<br />I
<br />
<br />83- 003749
<br />
<br />9. eIfR.......... The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or OIlier taking of the Propcrry. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />aad shall. be paid to Lender.
<br />In the evenl of a tolallaking of the Property, tbe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid 10 8ol'fOWer. In the evenl of a f"Irtial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise as- .n writing. there sbaU be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />.. is equal 10 lbal proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trusl immediately prior to the date of
<br />taltiDJ bears to lhe fair made! value of the Propetly immedialely Mior to the date of taking. with the balaoce of lhe proceeds
<br />paid 10 Borrowu. .
<br />Utile Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after no.ice by lender to Borrower .halthe condemnor olfers to make
<br />an __I'd Of senle a claim for da........ Borrower fails to r~pond to lender wi.hin 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. lcndeJ' is authoriud to collecl and apply the proceeds, al lender', oplion, ellher to restoralion or repair of the
<br />Property M to lhe sums se<:Ured by thi. Deed of Trusl.
<br />UolMo lender and Dot'rower otherwise agree in wflling, any such applicalion of proceeds to principal shall not eXlend
<br />Of postpone lhe due date of the moothly installments referred 10 In paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such itlSlllllmetlls.
<br />.e. ............ Net R~ Exten$ion...lf the Hme for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by tbis Deed of-Trust IfInted by Lender to .any successor In interc$t \~f Borrower shall nOl operate to release. in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's :o.ucce:UOni in Interest. Lender s.haU not be required to commence
<br />ptoceedin-p apinst .such iUCCC550r or refusc- to c:uend ame for payment or otherwise modify amortization of' the sums
<br />'ieC'U1'Cd by tbiJ Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made hy the nogin.aJ Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />II. II............. by Lt..... Nola W........ Any (orbeatance by Lender :n exercising any ngh. or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable: taw. shalf not oe a waiv~r of or preclude !M exercjse of any such right or remedy
<br />The procurement ot insurance or the payment of taxes or other hens l)r dlar~s b;- Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />riflbt to accderate lhe m.t,unty of the indebted""" "..;ured hy ,h.. Deed o{ Trust
<br />11. ........ C........t. AU femeOie! provu.ied In thIS [)eed o( Tntsl are dishnct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under thi. l)oed at Trust or a!forded hl' law or eqUlll'. and may be exercISed ,oocurrenlly. mdependently or
<br />
<br />~,~ ... AtoicM ......... J...... """ Se>-el1ll 1.iJotJlUty; Cap'-' Tbe ,o'.enan" and agreements herein
<br />~J-ined shall pjnd... and tbe: rigbl'l hereunder :'j.h~i1 in-ure to, Ihe fcs-pe-c!iv~ 'j"ucce~'Sf)rs 4\nd aUlgn~ nf L.ender and Borrower.
<br />.iub;ect 10 the- provilifoUi- gf pafilJta~ 17 ne-fC\l-t All \'ov('n-ants- ..lOU ~igret':ments. of Borrower ,hail he: }omt and several.
<br />lbe- Qptions and headings; of the para..g.uph." \)f :h-t't Deed pf fruM Me h1r cOflve-menc.e t~nly and are not to be used to
<br />interptet or deIiDe tbe prov.swns hereof
<br />1_4. ~~ Excepl fOf any notice fe-qum:d umrer .lflphcahk ia'o\ ;0 tx- grli-cn In .1no-rher manner. ta) any nnUcc h)
<br />BofTl.lWet provided. for tn tbu. Deed of Tnw sh..n ~ grven hy ma.ditlg \uch notH.:e h}' ,,--eMlned. mall addres.\Cd 1(\ Borrower at
<br />tbe Property Address Of O\t ~uch <-lther ~uidte'M J\ Bort\.)wtr (nay dbtgnate 1">y noti<:e to Lcmkr ;llS provIded. herem, and
<br />{bl aftY notia: to Lendt:r \-half ~ liven hy t;'crtltied m-~.ui. return ftCltl'p-t l'.:queM~. to Lender'') addfeu stated herein or to
<br />s.ucb: (tthe-c addreu .. l~ may destgnate hy notlce to fJorrn,,'er .Hi pW,,'jded ne~m i\.ny norice provided for in thiS
<br />Deed of Thilt \ba11 be dotmed to h-a1i"e ~ gn;cn hl 9l"lrn\Wtr \.If L_,~ntkr when gi:cn lh !ht- manner des.ignated herein
<br />If. U...... Peed of T....-: G-eTH.... I......: ~"..nbllJty. rhl,- form ,If deed (ll 1ft!"'! \:omblfl~ umform \,'o\'cnanh f\.'r
<br />o.tJonai UIe- and non.mut'onn .co"cnant'i wnk hmltcd van,a:l(Jmi by lUl'T"hcridn hl 1.-()n~HlUte ;l onifurm: \et::urit\, Ulstnunent
<br />.;;;overin, real propc'rrr Thts. Deed .of Tf1J11 "h...il he ~oH'rneu h\ tOt: i;lW \,t lhe Jun..dl\:-!Itm In whi..:h the l"f1..'1ptrlv ili. located
<br />1-0 the~ dUI any provu.-'t>OD (if clauw of iru.~ flec-rl1.11 .rhi~t C'f the Note \..onnli;!S '.NHh ;,pphcahle law. ~uch (lHltlU::t shall
<br />not Iftect, otbct pn.n'--i$hma. itf this t>eed ('J Tnn.t ~H lk NOft_ ~hll..:h ~:J.n he ~lv~n e-ftt:'l;t without lhe \.-t>uthc(lng fUO'lnS1Pn.
<br />...-nd fO tM end lk plOYtuo-M: of the f.>ccd p~ fnnf dru.i !he 'o~ ,tfe J.edal('d h1 tlC' ~e\'eu.blc_
<br />.... ...........1 C..,. Ro~ $ha.U be hIHh'::h<<,i ,l: d'ft1ft'~rmt'd ,,;:J-P'" ,\f riw NI.'l-tc iHut ,It 'nf\ !>e-ed vf lru:'\{ ;H !he lime
<br />n! ex__ orafle!' nrotdalioll he"""f
<br />1,. ThlMfer 0I.t. Property. A........... If ~H Hf Me., p:;ert pi the P'rnf'{'nv .'f .Hi t.nt('tc~! therem \! ..oM ("If lr3ns{trred
<br />h-'f Borrower wltbout Lender',! ptlQt v.-nttcm ("m~llt, n...'ludlllg. '~J ttlt' d(::\Hnn ,If J hen nr efl';.'umhr3oce \utx"lrumale to
<br />t.h-i~ [)ccd -0: Truat, f b) the- ~U~.lon l'lt .1 ptlfchiliC mone\ ~~Ufl'\' Intelnl 1m hi1UWOOtd .t pp:l lances, I () ,1 tran:th:r by Je-Vl\c.
<br />..ie$l;-ent Of b,!' aperal,"l.Oft (''If law upon the tJ(',Jtth '.d ,3 ,,\oint t~~!~;tft\ ,,1' d: 1~~ J.;nl'H 'II Mn leaK_hold 111(Cft:\t \lt l"ree )('.1:(.\ or k~i\
<br />not ronl.auunc an optt(m hi purch.w, I cndct mil' .\1 J t:nuef', ,\pl;,'~'" j(',,:L'lfC ,dllhe "-l,-un' ...c\:.tltCtl b" ttw. rkeLl Of Trlf..t!(l tx'
<br />~mmcdi&.~_Y due a-od payabk. l~f lI;n.1! tI.av(' ~..nltd '\-ud~ ,)ptl..m tn ~(,i:dcut(' d. pnot to the laic or lnms-ter. Lt:"nder
<br />and tht penon to ",,-th,~ dm Pn.,-pert)' j.'l) to }~ ~~~ld \lr Hafi$,tc-rn~J rc:.h..-M ;Jlftttne-nt dl wnnol that fhe- I,,'rtdit pI 'Socn ~Nfltl
<br />ti -sat~tKt~lrT to t..~~r .14nd tb-:u tM Hlter~t t'J.,,-ah!c Wl the 'lot_H);'') v.."'\:wcd h" tn" 11<<d ot Tr:.n! ...hall he ,It -!i-tlt..:h f,He <1\
<br />L,t~ ~baU i'~. It Lcndft- n.u: w.~ed the np!IUft H,! ,,;;:e":f:"!t'n.!i.t pttn-uied In 1h~1j p.;tr~Kfapb j 7, and If fk,fro...er\ .,;UCCC';U{lf
<br />in itUernt h-iU e1_tlC~ j wnt~n .ulUntpHOn "'if~fnNl! ,~'>.-...-cp--ted ,f! "-"'filing h~ l._eflUef, i_(';ndcr ...haH I'clca..'\C Born1Wc-r 1r\)!'n
<br />all obI'...t..."" under 1M t:Jo.>ed nl Trn>1 ,,0<1 t"" Not.
<br />If t..lMtder t:tC'fCnei 5ueh ':'1ption w ~...~~:-ekf';'tt('_ t .:mk-f .,h-i.lll ~-n~li BnftO\\Cf 1I0ia:t' !..t .h..>;t'!er3UtH\ In .l";;';Ofj.iant:t.. wllh
<br />pa:r..,-.ph 14 ~L ~h Htltl~ ~r-.an pt'4-W~t,..l,r ~ ~f'!i~t ,,~ ",<',>{ in-j; ~h4~1 '0 JaH 'iti..1fH !~ date tnc n()tl\Z~ 1'\ 1natle-d wlthtfl
<br />wht<1t- 8of't~'Cf tM~' pay the- \-Ut~") Je~'{a.fni due, It ll<)H....~~t f:Jd.,- ~<i p"l) "U\:h 'i\.Jt1b rHOf h~ fh~ e\fHratJon "t ~Udl J',,:nll(L
<br />l.t11de-l ma.y, wdhout funhet f'I<'UC-,e t~! ....tc--nt<J.nJ dl UO-/'f(lRCl' ,:l~V"C Jn~ I(,~hedl(>" pcnruHc-d hy ft;tf"i'grllpb 1 X hereoi
<br />
<br />NUN.UNUO." ('n~t:SA,""f-~ oorw'"...er ..HhJ ! ~nUc.( further ~ ll\,('u-anl ,mu .3grt"c d:'J. follow\.
<br />
<br />'ll. "c~ R-. EUqN" pro....... I.. pane..... 11 1l...1'Ot. Up"" \lerro_.', bmo<b ..f an, m'enaat ur
<br />.._ of ........... hi tMo Ofttj of 1'_1, iftd......... ,.... ,,,ve_1< tu pa, ..he.. due ....y ._ _..m by thi> Il<<d
<br />of T...... I....... prioN:.o ..........io......... ...., _ft.. I" ...."'.... '" p""idfiI in pat......... 14 _I .pedlyinK' (I) t""
<br />llrno:llI ,I) ,.... ....- '-""" '0 nar. _b _In .JI a dllte, _ IcM .!tan YO day, fro... the dal. lhe notke .. mailed to
<br />~, by ...... ....... llrno:lI _ he cOU'C<l: """ f41 fUl I.......e '0 ,.... ...d, b....h "" o. brime lhe <lal. .poeifled
<br />.. .Ioe ""'*" ~ .-. j.. ""~ of lbe ...._ _....... by .'* IlfftI of h.... a"" .. ..( the Properly, The_;,:.
<br />.... llIdllu ""'_ .........'" of 'loe ..hi to ....~ "In anrier.,ioa "...a the r.1It '" briJIa .. ,'tJ\trI winn I.. _rI
<br />tlle _........ of " 1Itf.... ~ NY "'lief 1Itf_ of ............ '" .ne_ioa .....a.... U the b....ch is nol um
<br />... .... ""'_ ... .... ~ .. I.... ftGIice. t...... lit I......'. ,,,lOn Dttty tleclan all of .he 'u.... ,,"cum by IIli> Il<<d
<br />of T.- to .... ~y .... """ pa"" ..11"_ h........ \km..... ..ad .....y i....... lite _n m .ale ...... oy other r.......tiel.
<br />~ lot ~...... I..no*r..... be eJOlllhil... .'....., all ,~ ,OOtO ..... ..pc_ iocuJTCtl in punuint 'he
<br />r~ prooc.... I.. I.... ~ III. i~. ..... _ w..it.d '0. .--we _Y'I 1_
<br />If ..... pMWft ... .. i< m......... T._ 'iMIt ........<1 " _...e of dtf....U in _h .........y in ..hich ."" p........'y o. """"'
<br />.... """""" l< \ool:-.t """.... ...... ........ of _h .......e io 1M -.. prno:rilled by "I'Plk.... I.... 10 IIorro..... """ 10 lbee
<br />.........- JM'C!OCriIIM by ...........loow. AIm lhe ...... of ....." Ii_ .. ....y be .....uiNd by .ppiie.... la.., T_ ."""
<br />p.... ,......, ...... <Jf... .. ... __ """ i.. tlle __ _*d by ................. T_, ..i......1 .-.J ...
<br />-..-..., ... orA '100 ~ lOt pullll< _lion In tlte bil;lInt bftlrIto, .. t"" .i_ ....a plJK' """ und.. t.... I.rm.o. d........-d
<br />.. .. ~ of Ollie itt _... _ fIlU'<'rio ..... i.. _h "rOO ..rt'1>OlC<' ....., dflff........ l'r....... .....y .-._ sale of all
<br />Of .." ,....,..... 1M ~y by pooWk ~_ ,. ,.... .;_ aad .....~ of an). .....'_, ",_uled,ale. I.ad.. {I'
<br />Lttoo\oto'. ...... ., ___ .... ........rty iii _ sale.
<br />V-........... "_ ...... pAn ow. r...... .halI dol...", ... ..... pu.d'_. '1'....."".. deM <......yinc ..... ProperI)
<br />..... 11te l'tIdUlb '" llle "_', ..... ..... he prima facie ".i<IflK... of lhe IMII ..f ,he 11_ ...... '....rein. ...........
<br />........-,. .... ,....,.... of ......... fa ... ,.........,?fJ'<<, lal'o all ~-..abIe ,'mt. """ ._ of lhe .ale. l..d....... but
<br />... ........... T_" f_ of _ -.. ..... _.. ... . .. ". of the ..- ..... prk~. "'............ lOtl_,', 1_ anti <_ of
<br />............ lloi .. ..._ ~ b'..... Dtrri of"""", uIIl el'_ r,,,- if .n,. '" .Ite pen<JolO ... po....... lepIIy e..tillecl
<br />---.
<br />1'* ........... ........ ~ .Nl>twi.ih:d_aOOtog t~l:ndc-r''lo otc'~t.cr;;itl()tl It! th< .-..tH'fh \-~\.:Ufn1 h~' lh,,,- Dc-cd ,~f l ru'\!,
<br />'Iorf~f d,.it b&\'l:' ... rlfhl Ii) haY(: Oln~' Pf';""'~JnI~ hegun ~)' Letu.kt ift t'ohm,.:-.:- !nl'S Iked \It nU1o( dllh.'-\JtHl:Out,."\J .at
<br />"'-":I~ ,pt-kW 1.(.. the e...nw:r tu \.-l(c:ur of (}) to.: fihh- day htforc t~ j.ak ()i the: P,topeny P-U:NUotn:t w tM ~l()~"'~f of satt' ;,;tmtJ:Hlw
<br />if'Jh.~l>oiWqt 'filA. of't'u.}c9(fynl;a f~nt \t'utt"i~m,_ ,h~!. (k,M ~)-t' lruM tf: Cai llorrul!o'C"f p"y'\ t t>n~f .tU \um'l whn:h .....\,luM
<br />-be. thfM 4__ ~~' tlti~ ~ (:4 lruM.-. the Nm~ M1d- f'I:(~~ >)C.,'ll,-m8; J:UltH'> AdvlIIOI..\''', If .'l.11.... h~{i rw ;Jl..'I,'def4Ih\f1 (!.i.:\.'nfft'I,.L
<br />fb) fk.t.tf~ ~,"R-';' til_ btfi'~-be,) oJ ll.h>' ot-hcr i.:O~tl.(lh- or alfJ'ermctnh l,Jf &1fl\..ll1t'-c-r ;,.{\naUMr1 )il thl'!< [)r('d ,.t rr\ht
<br />t~J IPrf~'" rAY"" ill *'t't~~bit t'\~nw:>; ~OCtH'fmJ ~' te-t~tkf ~nd TrH5.1c(: '0 tmfnn:'H1i fhe ,',}'\.'\OIt-llftt\ ;mJ ,'tgn"t'nlt"N';; "~I
<br />htr~~f ~~~ l~ d,-:~ I~ L~ lru$t_ ll.ud H'!; rnt<U",,"rnr t-e!lfkr-" dn-u 1ru'i-h':~\ ft'-Ol<-the-~ ,l,li. ~'H"'\'h.kd Hl l~rltgi";ilp~ lK
<br />~" t_~.~.t oot l}l'mt~ to', t~.t.iJpabie ~t~M,}\ f<<.._: .lif1d (d) liou,_:~l,.\t'f tlll_~ ;.~liI.h it~:t,~H, ->i." Ll.'!Kkr Hi.;!\- H....~'M'!l.fi--<h
<br />~'~~tc h.) ~~ t~ i~ ht!'ft *1 thH t~ ~,)j i'.tud. t.-ef-ldt-f'~ ml~!'e," Hi lhe PtnpN'~ And flt)H(~",t'~'.. ..lbh~"'~h'n h~ P<l:\-
<br />