<br />r
<br />
<br />83- 003746
<br />
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower .hall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />rnatll1et' provided under paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />Any am!lUnts disbursed by Lender pursuant to tbi. paragraph 7. witb interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indebtedne.. of Borrower secured by this MortgJIge. Unl.... Borrower and Lender agree to other tenns of payment. such
<br />a_nts shall be payable ..pon noIiee from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and sball bear interest fromtbe
<br />date of dlsbunement at the ra~ payable from lime 10 time on outstanding principal under Ihe Note unless payment of
<br />i~ at such rate would be contnlrylo applicable iaw. in which event such amounts shall bear interest al the highest rate
<br />.permilllible underappficable law. NOlhing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />aayactiM hcreuoder.
<br />8. ~ Lender may make or cause to he made .."son"hle entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />thai tender ~hallgh", Borrower notice prior to .ny ,uch inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />i_t in the Property.
<br />9. COlMk........ The. proce<<k-of any award or daim (Hr dama~es, direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />"ondemnation or other talting of the Property. or part there-of, ,1!" {or conveyanee in lieu of condemnation. arc hereby assigned
<br />ond .ball be paid to Lender.
<br />rn the event of II tOlal taking "f the Property. Ihe p,'oceeds shall be applied to the 'urns secured hy this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess. if any. paid to Borro~'tr. Tn the CYcnt (\( J. p.uti<}l t.JLing vf the- Property. Hnl~~ Borrower and Lender
<br />Ofherwt.e agree in writing. there ,haH "" applied 10 lhe ""''' ><<,,"'<1 Iw rhi. Mortgage ,,,en pmp<lrtion of the proceeds
<br />a5 i~ equa1 h') th!:l p-foportwn whrch t!le amount of the ..um.. ';'t~.(un~d tw ihlf;. ~1t'l-rtga!!c immediately pri~'\r f() tht date of
<br />taking: bean to the fair market .......Jue ,;,.f the Pr'I)'pCrty Immediatel)' prior I{\ the dale 0f tak.ing, with the balance ('if the p.roceeds:
<br />paki- bJ Berrower,
<br />If t:be Property is abttndone-.rl ~v Bor-ro,"-~'f. l....r if, :liter nNtcc hv L~nde-r In Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />aU aw'.rd ()T' "'5eule -a. daim f!~r dama~, &'n'tWo^et fai!'s f\, H'~JX\!\d t,~ I cnrler wlthin 1'0 davs after the date such notice 15
<br />mailed. l.ettde-.r j~ .amhotiled lo n1Uect :tnd ap.,-h.: tni:' p-n:x:-eed.,-, ~$! (en-def'i o;'1tlon. t,'lttler t(\ ~toratioti {\j repair of the
<br />Prn-pcrty (!:f to. tht' s.U~ ~"'Urt'd ~y this M(l!rt~l~
<br />Untets. Lenderr and Bor-rvwitr ot~N<'r~ agrct' m "ri!in~, ~n\- "",<n applfl:~1tion of pnx-eed5 to principal ..hall not c\tend
<br />or ~nt~--me fhe due- datt.', ef the month-lv in't.:lthn~nB rder:-t"ct tr1 in r;jri..I.~L'l;r-h~ 1 .'H'Id ~ here(Jf er rhangc rhe amouflt of
<br />"'tel> ,,,.tali_.
<br />10" ..........".Not JitdreMtt'd. F.'~:{-tn~l('-l't ,,:.t the !HH->:, f;,Jf p,1"'-rnt~nt ','!' Hhxiifh.'4tit"tll ,\f ~i:mo-rtrnUiOO pi the ",urns secured
<br />by thh Mot1~ gunt'f:d hy I ende::r tr> ;tIT\' ),\KCC~~l1 !nl~ft''I,t PI R,)1'n:....'~'t'f ...r-nl! n.lt '.T[.iCfate- It' n:lca~-e. in an\' manner,
<br />the hahility ~,f the o(igm~l Borro>'\<'Cf ,md 9.t"rl'f~\h'r" "-\~J..:,-"C>\,...;g" ,~~ n,terC">;t f cnJt:f ,,-haB fH'l r-.e "t,~qHiTed In (,:omm-en-cc
<br />l'\:tiI;lt';eedm-g~ a.~';'!:i11~ \t:h;,~h "tiC.cn1~'1-i' ,-'f 7';.:-fu%" t>:' ~\tcnd ~n-n{' f'.1\"metH ,.t .-\thr-!'wi,,~ ,11odif", ~'.fn.)HI7af1('\n of 1he s.ums
<br />~ured M' rhi>', M{m~~ hv rt:$'\f'ij) ..\1 :'i:l~' dt"f!l-M.d m.;:u.!-t. t--\ dH: ,,!jgln;~l BOrH)WN ,1l1\J Rnrri-"wer\ "ll-(\.:C'-s.St\-fS In interexL
<br />J L F~..-Dt. k L~ ~ot -# ""'-.h-H, ,.-\".... r\';-f~~'if i\~h'e h', I ~',nJn jn t"'N\:'I..m~ MW f1f!'ht ,\f H.'met"" hereunder. \,r
<br />Nhe",,~i~ Aff'-i1.rutd f-;'V ~-N'~f(:ahh." 1;~,,' 'orB!! nnf Y",," ;,1 W,<l'''':t"f ;,1 "j" rw~...'!ud{' the- C\t'n,T\C' ..,t' an\: "th:h ri~ht ,'r remedv,
<br />'In-e ptf'i1..~'lremef'l-t ,"J.f rn'i.'Utafi,~...-n !~ r-~nr\('nt of !,iH', ~'( ,qhel 1:~~n"l; ,,' "h"i~~'j. h' ll.<ndct" ..hall n~\l t'I(';l \'l,;lIVn pf ! ender's.
<br />nght 10 ;lC{'-t'tC!:1f(~ ~h'(' maHiot,. ni th~ ii1{K-htedof."'\."\. ~'\."lirt'd b--.. ;r.,.~ ',l.-'n~a~'{"
<br />1'1. E~ C~~ ..\H frmcl'he" p~"IY<j.dni .n !f,;'i;. \f~,H~F.W.t~ ,lOt:' :,h'iHO:l,t ;.;.i11t '~amulati'l:t.' t(l ;It!\' l'lht'r fl!ltn Pf
<br />fetn-e1~' u~r th~\- Mt."np::Jif:~ nr ~,fr;;:'<f&d h~- LA:""'- {'qu,n <,n.1 ,on"l'. hi- C'd'~";"-i:.,J l 'U1t-t~trt:t!rtv ,ndi"fX'ndt:nl!V or "IKce"sjv"t"h'
<br />fJ~ ~... ,"...... IkHut4::: J-m:ttt ..... SteHr-nd l..ia.Wllt,.: emptio.,. lh~ ,-',>\eqam, ,~nd .~~r('C:n('nts ht'r~m
<br />\.~~:.ntAitWri ~~.lIH hm-rl, ;;.f"d t~ ft,tH~ h>r~1~k:f ~h;jH ,11l.H~ ~". lhe "t'+,r'.:<\l,\r \H";!...,,;\\;"'1T'~ .:i:nd ;'P,'HUn.. 1'( t c-ndcl ;intl Rt'rr-owcr.
<br />'iulH\N.'1 W lih-t': p-t'\Wi.~ttlfP~ 01 p~:fi!g:r-l:.ph I.... h"Ut','d \ll !;'-"'l:"":-lfl:f';. .l h! d fk;tflH~a !,full bo(. i"tnt ;tnd .;evt'f;!l
<br />TIre ..:;tprh~~n ;HlU ~Wtfi-tp \''; ~f'--.-e ,pJ,(:;;f~r;)th'j, <;;f l~~,.. \f~"n~~.I~:;t _>o.t' ,,-'~""\'f'llt"1'1,-C~' .''1lv )nd ,He' n(lt li' h'e [j\.('d {('
<br />lttt<<-iJ-R-t tH &-diM tnc Pt(?';ir~it:ln~ h-t'-f(,f~f
<br />"4. ~. f-,.('~ f{~f ;&:110.' n.Q;fH,"t' r~~~lHnd ~ndef ,'l;;i\!h;d!-'~~' 13\-1;, h~ ~n,-!"n ~!'1 ::nnt-h~r ft):}tHwr l~; ,inv IlO'!I("C 1<'
<br />.antt<tiWel pr(~Vi~W h-'~r ;n. thi-\. "h'3,rt1it~l;.-~ "'~iflH ht- O;;"'f'~~ n~Jl-l\H1W ;,d-', .. '(li"i" h..' . ,-rl1rkd nnl/ ,Hi-Jn.-"iC'.J t,\ lif~fn~~l,,'r :H
<br />!he P~rt" i~i:id:re\.'i< ~'H ~"..:h "'~~i .;..dd.t('~"" ,t~ nj"'nt\<;O,;.~'t :n~y dC'\l~f\;.H: h' ",l!l((~ 1," I t"mkl ,,~.. rrovide-d herdn. .dlJ
<br />{l1'~ aUl, 'ilO$'l~ if' I__n\d",,, '.~n.Jij ~~ !:,-..,('~: ,:t;r-fltk~~ ~1~\~d. '-r-t"t!' ~ '-:~ z'lf': 't~Q\Jotr-.d, '!~, I '-'ntk:-", .Hjdn:'1>~ 1:i.1.\htd here-;ll nf tn
<br />..,ndl ,{~tbet lldd~, ;n i A,"fit-kf t1't,:n ,--k"i~CfiaU ~;. lWf;,;y :;, H-t.w~:'~'~':"-f .'1-'; !'n~~;dcd fVl~ql '\H. rhHjn~ rmw!dtd fpr \11 thf\
<br />Ml\-.lrtg. s.h-Jilt h.c \.~f)t'd- U' h.iJ.'q:> ~rt f!:p;ru ~-n Ik-rr-,'....q.( \', t ,;'.:,dt:!' ',~h'n1 ~.'\'n1 l:n !h~ 1U:)fH\er <k~1>!ln::ifl;':tl h..'reirt
<br />15. t',ftifunft '~;.(i-fl.\.C''''''''' L.t*; ~nnti.ih, 1',,",-, i,,~r.': lit !'Iwn?"s;'{' ,.,'!n~ln('l' '.ltli!'-.'.rm t.1.\\'en!int<; fpr 11.~\tH\n<.i!
<br />,~~ .-$1'litl ~(~J'I.H~ff,,-~f!'H >;>""'~H,U;f'\ .'l.-Ith hn'Ht~d ".,,--n,H,~~rh h\ .-'i;\..;,b.'ll'-'i" '.1 ,,~WIMn\H<, it iln-;tvrm ~..'I.:l$r!J\ f:1.~I:I!nK"IH l'O\"l"rtnli1-
<br />ft!"-al rm~tv rhi~ Mo-rt~~$C \t1.4H r< ~5}\'rn';.l.:d h\ :h" !}:w ~;n'4h.;;,.th'f1 :q ,"",i~i{:~ ;~~~. Prn;x"ov b 1,.....;\tX'd itl the
<br />"'"'ent (h"t ,'Ht)-~ p'f-';.,:-v't!-<<'~n ~"-r d-:I!u"S(' d ihr" \h'!-~~(i!.J;~"" ~.'f '.h~: ','f"~ ,:'nHl-;';'~~ ;" Hh ,:q"p!'i\,::.lhk ;~~\\. > cl'i.:h ',l'nt'hcl ..h;;jl} lh~' ,l!ft."-I.~{
<br />{"+t:'~f Ph)'\:fS.~~I~ i'( ih'" ~'h~nlt';a~ ,'~ ~~a,~ 't.;.k ,~~-\~,h ...\11 he :;:'<'("f1 ,:lh'-c'l Agrh.~\!t '~e ..':\'iH~l.,,!1.iN i~fn\'i",intl. ;~!l\i !,:\ thl1
<br />N\O the p--H:>'~~'l~i..-'ih t',~ tn'(i \f~"ft~ ,:md !I':,-' ,~,.,.-tt~ ,,ct' f5t..... i..:.t~.;j ~'" ~>>t- ',~;,'('r,;);f;k
<br />16.. ~~, C.,y. B'\)-fl'l--"-~<-f "h"B h-,.'"' ; )'n''lh.~"i ,J . ,':~hn'rn~d ,:,~j'v \,r :h~" .',.t(" ,~n,d ,-,;' !f1i'<, \ftHtj;!.i$!:C ,l! !h(' time
<br />it{ ct~U!k)f) p.t ,;]l~~-'(t ;\"t',~'n.i>lUN'l h-('rt".l'{
<br />". T"........ oJ ttw fltottett\'; "....~" ;, .1..1: ., ,'P" f'.:>.fi "'f '11C P'r,(T"""sf<.. \'f '.Ift 'IHt"n~'y' Ihct1:"m h ~\,!d I\f tfJ.o...terred
<br />h\1 ~fu.-w"a IA<lt?x:;>tH t ("ptjer'.... f'$"f'd.-l' wt1H'\':" > ,m':<J;,"\)t. <:: ,.. h..Hjlfi)t j..f,' -:'f:;'\: ,,~'eahf'n -i! ,_< l1'{'n ,if <:'11{;!IIntltitff\:C il;,\j!:x-"rJm~h"
<br /> 1,;
<br />ihn M-l)t1'$~~. !:hi H~' (N;:MI\"U'ii ,_'It il. f'q-<'Ht'l., '~'<...i;JH\' na'ft'~-i ',,< i--,;'H'ieh\>f.j '(} ;,j, lrfi.nS!l~r ho' \J\'"Vt~
<br />t~mt ,,:, tl\: ~V.)tf'aH('4n -\~-t h",," ...,Pt-m ;It'.lHh 1~r;,~iH 'h..' ~f;;,f;t ,t!T~ HHefe!\t .'!-f !hret" Y(,'~\.h of h.~"
<br />nut ~t,)ltt-a~~i~"~~ (lPt~)f~'tf: PU~~~. L.t'.rt1Jt! m,'t\.. .).{ t C~'H.kt'.... "'P.~ll'-<1 J,,~'\.,1.H\:'::.;!i 1bt' "inn... ~;~:Ufifd hv ti1ti \1(';n!<t3~'? hI t'!-\..
<br />~~ilia\i':ty d~ ~nd p,A'V'abk. l.en4k:r ....h;,;;H l'I..:...e >...,w.'c-;J -~',,(h ,':p.t"-'-f\ ;.' .'!...',:ei'l."'fMe 1~' f\rJ\.1f 1_,'i the ~..il{" or Ha~tcr i .cnikr
<br />.'lAd lM -pt'fi\.'\tl h", wh(l(tI the Pn."1prtn. j-'; tl,l ~ ,:.,tt.l...t ~"';tf1'''h~;f(,,,j rca-...'h ;':- ,;;\.nHn~ !hat the, (tet!!! .:)\ '>Hi..h
<br />~~ w~ik't(l<ry: Ii) i.l,:'mk'r ,'\nd th;,H lne !mcf'C"':\ l".i:)-:;.:bh:' ,-'-H !~'--t." ~,;;'1'- ~\ \';K \-.h~ffg....~e .,hall h~ :.H :i-il",:h rdt-e ;~-\ {~!H,ier
<br />~n~, tf f t'tIDer Nti W-M\<:ed rhe fl~f~~t! k' ,iJ'c('e-ie-rAH:- ~",~'.t.\-~.j~'iJ ttn, f\-~t:<lgt{!,pi1 l7. ~!.nd If lln(f'{lWltr'" ~O(~f":\~(lT 1ft
<br />:Mfl''flt h.a.\ ~,1i:tt-ut<<i a \f,;"ntten ;t>>umfMliOrl ,f~'roNTJe'H ;!J.:>;.:'~rt.t('<tl ~i' !''''rH~m; ~..' t.cnJ-er. ! .cnOer ...hali !ck.:uc B-OHI1Wt'l !'rmn ~dl
<br />~""..... un<kr lhi;. M.~!lrl<l u.", Not".
<br />If Lcmkr 't.\ctd-Sit.$ 't,t:~dl ('fFRtOu to JiJ.:_",:-eknm.', I <n-Jer ..:.h-<!H yg"'ti n:(iniY.~'(,':r f';;'.H/\."!t .,-.f ,1.1.:'(eteraw," 1i1 .h:.:urdiltlt.'C '~lfh
<br />PM'~ l.. ~rrot S-\.JCh-- ~")tia ~m..H rrQ'i~de:..{ ~nnd ,A t-'N'J.'[ k"!~ thotn .to ,hi",>; f!C,ttl rhr uatr- the tl\l~jn: '" lnOliicd \t't1:nlf1
<br />~~b 86Jt~J.'Cr mJl)' p-a.,.' the '\uflU d-echuf';fl due H fto.rrt.",*r;,:-f t...uh 'c. pa'" 'Wd1 'mffis pnw h~ the <.;'\ptt"a.thm .if 'ilt\:h t;.eTI(~.
<br />l~__y, W1:tbt.lUt rurtht'.f Th.-KJ{'C Of *ma.oo 'PH H-o'rn""".'tr. :.'1'\'i.~i:' .~;,\" 1'r;'!1\t."\1le'S- ~\(:,fnl:H.ed ~\' pM",raph 1 ji. hcrCt\-f
<br />
<br />N(IN:",U'Nt.f'M.M' CO'Vff.NASn. ROf1t,we.r and t c-nder h~tth<--t i- ~"l"ef!;ifH ,nuJ .:i~!ee .1.S- i("Ho",''!I
<br />IlL ,~........ --.... Jt.~.. ....yHIM IP ~ 11 _I, ,,_ &no..'..... """,,,It of a.." .,.._ ....
<br />........-... of ...... .. ... \........., hodudiaIa 1M ...h_ I" "", .._ <I.... ,",y s_ _un4 by tltls M.....~.
<br />....... ...... .~..... ..... _ tit ............. .. pro.idt!tI It< ............... 14 heftuf "p.df~mc' III 1M bFellfll,
<br />~.~............. ..___ "'-lIt m. .... l>OiI """"""" JfI ....,.. from tl><< d_ lite ~ B ...... to ............r.
<br />... ......... .... ..... _~ ....... """ ,........ m rom __ ........r. ... ... """'" 11M- ftk ..,....iW It< tilt> .....'"
<br />..,.fIIIIlIIIllD ~""lIl.-fttlir _ ___ fly tlllIo 1\1.......... 1....-... ",. ja6:W ~ ..... ...... ot lite l'mperty.
<br />.......................... '" ttIir rilttMtu ~ lIfm 1I<UlerM_...... 1M riaftt I.. _ It< I.he f~
<br />........._ ~..... ..............., other...... of aom....... tit ...:~.1Itit.t.o ..... IDftdourft, If II><< hftadIt
<br />__ .............. ................. ... ...... ~.. 1."""""', ....... _, deriaft lIII '" t.... ._ _"""'" r.,
<br />_.......1Ior lII!toIJ 1Illfn t.... MIl ,.,...............l'un"'"........... ..... ~ I~ by j<tdIdaI,......,...... !.~.
<br />_._..........~_...~.......- of f__.~, Im_ ~ I... l'_ "I ~
<br />............-....~
<br />1-. .............,.......... Not",itlul,..m,,. !mde,'.""."..t1il"C'" "~I .h" ",m. ...",m..! lw (h" M"fl,at<.
<br />~..~ ~"' die ~ 1<> MiOt illl)' ~ """", h h'.... tc\ "..i",.t" (h" MoTte'l" d..o<mhl\l..u .. on,. ",n.
<br />