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<br />83~00372:2 <br /> <br /> <br />tltesmm secured by this Deed or Trust shall (;OIItinue unimpaired, Upon such payment and c"'.. by BOrrower, thi&'~C1f. <br />Trust and lheoblig;ttiom< secu~ herebyshallremaillin full force and etfectas if no acceletalionhad'occurred:.. <br />:.tIt . ~Iot ~ "'" h,1aeIIt .., RlIeelvU; Letodel'iDPOIMIIion. AsadditiOllllls<:curity.herellJ1der. <br />henlby assigns !oLender tltenmlSor thePropeTty. providedtha.t BorrOwer shall, prior to. acceleration u~~pa <br />hereof or. aballdo_t of the Property,. have t.he "$ht. to. collect. and retain sllCh rents as they <br />.. Upon "",:elcration under J'lU'll8l'1I,plt III hertor orahandonment of lhe .PropertY. le!1det-. <br />jlldicla11y4ppOin!ed reeeiver. slIall he entitled te enter upon; take. poo;se$$ion of and manage tile:. ,.' <br />fl!<_ of tMPropertY .ncltldinglho$e past due, All rent~ collected by te~ or the reeei~sballbli.aPi'lied.. ... ...., <br />ofthecool$ ofmallagementof the. Property andcollectiooof,.mcluding, but notllmiteclto.recelvel"s'reo;:s;p~' <br />01> receiver's bonds andreuonabte allllrney's f-."OO then 10thesUI11$ secun:dby this l)eed.of Tl'\ISt;Leil""r~';lbc> <br />recciYersbllltheliablet<>accoonton!yfotthooerentsactuallyreccivi!d; .. .. ..' ., ,.' <br />21. F_ A~ Upon rcq_ orllO""",.", Lendu;at l..endU's option, prior to full reconveranceqftbe'~ <br />by Trustee ID.Borrower, may make Future AdVaneestoBorrowe... SllCh Future Advances; withinterert. thereoJf,sbalthe <br />~un.d by tltis Deed of Trust when evidenced by promiuory noll's staling lhauaid notes. aTe secured hereby. Atn<>time:Wll <br />the prin<:ipal amoulllof the indebted_ secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. not including sums advanced in ".:fi2.rdalK!C'herewlth <br />'oproteclthe security nfthisDeed <>f Trust. exceed lhe origmal amount of the Note pillS US $... ..:...T.'.'..... ...... <br />n; ~~ Upon pay_nt of all .ums secured by Ihis Deed of Tnm. Lender snall,requestTru_lOreeOhVe\' <br />lhePtOperl. y and "ball surrender this Deed .of Trust and all note. .vidertcing indebtedness _ure. d b. Y this De<<l.... '..... oLTrU$l <br />10 T~c Trustee sltall reconvey the PrOperly without warranty and without. cbarge: to the person or person. legally' <br />entitiedthentw. Such.penoo or persons >hall pay all costs 01 tecordation, il any. <br />n StdIodf.... TnIIIee. Lender. at Lender's OptIOIl. may from time to lime remove T rustec and "'rpoint a suecessor <br />trustee 10 any Trustee "l'POillted hereunder hy an IlIStruOlcntrecor<led in the: coullty in which this Deed 0, Trusti$ recorded, <br />Without coo".y"...... of the ProperlY, the '~r trustee shall succeed 10 all Ihe title. power and duties conferred upoll: <br />1M T__ hemn and hy applicable I...... <br />U. ~ for Notices. Borrower requests thM copies of the nOlice of detault and notice of sale be sent to Borrower', <br />..~ whiclt is the Property Address. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEllEOF, Borr<lWer ha$ execuled thi!; Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />.~~F~;.,..,.;..,....,..,....:..~ <br />':". <:; /. Y>C7J ')'.~-)~~~.. / <br />_:a-A~A~~" .-.." , ~ ,L",. :'.k.'/lt:-D <br />Susan l(; Lilitb <br /> <br />--&off.., <br /> <br />SUTEOP NEBRASKA..., , aall ,.' .CounlVSS' <br />On this 13th day 01 July . 19 !l~fore m~. Ihe undersigned. a Notary Public <br />dul~' commissioned and qualified for said eI'llInty. pcrnmaUy ('<lme. . Ldb. .R,!!:d..... ........... .. <br />.. .~~an. K.. I~~~... .oo.aband. and wife . ...... ......10 me known to he the <br />ldentlCal penon(.l who6e namelsl arc .ub!icribed to the lon'gotng IIlstrument and acknowledged lhe execution <br />thereof to be. their voluntlUY act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and nOlanal ,eal ;t. Crand I !lbnd . . . . in said county. Ihe <br />date aforesaid, <br /> <br /> <br />.P;:;~; /. . <br />~/ <br />" . -. , < <br /> <br />1/ 0Y <br />~::::~.~ . <br /> <br />My CommI'S.SiOn expirn: /9-- ,1 I, /~r' <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To T1UlSfU: <br /> <br />The undcnigncd IS the holder uf the note ()f n<.'les ,"cured by 11m Deed 01 Trusl. Said nOle or nOles. together <br />with all other indebtedneu $C<.'llred by this Deed ot Ttu~t. hll.~e been pAId 111 full. You ore hereby directed 10 cancel <br />said ~ or notes and this Deed of TrUll. winch are dehvcred hereby. and 10 reconvey, without warranty. all the <br />eslat~ now held by you uudcr this Deed of T~l to lhe pef'lon or per!\Oll$ legally entitled Ihereto. <br /> <br />DIRe:..., . <br /> <br />{~ ...... TM 4..OM _.....0 ,~ l...,.., .nO R~deir) <br />