<br />83- (j(J3722
<br />
<br />9. Coade............ The proceeds of any award or c1a,m for damages, direcl or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or pan thereof, or for conveyan"" ;n lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shalf he paid 10 Lender,
<br />In the event of a total taking of lhe Propeny, the proceeds .hall he applied 10 the .ums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower, In lhe event of a partial laking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there .ball he applied to Ihe .um. secured by Ihi. Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amounl of lhe sum. secured by Ihi. Deed of Trusl immediately prior to lhe date of
<br />taking '-rs to the fair market value of the Property immedialelv prior to Ihe dale of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower. .
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oftlon 10 make
<br />an award or seule a claim for damages, Borrower tails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date sucb notice is
<br />mailed, Lender i5 authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the .ums secured by tbit Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal .ball nol extend
<br />or postpone lhe due date of the monthly installments feferfed to in paragraph. I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />suchlnstaU_.
<br />to. IJormwer NcM ReJasecL Extension i,)f the tttnC for payment or modification of amortization of the s.ums secured
<br />by lhis Deed of Trust granted by Lcnder 10 any succcssor tn intercsl of Borrower shall nol operate 10 release. in any manner,
<br />the nability of the original Borrower ,'md Borrower's successors in Interest. Lender shall not be required to .commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to e,l(tend' time tor payment or otherwise: modify amortization of- the _ sums
<br />secured by th...l'>eed of Trust by reason of any .;feman-d made hy the original Borrowe_T .and Borrower's suc_c-essors in,interest.
<br />11. F............., by Le....... Not a WlIlv".. Any (",bearance by Lender 10 exercising any righl or remedy hereunder, or
<br />OIherwise afforded by a.ppt:ic.able la\\', -shall not be ;l waiver of or preclude the- e;~er-c:-ise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The- procurement of insurance Of the- payment -or taxes or other hens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />rigtu to l'flX'de-rate the- matunty of the tndebtedne!s ~cL.:ured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />J 2. R.........s Cumulativ-e-. AU remedi~ pm-\'u-l-ed Hl this. Deed of Trust are dlstmct and cumulative to an)' other right
<br />Of' remedy under rhis Deed oj' Trust Of afforded by law or eqUity, ;md may be exercised ~(.lncurrently, inde-pendently or
<br />""",.,Jlively,
<br />13. ~ tmd A....... "'and; J.....I aad Sev"ra1 U..billty; C..ptlo.... The c"vcnants and agreements herein
<br />coot.ained :shalt bind, and the righu hereuru.icr ~.hal! iilure h1, rhc respet."{;v(~ 'jtJCcessors and assigns of Lender and Bo-rrower.
<br />!ubject to the provi$wns of paragraph i7 hercof. AU ~-O'ieoants and .1greement.' -of Borrower '!'.hall he joint and several.
<br />The caplk..'tlS and headings of the paragf3.ph,4. OJ this Deed (If Trust Me for C(m'~'eoienl:c only and are not to be used to
<br />,n,erpm 0' deIlne the prov_ hereol
<br />14. N-orite~ ExCC'.Pt f~ any nolleā¬: rtqwred under a_pphc~thic jaw 10 be given HI ~mother _manner. (a) any notict 10
<br />8orrow~r provuit(i tor ;u thIS Deed of TrusI shall he g.vcn hy m~thng ,>ad) nouct: by ~erHfied mati addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property l\ddress or at ~Udl other addte1't ~s Borrower fna;; de.tlgna1c hy norice to Lender as provided herein. and
<br />I b I any notice to l~ shaH be given hy ~crtifi.ed mall. fC'tufa ~CIPt requ\:.Med. to Lf:OOe"'S address slated herein or to
<br />such t)ther address .as Lender maj' dQignate by noU~e h) Bnffow-cr .u; pn:H-lded: herem Any notice provided for in this
<br />lJe.cd of Trust shall be -deemed tn ha'tC" been given fo B-\)ff,-H~"ct i.'f 1 ent!er when gtY~11 in the manner designated herein"
<br />15.. {JnifDI'JII DHd of TnIIt;: GoW'ntiar I,,,,,,; Sc-verabilit~. rhl"\ f..)tfl1 t,t deed of tru"t ('nrnbines. uniform covenants. for
<br />f\8tmnal use ",md noti-lUJiform co\-'e-nants With hmHed VUHUI\)fl!;. hv luns.dl("fIOI1 hJ ...~onstftutc a uniform secUrlt\' imitrument
<br />..:o\'~nng: ue-al propen):'. 11\18 f>.ced pt Tru\t ,hali he ~\.wern('d \'tv the i;tW (\t lht' iUfts"hdioll l!t which the Propertv is located.
<br />1ft the event ,hat UllY prOVl1uon or da.we. uf th" need nt Tru.s.t ~'r lhe Ni..\lt' \"l..mflH,:h ",'lth ,}pPhcablt' law $ouch ~ontlict ~haB
<br />rlC,'lf .:t1fect.. other pro\fJSWM ul ttm,i; ,[),:ed of -rn~' ..""t the Sote wh:l\.:h i.~ln be ~lVltn dhx:t Without the \.:onlhcflOg provision,
<br />And to rml end tbe pruvw{)US of the t:ked "f 1 rail ~Uld lhc ~\-Ht ,He !.tCdiHC\i ill he se'\'erahle
<br />16. IIorrowefo, Copy... Burrower ",hail he !UHH,,~d J ..__nflttlnned d}PY .", the Note .md ot IhlS Deed of Trust at the time
<br />~)t C::lecubon ~J-f <a.tlcr t-ecordauon he.:reot
<br />.7, T......-..-of tiw P'roptny; AuttmpdGak II J.il lor ;H}Y p-~An of the lJr{1f)Cr(\-. llr an Interest there," IS sold or transferred
<br />hy 8or-rowcr witb<lut Lender's pnor WfHlc-n ;;nn..("nL {'\dudmg i.l. I th-~ 1,:n::S~HJn ot <l l!en IH (~ncumbrancc s.ubordinate to
<br />ihi$ t)eed of Trust, i tot) the ctea.iill!1 ot ,), porchaM:' :n1.}l1e\' "Cl..LHI!\' 'nh~~! h~r h\.).u\c.hold ..t.pph.a.ll<Lt'~, j~. f ..'l transfer 11)' l.le-vfse,
<br />descent ~')f 0)' OpetlttOn (tf la.w upon ihe ,j('.ath or i._nfl! (t"!\rl!11 or f d; ,he ~r:m! .,t ;1<1\- icn::ioehuJd :nh::re-:ot oi three vears or less
<br />l10t (,ofitammg an -OPh()O ,n pllrch,ak_ ! coder fn~\. ,It t cndf:r ~ ~lpttl\il. ded.uc _In :he ).unn 'c-ctl'l'ed In-- thIS Deed of Trust to he
<br />\mmediatdy due And. pa}'~bie. L~nder '>-hall ha'q' W~l...rd ':cUl..:h ,'pH-on I..) .-h:..ekt;:tlC ~L pnor In fhe sak or tr3t1\fer. Lcnde!
<br />.ind the penon 10 whom rhe- Pro-pen)' i~ hJ M 'H,,"id ~)f' If;)f1'1tened r>:3.,:h ,tgfffHwm :n wutlf\~ thiH !he i.:red.it of 'iu{'h pers.on
<br />1') utida-Cl('.t:fl.' 10 i t.-ndcr and flu: !~ fH{~f(".\f p..n'ahle \'11 rhe ...Unl" -..,,',-I.1fC,''\1 )'\ 'hJ~ Dt"cd .or 'r fU\t ...naH he :H \u<:h rate [t~
<br />Lender ShiiU request H l..t'J.\det' hu Wal\'(''(j !hc oplhJH If' .1,...eh::ute ;'!rnvl<,kJ. ;n dw. ~)-aragraph ;mu It Borrower'..; 'iuc..:eU_O-f
<br />1ft dUet"C1;1: h,l:-r. (;~<<uled ~1 WOlte',il dnum-$'>>Ifl-n .i.gr~nW!11 ,h;~c-pteJ Jll \ilo"l:flfli: b"i I_cnder. l_~f'n.tt'r ..hall l('ie-case Borrower from
<br />aU obUpuon~ under thi", IJe.cd ot Tnuf .\nd the ~\H('
<br />Jf L~T c:\erct'M:.~ ':.\tCh ~'Jp-Hun tn :.t'l.'Cde-r,Ht'_ i endcr \h.~il ~nati H{\Hih~O lli..Il!Ct:: ;.)j iu:.:.-dcnuwn Hl JC\.:C1flJDOI:C wilh
<br />p;ir~f.ph 14 nereot Such nQ-(H.:C shali rH1vlJt~ ,j pCflOiJ ,,1 ;;;1'( ,t.'>~ ~h,illl -0 J..)" litlm the ,1atc lOC nutlet' 1\ matled Within
<br />wfucl1 s..\HOWf.cf mil) pav (he': :.um;o;. ,1ec!an:-d Jut: if H(t~fi'''''C! f.OI'" :~.. p.i\ ..u~:h !dltn\ rrwr It' the n:ptra~'utl tit ~-uch pcriHi.L
<br />Lender n\&v" without turtlteT nOH-c.e Of dC"n';HH..~ ,.'fl Hurr,-~"q;1 :",,1"',' .10\ f~medit'~ t'l('rrn-lUed bv p;uagraph jg hereo-l.
<br />
<br />~}N~UNIF'OJtM {. OVl'S,,""l... lk)HPW-c~ ~Hlti t f'ndel lUr!hct ,-,~H~h<Hit ,nH.! ,1~n:-(" ,b 1<\llH~'"
<br />
<br />J3~ Ac<<ftrat.Wn: Rt'mnHn, .t:~<<'fM Ill! pn:nr'dN ilt pittaterap" l' fwnoof. U-pOft ,aonu1ll<~r''Ij hft8('h of ao.t' i.:ol't'RaIII or
<br />ac~ of Borm_n lit t_ ()eflI of lml-(. m.,..but..... tht- ('u"."nub to pa~ ~h"n dUt' Uft~' :\um:ll ~ured b}' thll IlHd
<br />of T..-. 1............... to """oW'"'''''' _ In"" "olk. hI lkl............ .. p".."'"d 1ft _r"pll 14 It"",of .....df~iDll' 11) lb.
<br />bftacll; 11) I'" act.... ""Iuirftl I.. ,'ure _It ,,",aclt: LIt a dat", _ """ 'han .10 da.. lrom lit" datf II'" nntlc" is IlUliled 10
<br />1Iomt...... It. ..bleb ....'b hru.'b ....... be ""Rd, aad 141 Ibal fallo." ,,, Of.. ,,,,,h o,..,....1t "n "r ""'0'" I"" date .....dlied
<br />I. .... IOD\ino _, ........ ia ....''ri<tnti... of I"" ..._ "<'I"'" h. thi> [~ of frOM aad >llI. "f ,be Pro......,. lh. ..oIlef
<br />... f......,. iafurm fIorm,""'ff of ,he- rich.. tv ,'t'iMtatt' aft" M'r~ho-,-..ioo a,Ki the richt ro bfj-~ a ('otu1 action 10 UH'J1
<br />the hOI:t-t~ tit -a dflMlt Uf q" uttwr def~ uf &rnj.,.ff h! iK-(~ratio.. aRd- ji.~ If tbe bnach L' not t'uft'd
<br />'"' - before f-IR "'e- ~.. in the Ootk... Lt'tteWf at t~JHito-r'... c-.pttun may det.,t'f1lN' all (:-1 lilt- !ioU"" .~l'u",d b)' this J.>.eed
<br />~ 1'....... to be ~t'1y d-t. iIlQd ptl,ya-bk _"hout fu-rthfe'r tkmMAd and mal_\' in~olu' 1M PUWt'-f oJ ~ and an) other r-emedi~
<br />~ by "PtIlkable 1&.., t.....r.toall t.. ...litlNl to ",.!k,'1 .11 ..........hIr "'...i ""d u......... iIKa"", In PU"UU1lll 'h.
<br />r~ ........ 1ft 1m.. _..... Ill. ",dudl..., bet not liJnit'" '0. r~ $I10"",y', fff..
<br />If.... p....<< of .. ~ la......r........, .halI ffmrd . umu-. ..f <klault In f"'b coual,. in ..bkb tb" """",rty o. .om"
<br />pIlIf ~ .. *aINl """ .... mail COP'<' of 'lK'b "",ice ia It.. "'a....." pr_ri&.,d b) "l'Plk.bI. la.. 10 Bor",.."", and to I""
<br />lit. ....-l'ftlo'triWcl by """",,able bl... ,\flu In., fa,.., "I ""b 'i.... "" ""'l he r........'" oy "Ppllnb.lr Ia... Tr......, ,hall
<br />&in ~ ~ '" ... 1& t"" ........... """ in lb. _r pn:.<:r,o"d b, .ppfit:abI" I.... 1 ""'~.,., ..llboul d........d oa
<br />-...-... ..... still"" ~1 at ""hti< a..dltw t<J llor bitlhfi' blckk. .1 ,ht 'i_ and plaTe ,.,.d u"'r lbe If""" d<'Slcaat""
<br />ia u. ~ of... hl"IM Of II:IQft ~h UMt ift ~Ui;.h unitT 1I~ 'l'mlliofu ma,.. ii~ter-nUue. In.f-''I''~ .na)- 1~lpo.M Wilt' of all
<br />01' .Y ....,.. 01 ..... I'lUp<tfty ",. I'ahti< ...._OK........ at .lor ,imr and pl,.n of "'nj p...",,,....j ..:bfdul"d ....1.. t"nckr tir
<br />Le.......... ........ -.r ~!hoe """"'lty at au, ....
<br />U- -'PC of pay- of ,"" prl<e bid. T._ _ deih., to Ibe pWN:II_r fr...'"., .t..d ,'""",,)it'll Ih" Pro...,rt,
<br />...... n.. ~ la !hoe T......"" '. ""'" .ru.I1 "" p.im. f...,w, "idtotK" "I 'he Inuit. 01 ,II" ....."..."nl> ,..""" ,he.rin. T....t""
<br />........., dot ,.....,.,... of ''''' "3k 10."" ft>llo..loa ......r: '''.' 10 =Il ..._""blf ",J<it. and '.....,a...' "I lb. ...If. i..t'/udiDll. Ixu
<br />- ....U... ~'" 1_ of _ _.. tbaa, ..,0 . "..r "'" \t..... ...... prie.. ,."......ble .1I.......y., f.... and c"'.. ..f
<br />... ~ ItoI to ... __,....,d II.. Iw. ~ of T..-, and ...1 "'" ..._. il a..y. 'u II.. /'<Or.,.", "r .....,...... l"Ilally .nrilled
<br />t........ .
<br />
<br />1'.. ~9...... t\l~. "tt-'{Vlotth'i.t;;mdJng: Lendt'r\ tlU.__c!t;f:iHU.Hl ,~t H\t: '.',lm!\ \t."-'.\Hi..'d hv lfW, f)el~ d I f\h,{
<br />htJ~f sbail l'hJ;vot: 1M f'l1,tU 1:0 h1tve-- .my l"'nx.~-et'-ujnp ~~Wl h...- {..c.n-\!-cr hii "t;f"HU~ i:tiH D.."l':-ti ,'I i'rtl':ll 'k;.......,l-ntlt1Hed ,\1
<br />4.fty_.tt-mc< pt'~ ttt ~he e:.iM~-r J-(.) ~lj';:~ (l...f (~) tAc lHth .-fa.\: bei,u.re !hc 'Wite nt ih~ f!'Hi'>{:fn puf~tHjiH tfW 1',oJ,)\iicl t.1j ,,",'Ok ..i1fll.lH~nj
<br />d'tt~ ~~,~'-Crh~lt {~Udcmt.r~ ~d '.\- fHJjfl1t:fi! ~fih'Hdll. thi\ ~f'd ut !'WSl d "_~-li H'.\fr;~)"':i:t !llit~ _ I ~'l!dcr .Ill \utn~ ""rlidt w\\;dd
<br />f.w.~t"-dt. ,~'Utt\\ r)eed t'!-{ f,u", the Nut(: >i:tui nule\l.. 'J."l:on-n,!{ rut ute ,'\~1'"-_"~,~-,, 'I ."fit '1411 n..-, /(....\'..:h.>r,~I!I'H
<br />t:hJ hrt~~r """#i' Jiij hn:<lKtK:s d -.jt,-n'~ <."tht-r (,rl"'I;'n~rn~ ..1 ~tr""""mt:nh '_'1 i"_~;>ll'J"~'i ,ontamt.~!~ ,.\l ,hl~ l~t:d llr'>t
<br />ftJ JkH'f'~J tlii}'\. ~u rt'.~.Ml~.t*t t'~pc-'~'l',bi.It-.. in\C~loftrtJ t)'t' l(;m,j~f ~.H,f _hu:\tw In li\l"h;lif. ,~it(' ~,~'\'CHd!H,'" .Hld .J,tl:rl.,~l.'m!(!'m, .l~
<br />-fiot~l ~~'\~~.)"~~ ,Ut lh~ ~'(t ~,-t tru~t itUoi:j enf(lN::~ i-~:nd{if ~ "nd Jf;'_'''''fq:, !':,T':f.',1\<."'- ", !"'_'\Hk~tJ in P,lI;,4KfoHi;-f
<br />~!'i'Ol" _t_k~~.. l.'1yt ~ ififn.t(m k' f'(k'o).t-vn,-hkl (iCel,. ~n,d i\::n nl'lH\\'\A;~" "..l.~:'i .\t ;,\ ',:nt!l"f "-;", '-(:V"~'\i.ii'i\
<br />!~1:if'~ tQ Jll-,..~~l1:'- thaJ 1_ h-'1:'n ':},f r~~.f ,;,1 (!~~d.t:-f ... m{t1't''''-1 \11 !"',",'It,." ~ .,hlq;:';:il.I\\(~ II'
<br />
<br />