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<br />I <br /> <br />UNWORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as folioWl: 83- 003 757 <br /> <br />I. "",,_I of Prladplll allll 1..-. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late eharges as provided in the Nole. and lhe principal of and interest <br />on any FUlurc AJvam.."C.~ secUrL-d by this Deed of Tru~t. <br />2. ..... for T_ ..... 1_. Subjecl to applicahle law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to l.emler un the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds"j e<iual to one-twelfth of the yearly laxes and assessmenls which may auain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on lhe Property. if .ny. ph" unC-lwc\flh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installment. ror mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably esrimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of asseumenl. and bills and reasonable estimales thereof. <br />The Funds sha1J be held in an institution the depos.its Of accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />"'ale agency (including Lender ,f Lender is such an inst,lu,,"n!. Lender shall apply the Funds 10 pay said taxes., <br />imufaoc'C premiums and ground rents. Lender may not ';~fgc for so holding and applying the Funck. anaiyzlOg said accounl <br />or verifying and compiling ~atd assessments and biHs.. unless. Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permitS' f .cnoor to make ~uch a charge. Borrower and I_coder may agree in writing at (he lime of execution of this <br />Deed of Tru!!it that tOlerest on (he- Fund" shall be paId 10 BOfTower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requir~ such _,nteres.t to be paad. Lender shall not be requued 10 pay Borrower any IOlercst or earnings on the Funds. I.ender <br />~.aJt Stve to Horrowcr, without charge.. an annual accountmg of rhe Funds s-hOWtng CredltS otnd debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for caeh debit to the Funds was made. The Fund. are pledged as additional sceunty for the sums secured <br />by thi, Deed "f Trull. <br />If Ihe amou"t "r the Funds held by Lender. toge'hcr with the futllre monthly instaUments of Funds payahle pllor ,,, <br />the due d14tes. of Ia.xC\. assessments. Insurance ptemtums <lOU grmmt.l rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said ta-xc'\, <br />auess.menb. Hlsurancc premiums and ground Tents as 1 hc-y l.tH due. such cxceu shaH he, al Borrower's option. either <br />promptty repauJ to Borrower or credited to 80l'fOWCT \)0 momhly installments of Funds, If Ihe amount of Ihe FUAd, <br />he'd by Lender ~h:t.U not be sufficient to pay taxa.. aSM..~~mcnh., in!i.uraoc'C premiums and ground rents as lhey rail due. <br />Borrower 5hail pay to l.ender any amounl fJccc.sury to mflke up the deficiency Within 30 days from the dale "otke is mailed <br />by '-"nder 10 Bormwer requestiog payment lhereof. <br />Upon payment in full 0; aU sums secured by thiS Oecti of Trust. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />heW by Lender If IInde-.f p:ir:.tgraph 18 hereof the Property I" -..old or the Pr-operty IS olhcrwlsc acqUired by Lender. l.ender <br />shatl apply, no biter lhan im-fi1C'diately prIor to the :\",'c: \)f Ihe P-ropeny or ils acquiSItion by Lender. any Funds held hy <br />Lender at the tune of application as a credu againsl the \t:.'Curcd hy dus (leed of Trust. <br />J~ ApplicJdion of Pa)1lleIlts. Unteu appht.::able Id",," pro\.ldcs otherwise. aU paymen1~ received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraph, I ..nd 2 hereof shaU be applied n)-. : ':I'ldcr ftnt In paymenl uf amounb payable 10 lender by BorroweT <br />under paragraph 2 he,Teot. then to Interest payabie on the NOh.'o then to the prinCipal of (he NOle. and then to interest and <br />print:JpaJ Oft any Future Advances... <br />4. C~ Borrower shall pay aU l~u.c,"" .t\5e",~malh ,uld other (hargcs... tine, and Impositions allrihutablc to <br />the Property wh~h may ~ttai:n a prloruy over ttuJ. Deed 1.1( TrUil. .md leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, in the <br />manner p,ov<<kd u..'ldu p-arag.raph 2 hereof or, tf H-ot p,J,M.l m ~\h.'h manner, by Borrower making payment. when due. directly <br />10 the payee lhcreut Borrower ,haJJ promptJy fUflU'\h HI Il~mkr ...U notK:.e!; 0-1' .amounts due under Ihis paraaraph. and in the <br />event Butnlw<< !oha.H ma.k.e payment duecdy, Bonowcl .-.hall prnmpd)' 'urn~ to l.ender rt:celpta c-videnclOg su,"h poilyme-nts. <br />8ofro'A-t::r ...halt prumpl))' dtw;;c .any Hen ...-h~h hill. pnuwy O\\'J Ihl\ I~ of Trust; prOVided. that Horrowcr shall nof he <br />requlrel..i h) 4h~hafKe .!ny ~rn;h hen \U lonl .n Rorrowcr ....hall ..~,cc In wntmg to the payment of ,he obligation sC4:urcu tly <br />,uc-h Isem In OJ manner aC1.;cptable ~o Lender, \If sh.1I In gOt-ld Luth cuntnt ~Hch hen by. or defend enforcement of slIl.:h hen Ill, <br />k'g~i pfnn.'~(:t.hng... Vo'hk:h llpclale W p-KVent the cnll.tfi.:CfflCnl tlI 1 he hen {)r forfeilUre uf Ihe Property or any part thereof <br />S. II...... ....~. Uurru"~r ,haJl \.ccp (he HUP-fiJ"h"lJH,:nh now C_'IMIOg or llctcuhcf cf"c\':lcd on the Property lllMIH:d <br />3A-.utht !(M.... Ii)'" tue. h..tUfOlo mdudcd wilhlll Ihe h:nn '~'\ll'lldl..~lJ >.o\!cragc", _.lUd ,"ul:h ulhcr halanb .n t, cnckr mOl)' n'4IlHl' <br />and In such .t.Otvunh .lad for ."tll.:h penod, d tt;nd.:r may i1;4u~n'. provukd. th.u Lcn\1cr ..h..U m,"/.( reqwte thai the amount \'1 <br />'S-uch i.'O~~f.ilg(: c~\.:r:ed that aJfKlynl of t:t3V~fagc n:'qutrc-d li1 f.hH the S.uffl\ ~urcd by ,hiS Deed of Tntst <br />lbe: in$UfdtK:C (,arner ptovu.!ml the lrl",ur...ftt:c ..hall he ~ tw\-\~n by BorrowC"f ,"ub,C":1 tll app:fiJval by I cndcr: luovldeJ <br />that xuch apProval 5-haU not be unreawn"bty wttbhdd AU pr'Cnuutn:l 00 insurance pohcla shaJl be paad in the manner <br />provuicd under pouaarapb 2 hcn:of Of. jf not p.ld HI liow.::h lI1..tnncr. hy nOrr-oWCl' makln. p&yment, when due. directly 10 the <br />~Q&UJ1lDCc carner. <br />AU JU'WHtnCl': poh-i.::tn; .uuJ nme:w.ab th.cR"OI :\tuu be III hH 111 ..\-t,:cptaWe It) LentJe. and ,haU Indude a J.umdanJ mt)rfg~gc <br />daUK to filvor ill and In fl'''rm ;Kf..'f:pt~t>>e to Lcndc:r I "n~( ,.llo.IU hil\'C lhe ught tn huhJ rhe policies and renewals. thereof. <br />aad Bo-rro~'C,. ~h;"1 promptly furntd\ 10 Lender ;dj rlto<..-..I Holl":\:' and ,aU rccclph of pdlJ prem1Um~. In the: evenl t)1" lo\~. <br />8uffU\4;er \ha.u give plumpt notH.-C to the mltUiloce- ;":tolrnct .Aml 1 cmkr. Lender may male:: p-rou( of 10M 11 nOI made prumplly <br />by 8ono, <br />Unk:i..\ Lemkr aud BOHuwcr f~therwls.e ..rt."'t" Ul ""-rumg. llhurancc prtxCC<k ~h;.t;iI be: appht."d to reilonattOn or repair llf <br />Ih~ fJrol-lC'rt)' Jdtnar;L.,t pruHJctJ ~l.k:h In!ut.hc.ln Of ri;p.m l' i,.'l,-ltttV-fnKatly IC4~ible .Ul"'J the \C\:"uriiy of tht, lk"t::J 1Jf TW$l 1'. <br />nut tbc:reby impaHc:U, II ;.ul,:h rCS1ot.llOO or repair n, U-\ll ~l.lUtUHlh:.dJy fcutblt: Uf lllhe \C~tlnIY of Ihl~ Deed 01 -I tll~l wuuhJ <br />be imPA-tf'ClJ. the !ih-r.tfaiR..'C pt\K'fflh ,haU be .wheal to the )Unh 'lll"\2ored by lilts i..>cl:d \"}l Troy, wlah the e:..c~\, il an)', paul <br />10 tiorh'u.c:r. It the Property b by 8o.rh,w<r, .If tf UHUC,I'.-c:t la.l\ to JOpotMJ to Lender Within 10 dtty~ fmm Ihe <br />dale- nolk.:'C h. ft\.UIN by Lender to Botro~Cf Ihll (he Ill!lUn.Uh':C ... 4ruer ollen h.l $C:ule .. ~bum (m im.urance bcndils. Lentkr <br />i~ authuTiz('d h.l \:nU.."l ..and ..ppjy the: tnwnuk:." pfV\..C:C1b .H Lender', optIOn euher to r~tur...lton or repau of the Propcny <br />or It:) the lUlU:.. ')f.',..;urw by Ihi'), Deed of Trust. <br />Unlos. Lender and Borrower othcrwtse 4i'H~C In Willing, .m" ~~h ;:Applica.uon oj prm:cl."'lb 10 principal shaU not exteno <br />Of ~tpune the Jlk Jdle \)1 rhe month').' Ul,\tiUmc:m_:'l. fch:r,,~t.i tu In paraarapbs J and 2. hereof or cbanac the amount ul <br />such ImtaUnlent::o, It undcr paril&rapb 1t'I, bcrwJ tbe P'ropt'H) 1\ ,4":4uarN by l.ender. ;.all nght. tttle ~nd inte:re~1 of 8otrU\N~r <br />In .ll\d 10 ..n)' H\~ur...nce poi",~~ and in <lud to Ilk; PhXC'C-ih t~H;\,t r'bUhml Icul'll d&ma;:e to the Property p-nor 10 the ~alc <br />\-If ;H;.4tus.iJ.ih,,).n )n.U t....)o~ III Lcnucr to the c.\leot 01 th.~ )UHb ~~,,:un.'\J by lha, Deed 01 Tru" Itumcdaacely prior 10 ~w.:h \-ak Of <br />ACqUJl-lhun. <br />" ~,........... MaiooM_ of'. Ik_loctI4o, C...........i.......; Plaa8e4 U.... DP....... Borrowe, <br />...hoaU "('C-p th.... Prup~:ny In g\.,u ft'p.ur and. MtaU nv-i ..l~lHU)11 ~...~iC l)f J>eW'lif Imp-ommen! or dctcuoraHon 0' the PfOpeft) <br />.lnd ~ compty wtth t~ prO"\'I~lS 0' an}' .f rh~)- lleed {II' f ft.b;{ t). on.. je.u.ehuJ.d. 11' thl~ Otecd of Trus.1 i~ on a unit iii <l <br />~umtoltunlum ~lf a planned unH dcvdoprnenl. BoHV'olo"Cr sn.!ll ped'orm ..U of Borrowc-f'~ obhg&hons under the uec.:larallun <br />or ~lWCt\iilUb ~reatUlI m gi}'Vc-nung the (,,'oodomuuurH ur pt..llHictU unit de*te-iop:netU, the hy.lawi and re.ulaUOHll lIt rht: <br />(~lUID .Jt pt..-tnneu unn Ue~kI9meflt. .and <.u-mltlucnt d\.K.uJt'M:'Oh. if a ~onUomiHlum I)f" planned Unll dc\'ci{)f)n\cltl <br />"...., IS e-.(:~ulcd oy Horruwcr .tilt! recordC\! 10000he:r \lo-lih Itu~ 0"-"':0 ui rnat. the: COYcfl-iolnb "tnd aa-recmenh HI 'lli:h f1,h:r <br />Wl.ul he m~;-uqaufi.d(;-J lHHl .lUlJ ~haU amt'nd and .s,tJppk:m~fH 1m: ....,~'cn~nb awJ o.ta-rcemcnb 01 1hl~ Deed 01 TrUM a~ If the ndel <br />WCJC .t P.H her~u! <br />7... _~.... of ~J-, Secw1. it 8000,,",,,ct. Luh, III ~rtot-m the COVc:mUlIJ and 4ntCR1Cnb {.onh.IfH,~d III Ilu.... <br />lleed of TrUM. ~)f ,t" any af;lwn or proc;:;eedina 1\ (ummcm.'."~ nlAtena.lly affecb Lende(~ illterest to lhe- PropC'rt)-, <br />;~tud.inl. bUl ua~ hnulN 11.), CUlUlCnl domain~ in~vcnq_ ..(~c cnlot.1f\:.cffiCnI, or arr...ngemenb or pr~.flgs Ifl\'oivmg .1 <br />bankrupt Of de1..~nt. (hen Le~ 4:1 Lcoder', optwn. upon IlfJ-lu':C hJ 8orrowCf_ may make: ~uch appcaran,n, JidH-H'\i: :)lI\,:h <br />'UIhS iHtd tuc ~h ...~hnn ;t~ IS nec:asa.ry to protC.'l Le-tWcr '> iUlClot. mdudin&. hut nol hmited to. d.shwKmcm ut <br />r~ anornq:'li h:es 41tU eatf)' UpOIl .the Properl)' 11J l1l';;~c repain_ If l.ender ~.ujre.s morlP&e 1O\U(;;U},Cl" <J~ .t <br />~0f0Iit_ 01 mum. the loan _wed by lltU Deed of rru;J. 8orrower ,hlI11 pay lhe "",,",ums reqUired to "'".nlam ,uch <br />u.ur~.. m efftx;f un';) MKh umc as the requln:mclH f~)r -"Ui;h msvrance te-rminato in with Bormwer\ ;ll\O <br />jJlUdct.., Will"'" .S'.,.""...." 0< "P9l~ 10... Borruwe, .nail 1"'1 lhe "tnOUlll 01 "II "-""1Il' "'..."'''''' premiums '"~ lhe <br />......- po",'tdo,>;j unde-r pau&r"fl/l 2 hetcol. <br />All) _lOb di.blIrttd by tender poIrIU'lnt !O II", f...'.~r"p/I 7. wdh ,",erco. thereon. .hlIl1 het.'U",e addi""".t <br />indcltledl1C... ,,11l;>r'r>Wer """wed by lltU Doood 01.1,..... Unk" 80.......... and Lender .v"" 10 other te'"" of pat",e"I. "Ie" <br />'''.....m.. ~II.. plOyable "poo tI"'lt:e f(Oj" l..ender 10 &lfr<p..", "'"..nil", payment lher.ot. and .hall hear mtercot 1m", th. <br />daMt "I ~I "I tile r.ue payable from lime '" lime un ouh(,....dirolpribl:,pa! under ,he NOle unleu payment "~I inl."',' <br />~ _h tillt ..<><tId he ,,"'\U'ry 10 oj)fJllU'*'law, to whleh ncn! ,"dl _Ii "'all I"'ar mkttlOt .1 the hlBhe>! role <br />.....--bOc UJ1der ~~, Nothllll .""tat..... m .h" p;.'.llr..p/I 7 shllll requite lender '" u!Cur any expe"se "'. t... <br />~ _ llcr-.1ct, <br /> <br />a. I~ l,emkt'-tniIi)i nu1il ot_QQM IQ Ix mMie i~aM,m.abil: cnH"la upon aniJ tfl~uon,()f lhe: PrnpcJ1Y. prt1'<h.kd <br />'....1.1"'.... .h",j 5'''' 8off....'" no..,,, 9fl<.>f to .n)' ,.....u ''"l''''I>"" lipol\:itY'llJ I'UIOfllJbk ,,~_ tMrdOf r"I.'eU ",,.).,', <br />_._ ... 1_1'r_.. <br />