<br />r
<br />
<br />UNIJ'OIlMCOVBliANTS. Borrower and Lender coYenant and agree as follows: 83- 003746
<br />t. . ~ of 1'rI8dpII. MIl bde-. Borrower shall I'romptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />~ evidea<:ed by the NOIe. prepayment and lare charges a. provided in the Nore. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any FOIUre .>,Avances oecured by thi. Morrgage.
<br />1. I'IlDds fOl' T_.... r-e. Subject 10 applicabl<> law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender. Borrower .hall pay
<br /><<>Lender<mlhe day monthly installtnems of princ;pal and .nterest are payable under tbe Note. until the Note is paid in full.
<br />. awn (herein ~Fundt'., eqd8l to onc-twelfth of the yearly t..",s and assessments which may attain priority oyer this
<br />M~.Md groundrenb on the Property. ifany. plu. ,'ne-twellth of yearly premium installment. for hazard insurance.
<br />p.hJ&on...,wftflh!lf yearly premium installments (or mortgage imur.nee. If .ny. all a. rea'iOnably estimated inilialiy and from
<br />time to lime by Lendet- on lbe basis of _en'" and bills and r""",nable estimates thereof.
<br />1be.Funds-.shaU be hdd- in an In.~titutl:on the dtpostU or accounts i\t which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />slllfe agency (including. Lender.f Lender i. such "n in..itution I Lender shall apply the Funds to p"y said tases. assessments.
<br />,inlunmc:e prero-iums. and ground rents-, Lender may not charg-e for ~o holding :and applying the Funds., .maiyz:ing said account.
<br />01,' vel'ifY'lIJ! and compiling ,aid 'lUeSsmenl' and bills;. unte.. i.ender pavs Borrower IOlerCSI "" the Fund. and applicable law
<br />perntits Lender to make -such .9: charge. Borrower and Lender may J.gree in writing at the time cd execution of this
<br />M"ortpp tbat int-ete'$t -on ~ht: F-unds ~haU he paid fa Borr-,,1wN _ and unless ~uc:h agreement i~ mude or app_licable taw
<br />rf:qu:i1't!S JU:Cb intefe$l to' be pam. Lcnde:r s.h.aH not be re.qutfed It'! flay Borrower ;l.OY jfltere~n or earmngs on the Funm, Lender
<br />mati give to. Bo-rro:we.r~ -"'f!bout ~hat.Je-~ .an annual aCi:ountmg of the hif1d~ sJ.u.:l'wmg (,:redjts ';'1n<1 debits .to the Funds and the
<br />~ f-or' wbich each debtt w the- Fu.!:lds was made. The Funds <.ift piedged a,Iit ii.ddilionai :'\eCunty for the sums secured
<br />by tbi$ Mortp!lt.
<br />tf -the amount ol the Ftmdi held by Lender, together wnl1 the- future montt~ly installment., of Funds payable prl(\f to
<br />the -due dates uf t:axe$, ~ments.}- ~mur:ance_ prr:tmums and gnmnd nmts. \haH e:\<."'ttd the 3moum required to pay said taxes.
<br />~ts, lns~ premiuDU ",nd. gn::ruoo rent" ~u, they t;lii du,,;o Wdl C'I..~cs..~ ,haJl be. ;H Bo-rrower\: vption, cHher
<br />~y rqmid to 8o.rro\il:'et ,"jf ctutited to- &'1trower on mo-nthi.... Ifl!r.!i!.Hmcnn ~)t Fuods. If the ~Imount ,-~f the Fundi
<br />beJd by ~ i-baU nOl' be -'~ to pay l,*Ul::S, .u...~:\mt!nt'S. m-1\uf;m.;:", prem:unn ;md ground rents. as they taB due.
<br />~th.aJ1 P'4ty to t~ iUt'V #lltQUnt n-<<....l~~ury t.n rn~J,e up the "ktii;ll~nC\ wnhm iO dav.\ from the date lwhce IS. mal.!--ed
<br />by Lctlder to ik>fr_er ..,.._tlllll ,"'~'mcm ,l\cuoi
<br />Upon p..ymc-n.t m fun vi .aU U,un\ ~--up:d by tln"'- I\.'t.::wrg.age. I ~!'I-d~f "IIh.aH rrnmplly f('wnd hI Born'wer ~my Funds
<br />heW by I...cadet. H undct- p.&n-&raph l-S herrot the Pr:ope~1', ,~ ,-.oid j\: 1hz: Pwpef'l\ ;.\; l.,){her.'ntc ,t'"till/red bv tender. Lenuer
<br />~ apptY1 00 lakr thoUl i-~lfti'\' pnof t~\ the "..it' '..~t lh-t' P'H'l-X'rtV "r Ii" ;Jt..:"qUJ~ml,,"<.n hV Lc-nd~r. an} Fund~ ht:id by
<br />L.cndct it! 1M Umc (J.f a.ppi~Ut:m ;;U. .~ i:.'1'\!U.tl ii.J,AU\;'ii1. the $Um... 'i-t~{:j..rrt'.d hy fhu. \1ong3t(t:
<br />J.. A.......... sf PIq-.. Unint ~P.h(:.ahie !,)w ptt'y1l1,k'.s. ~,ttwf"Wf'fC, ~J.U pasmcnt.'\ H:...i:.{\'ed. b\' l.ender under lhe
<br />N()(~ -lUld pvq.f1Iipft\ t M1d 2. ~Jt' u,aJ~ he aprhrti hy l.ender ri~i .:./1. pil; m~flt ,It anwU!H:l p~yahle w Lender by Bor-w",er
<br />unQer- r---nl.lf*-ptt 1 fle-t\'iOI. then t{,l lfitm-nt ray.bk nn th-t~ ';.Jlt'. lt1~fl t.,J th~ ptul\:i"p.aE \if the N('iIC, ,~nd then to mterC$! JnJ
<br />pnncipaJ 'JfJ ''''' fU'\IfT ^<!v"".,.,._
<br />4. ~ 1Jiea.. &fT~~f ....h..aH f"\' .\It U.'>::C"', ,-t~c~'HH<na .Hid ..-the!'" ,h.;u~e..... t1ik~ ~tntJ ln1f'\Y'l.Ul()fl\ ;.tHnb~liahfe l('l
<br />(be ~ WbKh ma, 41tain 01 pt5t:\flt\' ~Y\'c:.:r fh.a ~hlft~, .t.nd k...~twhI p,ivfi\cnts. +.It ;r.rovnd tent\., If "ny. 10 Ihe manner
<br />~ -un'" ~apb 1. nc:t'eOf Hr. i! twt p.tn! H~ 'i-~K:h tlHU)l'1<f h\ fk~ffi"wcr ma.lmf{ pll\'n\Cn1. whe-n due, dinxUy to the.
<br />payee. t:iw.NOf, 8otT~ $all pKKnpf.i~' h.tflUW I(J Lemler a.H !H:H.;t:~ d :.mount.'ii JU(' H.tJd:c>r Ihn. p~r4.iraph. and in the event
<br />~ tb.aU 1'llH"t: ~,Ymeri:t 'ihrCL-U'~. fk~n~Y4't.~f ).h~ii pf.:.rrnpth- :utm-,.h h'l- i.cnd('f rn't.!"tp-ts, f"\<ldeni.'lfli( 'iudi pOtvmcnt"i_
<br />~ ~ pt'OfttptIy ~.b.-rer- iIl0Y lam 'AnKh ~Al prWflh- "....t~i lh~" MHn-*~c. plP""~ded, ,h....t &\tfower "half jH'it he
<br />~ tl) ~ .i.It) %$;.;11 lit'tl '") inrtl. 3-'1- 1li)rr\'~>;,\,l""f ",h~H .I;~r<< l1) *nhflF t{~ {ht- p.'l\'mc-nt "I ,he 1)h.ll!laHnU \~('ured hv
<br />,\Udl U. in., nutlMf ~_blc ;..'!- LCil<<t. ,.;! >:..h4JI in g('~.ld t...:.;h ((mt(:..l "\J~h hct~ l1y, '.""'t d-e:ft.nJ t'.nt.:.'It't:~mtttH tit SI.Kh Hen m.
<br />~ ~~ wbJ(h upt.fflit i....l. pt~lfent 1~ 'CnhH.t:.s.~fH of lfli" :Hni- nr to;)th~';tUfC Hf n~ i'r(\pt:'nv Ilt ;H\Y part there-n-f
<br />5~ ....... ~ ~"l:r i,.b4H .l_r {~ lmptd...('t\-~nh th~"," ('q'.1~n. d-f h('f(:,_.4Hcr t..lI......-tt.'i..t >1ft ~hc Prn~.ny lfl\llred
<br />~ lOIii~' ftn\- h:u::a.nh tA(:i~ *'unm ttw ~(fm 't"'-li'"l'Kic-ti ~.,'!""-i'l:l~ "-\lk1 '>'l.k;h otht:f }Hll-'inf, a,'i. I eUOe-r ma.y ;:cqwre:
<br />ADd tn .~b amouU'" ud tot ~och t.~..n-J;Jd.~ u Lcrnkr ma:~ ;~-\~'~;Jg, p-t""-l;;"h1 a.tlf-t 1 ~nd('r \.fuiH l"lt."!{ requJft' th.at lh-c amount ,it
<br />~ 'Q~t.. (:~ thal -lUtl\'uut d! ;;"T'n.'1~ (~Ul-fet1 W fl-A\ tht- '\-am~ ~",Hn."d h~. lOa M(!-fl~a.gc:
<br />tbe U.U.f~ CuneI prU~ tbr ~r,j;fi{.-::C ~U be ...h(~ h'! ROftV\li.er "dh~\,::t M a.ppro't-iili h)' !.CfH.k'r; p-(ov~.
<br />tilal web ~~ ibaI! fit."ll hie t~.Qfr'....'ift..hty "'N-rth.bdd ,\H p~m.tunb {;.fl .I.fi\Ur.;HX:(' pOftCin ,.lUlU hit: r~u.i m the manM:f
<br />PtM-"ldat ~ pat'apiipb:2 ~ -t.,.r. it nvs: p.1UG m !>u~-h ffi.a,nrJe'f, h'i' &"YH("~~-l tJalff1' pa.,.n~t.. w~ due.. JiT<<,11y fn the
<br />'--~.
<br />.U iDtw~ poiU;lft ADd t~'~ fr.tf1;t.Jf t:h41H he-- "10 h'nm A-J.:""epc;,bk tit L.t:.H->.k'f M1U 'ih-aU m~hKk~ ,t \{anoard mortga.ge
<br />~ h"'1 {1i'h,V"'..... aud. lt1 {OfW #i{:~C'ptahk t'O t.cndeL Lr-_HUCi ~~.aH h~H: the nsiu h~ ht;1'kl th<- pohnC'$ ..no.! ft'fK'441-o. thereof.
<br />ADd."ftYWer ~.H pnnpd)' fw~ t(} L('hotkt all ;CM..'iI! fi'lH~~n ",ad ;dl fP:'t:',tpb (It p.:ud ptcttHum" In the clt'C'nt 01 kl'lf:>S,
<br />tIonowct d\aU p-ve .pn:tmpt nolK:.c: In the. JUtrWi:\t'k;C tarnet ;tlkl l.euo()et 1 c;ndt'f f1W~ 1n'.Le Pf(101 !.Jt k~l l:t not mau(' prompth"
<br />by 8om>wcr.
<br />lJ-UIos Leeder ;tIid ~ O.~'t\C q.tt~ m \'H1hJ'I, UlJUJill'h:'C pti:x:C\Cd:.'I\ "hill t.: "f~"hed 10 rC'j.t.Q!.\ltKln or repau ot
<br />tbt Propert), ~~ Vtovtded ",Ut.'ft rm.or.tKm: tJ( r-ep-llH i'\ OC\)OfWJftu\:itlh tail-hie ,u1d t~ ~unt}' of tha MOft(("a.ge p,
<br />oot t~~. if such ro..tunwon Uf tq:N$lf ft ~h~! ''i:.nnom~:a!h' fea.Mhk Of d the s<<unty of thi'l Mortg.ai.e would.
<br />be ialpt,lnd. ,hot,_ ~ \!WI be ow<"'d to In. .wm _ored ~. ,h.. Moltl"lle, with In. .".... Ii JOY. pam
<br />to BOffOW.,'". It' tbe. ~ is ab4.mlt~ by BOr-rHWfl.; ~tS ..t Bttn-.~r-f f.llb to resp;md !n Le.uder wtOUn .H.i day, from the
<br />... DOtlce '" ~ bv l.codu to ..~ ftutt ttw: t~ -<;;:ttnn t."1-fft'no t.o ;i.(':tH~ 4 da.lffi tor !1uurafK:e beuenb. I.e.nckr
<br />'" ~ to .~ _ appiy tho ..............'" .~ .t I.. .",le,., optIOn tlIlhor 10 rmorallO," <>r ,epair oi the Property
<br />tJf SO .. _ -.mid by .. MorftllF,
<br />ll... ....... add -...-. 0Illcr00'.... ~ ,n wnt...g. ....y _h "I>Pli<all<'" ,,! p,..",,<.<<Io 10 pr'flClp<l1 ,hall .101 .'tend
<br />I)f ~ .be duo ~ 01 tile: monthly Ul~ ,den"" Ii' In !"'f1IlIropi\1; I .nd 2 "ereo! <If ch..'llC the .mount "I
<br />__ ~ II.... ~ 18 ~ tbe Property " ~ by lemler, .1I fight. utle atm 'nteml "1 lkm"",er
<br />in..... f<> ..., ,_... ~ lIDd in and !{> tbe 1"_ tbereOl raulung !,,'m dalllJtl>'C 10 lbe Property p",or to the ...ie
<br />or ~ WlI IMa l<J IMKler '" !be ntHI o{ the ......... _....011 by th.. M...,lI'lS'" ....medialely poor Ii' "tCn ",Ie or
<br />J L . '"1.08
<br />.. ............ ."'4 I I of ..........,,; ~ (:.-..' . .v....., ......... lJeIt ne.~ lk...",,,,.r
<br />oWbapu. t'I'~ ie plOd. ~ and .w _ .<>l'llatit .......e 0, petm1i .mp",.........t or detefioratlill! "~I lbe I',.,,,,,fly
<br />... ... ~ wtdl the ~ ('Ii aay ~ .f In'" !lfOtt,." on a lca..,h<>l<t If Ihilt MurtPfIC IS nn J unit 10 .
<br />l [I t: 1 "1I1m ...... .. p/;MlIloI4 Ulltl ..~ 8o<n_ .!t"l! ""rim... all of IlL"",....,r', "blrlll"o", ..n<lv lhe ,~lar""","
<br />IN ~ ('~. 01' ~ the ('~uu..... <.. piaaned .."it development. the bY'!lI'" and r..,...latlOm "f lhe
<br />O,",'W"lW 01' ~ UlIil de~. and ron<<it_ doc_I;. If. ,on<lumJnium (lr pl....oed unol Je.elopmenl
<br />t1iIet.. ia~ by ~ riM ~ I.~ "'lilt 11m MOI'tJtltC. 'he ",,",,,,ants .nd """""""''' ..( ..lcl1 ,ule,
<br />.-. _pu... '- _................ .....s ~ the c~nan" iIt!d aere"ft~u. 01 th.. Mon.. .. tf the I"""
<br />__ llJllllB litmIII.
<br />1. ........ ill .................. If Burr_ laiK 10 pertOftll .be ,....-....\. '00 'll'e.menlll '(lnt".oed !ll thIS
<br />.......... <<If..,. ... or ~ IS .--.1 whidI matt'ri4Ily ~. Lender.. 10_' in (be Pn'fll'I1Y.
<br />........._....liIIIW.~..~...... imobrenI:l', <.ode eftl~. (lr ar~nlll <it 1",lCf:edinI$ mvuly.na ,
<br />....._~... ttIlIIw..~. ~.l.Ifl\'m nOO\."e 1(1 ~, may make ....It .~.... ,i<litlune .",,1\
<br />............ __.. ia..~ tf' pml<<t \......,. ,,_. ,,,chiding. but tlOl "m"ted II'. dJtitu......menl .'.
<br />........... .......,.. ... .... f1lIIt7 "'* tIw P/OpefI;' '" maU rqrain. If f""ndft rcqWlt'd mM'1I.... m...un;:e .. .
<br />~... .1IIiIIIflilII.'" .to.a .llltllIlIIM. .bt_ M~ I!:o.m<....... tIWl I'''Y the ~l_ '",""Ulfted I" !!I'lUlI"'" ....n
<br />........ilt~.-S.....lilIlII.lUi 1M ~ {Of w<h __ t""_.... a<.>:<>rdarn..... w'lh Bom_!"...Jd
<br />