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<br />
<br />prior to entry of. judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would he then duennder
<br />Ihi~ Mortgage; the Note and notes secllringfluture Advances, if any. had no acceleration occurred; (h) Borrower curesllll
<br />breache$ of any other Coven.DU' or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pay. ,aU reasonable
<br />expen$<"llincllrredby tender .nenforcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower contained' in .thcsMortglllle'and'in
<br />enfon:ing Lender's ",medi...s as provided in paragraph 18 hereof. including. but not. limitedto,rea$onableattorn~Y's'fees;'and
<br />(d) BotTower takes such action a. Lender may reasonably require toassllre that the lien of.thi. Mortgage,Lender's .in~
<br />in thel"roperty and Borrower's obligation to Pal' the sums ."""red by this Mortgage shallcontinue unimpaired: Upon,su<:lf
<br />payment and cure by Borrower, lhi, Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby ,shalltemain in full forc"..mdetf~lisif
<br />00 ooceIeration hadoocurred.
<br />ZO. ~ofRt_1 Al'POint_tofReeeinr; Len_In PosseosioII. A. additional """,rity hereunder,B()~r
<br />hereby ...ig". to Lender the r""Uofthe Property, provided that Borrower shall. prior to acceleration under paragrl\Pil18 .
<br />OOreof or abandonment of the Properly, have the right '0 collect and re,ain such rents as they become due,and'pmWei.
<br />Upon acceleration under pa1'llgraph 18 hereaf or .banoonment of the Property, Lender, in penon, byagent'ot'hy
<br />judkiallyappomted receivet. ,:hall he entitled to enter upon. ,.ke l'OS'",.ion of and manage the Property and to calleetthe
<br />rents of too Property, including Ih....e pa.t due, All rent, collecled by Lenderorlhe re<:eiver,hallhe apl'lied first 10 payment
<br />of the costs of managemenr t.lf the Property and colfeetlof1 nl rents. incfudlns. but not limited to. receivers fees~ premiums on
<br />receiver's bonds and rea.onable allor""y's fees, and then to ,he .um' secured by this Mortgage, Lender and the reCeiver
<br />,hall be liable 10 ac<;<>unt only for tho,"" rent. actually F<-.;ej"ed.
<br />21. F_. A....._. Upon reque.u ,>( !k>m)wer, Lendet. at Lender', option prior '0 release of this Mortgage; may
<br />make Future AdvallCe1\ to Borrower, Such Pmur. Advanccs. with mtereS! ,hereon. shall be secured by this Mortglllle whell
<br />evidenced by promi:srory noteo "atmll' thaI ,aid not... are :;ecured hereby, At no time shall the principal amount of !he
<br />mdebtednes, secured by this Mortgage. nOl ,neluding "Ims .dvancc-d in accl1rdance herewith to prolectthe security of'thc,
<br />Mongage; exceed the Ol'tginal amOllnt .'f the NOle plus IJSS. 10.800...00,...
<br />n. ReIeaoe. Upon payment of .11 sum, ,ecured by Ih" Mortgagc, tender ,hall discharge this Mortpge without
<br />chatse to '80(t'OW'eT. Borrower shan pay ail C-Oiit:s ot' fe(.~ordali{)!l, If any.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Borrower has execuu:d this Mortgag",
<br />
<br />tr7
<br />)t~___.{>/~.., ....... .,...... .,.
<br />Net;.~.. Ramirez f -Bofl'oww
<br />
<br />. ,:l~/.?'~/~....,.............
<br />Donna Mae Ramirez! ,) -8orrower
<br />
<br />
<br />ST... TE OJ' N E8IlASKA. . .
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<br />fjF;Ll..-,
<br />
<br />. County ..:
<br />
<br />On this..,. .1.3J:h. . day flL Ju.Ly. '. 19lU" before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commislsionc<l and qualified for ,aid COUllty. pctv,"ally clime. NEMf..Cro .1... RAJYllflEl. AND. nOMIIQ. [lJAf. . . .
<br />. . ... Ri\fIl.lRE.Z. .busbilf\.d .and. ~ifo< . . .... to me known to be the
<br />idenllcal person(~ l wbole Illl.mn 51 ure ,u","coht'd to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be. . ,t!';eir. . ,voluntary act tlnd dc~d.
<br />Witness my hand and nOUlrial ",a] a' t;l:1ind blan.d~ .Nebraska . .in said county, the
<br />dale aforesaid.
<br />
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