. then lhe entire prinei- <br />pll!.1II1!A.. and 8ec:ruedi_est sbllll at onc:ebeco~ due and payable. at the ejection oflhe Mortgagee; and this mortgage may <br />thercupot>bef~imntcdiatety for the wbole of said money. interesl. monthly payments. rosts. ground rents. taxes and <br />lbec_ofex~the,absUact of.litlefrom tbe dale of lhis loan 10 the time of commencing sucb foreclosure suit. and a rea- <br />SOODbie. a\Ull'lIey's fee. all of wtrieb shall be included ill the decree of lforedosure; and tbe courractembodied in this mortgage <br />and'the_ ~ bereb)', sball in all re<pect!J be gQverned, construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska. where the <br />-# Inl!de. <br />1'be<:l,We_1S bel'ein coutalned sball bind. and the benefit. and advantages shall insure to, the respective heirs, executors. <br />a6slinistrators..w;cesso,. and assign!l of the panies bereto, Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plural. the <br />pluratttJe~.and the use of any gender .baU be applicable to all genders. <br />n.ef~ conditiom. all and singular, beillll performed according 10 their natural and legal import, this conveyance <br />shall be void._ $Ilid premises released at the expense of the M,mgalOf; otherwise to be and remain in full force and e(fecL <br /> <br />IN wrtNESSWHEREOF, the Mortll!IBol'l$l1ui va <br />above wriuen. <br /> <br />hereunto "'t <br /> <br />their <br /> <br />luindls) the day and year first <br /> <br />fn pre$etlCe of; <br /> <br />5'~j . !,> i <br />( ..(~v..'^ l! Ltls"'----- <br />Euqe, V. Ulmer <br /> <br />ISEAL] <br />ISEALl <br />(SEALl <br />[SEALI <br />(SEALI <br /> <br />~?{.4..J J! 'tU~:.V <br />honda P. Ulmer <br /> <br />Sf' ATE Of' NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />COUNTY Of HALL <br /> <br />0lItt\is 18th dayof <br />a Notary Public <br /> <br />} st: <br /> <br />~~..E} <br /> <br /> <br />. A,[}, 19 83 . bef....e me. <br />in and for..,j;l COWlI)'. perwnally came <br /> <br />July <br /> <br />l!:u9- V. Ulmer and RhondA P. UllMr, Husband and Wife <br /> <br />Co be the.idetKil1at..- """'"_ <br />.....__. Morta:ttor, and <br />~Ilweofto", their <br /> <br />are <br />they have <br /> <br />. pel'SOltally 10 me known <br />aJIIu.d to the above .lId fore. <br />actJlo"ledeed the uid instrument and the <br />volUlltary ad and deed. for the PUfIlOHS therein expressed. <br /> <br />IlIIe'$Iiaatmy llI'hen!of.l ha1Ie Ilcreu_ set my lwod and .abed by nOl:U.!a~ Grand Island. ~raska " <br />tlOl.....y.6alelulaboYewrittetl. ~.. ~ JL <br /> <br />f' '/7---;:::;:" \~ <br />. - N<<My I'IIblk <br /> <br />(/ <br /> <br /> <br />STATROF NUJt.MKA <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />I'iIoId t.,....... <br />.:;. ..'did:; <br />nll"~'_"" <br />_ of <br /> <br />.,of <br /> <br />A.D, 19 . <br />M..lItldentcreditt N_icallndea. and <br />of "'0II1IIIiCS. 011 <br /> <br />RcaiRer of Deeds <br /> <br />... ......... <br /> <br />~..?eI <br />
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