<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />prior loellUy ofa j~1 e>nforelngthis Ml:>ttgage> it: ta) Borrowe>r pays Lender all sums which would be the>n due> under
<br />IhIs M~, .Ure NottHmd _I,ecuring Furore Advances. if any, had no acceleration QCCurred; (bJ Borrower cures all
<br />breadlollofany other covenants or a.-nlsof Borrower contained in this MOrlgage; (c) Borrower pay. aU reasonable
<br />~ inauredbyU:Oderm eJJforcing the "ovenanlSand agreements otUorrower contained in Ihis MOrlgage and in
<br />enf~~~..prm>ided in paragraph 18 hereof. including, but not limited to. reasonableattomey'. tees; and
<br />ldIBatt-nwenates.!\Uchaction as tendennay re.....nably require to .....re that the> lien ot this Mortgage. tender'. interest
<br />;,nlw~ucfllcirrower'. obligation to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired, Upon such
<br />pa~ and.eut\Olly Borrower, tbisMortpl!C and tbe obligations secured.hereby shall remain in full force and elfect as it
<br />no__a&J>balt~
<br />... ..a.. J,f.. nt.llf.... A~of Recriftr;I......rInP~.. As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />~ .JlIIliles. to Lmdet. 1ll!:.rent!I of the Property. provided that Borrower .lIall, prior to .""cleralion under paragraph ]8
<br />b!:n:of Ol'a~ oCthe Property. h...., the right 10 collecl and retain such "ents ..Ihey become due and p.yable.
<br />Upon.~ undetparagnlpb III he_t or abandonment "t the Property, Lender, in person. by agent or by
<br />judicially app.cllnted r~,l!baII he emitted 10 enter upon, take po....."'n of aOO manage the Property and 10 collect the
<br />-1Y of the .Propeny, i",,'ludillJlthOOt' pa$i due. All reo" colltXted by Lender m the rece,vcr sh.n be appl;.,d firslto payment
<br />of llHl._of -'_101' IhePmpem an<! coU"",'I"'" ot 'mls. Including. but n<>t Jimtted !o. receivers tee.. premiums on
<br />rt'Ceivc,:'s ~ and fe.on'.hie Artnf'ney~s t'ee:.-t. and then to the '1um"i- ~e~umd by this Mongag.e. tender and the receiver
<br />'!\banbeliabk to _.OnlY f<< I",,",,'rent< ",,:tuall,' """,;v."j
<br />21.. ..F.....-~ ~Upon ffq~ of -Bnrr~eL Lc.nder, ~\t LCf'u:ie-r"!> optIM -pri->:~r 10 release of thi$ Mortgage. may
<br />mahPUWn> Adv__ ,t> B""""*"<'. Sueh Ft!\J1re A.iV.ll"",,,w,.h mle""! .her.on. ,hall be ..cured by this Mortgage when
<br />-e\-~- by~' notes, s;t1J,r:1~ th-a1, uld not(!j; at'€! 5eCI.Ired hcn:by" -"\J fH_' hmt:!- 'ib.ftl! the- principal amount of the.
<br />!it\~ -~ by tbJl MOrt,.,_, n;..."t _ Hldud-ing ~Uf~'S ~~~ H1 ,a\.'~-0!iJan<.'i.' hc~wifh t.u protect the security of this
<br />Monpl". ~ rhe <>nlJ'Ml _, of the 1'<>1< 1'11l' VS ~ NUN!;;
<br />21., ....... U!>>t'- jll.\ymcnf !J1 ~n wmlJ ~tH'~-d hv {ht~ MO'f'.t:g,lF' Lt.'"n~r ~h-aH ,-h~harge thit Mortgage without
<br />.t~ t(j 8orrawer, BorftlW!Cf" maU pitY ~H c.(~h iff r-;."'(~:.rd.anoft< .lU1V
<br />
<br />IN Wnl4l\J1S Wm,lfWF, Berro""" "'" ~'c"me.a this Mo'tl'"dji<:
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