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<br />I <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />83-003757 <br />9. CoiidemDiii1oii. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part tber~of. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total laking of lhe Property. lhe proeeeds shail be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />wilh lhe cxc.... II any. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />olherwise agree 10 writing. there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal 10 thaI proponion which Ihe amount 01 the sum. secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bean 10 the lair market value of the Propeny immedialely prior to lhe dale of taking. wilh lhe balance of the proceeds <br />paid lO Bonowcc <br />If the Propeny i. abanJoned by Borrower. or if. atter notice by Lender to Borrower thaI the condemnor olters 10 make <br />an award or sellle a claim for damages. Borrower fails 10 r..pond to Lender wilhin 30 days afler Ihe dale such nOlice is <br />mailed. Lender i. authorized to collect and apply the prO<.-ceds. at Lender's option. eilher to reslOl1ltion or repair of the <br />Property or to Ihe sun.. "ccured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower OIherwjse agree In writing, any 5uch application of proceeds to principal shall Qot extend <br />or poslpone the due date 01 the monthly inslallments telerred to 10 parauaphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />~uch inst.allments <br />'0. Bonowrf Not Rekased. bten~on of the lime lor payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />hy this Deed of Tru~t granted hy 1 ("nder to any succeswr In Interest of Borrower shalt nOt operate to release, in any manner, <br />tbe liabtiity of the ongmal Borrower and Borrower'~ SU,"L:C~~urs III interest. lender shall not be required to commence <br />pnx:eedings against ~uch succe~or or refuse to e:\tend lime tor paymenr or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />~ccur(d by thi). Deed of Trust by reason of any demand ma~e h)' fhe original Borrower and Borrower's sue<:esson in interest. <br />J I~ J"orbnoutct' b)' l...e....' Nee a W.h~r. Any forbeara.occ by Lender 10 exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />othcrwi~ afforded bv apph~ablc la..- shall not be ~i waiver of l>r preclude t~ e.\ccclse of any such ripl or remedy. <br />rhe pnxuremcnt of l-osuraocc or the Payment of (a~es ur other hens or c.harges by Lender shall not be a Wllver of Lender's <br />right 10 ac;.:,.dcratc the maturity of the indebtedness )'t.~urcd hy thiS Deed of Trust. <br />12. RellM"4ks Cumulat,vf-. AU remedies pro\'IUt:d III thl'\; Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />or fcrnc:u~l onder thl~ Decd uf Trust or .ttforded h~' law or C"l'Ull}', and may be exercised concUJ'R:Dtly, independently or <br />,.u"~r~el) <br />13. Sot............ and A~.... 80_: JoIal .nd Se..nt1 U~biIIty; C.ptio-. The covenanl> and agreemenls herein <br />~ont.aUled ~hal! hltld_ ~nd the :ighh hereunder !>-hall inure h), the res.pective successors and anigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />!l.ubject h'1 lhe prO~'tSlOru. of paragraph t'7 hereof All (;ovcnants and .i.tlrttments of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />the ~aptJOm. and heading!;. ot (he paragraphs of' lhh [ked \It "' ru~t tire jor convenience onty and are not to be used to <br />interpret 0r define the proVf.stOf\:s hereof. <br />14. NutK~. E'\cep! tor any nottCe requncd under 'lppltl.-"~ble law (0 be given in another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provtded for In this [)oed oC Trust 5haU be given by m,;uilng ~ucb notice by certified. mail addressed 10 Borrower at <br />the '.)rnpefty Addr~ (Ir at ~uch other addra.s. ,,~ Borruwer may destJ11atc by noUce to Lender as provided herein, and <br />(b) any llotll:(" fO l_ender \haU be gt'~cn by c-It:rtlhcd mall, return rcceipt requested. fa Lender's address at.ted herein or to <br />"lKh ..,ther ..dJlc~s d~ Lender may dc1agruate h)' mHtCc In Ut)Hv~er as provided herem_ Any notice provided for in this <br />Dec-lJ \.}f Tnnt \haU be J<<med 10 have been gl\;cn 10 60Ht->4el or Lender when given in lhe: manner dcsianated herein_ <br />IS. l)nflorm IHflt of TJ1lSt; (;o.~...... l...~~ Sc-~.rabitily. nu~ form of deed of Iru!t combines uniform covenants for <br />natIonal u\c ~ll\1 (lun-UIUlorm i.:OVcnants wllh Im\ltcU Vi&rtallotl::t. hy Jurisdiction to comt!tute a uniform security instrument <br />covctm" real pwpcm 11>" Deed of TrusI .hall he governed hv the law 01 lhe Jurisd,cllOn in which lhe Property is loe.led, <br />In the event th..t ..IlY ('1'0'o'13010n or d.utiC ot thi) fkc:d tJI lrU~1 ll( tbe Note ,,:on8.c15 with applicable law, such conflict shall <br />not affed otner pfo\'i-\tOn~ of lhl~ Deed of Tnut ur the NOle which I:an be Ilven eflcct wlthoul the conftictin. provision. <br />4nd hI Itu"-, cutl the p10Yi..luns 01 the Deed tA Tru'1 J.mJ Ihe NtHC drC' declared 10 be lCyerable, <br />I'. "',ru..~.'. Copy. Iiorw.."r .hall be lutn,>hed a "","mued copy of the Note and (If lhia Deed of Trusl .1 the lime <br />\)} t:.\CcuttuH (It ;jtt~( !L"(.~ord..bon hc.reoi <br />17. uf (~Property; ~ If all uf ~ny P';UI of the: Property or &0 in Ie rest lherein js sold or transferred <br />hy RuffQ~er WUfu)U1 Lt:nder'~ pnor wfuten ~onM::nt, ~"duJmg \ J.l the ~reaHiJn of 3 hen Hi' encumbrance. 5ubordina.te to <br />thl~ Dee-d of T1U!j.I, lbj the \.-realn.m of 3. pun:h.ibC mun<"l \C~Ultl)' tnterest for household apphaoca. (e) a transfer hy devise, <br />~.:nt Of b\' t,lP("f ab-un llf t"",- upon the tialh uf a t~,1tfH h:nalll lH i d} lhe aunt of any h:aKhold interest of three years Of leu <br />not \.,'Ol1t.llflUlg .HI l'ptU,.ln 10 pu,c~. Lender O\a~. .It i cf'hkt \ l)pta)-f\, JecI.1FC i.llllbe ).unu. ~urcd by thi! Deed of Tnnt to be <br />Hnn~d!dldy uUt.' dU.J ~""'~dbk- ~hall h"vc- W.4it"'ut \l.l;(,.h \lphUfl to j.c-ce-fc,ate if. prior 10 the ule or trander, Lender <br />and the pcl \-l..Hl HJ whom _lhe "'ro~fCY " 141 be ~olo ~lf tf~u~tcffed tCKh .,rcetl\C:nt In writmg that the credit of such pcr..oo <br />i' )..di.lJoI~t.:t\.lr~ h) J cmlc-r ttwl IRe IntCt'hl p.;l)'abic ~m lhe '\.UIlI) ~urcd by Ihi;, l:>eed of Trust shall be at such fatc as <br />Lcntkr '\b",ll ft'4;,A~t It Lender h4\- wiu""t'd the ~lptn.lH tn ot((ctet4J(\.' provuJed to thi. pau,faph 17, aDd if Borrower's )UCCCSS()( <br />Ht mtC'{c...~{ h,i.) n..t.xu{w ,t WIttICH ~ph()n "'Itecm"'"t .u..~cpted lr1 wnuna by Lender, Lender shall releuc Borrower from <br />..II (.)hhuuon~ under ttu~ llc:c'd vi TrtAJ ii'\\! the N()tc <br />I(LcnJcf t..\.\:rCr~ \ucn (lpuun to l1h.:c-eltfiitC< l ,h.Jli nuul Uorrower notice of ou; in accordance with <br />~J'agJ.;lph 14 hcrc()L ~\Kh notice "hall prO"'ltk a pen,lJ III ~H~l k-",~ tha.n 30 da~ 'rom the dale the notice is mailed within <br />wh~h UUHo~'cr m.d~ !f.j,j" Ihe ~unn dc\:hifcd due It U\)rrl_~~Cf r,ul:\ h.~ tlaY such $ums pnor W lhe expiration of such pC'rtod. <br />Lelukr nUl). \lo-llnout IWlhcr n-oti~~ \u demand lin Ik)rh.l~ef. I!HOLC .0)' femedld pernuUed by par., 18 hereof. <br />N\i!\f-L",uURM ('OvtN-'N1S tkl-nowcr .lod l.cnticr hHthrr n)venanl ilnd A.ree Ai follows: <br />,.. ,\Hder~II...; k._cIW>. t:>........... _'*" io ....."ll.""" 17 Ilenef, ...... ............... ...... ol .., eov_ or <br />lIltlff-..1 ..f OOn...." in Ib.. IH:flI iii TnooI, ,............. In. "0'._ to ...., ...... d_ .., _ _...... b, 10 IHe4 <br />oll...... I.eod<. pricK 10 11<<*......... ...... mlIlI _it.-. 10 Bonu..", III ......loIe4 IA .......... 14 ......, OJI'lIdf,Iat, (II lbe <br />breacb, III I.... lOClioa '~lIirnl 10 <lift ""'.. breacb, tJl . d.... ..... ... u... 3fI "'10 r_ tile date t'" ....... is ......... 10 <br />IIonower. b) .....d. ...eb .......b _ be eern; --' (41 .11al f""- 10 cun ...... breach OIl '" bel... tile dale opedIlH <br />ia .lore nutin R"'.) rnWt in ll<e....ioa ol tile ..._ "",,,,ed by 10 0..1 01 T.... .... .... of tile ......,.. 1lIe 00liu <br />....... f"n"'r """0""" of I'" nc'" 10 __ ukr "H~ .... I'" riCIot 10 .... . .- lIdfooa 10 _rt <br />I.... _on_Ok. of a dellMlil u, ..y ollt<< dd._ of ""'.o..c, 10 ...fttentioA ......... If tbo IIn:adl ill _ ........ <br />on '" Iwfor. I.... dal~ 'p<<ific.d in llore DOtitt. I...... al tu.r', uplleoo ..,. ....,.... .. 01 tbo _ __.... b,. lIllo 0..1 <br />of" .""11,, .... lutn..........,. dw ....d pay.....~ 'un"', .ut...d 1lAfI_,. irr.... tbo ,.Wet 0I_1lAfI..,. .................... <br />""....illed '" """'i",,/ok Ia... b......... he .atilkd to eulkcl ..u rc-.IIIe c_ IlAfI .""'_ ........ IA JNIfOIfla& I'" <br />"'-..... pr." iokd in ..... P"hlJl...... II. iadarIliror., ..... _ limi(fId 10. '--'* _,.', r_ <br />If ..... PO_I of ""'" is in>olofId. T.-e ...... <<<onl . _N:~ of dri..... IA cado c_, irr ..Wck tbo ......,. '" som. <br />..... Iht.~of is ao.:ltlfld ..... _ ~ ....... ol _h _it.-. i. I'" _ _...... ., lIppIlc:dIe .... 10 .........e. 1lAfI1" lhe <br />"''''''' .......... .......,rilore4 by lIpffIIcaWe..... "'lei' the ~ of ><Kh I.. III _y he ~ b, ....... ...., T.-e ....... <br />ti.. puWlc _let of .. ." ..... ...- .... ia lhe __I pr_riIIed ..,. appIlcUIe Ia... T......... ..1dIooII de..... .... <br />"no...r. _ ""II the i'nlpa1.r At ..- ....... to tlore hilt.....1 bidder .1 I'" 11_ IlAfI ...... .... ..... I'" IHmO .........fId <br />... tbo _it.-. of ...., IA ...., .... ....... pat<<'" .... IA ......b o.der If> TnooIH -.y........... T.-e..,. .......... .... 01 .. <br />01' -y of the ..........,Y b.r plIhIlc _..._... .. ..... li_ IlAfI p/Ace of _, prnlar.l,. ............... ......... or <br />...-.'. tInia..... ut.y pure.... the .........y At aay .... <br />\1...... nnipt 011'11)__ 01 ..... pri<c * T....."" ..bllll drii.<< to the ~T....",,'. dHlt .....n1lat IIle .........ny <br />....... fhe f<<itah in .... T _', tlHd ..... Ile ,n.. I.... ..ideM<< oll'" I....... 01 lbe _ ..... lloreftI.. TnooI"" <br />...... ......,.1... ........-fIdo of lI1c .... IA tbe ,......... order: "110 lIII '--'* ~ --' n_ ol .... ... irM:......., ..... <br />_IiMltM to. 1....""'.,.... of _ __ u... _ 05 ... iii lhe........ ......e. "--"'" .._,.', r_ ud <U6ll of <br />:::.:..--.. I....".......... _.......,.... Deed 01 T......' and t.llbe n~ II..,., ." tile pc.- or...-1opIIy .ntltlc4 <br />.... lhwto'W-Ct.'..hI tu ~~ Notwdh\t.uu:hnj ll,~nde-t'\ ~..t;ii:ckn.uon 01 tnc S.un~ ~curcd by thn, llecd of I rU!Ioi, <br />itOHV'-'H _hitU n-...'t;! the na;ht 10 ha~e. an)' pUX:Ci.':dlfljt\ ~:8ull b) LcntJcr to enton:c Ihll l)eed l)-( Tnht d'$(:ontmu<d al <br />.nr time Stho\M _t~j in.: (',;rher HJ "~':Uf v( h) the fifth J;I)' hetVli." .he '4ft: of the ProperlY punUMot to the: p()w~r 01 ~k (ont",uk'd <br />in ttw'llo 1.~~'d-tJf I hl1l-{ ~Jf tll' ~Hi')' vI" It.tU'tn(ut cnlnhm~ lhl~ Il.:~~d 01 I'm.- iC: tl,) H.orrll~cr INt1' l.endtr..n Su.Ol1J whl(h '-'lJutd <br />be lhte:n ,lUI:: Hftf.kf d'u'\o tad H( ltUM. the NOle dud tlOlC\ ~~.lilln,t.t futUle' ^d'Vit1K'c..... If ..n)'. had no ~h;\:de,..ltl)n \_Il;~uf'rc-d. <br />~b' BoHHWCf ~HH'" ~H bft:-,K~ 0' any Vl"t\ef (:-U"Ctl41Hh lif ,l~fcerneub of liotfower \:unt.tncd III t!\tlt I~ llt f rU-~-L <br />f"') :tktHt..*e~ p.)lo ~H '\i!'llJ'O'fl4-Me c_'pt:~) tOCUHttJ hy 1,..'nder .HHi Tru'$fCc _ in Cnfl)f'!:U" lhe' I..'o\'cnanh and 4a'",,~m~flh ;\1 <br />8off~.t_i" i.":,nU"'W-i;Y- Hi UU-i ik<tJ: ,.of hUM iUlit 1ft cnfvn.l,uj: 1 i:th.h=t-, "00 "Ir,,-,"<<-'!j. (cfMdw:=\ in ph-waded 10 p3i"lnaph IS <br />hc,t<<4, H4,,"Jtf-~'; '"""t H~)~ lmt;,tcd to, r(.~bk ,otuv-ttl(:) ~ It."''\,,\ MHt uh tkw-ftlW'C1' t....C;\ \tK:h IitI,.'HOO Ai l.e-ndc--r "hi\- Eeay,m..tbh <br />~~n'f" h~ ,,*,",uH th~t l*_h;; hen uf lhft ~ 01 .1.u\C I ("fH,k,'" ;~!t('lt!;.l In the PrllpCt1)" -4-nd BOrl"\l~ef's,~n to j:lJi) <br />