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<br />83-003730 <br /> <br />lender's written agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of aU mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall he pay....1e upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear;nterestfionuhe <br />date of disbursement at tile rate payable from time 10 time on outstanding principal under the Note unl.... pllyrQentof <br />interest at such rale would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall hear interest attbehlghest rate <br />permlasible under applicable law. Nothing contained in tbis paragraph 7 .hall require tender to incur any expense ortalre <br />any action hereunder. <br />& 11IllptdIoIl. lender may make or cause to be made reasonable enlries upon and iMpection. of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any slIch inspection specifying reasenable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interellt in the Property. <br />9, CoecIemnalJoll. The proceeds of any award or claim fOT damages, direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of rhe Property. or part thereof, or for convey.nce in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a tOlal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sum. _ured by this Mortgage, <br />with the exce... if any. paid to Borrower. In 11le event "f a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />Olherwise agree in wrilmg. there .hall he applied to the 'urn, secured by this Mortgage ,uch proportion of the proceeds <br />as i~ equal to that ,)roport1on which the .amount of the \llm'l ..ecured hy this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />laking bea.. to the fair market value of the Property immedia.ely prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />raid to Borro\\'et. <br />If the Property i. abandoned by Borrower. '" jf. after n"tice hv Lender to lk>rrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or -settle a daim for dama~, Borrower fails. to rt"'Spond to Lender within 30 da)"S after the date such notice' is <br />mailed. Lender i. aulhor.;te<! 10 collect and apply the proceed,. al Lender', option. either 10 ""toration or repair of the <br />Property nr :'0 the ~tlm~ secured .hy rhi"\ Mt.1ftt!.age <br />11n:'es:s Lender and Borrower D,he-rn'i~ agree in writing. ,am.' such 3ppliā‚¬;ation ('If proceed" to principal shan not extend <br />or postpone the due {hue Hf the monthly in:,1::l1Imc-nl~ referred to in paragnph... 1 and 2 hereof or change the a.mount of <br />..uen in&taUmenu. <br />to. Bono-~r Not R-e-letied. f'Hen~n," ,-"'f !ht':" Hme fnr p:.1Vmefi! I.-\r modification of amorrization of the sum!; secured <br />fiy thIS Mort~aSt granted hy Lender to ,my '1.h::l.:e'i~(\f :n intcff~t ,If Borrower ...hall not operate 1('1 release. in any manner, <br />the liability of the nrigioaf Borrower ;md B.orn'!w(!r', "u\,.'.ces\.nr~ in infcrt'.\t f coder ~hall nOI be required to commence <br />proceeding! again~ 'iuch succ.euor or !'dH~ to ,:"\tr-nd nme fnr paymcfH nr- ntherwi,~ modify amoniution of the sums <br />'\-ecnred hy thi~ ~-fo-rtg8g:e by r-ea-'-\on ~,f ;wv demand mllde hv !h~ ori~jnaJ Borrnwe-f :md Borrower's ~UCCessOTS in interest. <br />B.. F~ by .~ Not. Walvt"r, An\' fOrN-ar-an\..-c hv t \.'nder in c.\l"-rt."l,,-ing any right Of remedy hereunder. or <br />l)~.".alff,.lt'dcd.-br.'apphc:d~.,1aw, \huH rID! he .t waIver ,}f ,)f pf("C!ude the t-~'-trci~ of any such right or remedy, <br />~C' p"u~nf ~~intUf1u\C-e nr rhe p;n'me.nt c.t !~nc-.o;, flf ,Hher 1;("11" ~'r (har~e-", hv Lender "han 'Oot he a waiver of lender~s <br />ri*ht t.:.-i:3.~, of th~ HHkh-te:dm.'" ~~~l1r('d tw thl' \1,-'1rtga~e <br />l,t.. ........, c-I:adw. ,.l\H remethc\ flrt'\"lkd fll 1nl'i ~ionga~c arc distin':l .:md (ttmu!ative to any (\ther right or <br />rcme:dy :nm:kr thi.'i. Mn-rtsagt: ~}f ilfff,;nkJ tw 1,\"~... l<f cqull\', ,md nuv !x~ l"o,!.."rn<;,('d l,,:nrH.:HrrentJ\', independenfly or $ucc~ively. <br />13. s.c~.... A~ Boa-ad: Join. and M'f"nd lJaWIi.,,: ('.p.iom, The <.:(l\'enants ,md agre-em~nts herein <br />contained ,hall hind, JRil the riflht~ hereunder "hall lOtlfC' hL :h~~ r-:..prdtn::"'.',.Ni: and a~'I~n\ pf Lemler llnd Borrower. <br />\ubject to t~ pr-,-wision.~ (11' patngr;~ph I ~ her't"t~t -\H ,-'ov~~nam'i ;wd ~lgr{"{"mC'fH~ ,if Borrower shall be Joinl and several. <br />The ;",'.lIp-tW:U :!nd headln~5 1..,1 dl~ pan\;tpph.. ;'1 111i<\ \1~~n~all~~ <Iff' t't--.r ,,'l1IrVCti!C-l1Ce- ,miy ,Hal are not to he u!ed to <br />Interpret or define the p-roYI'\iims here-ocr. <br />14. ~. Except for -i,iny no-ti..."C rC4Hlfcd tinder ;.ippli~l1~lc lav. h) he ~IVt"n ;-11 iln\)lhr:f manner, la} any notice to <br />BOf'ft'l\\-'ef pft1\'ldc:d for :0 thj.-,; Mortga~t' .,haU k_(> gn'-.:n bv rnJdin~ "u..:h lH~tlC\' h... ,,'~~rtJfi'ed maif to Borrower at <br />1nt- Propt:rty Addrex\ t.-t ~t ...u~h pdlt"t <llkh-e...." :1'; B.l! f<~W-ef 'll:i.\-' -dC~i.W~II-\:' b\' n:prii."t" hl I tootr .as provide-d herein. a.nd <br />th) a.-ny n,lffCt' to tender "h.}H he gnte-r; r...- -.:ethtk",j l!l-'l1I. "'['lUff! lr;:t~j'pr l'e'que~t('.d. in I c.nder", addre1.'iI Mated herein or to <br />'mch \)ther a-ddn!'l'>; ,is tt."nde-r mal de-.i~n-alt- 1-;'\ ;H'it-i;':(7 v H~~lTP,,~t; ,H, ;\!'!.lVldei,f hne-m '\nv no\iC't! provided fOf in thi, <br />M\1-r1R3git in;liH Oe d<<~d t" tu....t" hccn t(l\'('n :,\ U\'rUt''\t.:r ~~f I ?:'ndet \"hen ~l"efl f!\ the munntr tte~-ignated hereio_ <br />I!. lJAiforw ~tOf'ta.; (;U...*mitq; I.a.-: Sfl"\;et1lbitlf,.. r}-"., f~Jnl, ~'lt mprt,Rage ,,;,mnhif!(:;i unIform ,"'nvcnant'\ for natJonal <br />me and nou.Hniform ('t.'\\.-'('Hatll<;. \<,-un limth.",j "'~tf~At=\ln" hy ,:If!~dh:tIC)!,1 t,.\ \:Oll,-fltlYte n llolfprm secunty instrument (overing <br />real pn'ptl"ty nus Mtln~agt"' ~MH ~ g,-':~)il'rn::d h !ht LtW t"! the lun",dH::!J'll1 In ~\'hjch !he Pr()pe-rtv IS located. In the <br />event Inat al\~ PhW,';iOO \)-!' ,;:b,u~ \}( thl" \1\'>rtga~{' ";-- !he :-JOh~ ,;,.ntlkh .....ifh :ip-piicahle law, ~'ont1k( ..hal) not affect <br />otMf pro'\{,~o.n'\ nf Hus M\:'>f1~age ,,'r !or- ~t'h' Whl...h ...:01 ix'- g'fYtn crlci..i \\,Hht\\H the ;,.onHiclm& provi~i\Hl. and to this <br />end tfw pnwtti-h"'-'m of the \'1'nn~agc ;md th~~ 'Ok -\t-t' d('clMl,~d !\1 ht." "t;'\'t'!'1.thlt <br />I'. Iorntwet', Cop)'. Borruwe! ,haH D-{' f\ffm~ht:d ..l ,'"mh"nned d'PV \lf the ~ofe and ..If thi.\ MOJ1gag~ at the time <br />i,,"\( ex~ut:on or ;tlter fe\.'lndatioo ~fooL <br />17. ~c-r of tbe P'ropert)'i Aaum-ptton.. It ail or .W\' P;lt! nt rhe Propt.'./'t\' ~1r an intcft'.st therein !, 'Sold (1f transferred <br />by Borrower \ti'ithou~ l..endcr'l POO( 'Io\rnkn ,,;,'O'>('UL n;,:!odin~ 1;;,; the I,n~;",tjl.'n of <'t Hen (~r encumhran~e ~ubordinate tt' <br />lh~ Monl~, (b) the tre.atKtO (}f d pun.'ha~"v ~~\,~un!\ 'nkfe~r t'C'!' tHHlschnld ~,ppjjan{'c:!l., I'd <t tfan,fcr hy devise, <br />de$CC'ftt tV by oper'iltk.'"m of fa.... upon the dealh of .-1. ,j...mH tenanl m i.dJ the gnuH of ;:1flV Ie;].~hold i!ite-re~1C of three years l'f less <br />not ,;:'ontaining. an optkm to p\Jr-chaSC'. Len-tier maL .H I entler\', dr~tH\ll, dc-darc aii ~he sum.. \(:c\lred hy thIS Mortgage to be <br />lBU'l'ktdiatch due and paf'aN~, L1C:nder ..huH have v.~il~ed "m:h llpoon hl ,l.:.:.'d-trarc if. priot h) th-t ."",Ie Of transfer, Lender <br />and the: penon 10 whom (he Pn--"Pf'r1y h :0 be .$UIJ ..:n lran\.tern'd rea.(,:h 4gn..-emetH Ht -.>.:riting !hs! the cre-dit flf s:uL'h penon <br />IS ~Wact-L"lf)' to Lender and tha:t t~ inter~! pl:t.v.:tolc (m the- ,um., .,.;.~curcd hy rhit, Mortgage ,hal! he at s.uch rate it" Lender <br />man request. If Lender bas wai\'eU the \'ptfUH (\'! al.:C-Ckf;itc. Pi{\" idea In !hl~ puragrapb j 7, ~md If 8nrn'lwer"s ~t.lCcess()r in <br />IOtetclt hu executed a. written .J:$Sufflpli-on 3~f<<.ment ac\.--rptcd in ',..-riting hy r.en' Lt"nder .;;naU release BOrrf1Wtf (rom all <br /><'tbliJauons under th" MortPll" and the N (J(e, <br />It Lender e\,c:rd~ "'ucb opt1on to accei.1:rilfc, L('nJe-r ....hall mail R~)[f-l-"wer fh.JtJl.:'C of a..:\:cieratioll 10 a..'<,;\ndam:e wuh <br /> t4 he,fe()f'- Such l\vb"c :'th.:dl pruvidc ,l pcri:l,:~.d (11 IH\f l-es-'!. than 10 Jar~ from the dale the 11lltin: i... mailed within <br />which Born'lwe:r may p-ay the <;:ums ded:.irc\1 dUt:'. if Borrower Cub '~.t p~y 'Hu.:h fH'h.r f(\ lhe t'''\pinninn of 'uch pefu;ld. <br />l~ ..)\ \lJ1t~t furthc-r Il(ltlce ~)f demand ..m &J(ro",ec .ti'\,'nJ.;e ;,t,nv n:rncdie\ i~Ift1IHcd hy paragraph 1 R hereJ,.'lt, <br /> <br />NON..Ul'll~M COVENANTS. l\o.rr(\\\'er and. I. eocter funhet Co'\'tLUiint ,md .1~rC(' ~~, l(\flnws <br />I" A<<..k. Ih", R-.... Ex..,.. ti .......idH in .......rapb 17 h~.."I. upon lIo<oo...r', """",b of .n} ..o.....nt 0' <br />.......... of eon.- in tWo ~, 1m:18<tlaa the ..u~...""" tu pay ..ben duo .n, ,...... _1lft<I It} Ihill ~tnrta.. <br />~......~............un 10 aon...... ... p"...ide<lln p_r. 14 h....... '\l<<ifyJnc: (lj tbe hrMch: <br />(1)....... ~.. etmJ JIIIdllJrqclol (JI .. date, ....1 '- tllaD .31) lb). fr..... lb. dAt. lhe _.. i.. ....d l<I II<>rmw.r, <br />.., ...... .... ..... ... lie ...... llll4 (4) tMI faihl<< to <.'. _It Mll<b 0" or bd..... lb. dale 'P<<illod I.. I.... ......... <br />llIl!i'......_~ot.. _"""""'" by.l", ...t~, f...""......... by judklat pro<...ollllt.mI ""'" of the I'mpon,. <br />.n............1llirdIN w.... ....._ of lht riIlltll., ........... "'to< ...,.dutllioa ami 1M rilhl to _ III lho f_'k_ <br />.~ .. _____ '" II .",..... or ....y ......, dri_ of ............. 10 lIK'F~lwotIoa """ f..~. It lho M..... <br />11; _ ~ .. '" W- tN .... .,..,lIIcd IIlIlJo ....."'.. f........ "I t..""",', opllon ....., .....lll... all of tbo "."'" .......F1Id by <br />........ to lie I....... .. ..... ...,aIlle ...1I......t flltthot ~ ..... ...., 1_....... Ity jlldlriall'fOC...a... I..""", <br />.... ... ...... ... <<IIkod la_It ptCK....... all n...- ..r forod.......... il,ducllRtl. I>ot DOl limil... to. ._ ..f <10<"_01') <br />~....-- ......... <br />3 ~..... ~~ Not-w,rt-hJtandU'';<< Lt:'tWe.r'", _'--t:,.;dt."Uth'I-U ~~f Ol(- "Wl\$ :<;{XtHt:d h fhi'i M\lni~~~ <br />'fIo:t~. ibaf.f 'Q'\;~ tbe ritJJt u) b-;i~-e. "ilY P-t(K,'eftiinli~ ~tUtl h'f I ("~-r !n enh'Hit lhl" M~.rt,.t~(.: dUi.;t,ttltlntK'J al ~r1Y tlllh; <br /> <br />! ' <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />