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<br />83- 003757.
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<br />the SUIDS ",cured by IIUs Deedo! Trusl $hall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower. Ihis Deed o(
<br />Trusl and the obllgaltons secured hereby shall remain in full force and effect as if no acceleralion had occurred.
<br />Z&. ""iI"...-t of Ilents; A.......- of Receiver; l.HlIer in P--uo.. As addilional security hereunder. Borrower
<br />hereby asSIgns 10 LetId4>r the rents oOhe Property, provided Ih.t Borrower shall, prior to acccleration under pan.Sf1Iph 1M
<br />hereof or .b>lndonment of the ProperlY, have the righl 10collcCI and retain sucll renls as they b<<ome. due and payable.
<br />Upon acceleralJOnllnder paragraph 18 hereof or ab>lndonmenl of lhe Propeny. Lender. in penon. by agenl or by
<br />judicially .ppomled receiver. shall heeotitled 10 enler upon. lake possession of and manage lhe Propeny and 10 collcet the
<br />oems of the ProperlY including tboKpast due. All rents collecu:d bylcnder or lbe recciver shall be appliedjltsllo paymenl
<br />of the costs of manacemenl of the Property and collection of renlS. includioa. but oot limitC<lto,recc'Vlln fees. premiums
<br />on rccc.ver\ bond. and re.......ablcauorney's fees. andlhen to Ihe sums secured by this Deed of Trull. Lender and lhe
<br />rc<;el",r shall he Iiablo: to ""counl only for IItosc rcolS aClually received.
<br />21. F.....re Ad..- Upon request of Borrowcr. Lender. at Lender's option. prior 10 (ull rc<:onve~c of Ihe Propetty
<br />by T"l>tce h' 8orrowcr. may make Future Advances 10 Borrower. Such FUlllre Advances, wilh inlercsl lhereon; shall he
<br />secured by lhis Oc-cd of Trusl when evidenced by promi"",ry nOles S1atioalllal said notes arc secured hereby; Al no lime shall
<br />the princ.pal amount of the indebtedncu secured by this Deed of T rUSI. not including sums advaneed in accordance hercwilh
<br />10 protect the ""''''''y of Ihis De-ed of Trust, e"ceed the origmal amount of the Note plus US $.. .... ,
<br />Z2. ReeOllftyllllCe. Upon paymcnr of all sum, ,,",cured by this o.,ed of TI'tI$l. lender shall request Trl.stcelo reconvey
<br />the Property an<! ,hall surrender this Deed of TrUSI and aU note, evidencing indcbledn<>.. secured by Ihk Deed of Trust
<br />10 Trustee Truslee >haU reton""y lbe Property without warranlY and without charge to the pcrsonor person. leg:llly
<br />endded thereto. Such person or persons $hall p;ty aU costs 01 rec,nllatlon. If any.
<br />13. SulolrJrllle T_. under. at lender's opuon, may (rom time to time remove Trustee and 'appoint a s"""cssor
<br />trustee to.ny Trust"" appomted hereunder by an m<lrumenl recordell in the couory in whic:h Ihit Oeed of Trust ~ recordCLI,
<br />w..tt..... co...ey;ollce III lhe Property. lhe sue"""or tn",.. ,h..U ,ucceed 10 .11 the tllle. power and dillies "onfetred upon
<br />lhe Trust"" hercln ;ond by apphcable law,
<br />14. R...._ to< No<<iees. Borrower reqllCSU that eoplC> ot the notICe of dcfauh and ootic:e of sale be senl10 Dorro"""s
<br />addre>> which", the Property Addtess.
<br />
<br />IN WlTNts5 WHEREOf, Borrower has uecuted lh" Deed 01 Tr. ust. .. /7
<br />
<br />~ //y
<br />4~'" ) ~~.
<br />~~~<. .~~.,.. ...............
<br />Richard M. Bacon -_e_,
<br />'::':'~j/ /,,,,,,,, ~i
<br />/).~ ,'.... ...,/~.,.,..................
<br />,,' Hada J. " con -1IOr__
<br />
<br />Su IT Of NUkASKA. ,1I1j.W. . , ,County u:
<br />On Ihi, l!it;h day of. July , 19 8}. before me. the undcniancd. a Notary Public
<br />duly comnll""oMd ..nd quahlkd lor said county. p"r\on;oU, lame, ,Uic.ha::d.~., BA<::Q.n . and. llAda.oJ:.. B/1J::Qn,
<br />. JiuSbo.nd. a."1d .Wife" .,. ,. '. ,..... .. '.. ,'. to me known to be the
<br />td.:nllcal pcrsofll ,) who,", nameh) are ,ubs<:nbctl to lhe '''r<golOg lO.trument and aclmowledgl:d the <",'Cution
<br />lherco/lo be" their. volunury act and ..!eed
<br />W,ln"", my hand and Doumalltal.l, . Gn'flll ~!lii).OO" N~l;lHltt". ,
<br />date "iores:ud.
<br />
<br />. . . , . . in said couOIy, the
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<br />..~' ~~'
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<br />. . ..C: Jl'I.k::.. . ~ ... .. . " ..
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<br />My Comnll"",,,)fi CAp"".
<br />
<br />~.~;'==-.J
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<br />
<br />ToTRU51U;
<br />
<br />Th, undct$lgtled I. the holder ollhe nOle or "01" ,..'cured hy lhls Deed of Trust. SAid nOle or nOl~". together
<br />with all other lIluebINne>>' ",,",urN by this 0eeU 01 T ru,l. ha _~ been paid in full. YOu are hereby direc:ted 10 cancel
<br />~id 11{1le Of "'lies i.II'Ii1llll~ 0eeU of TeUS!. whICh are ..kh_cred heeeby. and 10 r<<onvey, withoul warranl)'. all the
<br />~lc now held hy YO\l under thl> Ol:ed 01 Tn"l to the pcr......" or peoons leJaIl)' entitled lhereto.
<br />
<br />Date; ,
<br />
<br />lS-jMC_ ..... lrt<.l< l.,'" ~.Mf"H f'ltl ~ .. M~)
<br />
<br />L
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