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<br />83--003730 <br /> <br />UNIFORM CoVEN.4.NTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of I'riDclpal ami Inter.... Borrower >hall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedne&-s evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges a. provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage, <br />2. FIl1Ids for Taus and 11"..._.. Subject to applicable law or to a wriUen waiver by Lender. BorrowersMIl pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of princil,"1 and interest are payable under lhe Note, until the Note i. paid in full, <br />a sum (herein '~Funds:H) equal 10 one-~!welfth ('if the yeoxly taxc~ and a~sessments which may attain priority over this-. <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installment";.- tor Jlazard in8urance~' <br />plus one-twefflh of yearly premium in'1allments for mortgage 1O,,"ance. If any, all as re.asonably "'timated initially andfrolTi" <br />time to time by Lender on the ba!J.tS of assessmen;s and bills and rea.lolonabfe estimales thereof. <br />The Funds shan be held in an in~titutj(}n the- deposits oj accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by .a Federal or <br />~tat-e agency {including Lender if Lender is. !iu~h an msritution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pa.y said tales. as-ses-sments. <br />IMurance premiums .and ground rent;;. Lender may not chaxgc tor 50 holding .and applying the Funds. analyzing'said account. <br />or verifying and compiling said asse~sments and hiBs. unless Lendt:-T pays Borrower inlerest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make ~uch a charge, Borrower and Lender m;:ty agree in wnting at the time of execution - of this <br />Mortgage thaI IOferest on the Fun.ds :-.haH be paid to B~rrower, and unle-s.s such agreement is made. or applicable law <br />requIres Souch tnteres'( to be p~id. Lender shaH n{'t he reqwred ((1 pay HO-rTower ;inv mtcrest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shaH give to Borrower, wilhoot ,harge. an annuo:ti accm!lltH1g' (if rhe Funds ...howing credits and debits t-o the Funds and the <br />pt11"pO$c for which each debil to the Funds was Th<: Funds are pledged as additional $,ecurity for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage, <br />rt [he amount Gf [he Fundi held hy Lende-,r. h~g-t:the-r \\,tlh lhe t'uture monthly instaIlmena of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates 01 taxes, as..,~ments.. ,ft.~Uran.;,:e pn~nHUlns ;md j:.lrnnnd ren.t~, 'j,hall e~cce:d the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />a~n.ts, in-$urance premiums and fe"t~ .t'\ ~hey lall ,--hut. :'tlKh 't'Ct.';';.~ ,hall be. ~ll .8o-rrower1s option. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower t)f crcdt.ed hl BorTO'o\er '.10 rn.t..uthh ~n'i.laHrnent\ f'( Funds. rf the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shaH not he ~ufficie-nt to Pd~' l:::tXCS,. ..l!l'lC~S-mCfH'L lfl__Ur<:lIKC pre-mm01\ and ground rents. as they fall due. <br />BoiTQw~f' shait pay to Lender ,ltJ~' umount !H.':-ce_$-'.H\' tl.\ make ,-Jf' lhe ticn-C:Cf!(\ ,",thw .10 da)~ from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Bt\-rro-wer requ.eshng payment there-or <br />Upon pa.yment !!1 !'uU {~i ;Ill sums ~{~Hted hy It"_,, \'f~_)flF,lF-_l'. I .:-n-d('r ~hall promptly fe-fund to Borrower <in)' Funds <br />held try Lender. It under r4ragnph i;-! hcrct}t ,hi: Pri)~n~ I- ",dd lit l!W Pr<"\pen~ ~.. O!hef~'l~ a\.~4I.llred hy Lender. Lender <br />shali appiy, no later ~mrnt".diiueh- prH1f h"' !he '>lile dt lhl" Pf\"lp,,'n:~ \'[ lIS .t.;quISltlOn tly L~nder, any Funds held by <br />Lender at tbf: hOle ot J.p-plu..-aunn ;u <1. ,-rtUH :i:gallHt the .\lHtr\ '-t:'~u!C'd h~ j~H', .\h\nga~(' <br />3. --'_pplkatioR of P1rrmenu- I."~de~\ ,1pphi.'J.hie !i!\\- Fr,)\ hh:_'1 -dhcrwt-..I: ,~il rJ.ymeiH~ ret.:dv\?d by l.ender Hoder the <br />Note and paragraphs I ;,1Od ~ her'C't;!t '.h.;'lU he appiJ,l.'\.i hy ) fmkr fJl"''") III p..1\ Iilt'nt pI amount'; paYitblc to Lender by Borrower <br />under pa..r-atluph 2 h('feoL then to i!1!t-fi;'" p.a}<ihk '-'1> !ht: ....1'<1t: d,(f1 ;;" the rfln';lp~tl i'l! the Note. J:oo then to interest and <br />p-nn-clpai on an)' Fmure Ad".Ull;.C:-\i,. <br />4. C......fll" lk-. a~\rHI-wt.r ',n;dJ p:n, .\11 !.<.U'''. ,i\~l''''''lH<:nh ~qH.i I'lito ;, tuq;:-t~-" tim..., .111J lil'F''-''!oitlOOs. attnbulahle to <br />the: P.rQpt:tty wtuen may .:lHam ;t plH.>rU\'" n\\"_1 :fl1'<i Motii:';\~l':, ,:111...1 k,i..\.,\(f),lid p.tnncrll'i ..Jf gwund r<:nllt. if any. in the manner <br />pn;fvlde-u ~Ulder paragraph .2 h.etcof j'lf Il nnl p;wJ j!~ '>U1.:h :l~.mll{'r h\ HNrnwer ril;1kHl~ p;i\-ment. when due, dtrectiy to the <br />p-ay~ thereof.. fk'tft!...-,wCf \n.aH prmnplty h..:rru'\h 1d I c-n~kr .!,1I :\PlKl." 01 ,1tJh'tl!1t\ du~ Bfl-der [hiS parag:raph. and in 'he event <br />twrro'W'C-f 'r-haH Hlait. p'avrJ~;cnt .jl:!~"-(n'l ih'ffP.H'r '..h~dl i"fllmpih H.H'fu"h !I~ Lt.'mkr !t'{,:elpts (,vIJem:mg su~h p-ayment;;" <br />80fto-\H;r ~han pnJmpt!y ,-h~haq;.(' <1!1Y l~t) ...hldl ;};,\ !~'H-lrtt\ ,,',t', :)1;,\ \ton!\'.,'$gi.~: j\rnvl\k\.L Tha! Borwwer o;;halt nOl be <br />n~qufred to JiKnafg1: 4-nJ \lKh l>t~n "o.} kH~~ i:k'nn'\...t~l ~h;:1I1 d.o;-1T(.' ',ntrnj;: hi !lil.:'" pa\i'l)t'-lll '-'I the i;t:>h~atj')n s.ccuted by <br />':\ouch ben In a manUet .u.--cer!abk w l e-n\kr, ,~I "tull \!t )-{\,'{\\.1 t.nll, ",",l \;,Udl hen h\. ,,; dcft'od \"ntur~cmelH 01 MH.:h li~n in. <br />legal pf..x:<<-dmif\ whKh ~)p<t;.l:ic 1.' pa::\'cnt PW ,,:fjh'!<,:l~fl\~n1 pI !!,.\-' <" hlth'l!iltc tlf lhe Pt'opt.1t) \.1: ~ln)' pan tht''feof. <br />~. It..aant I...,-.B("C". Hon,Jw('! ~.h:,H! k('::q~ (h\: "npfl'~(,"f1h'l'll\ rl""\ n-l..unt.' dr ~<<:f'\:.Jflt.~r cntt'd t'1-O the Prl.'~rty 1fl'iUrcd <br />aga-mil i\)..~ by" tire, nal..ah,h, l!h:hlikJ ;..nfHI1 !hor h:~m ',"_h:ndi,.'~' .Ii;d '>u;..h ,'lhcl hat:;nd.., "'. I t~nJc( flUS tt'tlWfC <br />a..rni m M.Kh .UI't1.."'tmh iUh..t h:..r 'u;;,+ f';,:i I"...h .~-.. i ("j"ji.k-, nL,~, ! i.:n,kr \ha.ii 11\'1 n:-qtltr~ th-:'il the- amr'llnl of <br />!rUI.J1 -:':')'.<1#.8(' c:\(,:c-t..J th-i&i ~mt'",-H\ ~;r ,"~(:Ii:tgl,." ,'..11, "m,-.. '-~'I.,;:t:'-J r>\ lhl'. ~1{'1i.~;j.~1.' <br />l'bc H\"UfAtK~ dlff1'Ct!:,- rhe In."\l,lf.,fh.C \h.di h;- "h",-...eH h\' H\.'lfTll'AJ:;r .,tlhit.~..:t h\ .ipprflvfli hI' L:mkr: provided. <br />that !&Ui.:h ..haU not he LiUfC4~J-n~b~) ,..,.!thh....jd -\lJ ;H,-'n>'Hl1h c'!! HhllH:!lH':'C pdii\,.~l~'\; ...oall ~l.~ patti In the manne! <br />V:fovldcd under para&filflh :. hCfl~Ol Of. .,t !tLlt r.:.!\J: it} \ud\ fn.lHIH':! (n, !i.,,:,pi.',,,,cr nldtH& pa}'n'lCnL whtll due, Ihrcdly to the <br />IllSur,iUlCC: -..:JIfner. <br />AU ilUuranl.:-c poh.(-.i~ aUtll~n(~\\.l.i~ lh('-{t",.,<! ';-}Uil t>.: ;;j i.'fln .",_d~~'l.dll(.' fI'I i ':H\~d .md :-.h.lll m..lnJc ,1 ...\anJ.ud mortgage <br />...iatUC in f"vue d and in t-l..)jm ~'"-~<tp{ :,1 l,xmkl ~ ~.:l\kJ ~1~;~;i t^,S"'~' ;ri-\.~ :lg,h! 1.' !ll,llli fnt' ih_llh.:i;.''!- ,lnJ r~'nc\\.~J'\ ther((\[, <br /><o\nd BorH.~\'\'Cf ,hall ~)t'uJUp'ljr Itlrlu.\h t-o i.clI1.k! ,dl ICH-:::-~.t) n~'il\.\~" ,UID ,t:i h'-n..lf'~\ \.l! pah.! PI\'Hlhlll).,> In the \:\\'UI {If 10_'.\. <br />8\."'l:ffOWCf ' jJ:l\'C pr\HHpt n().tke 'd lhe l\i~ul<ljl->~" ...:.\rrn':! ,;.IlJ 1\'1...\;.:1 1 \~u\.h;:r in.l} llli!t~" ph.ll'l '.H Ion It n~)l made rt\)ll1pll~ <br />hy Bon'(t.~:t <br />Un~ Lender .;uKi 8oUtP4Ci l~1.hcr'>AtI~' Jg.ft~. Ii< ,"llifll~ 1(~"l,.jiJ\h..~ pf\~'t;-\"J\ '.iihdl h~ ..~}rllcJ 1\_1 1'C'~t1.Hl!tl\l1l l>r repdir tit <br />1he Pn.1peny d~,, prO""liJcu ~u....h f;:;"h.mstl..rH ~'1 fr.:p.lil !~ ..'...'J!l,mh.',lih h.<..t:o.Jbk J.nli the "-<curtly oi 1111\ M(\rlg;lg~ h <br />111.'lt iMfeb)'~\:t If "u~h fC~h.lficllhHI ,'r a;,p.Jl:' l~ 11<'i ~,,,-,_llh'mh.,dh k-t.:o.,t'k >'t ;f !he: ",tl,.UfI!Y (.{ lOt"'; ~-1onga~t,; W\.utJ <br />he HDpaucd. the Hl$Ul'dni,;:~ pttX-t..'t;:l,h, h~ .tppil,c;..l h' tht" qmh :.c\.:Hrd t~~- lh:~ .\hlrl;g~lg~. ,l,.:th it;\.. e,".,;n~, if any, poud <br />to Boru\wet- it the Prnpertj- :.s ,tt<.wJ.\~n("d f''"> ki--n f-\.'14-1." , , ,'f ,1 H"rh'lol\.~r Lnb k ;npo'HJ tn Il;.'"ndcI wlthw 3D day~ ir\H1l the <br />J.-&l.c ootic.c- 1:') rmul-ed. b} Lender h} !k-,rr..:'",('r lfU! :ht: ,nSuf.Hh':t:' '_.Inl~f ,:-ilcr-. 1I~ \t:nit' .. ..:L:ll1H for If,,.,.mitU':':C ht:!'I~fih. {coder <br />is ...utboriJ.ed t-l'). .;uHec-t atW al)piy the Ifhur,Ul\:i.; (lh\>Ct.-'eds _It I cnv.c! '> \_!Pll\.'ll- ettof;:! W 'c~hJrauon or fl;p;;tlf !~i th~ Prop<-rt~ <br />Of tt-. too .$Wm _~ured hy Huj, Mt..1ort.g. <br />LJm~ Lcn~l and Rofl,,)W-Cf ~){ht:r-v..t\e ~..r)tJl1tt, .'l.n~ __q';!l dppli-~:thn-n ~'l p:\>\.:ceJs to P!H)(lp'll ...h,lfl nut C\t,-~nJ <br />..){ ~JX;l:{I-e the d\K Jate 0t the n1t.>.1'Hhl:-- ln~ld!lmCm':l- il'krH:tl p,'1pns ,ir~~.l:: h~io:-\-\t ~-'r ...-han~,: .he ~trrhHilll .'1 <br />iU(bjtbt:a1irncm:~. it mtdci pan,graph 1l; herC~J! H~ Pn.!pr&:-Hj '-" ;.h,:..p_H!,,"l;d n-\.- L<ndci. .IJi ngh!. t1tic .ttld ll'ltCf\"Sl \~t Bon,' <br />jn oUld lo, .U\~' IUWf",tl.;,:c poh':--le;). .\lod Hl i.mJ h~ 11;(' pnKcn!'" !h=:,e.A lC~l.i-(lng {rt)lU IbfH.J,gC t{~ th~ Pmr~n~ pTl,'!, 1(1 \ht: ~;lk <br />o-r M;q~[1l:0l\ ~h...H pa.~ H) Lender to lrx: <:\It'Hl A {he ",-,;H~ "l-":Ufi.'-li h. :!Il"> \i\'Of!.< ;'HmcJlalt,:'I~ pn..1l 1<1 ."h.h ",..k \\l <br />acqu..woo, <br />It. r...n-.tiop: aod ,1\1...~t' of P:rupc-f1,~ 1..('~ooHk: (ondmuintum.l.t; "lanned Lnt. nt'\dopmeoOi. Ht\rr<J....('! <br />shall k.~ the Prt--.pcrty m p~ it:l);j,1f .wu ..hall n-o~ ,"-l..lnUlin .'\4~k d p\:lntn ill..pdHHh:nf ..-J, di..'lCIIOl.'llu,m \if the Prop~n) <br />lUJd ~aU \:.~}' ~jth the- J}fO~'!)".h')fijj: 1..1! "u"!.) ~t'~ d thi" \h'f~dg~ <" \'tl kd..~h~.H,j I! in'" \.h'n~,1g\..' i.. \':1 i~ litHl Hl ~, <br />i.."Cftdoutinuun vi -.:.t vianned ntHl ~\.d-{.\pml:nL "~)lf"'-'\lot:' ..,hlt!) P'~orillfm ,Ii! '-ll B<.'rn~\\l;r.. ..'bll~atl~l~h ;~nJ(1 tile "k>.-i~ll.iIH'1l <br />Of' -\,;>C:.Wm:ulfi,ts c;catm.g (}f S-t)\-erfliln. Hx.:: ':,,)fj~.hYffHHII..!H pJ,H\\1"d ;Hl~ .J<(\\,~h/pJHt:l\L !h<;.' l-'~"1J."\' _HIJ {\'f;llL.lh'lh ,1! rht,; <br />~~~U{Il -oJ: plannc:d uUU- ~\'tJ(~mnt~ snd (.\m..~HHn.l -j~,....;tilnl::.nt~ 11 ~ >:.nnJtHHHHum ;~r pi.l!Ha:-J ,'lilt ~k\:d,lpUU:Hl <br />rl40t lJi ~utetJ hy Boffn\\ler and -i~'\."l'tdt'd w&:cth-e-I' "..",th itH'. ~1i..ll"tgd~C, lh...: ",\..<\t:!~;~nh ,}q.J ;~~fC~.Int'llb ,,1 -.ll..:_h r~d.;r <br />~ 0., :t~ated H1b,"'l AIW ...h.ali ~nd .anti ~l.ppkmcIH dx:;: o..:'"l'H';H."lHh ,-JnJ ;tglc~mt;'nt'i \11 tru.... ~,h.n!!..~t" ,l" >l tht: l'-ld~l <br />-",pan.~. <br />1. ~ of Ice....... ~wity.. It fkin'l')"~f f~!h 10 }XIII-11m I.he ~:('\\'(-nanl\' _'In..i ):l~<{:nll-\.'Ht!i '.I'n{,J'1H~\1 In Iht~ <br />~f Uf' it :Wry KtH,m 'i:-i p:r-t.%.~Ct'h,ng :\ ':~lttl.nwn\.,*.:d \--\-,hn.:-h I n.:ll\.'r1ij.H) ,'lrItd:<. 1 ,crW-(f\ ,tH\.'fC~f In ;ht.' Ptt\Pt,AH\ <br />~.. but ~rt hnut.ed K\ C'ttm~t1t ~~f';, In''''-*'Cf~)_ ,:("k: '.'r!hifd~m~Hl Mt,iil~(,'m("nh ,,~ pr\~l'(.'-dII1~.s Iqn?h\!J~ ,I. <br />~pt 01' ~-t~,. tMfi L~i!t1t't.t L~Jo~f"t.. tlp:tH"'l't jJf~)n il--<.'HCe It.., UO!f,1-'A.:!. fJl.if\ 1:1<1'''(:: ,Ul..:i) ,;tpr~.:~ahUl~~~. ,tl",b~H,,\. %\I\)l <br />t:~.- ~ ~ _~ ~tu:m J.t'" ~.. fJO.,"~~ury h; prl..'h.'-i..i L-en-dt--r'.;, ,rH-t.H,'",,,,t. "\\.1.;' n.)! )~n~tt..'d 1(1, ,.\;\0Ua~.'-mt'llt ,,' <br />1~ ilU~'f'" t~ ~ tr4\tr)' HJ't>n ~hr, P'r-t.'pt'ny j,. lHd,llf.'" '....qHiHd nh'l'tS;,l.gc In"ljl,Hh.:t'" .~, .. <br />~t~#Jfi t~t ~m.. Uw j'},&1i idt".-t,it-i&.i b~' fh..,,- MVO-iOl~. lk'rfH~>...--t:f fin lhl- i't;.'I'HnHn... "~i.l'd>)\~"t..1 ~\l m~:nt<Hll ,,"u...-h <br />~8SV1~(t ill ~t until ~'\:t.,;'_h h~ il,\ !fj!t re'tuU't'nw.::lt fi\r &\K:h H'!Wa,fh.~t ,,-'jrrwu_,,~-(.,:,> ") J.:.~;..;prd-*th:e 'ltlth Horft~\4\:t" ,\nJ <br /> <br />