<br />8a.....fJg!3'~,2~t
<br />
<br />
<br />...... nnsDSm>OFTkUS'fis~ll\$L~b' ..itid~:~iil(: .t.iniIb.,.tfsi.itii"~~vti'.~.n' .....,
<br />19.. , ..amongt~ 'trustor,. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . ... .: ';.': . . ... ". . . . . C~rc{!i!.t_t-.1::~aV1..~
<br />... .. c.. .... 'liila' L<NI'ti'As4oeU1UbU' . ., . . . (herem 'Borfower"),....'.' '.:,' :.. .. :,' . .. ..,.....,.G':
<br />. .c~Ni1a:r1teaetll'1: 'Si.;!1\~'l.' 'GQ4u.AUbl:'..'.........., , . (herem Trustee).alld~be~ll~~'$~\
<br />....,...'................. ''In\:,'' il{..',...................... ...... ..a~iOllorganize;Kll1Rl
<br />
<br />~~t~~~1'iieet;.z..;:;~NE. .6Si24'....'.....,' ..,., whose~~ is. .~;..... .........,
<br />.. . . , , . . . " . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' . . . . . . . . . . , . .> . . (berein Lei!c!er,).
<br />
<br />DEED or TRUST
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />T
<br />
<br />BoaaOWlIll, in COIIS1deration of the indebtedne.u herein redtedandtbetl'llStbete.increattd.irrevoc:ably<gratll$
<br />and c:OllYe)'5' ID Trustee, in \rU$t, with power of sale, the following described property located in the C~y.ot
<br />. .. .. .. . . .. . .~~~. .. ' , .. , . . , . . , , . . , . . . .., State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Fourteen (14), Western lleights Fourth Subdivision, !lall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />wlIil;h '* tile ac1clms of.,. ~,2~3 .Sha~Q8,'. ~r.nd.laland, Nebraska 68801
<br />1$_1 11:<..1
<br />. . . . . . , . ' , ' , , . , , . . . . , ,. (herein "Propcny .-\ddre$S");
<br />t_ _Zip c..I
<br />Tol:;f.THlIll WIth all the ill1jl(ovo:mcnl$ IlUW or Mreafter er~,led on Ill< property. and all ea..:menls. flgh",
<br />~.rmts (Sllbjecl bowcvef to tbe rigllts am1 authontle!> givell herein to Lender 10 colle<:l and apply ,uch
<br />RlIllS). ro~ ~ oil and ps rigbu and profits, water. water rights, and water >lock. and all fiXIUft'S now or
<br />~ llUadled to tile property. all of WDK:b. indllding replacements and additions therelo, $hall be deelll'-'d to be
<br />ud remaml1part of the pII)flIlny coy;:red by t~ Deed of Trust; and all of tbe foregoing. logelhet w.th said property
<br />(<<tlte ~~ if tbili ~ of Trust. is OIl a leasellold) are herein refured to as 1M "Property";
<br />
<br />-n>s.eu...toLi:ndlr(a)lhe repayment of lhe indebtaineos "vidcllCed t;l Borrower's note dated, . Jill>: 13, 1983
<br />.,... .'.". . (bcirein "Note"), in the printTpaI swn of. . FOIlTYTtlOUS~. . .and. O~llOO ...........
<br />. . . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . ' , , . , , , >. Dollan. witb int.:rest ther_. providmg fot monthly m.t3I1m",,!>
<br /><.I( ~~:;:~~the balanc;e of the indeblednQs, if IlO1 500f\eT paid. due and payable on, .. .
<br />. " . . .... ..' .,.",. ,t.. . ..' . , . ., . , . , . >, , , ' . , > . .. the pilyment of all othu swns. With mterest lhereon. advanc..."
<br />itl~ ~to~ the S<<Il!'ity of Ihis Deed of Trust; and the performan"" of the w~'e""nt. and
<br />.,tQ.tflb"Gf,.......ClOIUaillc!d; 41\0 (II) lite l'epll)'JtlCII' of an)' f\lt\lFe lIdYRn<X's. With inlere" thereon. m...te
<br />f9;~bf~~ttolllll'\l".ph 21 hereof (herein "Future Advances").
<br />
<br />~~_~ i$lawfilll)llieiKd of the MIlte hereby C(lllWyed and has tilt: "gh! In glllnt aoU
<br />~.~._..~)'lt ~~. and tMt Borrower will ,",vrant and dell'nd ~lIetll.Uy lilt.
<br />ti!lI!tllI!.~.....a~ud~..s~ 10 all)' d<<laratitm... ellKmenls ,v ,,'MrlCll<.,"s hued III "
<br />~~~to-.... in lIltf lide i~(> f>Ollc)' IMUrm. !-t'!\den mlce".1 m the Prope.I1Y,
<br />
<br />..JtUM,.llitH...".~..iiJl,.~... ... ......'
<br />
<br />QNl-J
<br />8M~.ldf~m'l'4
<br />