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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows.: <br /> <br />1. Pay_ of Prlltdpal 8lId lnlr",",. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />Indebledness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the NOle. and the principal of 3fl'd interesl <br />on any Future Advances secured by thiS Deed of Trust. <br />2. Ftnoch for TutS IUIII I.......,.,. Subject to applicable !~~ or 10 a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />10 Lender on the day monlhly installmenls of pnncipal and inleresl are payable under lhe NOle, until the NOle is paid' in full. <br />a sum (herein '"Funds") equal 10 one-twelfth of the yearly laxes and as,"""menls which may altain priority over Ihis <br />Deed of TrusI, and ground renlS on the Property, if any, plus <me-twelfth of yearly premium installments for haurd insurance, <br />plus one-lwelflh of yearly premium inslallmenls for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonably eslimaled initially and from <br />lime 10 time by Lender on the basis of ......m""ls and bills and reasonable eslimales thereof. <br />The Fund, ,hall be held in an inslitution the deposils or accounls of which are insured or guaranleed by a Federal or <br />Slale ageoey (including l.ender if Lender i, such an instilulion). Lender shall apply the Funds 10 pay said t...., ......menlS, <br />mwronee premiums and ground renls. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said aCCOtlnt . <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bill.. unless Lender pays Borrower interesl on Ihe Funds and applicable raw <br />permits Lender to. make such a charge. BorTOI4'e:r and Lender m.ay agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Deed 01 Trust thaI interest on Ihe Funds shall be paid 10 Borrower, and unless such agreemenl is made Or applicable taw <br />requires such inlerest to be paid. Lender .hall not be requIred 10 pay Borrower any roleresl or earnings on Ihe Funds. Lender <br />shan gi"'l: 10 Borrower. without charge_ an annual accounting of the Funds showmg credits and debits to the Funds and the- <br />purpote for which each debit 10 the Funds was The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by Ih.. Deed uf Trust. <br />If lhe amount uf the Funds held by Lender. togelner wfih the furure monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dat-es of taxes. a..-uesmrenl'i\. ltlsuranc-e premium,,. and ground rents. s.hall exceed the amount required (0 pay said taxes. <br />assessments, insurance premIUms. and gfl,mnd rents. \1.$ lhe\.' fan due. !\uch exce&') shaH be. at Borrower's optionl either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited (() Borrower 00 monthly installments. of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />hefd by Lender shall not be ~ufficJ.Cnt to pay (l.\:(('$. alses..l>mcnts. insurance premiums. and ground rents as they faU due. <br />Borrower shan pay 10 Lender :!ny- amount rn.-ceS$.ary 10 mall': up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is maHed <br />by Lender 10 Borrower req_Iing payment Ihereof. <br />Upon payment in full of aU sums \ecureu h\' thiS Deed or Tru:\t. l.ender shall promptly refund 10 Borrower any Funds <br />held hy Lender H under paragraph! 8 hereof the Property I': ",nlu nr tBe Propt'r!\' IS otherwl\C acqu1red hy Lender. Lender <br />~haH apply. no later than immediately pnor to the \ale nt lhe Property or us acquislHon by Lender. ;tny Funds held by <br />Lender at the orne of application a~ a credit ag.ainsr lhe ;,ums secured hy this D(,"t~d of Trust <br />J~ Applkadoa of Payme-nl5. Unles.s app!u:.-abte Ji-l~' pro""ldc~ otnervdse. all paymem, reccl'..ed by Lender under the <br />~()te and paragraphs 1 .and 2 hCfC'of shall he apphed hy Lcndt"f fust III paymen~ of amounl.5, payable to Lender hy 8{)rrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. rhen h'l mte.rt.~t p-ayabie on the N-ote. {hen f(l the prmclpal of the Note. and then to Interest and <br />prmcipal 00 any Ftllure Advances.. <br />..~ Charaft; l....ieaL 8orro~'-t:f .;,naH pay ~H f;l\c.... .l\.s~-'S-~mt'nt\, _If HI otne-f ...:hargh_ rines <lod !mp'o~mon$ Juributable it:) <br />the Property which may anain '* pnoflty OYer- lhl\ Deed (It Trust. :J.od leasehold payments or ground rents, If an)', in the <br />manner pro~fded u.nder paragraph 2 tJt.'.-eof ~"r. if nor raid in SUi..-h ll1anner, h,,' Rorro\\.er makmg payme11t. when due. directly <br />to the payee tbC'reoL Borrov..'er ,hail p.romptly furOl\h to I.emler .;.111 notH.:C\ (if afnounts due under IhlS p.aragraph. and in tht.~ <br />event Borrower mail mai.c pAymcm \.hro:th, Born.:l\\'er ,hall prompth' Iwm,h W I cndcr recelpt$ eVh,kn~lOg such payments, <br />Borro-w'tr shaH promptly dl\t:hafJ'c any fk'n ~hl;.:h lIa'!" pnofll)- nV'Cr thl' Deed of rru~t; pnwldt':\.L In.1t Horr( ...hail not he <br />feqUlf~-d to dj~harge any ~m;:h lien ~1 IOOR a" H-orrl.JwcI ..hall ;lRr~(' l!l ..~'rHtn~ tn the payment \,If the ohhgal1on sr:-l'll1cd by <br />'touch hen In a manner acceptable- !(\ J,ender. ~!r ...h3il1!1 gOlXt !';i!th i..oniC.\t ..:'H..-h hen hy, l)f' defend Cnff\HCmcnt of MH:h hen to. <br />!-cgal prt.~'e-eding:<J whu:h upcnte In pre..'cnt the ...'nforn::.'menl III lht~ lien llf' tortcHure oj thto Propert\: nf any par! thereof. <br />S. Haarcll~. Borro'4'cr ..hall '-e'Cp lhe 'rnpf('vl'"mCf1h now C\t"t1nl-! l~r hCrt.",3fte-r erected <.m fhe Property Insured <br />al-aw!! loss hy fir-e, hal1lo.b induded wtlhm tht' term '\~"f('nded ....)'Vt:'(ilgt... and MKh lHhi!r hal.~\Tlts a.s l.~t1der may requin' <br />and In iut.::h anl\lUfUJ::tnd. for :>;u4,;h pen\.~~;.t'S. Li,~o-dct mll,,! fct,tUlrc, pnn-uJed thaI lender ...hall ihlt ret.purc that the amount of <br />!tuch \.":Ov~ra8C c'.\-cced that amount oj \..0....((;)1;.(' u..."--4wred hl r~n :he ....Im' \C't.UfeU hv 'hi,> ~d of Trll'l.l <br />The insurance ctJ:nlef p<< the IO\-Uf-.1f)I.;C ..,hail he ... h\ht?U tw H-Nrn",~r 'l.Uhle,,-! hl dppnn ,iI h\' I_coder; pn:wlde-d, <br />that such- a.pproval &ball not be unre-awnahty withheld ,-\11 pr:ommul"!'!t lltl In$Ur~tncc /"ohcl("S ..hail t>e p-auJ m the manner <br />provuSed UDder pe.rasrapb 2 hereof or. tf :\.01 patd III !lUl,;h fH;tjUlC'f, h, Hortowcr lllalm:g payment, when due. directly to the <br />)D&unnce: 1o:AJTtCf'. <br />All lftsun:n<,.--e puh-cte! and rene,*ah thrre(yf ~h;a.l1 he Ht hHfl1 <K\,.Tptabk h' I ~lldC't ;wd ...h:Jli mdudt' a \tandard mongage <br />clause in favOf or and in f(,,'\f'tn a~\.--ephlhk to 1 em.lei I cndct ....i'hlfl h:J'IIC the' nght !(i hoh1 Ihe pnh>':lc\ and reoc""i-lh thereol. <br />dnd Borrov.--et .Ju.iI pnlm-pdy furmsh h' I t' .tll ft'nC'w.ii [l~ltk.e' olOU '-It! It'(CI{'lh l1' plsUj pf(,'mlurn~_ in the event of kt\s, <br />BOffo-wet shaJl give pr\.'!fllpt n(ri.h.:e -iu tht' In'HHao\:~ \ ;jftle'1 Mtd I C'lhJ(.'t (endcr mil'i HHft..C fHllUl of 1050'\ It nlll !'Hade prompU\' <br />b\' Bo-rto..'Cf <br />. Unle$s i,codc, tlnd 8orrvwc! \-,thctwtSoe :;s.gfl'l." in "filIng. ;n"'UI4rh.-~ r-10\;-"cd-i\ ,h.Jil he- ~~ppited !,_1 1t:~tota'J(}n (Ir fep.ue flf <br />th~ Property dlimqed, ptQ\'-hled ...,u\.:o rC"\toraht"f1 .ll f<::IM.1f j, l:I..:Olwtlltl..'.ilh ll~il"'ihi-c ._md the -.e"IHI1~' ;.'! thl'\ (kt:d of Trust 1\ <br />not thereby Imp..<uced. If ~u~h resh,,>>aHnn ,i.f n:p,;&lf I.... no! C'(Hnl~nH....all} ka\lble ~)l' ~! the ..e,,;,uflly 11f flli'.. lked \.1 rlll'l \\\.luld <br />he ulIp...NU:. th< Hl~UUf)(:C' pf\xea:b ,haH ()c ,ltpphe-J 1\1 the \tlflh '$.C~lllt:d h.,. thl'- Derd of hUM.. \\'Ith the e'n~''\!I. If any, pant <br />to Borrower, If lM ProrerlY h h" &Ifn!~cr. ,If 11 Ihl!f\.l"-ct L.uh {Il f~pvnt.i h~ L.ender ...llhln ]0 da)... IroO\ th-:- <br />date noth..'e h mailed by Leudcl (0 &rn.l\\el thOlt the Hl~ur.lh;e ...aUler orkl\ IH ~tlle .;t \.,Idlln lor !n\tlf.1.lh:~ he-Hefh~. I.enon <br />IS f\utoorrzw to (',,)H<<t and appJy the lUSUCMH,'C j'hA-et:\J\ ';11 i ("Hoer\. opt"m c.ther \I) l'~~h\L-ttJl\n t.l( repair ilt the Pwpet1\ <br />or I(t the. sunu secured hy lhn [)re.ed of frost <br />Unlet.s tender.and Borrower otbe:rwl~ 4g.r<< In Wfllllllt~ "'11) !)~h appfh,.aliDil III pfll\.'cedl 10 pfln~IJlal \hall IWI extcnd <br />Of' ~tponc the due Jah: of tht; mt,)ulhty tf1),taUm<Hh fcleu\X1 Ip m paf-tlgn.pth 1 ;-wtl ~ herCt\1 Pf (han.:e the .m\ount 01 <br />)uc'h lO~I4.Umenl~, If under para.raph 1'1\ hcrcut ftw- Pwpert~ !., J:~~um~d hv ll.'nder, .tll fl~hl. tHle .lno !lHcrest 01 8{)rnn..(~r <br />m and to -AD)' tn),urAOCt' poh"::tC'[,. and 10 J;lhJ h.\ the Pf\l<i..~ed') tAer"' tt::\uHwg Irf)f)J datllo1"oe to the Prpptrl} pn\lf to Ihe ~ale <br />or a",--quu.ttKlfl )ohllH pau h,) Lelkkr to the ntent {ll the sUm~ ~'ur~ ~~ thl'io lkt:tt of r rU11 InHnei.hald) p-nor 10 'ouch: ...ale nr <br />acqUtf,ihon. <br />6. ~..... IItIMI MIIIooIe_. of !>J-operty, IA_lM>Icb: COftClomioiums, PI......."j {)nlt f)rnl<>pmenl$. lk'f","er <br />,h.lf kl~~llhc Propen~ ~n !!O\)\j fep41f .Jnd ,hall nul ;,';,lmlnil '''4.lolt' ,>1 pt.:nWI lfnp..llilPCfif In \kl~Tlot;--ttlpn ;,I! the Proper I\- <br /><tOO shall compl}' With tbe p<<>"'t~k)m nf an; ie...t.e If {hIS i).ecd (If f'rtht J:. \.m ~ ica_'loehold It (ht:'. D~<d (\f l'rus( i~ 011 .1 VIHt In <i <br />..."-Ondommuun {)f a planned unit devdopmNu. Honowcr j,nolll pc-dorm ..II of 6oftOW-Cf'~ \}ohgatloft\ under the decbr:.tll~'n <br />Of rovc:nanb ~re.alio& O{ govcrnmg the ":OIKh.1ffiu:uum \)1 pl'lnncd 0011 de\c'eiopment. ~he t'<y.l.a",!l. ;lOJ regul.atlom. (d the <br />"ondonliolum \)f phoned unt( ~'di)pfll('tH, and ..:(.nshtueni do\..umefih II J, ..;pndoffiHuum ,')1' planned umt d~"cillrHnt:nl <br />nder IS Cl-eCutcd hy Bonow-cr and r~of\j.eJ lO~ther .iln Ihl'" Deed t'l f ru\l. the ....~o"'cn4int\ .Iud agreemenh pI \\h..-h f:der <br />1hl1l he IfKQrporaled mto.oo shaH Amend and ~uppkmc;nt (he \,:l.J\<,nolnl~ dfhJ agreements -of thl~ l)('-ni III frU,"l ," It the fide' <br />lftre: 3 part hereof, <br />1. ............ of lA'84u~5 .se.:1Iri." If 8o-ffUy.c,r falh 10 pcrtfll'm lhe ...:t1\'~nanls and agrecffiC'o'" ,nnHuol'd III 101" <br />-Deed of Trust, or if any .lCh-o.n Of pr~ing lS i.,'ummcw.;:ed Which milICflaH~- -a!Tech\ lHtereM lil !he PTnr't.~rty, <br />utclu4i:ni.. ~ not hfnlle4 to.. emmenl domAI-o. lllsohenq., .;.ode cl1lon..;emem, or aJf.;ulgemcnb or ~"..:t{:~~Jlflg~ IO'H)h-l!lg ,t <br />bank.rupc (.)f ~"Cde.nt, t.hen undct at Lenders option, upr.m I'I-uh",'e fl.) Borro"'cr. mOl; fll.1lke ~uch .lp,'Car.tl1\ C'i_ dhhul'!l.t:- \.ll\..'h <br />'j..\ttDII and take IIUCb action as i'i fwx;~r)' t\~ Pfotcct l..-Cllt.1er'\ fmetpl, in-dudlOg, bUl not lumf\'d Il'. tlt~hurwf1l-.:n\ d! <br />~bie auornc-fs f.,.. and eDiry upon the Propeft\ to lHol.,e!l, H l\cnocf re"4uHeti lll'llf allu: .1\ ,t <br />~OaditiOA of I1Ulk."D, the loan M:Cured by t.bti ileed t'1f ~'t;'nlSt, Borr..1""er "hall pay the premtUll1:lo re~uHt:d hi ll1att1l.un ..u.;-h <br />lQlUf'~ In e.ffCCl until $uch tune ilS the requlCc:ment fflf !i.uch ilwurance termmall!"~ in a~~on,hHh.(, wHh n{~fI~',^'Cf\ .llii-1 <br />Lcodct', Wr1ttr.D ~mcnt i.'f ~ppl-t(;able taw_ BoftV'o\-C:f ~h"'l p-a) !he ,uno-unl ni <li! nlOftg.~ lft~lJrarj..(e pr('I1Hum" III the <br />'''a_ provided under plltaJIlJph 2 hereo/' <br />An, al'nOUQU d~ by LeDdoc.r PUBWUH t(1 thn. paragtd,Jh 7. With interest !MrC\ltl. '.,tlall ~'t'\.'\"lll<' .IUdIIIPl\;t1 <br />(~of 8ortuw-ct $eCured by th;..Deed of Trmt. l!n~~ 8orfol,lf.e-f and I ('nOel _&1" 10 \;Hh<r h'Jfl1S d ~~lIW{H, "\I-\:h <br />aI'ftOUnil-dtaU bit payable upon flottc(' from Lender tll 8mfl.;lW-C-t- f~tiC\tlOg }'lfl)'llWOl lhe-r~~)f. allU ~hJH l"Cat llltere'Sl frt)ft) fht" <br />_e of~t at the race pa:yabk: f'r0ltl time t-o time: (m OU-l!hlOdwg pr4o(:lp.d undff rhe NotC' ilnlcu p-.ymenl \.1 imcteM <br />&l ~h,lIte _-:OUJd he, -CMUa.ry to apph-cabk: jaw. m ~bu;;h event ~UI:.:h .ilmoum~ ..hall hear interest ,if the f\lghesl ra.te <br />por~ ~ ~.bk J.w, NothiOJ t'on-tamed 1ft thUr. pan,jUlph '7 ...hall re-Ql,urCl L~nder hJ u\.(ut any e\peme (If' tak.r- <br />altt ..."tion Itoetcutla. <br />L ........... tender ma,'" fiUlb: OJ ulUle t(\ bt: mack f~.1'0niibk el11ne\ u~~.\n dl\J .nS~th.Nl' l.)ll~ Prop.:tty. phn-lJ-e\,i <br />l'" l~ ..u 'i~ !klftQ'WW noHt;;c ptltJf to- .uty nK<n<:-u-Q-fl ll-pec;lt}"u;I r-eA"t..l-n.;hk ,:a\M.oe lh('reh~~- !\"j"tc,! \;.\ t t~nu('t', <br />.-. '" 'M P_ <br /> <br />83- <br /> <br />(J03722 <br /> <br />