<br />I
<br />
<br />~-
<br />
<br />tbe._ se<:,,~ byth;. Deed oi T.....tshall contmue unimpaired. Upon such paymen< and cure by Borrower, Ihis Deed of
<br />Trust and thecbtiwioos secu~d he1eby shall (emam in full force and etlec:1 as if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />28. ~tof aeQUjAppolaUnelll of Remver; l.e"'" iR P-.slnn, As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />her.eby'assiJns toL",nder lberenlS.oilbe Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior.lo acceleration under paragraph 18
<br />hereof or abandonment of tbe Property, have the nght to colloct and relain such renlS as Ihey become due and payable.
<br />Upon _lemma under patllgfltPhl8 hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender, in person, by agent or by
<br />judicially apPoinle4 recetVer. shall he entaled to enter upon. take p=lOn of and manage Ihe Property and 10 collecl Ihc
<br />_'" 01 lbePr<>Pl:nyincludmg tho,", put due. All rems collecled by Lender or lhe re<:eiver shall be applied firsl to payment
<br />of the eosts of management uflhe Property andcollecllon of rents, includmg. bUI not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums
<br />OIl reteiver'sboinkandre_ble attorney's foes, and then 10 the sums secured by thIS Deed "f Trust. Lcnder and the
<br />receiver sballhe liable. to .<count only for lhose renlS ",;rually received.
<br />U. "'-"" ~.. UP<'" request of BOITower, Lender. .1 Lender's opl.on. prIOr to full reconveyance of the Property
<br />.by TrUStee fo ~r. may make Futu:re Advance$ ~o 8orrower. Such Future AdYanccs~ with interest thereon.. shall be
<br />_ul1:d by th.. Deed of Truu wbefl evi<kn<:lOd by pro""",",ry note. staling .hat ,aid notes are secured he.re!>y, Al no !lme shall
<br />Ute principal amoum of thehlddmdoe.. =u~ by this Deed of Tru... not includmg sums advanced il\.'!,ccordance herewith
<br />10 prmect the secul'lly of tb.. Deed "f Tr"S\, e:<ceed the origInal "mount of the Note plus US $ -U . .
<br />11. R~* UJX>n pli-ymen1 of aU sums secured by thi.. DeC'd ~)f Trust. Lender ~haH request Trustee to reconvey
<br />the l"tupt.rtyalld .nail surrender this Ooed of 'Ira't ~nd all notes eVIdenCing mdebledness ,""wred by Ihis Deed of Trust
<br />to Trustee~ Trustee -shalt f<<;onvey the Property without warr,anry and W1thout charw.:. to the person or pe-rsons legaHy
<br />entitled tben:w., Such penon or pc.rson~ shan pay .U c(Ns of rec(lrda:ii.)n~ tf atty.
<br />.23.. SJabJJtit.... TI1IItelf. Lender, at l.ender's opthm. may fnml time to time remove Trus.tee and appoint a successor
<br />tt"Witee lO. ~ny Trustee: __ppointro .heiY"under by an m\.t,rument recorded in the county to which this. Deed of Tnts.t i-s. recorded
<br />W,dlOut ~UlVe)'a-f'K;e of the- Pro-petty, the ,UC("~)f UWll~e \n.aH "iUCceeU to aU [he tide. power nnd dutie... conferred UPC)li;
<br />the Trustee belre", and by .pplicable law.
<br />14.. -~ for NotieeL _ Borrower reque\L\ that l~OpjeS. \)t t~ notK:e Of detauh and not:tce of '\31~ be 'l.cm to Borrower'~
<br />~ whieh "Ihe I'ropeny Addreu,
<br />
<br />'N WrrN~ WN"~'. _, '~"rr"~ ':"~;
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~G. Arnold
<br />
<br />_~:il:,.4:>if~~~Td
<br />
<br />,/ '.,,, .)'/~(
<br />\~I.A ld-t.~j ..,
<br />
<br />- Borrower
<br />
<br />aon()wll'l'~
<br />
<br />Sr" H 01' NUIlASKA. . , ,Adams
<br />On this j fit ...."": . day "I. :~.,...S. " \ i \I ''[>2.
<br />duly <;(ltnmisslOMd and qualified lor <atd ',>Ullly, 1"'''''IlI.lIv ~am,'
<br />K~,rJ<. .G~ ,~old,~n<1.Ma~iIaU~ Arnold, l1usuand and wife .10 me known to he tho:
<br />
<br />identIC'll pernll'lt s) .whott namel q are ",hM:flo"d to the 1<>feAOIOI( m,trum<'nt and acknowled!:<<t the nrcullon
<br />Iheroollo lie, thelr. volunlarv act and dc<'d.
<br />Witness my hand and nOlatlal ,,,,,I ;t HatH ings
<br />Jate all>f_KL
<br />
<br />County $-S.
<br />lx:lofc me. the underoslgncd, a Notary Pubhc
<br />
<br />in ,"ud county. Ihe
<br />
<br />My CommiS5WJt,,,,~:
<br />
<br />
<br />(--C~~- '.._-"'.'-1 \ ~ l-..y:-,
<br />
<br />i,.,~_.ry P"ubi,c
<br />
<br />
<br />To TIU!SnE'
<br />
<br />Tm: undeni:gncd IS tlle holder of lhe llOlc Of not"" """,Ufed by th.. Deed of Trust. Said nole (Ir nutes. together
<br />with all DIller indebtedntss M1CUn:U hy tilt:> Deed of Tru.t, ane !leen paid l!l fllU. You are herehy dIrected 10 cancel
<br />said I\tlICI Of llOlt:S and thill Deed of TruM, whu:h arc ,leli\'ered hereby, and to recoo\'ey. wlthoul warranty, all Ih...
<br />ll$llltc _ held by )'OU \IlIl.'l<< tbts Deed of TruS! to the p<"fWn or penon. legally entilled Ihereto,
<br />
<br />t-
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