<br />I
<br />
<br />UH'FOJIM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 83- 003749
<br />
<br />I. ....,,- of PrItodpeI ..... 1_. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />,ndeb~ evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the NOle, and the principal of and inlerest
<br />on any Future AdvaocC1l secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />%. ...... r.... To. ....~. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly inMallmenlS of principal and in,erest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a .sum (herein "Fun<h") equal 10 one.twelfth of ,he yearly 'axes ;~J ......"""'n.. which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Tim!. and ground rents 00 the Properly. if any, plus (>ne.lwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus Ol"H,,~lfth of yearly pttmtum installments for "","gage insurance, if .ny. .11 as reasonably est,mated initially and from
<br />time ,,, time by LtmdeT on ,he b...is of =menlS and bills and reasonable estimal'" ,hereof.
<br />Tbe Funds shall be held in an institution ,he depos,ts or accounts of wh,ch are insured or guaranteed by . Federal or
<br /><t"" agency (including l.ender ,f Lender is sueh an institutionl. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />",s"'''",ee premium> and (lTound .ents, Lender mav not charge for", holdmg and applying the Funds, analyzmg said account
<br />or vtrifying find ~ompifinl uld aucwnena and bllb. unles.i\: Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable law
<br />penn.its lendt!r to make:- such a ebar~, Borrower and Lender may agree In writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that intctc5t on the Funds- ...halt be- paK.f to Borrower. and unless such ~Igreement Iii made or applicable law
<br />requires such inlCT-ul t(\ he paid, Len&--r shaH nor he r-e-qUlred to pay Borrower any fmerest or earnings on the: Funds, 1_ ender
<br />shall give to Bo-rrowcL Without ...-ha:rge. an annual s,"collntlOg of Ihe Fund" ",howmg credit:,; and debits to the Funds ;lnd the
<br />JlUI1IO!OC for whieh each debit to the Funds wa. made The Funds are pledged as "dditlOnal """nrity for the .ums secured
<br />!Jj.' <hi. Deed of T rusI,
<br />If t~ amount o-f the: Funds held hy Lender. together 'Nllh rr-..e- future monthly instailmcnHi. of Funds- payahle pnor to
<br />tM -due dttC'S of rA!(-e\~ aucument$. mturancc l'remlUnu .<tnd ground renh-. -;ha.lJ l:\l:ee-d the J.mount required to pay said taxes,
<br />aucuments.., insurance ptentrutrni and gH)und rent-;. ,H thev 1,]l! due, ,>urh I.:'\ccs,,- "haH be. at Borrower's option. either
<br />promptly repaui to Borrowc.r ;;)J" aedited to B(~rrower no month!\' 1n~1aHment5 of Funds. If th~ amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lnlder "haft not he 'i-uffieie-tU !(l- Pd\' la'H'_'\;, ,Hi-'<<:'~.'i(llenr~" ttlsunncc p-remmm'i and ground tents as they (aU due.
<br />80rloWf:'r ""itaU pay 1.0- Lt'ndcr ;;in}' amount nt'4-'et".af~' fo make up the deficlenc~' Within 30 day, ({'(l-m (he dale notice j<; mailed
<br />by 1__. ro 8om,wer ~_"'g paymen. <her..,j
<br />Upon payment in fuU ~:i aU 'IlUl11S ~urcd hv (I)" I~d of TrU'i-L t endC'f :.h,aU p:(l-mrt1y rdund to Borrow~r any Funds
<br />ht'td by Le--ndtt, If u~ paIa.gn_ph ! g her"t'{)j fOC- I'~ropen\' ,.., ..Hid d the Pf'\\rcrl\' 1\ Nherw-l~ ~Kquired by Lender. J .ender
<br />shaU apply, no later than Immediatdy pnoi' to tht ,>.ale nf lht P!\."'~~~-rfY ,-'f I!";. ~KqtH....fli)n t'ly t ,ender. any Fund$. held nv
<br />Lender ~t the hrne of apptKJIIWn J;l .i- cred:t agai!1\t :he ~um.. ~clJfed hy- ttus De\:'J 01 Tnnt,
<br />3. A......... of'~ tJnk'\..!i -,:prhcac.k !.i", pr(whk~ t~<<h~rWt\c_ .;:.11 pa}ffit"nl'>;. receIved hy Lender under !he
<br />Not-e and pa-f:agn!~h-'S 1 and 1" hereof shaJI he a-ppfted ~\' L:flaer fir",' pa.!'m~nf t\t .uno-unt'\, payablt to Lender hy Borrower
<br />under p;lu.r.pb _ her~ot, then tG lm~r't~t pav;.hf-e nn Iht' ~~ltt'_ :hC'fl !,) the p-rtn\.'lral c'f the ~tlte_ and then [{l intere~t .md
<br />ftI'lDclPlll 00 .lny Future i\dvaDCt"J.
<br />4., ("1l-.n't t~ Bmn\W"t'f" '"f'l-1tU P"r _'<0 t.ne,,_ _~"si".\j,U'fK!l!" :llld ,-'thct -..tU1f)YC", finc"" .and litlp\'-'\,liof\'i ,.unn-wable In
<br />rhe Property wilko may attlllt} Of. pn-Onty ~\'\':r d'll'\ t~ ot Tnfli1. ilnd It''3'SCooid pavmenb or ground reno. If anv. in the
<br />f1\.6ItOCr provtdcd unde1' p&raJraph 2 hereof- Of. 1f not patti Hl :wt.:h mafHlC', hv B~\nt."w-ef m.lJ;&:.mg pavmenL when due. lhrectly
<br />to the p.Yft tMfwt lL:vrCft."C"f man promptly hfftH\h h~ 1 t'ftdH ;~!! nU-!H':~" d .Jm(.\unt"i due under rhis rar3graph. and in tht'
<br />('.\'ent Borrower lhaU mike P",'fn'l't'nt dlhx-tf\- lktHl1'Wt"t \.tull pro--mpll~ Hlfnl;n h-' r ('ntkr ft':1..'1:1pts eVhtefll.'ln~ \Hen payment!;
<br />8o-rn""'tf ...11 p(t.'lmpth <h'K:iuug'C ;4n\ IJiCf\ \,-\ht(h h~B pP\)fJi\' ,'ve~ Ihl" (k-cd ;)t 1 rUil: prol/lded_ fh;.H H.(\fr\;"t'1 ...hall flol ~
<br />fequuf!d h.~ d~h:atlt ;;tny u)(.'.h lm-n....~ kmg ,~" t-;Hf{nW'Cl ch.ili! 4~f<< in ,...f1hni! In the JLl)'Il\t'nt i'f the tlhfl~atl(Hl 'H.'"(Urt'u h\
<br />~h hen H'1 .,; man., ~-c-e_ptAble !t) (-ender. ~lf ",naB w ~I,,)(){i t.Hth C\H,I.('""t \n<.:h l.en tt\ .:'t ddcn\.i ('Oh,!'\.'Clllcnt -l.lI "'lt~h lli.'n III
<br />lclaJ ~nl' whK--h i~nlc ton .l-~.ro~ rfw ,'nh)fl.:-'"CmelH ('\ lOC h-(ft nf h-rh':thm.. d the Propert... dr .to\-' raft thereof
<br />5. a...nt I~. 8orID\Irt'-er m..ft kt'~-p ~ht lmpt\)\;("fnenh nn~ e'l...hn~ ~tr here_after t'tc<:!t-d (Hl the Propert\' ,"'OUred
<br />"PtMl w.. by ttre. h-u.anb ~judtd wtthm the Ic:nll -'n.tentk-d ~O""t:f;.igc' .tnd ..ut:h of her n.aLnd.. it'i f ~n(k-r ll1a~' fCqlllH'
<br />and U1 ...uch ..mounts ~.nd for \U!;;h J'f!f'Kld'i ;J'i; ! ('t"\-tk"r r'n;;t;) (cqUih.: ftf-""I\lrti, !h<l! I t'f'H.k'r ..hllil BPi tt"_l...,wr(' that lht' .tnwunt pt
<br />ittICh (,'O~ e~~ t~ lilfftUl'.Jflt (tf cH~.t':fagc fC-qHlh'~ to pa\ !~ 'HJrll" ~,'tHl:d t'I...- thl~ Dt--ed of rt\t~1
<br />l'lw: ~"UU-J1CC ~.a-tnct pt't)-"rtJma the: Ul\u.tijti.,:,(' "half ~ ~ hp"-f'rt bv HOrf("tW('r l.Hf,je... ~ II' .Jppro\ al tt\. I cl1tkr prov1lkd
<br />that _1tdI ~il~ ..tutU, not ht Uft.tQ;onlibt). 'liloiHhhdd. _ AU Pft1UIUtn\ on It~UnHKC f'OIH':u'~ ..hail he J'auJ If' the manDC-f
<br />prOYidod uadet P*1..... '1 hc:no~ (~r, If flO1 p;aKi 1ft \\td'l 1'tt1l0he-r. h"t f\orr-otlr-e-r rtl.ltltnJ f*'VmenL when due, dlrectl\' to tht!
<br />.-~,
<br />,-\.11 H'n.tutik.----c- potiCJU .nd r~.b IMr-C>;.i1 ,>-h.n !'>~ H. j,cw-m <t<..,;C'-puhk hI I ;,:ndcf .lot! ..h-"U a'ldtnk .~ il-UlU,bnJ m~mgag~
<br />davsc Hl (."'Of 01 -and in h"lfm k'~-\.-t.vtah-tle t.l 1.Cf\dt-f i ('fhk'r ",h..1i ha:""'~ :l'K- flith! tll tHlld lhe ~)(\-h--''':j(''\ .Htd renew.ll.. thereoi
<br />.uId 8otf~ maR pttlffipd). h.lfftah h) l..tnQe-r .:J1i rr~..;ai n.ul-.,:C'-\ ~fld .,H r<;Xt:'lp-~\ Hf r;,iIlJ pn::mw01" In Ihe ("....~flt .pI' 10\\
<br />Botn:.>wet thaU ItI~C J'f'OfDPC notk.~ ~(~ 1hc liUUlitn...c \.a;n.C-1 ;anti [cn\kr l_t'nd.cf mali m.le PH__~O' oi hlS-,) 11 tH.}1 fllade p-l'omptl,-
<br />,,~ 8ot_~
<br />. UnJcu- t..endtt AOO Bt....-<<.,.-ef ~'ltt;t-t.fk oii,f<'C in "fltlfil. m,w;:tt1!.t' pHlt,.'~ ..h.all he:' .lpphn1 hl ft,'",Wflltt{'O 'Pf rep~lI( \Jf
<br />dte Property ~ ptO"ftJ<<! ~~h r'h-t('tfilfh-H.1 ~-,l '('f"l~; ;... ("....lt~,-fUh,$H~-- rea-\:hk JOO the *drnt, \.t for'\. lXe--J ,\1 rrtri-l l'\.
<br />not tbe:te:by imp&u'C4- U ~~h ~Of.Hon 0-1' ..-.e-palf i\ fHJt ('->..ocl\mlM,:..dl) l~."\~h-k> lH If t~ \-e-uuftj" of thh l.ked nf I ftl\t \lrould
<br />be lMpa-iftld. Ihr t$uram...... Pf\,,-fttA lIh.U be .ppftord IH lhe \-um", \-e-4..:HH."d h't 1ft"" I~d t"~f 'f ru". ~lIh the <""C(M, If an\-. p;ud
<br />t'O -80rr0vner If the P-f'OPKI}' h. ahandtmc-u h)- &Whn.-t:f. '.'( If Kn-nu'o'ter LJib._ In ie-'i.p~)ftd to !.('IU!c" ""'-ilhm 1() d.iJ"" (rom lhe
<br />dtde hOtK'e' j,. mti~t bV Lendt.f to lk"lt'rO_Cf thM the In"\UI3S'J(:O: \:,;U"t~n \l-ttt:f'\ II,) -..cuk ,\Ii ...-~.lHll for lO\tH,Uk;C bcuehl\. I entkr
<br />n I.uthoflzcd to tot.. .uKt apply t.be- ifttur.;.Ik,."C pr\'''~ al Lendct', np-lRUl e.ther to rr~W-f.il1l0n or repau i.ll the Proper1\
<br />Of to u.. ._ >C(ltrW by !htl Dlled oj Tnm
<br />Un.. l.cndc" aDd itot~ ...lthc:rwlw _I-nee.n ...fltm.. ,'ift\- \OCfl: .ipptt'iilIHon I.d p-nxccd.'S h~ prfi~tJ1t)l \hall not e\tt"fW
<br />or ~pone- tbe due dAle of lbt rtliImtMy Uu.t..Utntlla tet-c:tl~ tu ~H P'.JUlfllpM. I <;1:1\(..1 ~ he,reo! Of ,,-hanae th< amount of
<br />w.M;"b j~l:<<Peftb. if uodet' pat.,,&ph j 11- hcf~:i( ttw Pnlprft~ j~ ;t.....\luucd h) I coder.. all ugh.. flUe .uid In1c-rc\i of 8orro'AoC'f
<br />In ADd to- au)! tlUUf&ftCC' ~_ 4nd 10 ,uk! {it the pn:~.-n:d) thoct('(\t fes.uhm-I ftofn Jama.. (o dlC' Prnper1) pnor t(~ Ihe !o..lle
<br />(tf lQqUttihon wU paD h.'\ l~ to ltle c--\lCnt 4.Jt the \W~U ~UIN b)- ihu, l)eoj t}! 1"rusl lftHUC(hale.ty pnor in \1.Kh ~ai(' Of
<br />~-,
<br />... "'-"'........ ~1 ~ 1--.. t 01 ,..,.,.,.~ IA-..~ C:DII4.MhfunMi ....... Uait Ilr.dopIDotw. UOHn~ef
<br />~haU ~<<P lnc P~f(~. -lit 't.\(14 ~piUf <<i.od ..f'14H 1i~ ..,\rtH't'H( 'Ol;-:,u!(.' \" r-r-tn'H-i J:mp:iHtrnnH '-.If ..hnCH;:\r.aH(m ;'It lhe PfOf~f1\'
<br />..... sa.U comply with: dw pt'O'\lPl1ftS Of any hlC: J.t lh." i~ 0-1 1 nnt " OH a leiiWntJ-l.i1_ It tnn [>e:ed of' Tru~t IS nf} it tint! If! '"
<br />tt~wn -\."J( . pla~ urut de\'dnpnwnt. 8u1'rtlW<;f ~ha.H f..'lCuorm .dl tli 8o-rrowcT'" ~)h.hpl~Qfh uudc-r 1M ded,;uatMn
<br />()( C(JYt'-GA.Qt,s \:f'N:tiu_1 f;tt ~fllin. the (;tmdommtliff! (., planned I,JfHt lk:-'\o-e-k-.pmenL the' hy.I~W'!i. .ind fC'luiatH.\-Il->;; l_!t th<-
<br />\,~iftiUlh (,It ~ und dc-'C-k~" And ,..tMu.11tlJlCOf d<.l(:U~nh- If a. condonumum ,nr pta"n~-d \If''( de,"~h.,pment
<br />rider tI es.ec:uced by 80rt0wd' and t<<'Otded h).,:dtc-r .. tlh Ih~ .Deed (!--t I fW,t, flw ~ovenosnh ;,tOO agf<<-l'Hcnh ,-,t ,tK:h ndel
<br />...w be ~.panted imo and matt amend .nd Sli,ppkme.nt ..be l:\.t\T-en.nb ..nd a,uc-menu ot thi. Deed ot Tru\\ .t~ If the ntier
<br />__ " .... bc<t4oi
<br />1.. ........ ef ~. Swwtty, H 8oftQ"ft'-er hub. tv !'JerhlflU !h1; ":o\'etlant~ ;an;.! alfttments dHltamcO In Ih"
<br />Deed -ot ~ Of' ., MY a(.Hon Of ~tnl 13. ~(lmmcn..~ whK:h .1UttcnaUy ,dT~.tl tender\ 1I1tcrn{ In lnc P!tl~pef1Y.
<br />md~ but 'B1Ii)t hmdect .o-~ etDilMtftt dou't.H). ,MUi\",~nq'. (,-odc- entor<<tn~n.{. .)r arriolflgcn-lcmh Of ptO{;t'edtf1:~ Hl\'tlh.mg a
<br />~ ot ~t. thlm Lende:J' .ot. l...C'hda"s l.l--pl.I<Jn. up;m no-flee to [to-rrower. may ma..e -;'Udl aprcar.anc~, JahurM' \lh.h
<br />._. . ....... - take tucb adiota IS tt ~ tv plotet:t Lender..> tnternl. mdoolOl. hUI n,")1 limIted (0. t.hshurwmen\ (\1
<br />~ .t~.$ fees. .!Uld eat.ry upon ta. PfoJ:.let'~l to rnakc repau"S It L"emkr requa~ ftt()rtp~ lrl\-Uldn\.~ ~h ,1
<br />~"ot l!ftItm& tae ktan ~W'cd by tiN 1le\M.t ()f l'fU$1_. Borl'"\'~r jh.al! pay the pre1l1lumi required h~ m.tlf\Um ..u..h
<br />~~.... cthet UlKd ~ tmw .. the: reqturement t(;i_~ ;-uch mWfan<:c l~rmtnata ~n i!\.~ord4n-ct' \If!ill 8(llH).~('f\ MH.1
<br />leedR"s 1lJritte.. .~$f~ law. Borrow", .hall pa, 'M a'fl<."nl 1,1 .11 """tp~ ,nsu'anee prctfllum_ !n .he
<br />...-. ~ __ . . 2 hetwl,
<br />~ ~ . _ - bY L~ ptMStUtnt h'l lft:i" pau.JI'litpl\ 7, wnh lnt~fnt then.of\. ..haB ho:~H1W i:\\.-kIitl\\naf
<br />4Jlkt.".i(r . I>f Ilor_ ~ Ity 11m ~ of ftllit, Unift. Bot''''''''1 and I cDlikr ....... to ,'tM" !<r"" "I "","""0', ",,"
<br />_ illall he Pl."" IIJIOIl _.. jn>m l~ 10 &"."""", """......,n, 1"0).....,6' ,he""of, .nd .h.iaB "-,Of ",..,.,.t ",.", ,""
<br />....~.. Ull pI 1Il'''.f'lIle pily..... t.- llaw <0 lime on ""'''and,,,. prmopal under lhe N",e un"", poy","", ,,< in..""t
<br />ill ~ flIlte ~ bet I_lit)' 10 "",,ic&ble I..., in ....h,eh evtnt "",b omoun<' ,holl ...,.. 'nkre.. .. ,"" hil""" ut.,
<br />~ ...... ,,~ 10.. ~ Nodil... __ '" till. ""r...."ph ) .hall """U,.. t."nder to "",,,r .ny ..pc_ ,'. tab
<br />-....---,
<br />.. ......... t.......,...., (If I....., ltJ bfI...... .......nahk enlt... "1''''' .00 ''''''''''1roo. or <M PropcHY. 1''''"deO]
<br />11lat. t.., .w p'" ~ _ "'.... 10 OllY wdl '''''''''''bon ,,,,,,,,,/yllt. reu<>n.t~h" "....., thete/of rel.,eJ 'i' 1 ",,<1<.,
<br />,_ .... .. l'nJolmo,
<br />