<br />83- {)u3717
<br />d. For better .security of Ibe indebtedness bereby secured, upon tbe request of Ibe mortgagee, its successors
<br />or as.~igns, mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any additions,
<br />improvements, or betterments made to Ihe property hereinabove described and all property acquired by it after
<br />the date hereof (all inform satisfactof)' to mortgagee). Futhermore, should mortgagor fail to cure any default
<br />in the payment of a prior or inferior cocumbrance on the property described by this instrument, mortgagor here-
<br />by agree< to permit mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligated 10 do so; and such advances
<br />shall become pan of the indebtedness secured by tbis instrument, subject 10 tbe same lerms and conditions.
<br />
<br />e. Tbe rights created by tbis conveyance shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement or
<br />eJttension of the time of Ihe payment of Ihe indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or nOles, or any
<br />part thereof secured hereby.
<br />
<br />LTc) continuously mamta;n ha7.ard insurance, of .such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />may from time to time require on tbe improvements now or hereafter on said property, and will pay promptly
<br />when due any premiums lherefor. ,\11 insurance .shall be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />policies and renewals thereof ,hall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor
<br />of and in form acceptable to Ihe mortgagee. In <'"Vent of loss, mortgagor will give immediate nOlice in writing
<br />to mortgagee, and moctgagee may make pro.,f of loss If nOI made promptly by mortgagor, and each in.~urance
<br />;;ompany c"Oncerned j, herehy ;1Ulhonled and direcled to make payment for ,ueh loss directly to mortgagee
<br />Inslead nf to mortgagor and mOf1ga~ee )omrly, "nd the imurance proceeds, or any part thereof. may be applied
<br />hy mongagee at l"l< opllon eilher to ,he f<,duellnn oj rhe mdebtednes, hereby ",cured or 10 the restoration or
<br />,epair of Ihe property damaged or deslrov<'tt In t'v.nt of foreclosure 01 this mortgage, or other transfer of litle
<br />H) \aid property in c(tmgul,hme-ftt nf the lndchtcdnes.~ \ccurcd hereby. aU fight, title, and interest of the
<br />mortgagor m .and to Hn\" Hl\uranre poiicie~ ~hen if1 force '~haH ras-s to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the
<br />OPtion of ,he mortg.aS;tt. m.a~' he- "i-urrendc-red for a fct'und<
<br />
<br />g, fn $;.;et:t' aU buddln~~ and nther lmftn).vemenl~ llO "aid property Hl good repair and: ~ondition; to
<br />permit. cl)mmit. l)f suffer no wa_'Sh,,~ nnpatrnu'UL dett"norauon ol ~aid pro~rty or an\' part thereof; in the event
<br />of railure of the mongagor to keep ,he jou.ldm~' "n ,aId rreIUlses and ,hose ere<'loo on "<lid prenllses, or
<br />ImprOVertlC-fil:.. 1flerron, m good repalf, !he !nortga~ee mas mak.e \uch n:p.au'S as. m it~ discretion It may deem
<br />na.'tt\ilfY tor the proper prt"'\C'f\':ii.nOn lhen:'ot: and lhe' iull amount of each and eVt"fY \lJch payment shall be
<br />'mmediald\" Juc and I'avabk: and ,hall hc ",cured lw Ihe!em o! Ih" mortgage,
<br />
<br />h, 'I'oJ not "\'oiumanh-' 1..rt'"3~t" fU fJ(':'rmH 1(\ f1{' ~:fcatt"d a~m'H !he j1rope-rt'v '>uh,iect !o thl\ mort~a~e any lien
<br />q.r l-it"-fl~ mlt'TtOf ta tl'l-e la,"n Ht l!W~ mnrti:.a.~"!t' wHhout wfltlen \':\.lo~ent at tht rnon~d)i!,ee; and tuther, that mort-
<br />~Of wd! kC't'1' and mamtam tht~ '\amt" h('(" !rmn tilt' .:1aHl1 of :.tH ~non\ ".UppiVlOg lab\u ur Hlatenah for ('on.
<br />'>Ink1-!CHi vf ~tn\' and aU hUJh,1mg~ pt !mprO\'f."1ncnt\ iinw t~('"m~ erc..:tro 'or 10 hr cH"'(tcd on \.aId premt\e-s.
<br />
<br />i'....' HOi ,t~n{ nr "l"\'H~n ,Ul\- l"l;,trl pi lhc tent <,.t '>,;ud mutt~aged rropt"rt\" ~H \..tcmlJI l's.h , df remove, or
<br />..ub\~anu.a.Hv ~ih('r afn hUltdtng "'!Hmut tht 'o\-nffe-!1 nJn'-c1tt \H thr- Inonga~t"('.
<br />
<br />f' AU av.a.n.h ,)! \,tamag.e"l Hl ,-'l:\.nrte('tlon ~~'lth all\' ..:ondt"mnaunn hH J1uhhc tl.\C 01 or H'l!lHY to any nf the
<br />prttpt'rt~ \uh~C'C! to rha moft~e i.Ht' h("tcb~' as.:l"lj~.flaJ and "haU be palo H) m()rtRalLeC~ who ma)' apply the \,ame to
<br />lla)'ment 01 the lO:s-t.aUrllrnt.\ ta.,t due limier '.,;ud note. ...tHO I1Wrtl(a-g.tt I' hl~rehy iluthuntt-d. lH the name l)( Ihc
<br />mo.rtpgl-"f, to t'\C'("'ute dud ddlH'1 "ail\! aL~Ulnan\.>t~, thcn:'f.}t and (() dppeaJ hum any \Udl aW'anL
<br />
<br />k fhe mH.ft~a~<< ~h.3H hUH" lht' rtght (t) HlSpc:t.'l tht' mortgagC'd pfenH\)~ at any fC!:Ifl.unable tunC',
<br />
<br />L ro 1.:'Qnlpl)' \\,lth tht' pnn hh.Jfl" \,)i any 1('-41,\(' 11 t ht.~ \ton~a3c \:\ un a icasehotd. It thl"i Mortgage i.\ on a
<br />lum '" a ,,,-'ndoIUHlltUn ," a planne<! unn Je"elopment, Ho","'er ,i,aU per/orm all of HOlfL>wcr', obltgallOn\
<br />under the ,lecilll:allon "1 ",,"enaOl' .:rC1lllnj\ ,)1 llv,crmng (he ,.ondonnmum or plann<<l Ullil development,the
<br />by.laws and 'qu!.allon. uf Ihe .;ondomlluum m planned Uflll development, and ,oll.hluem document"
<br />
<br />, Default'" any ollhe eO''Cl>ams (}! _'UndI!IOllS ol th.. lllStlUmem or of Ihe nOle or loan "geement .",:uroo hereby
<br />shall term,"a!e lbe nwrt~>r', "gilt to pmsOSKID, U>C, and en)oynlenl or lbe properlY, al Ihe option 01 rhe
<br />I'll<.>fI.Pl!'!e e'l lWiigm (it Dcing llil"eed thaI tbe monllltlor ,hall ha_e ""II nght untii default), Upon any ,u.;h
<br />default. the IllOf~ UlaIll><<()ffl/; lbe Owner of all of the renls and profits a<;s'unng after default as 'et:Ufll\" f,',
<br />the indebtoo~ _'Ufoo hereby, with the righl to enter upon >a,d property fOI the purpose of rollecting 'ueh
<br />reftts and profits. Thi. ImtfUllletll .IIaU opet'ale a;, an "'S"illln<:lIt 01 allY ,elltab on saId properly to that e,,,ent.
<br />
<br />3. If Ih\- /lion....,.. defaults, and fail. l(l lIlllke any' payments "hell due or IV (onform to and c'Ornpl)' "ilb any of
<br />rbe '~'m Of ~lS contain<<! in this mortgage or lbe notes whICh II S"'Ule;, Ihen Ihe emile prinCIpal
<br />;;umand ac.:ruai imefellt sball at 001:<:' be\."JIm< due and payable, and drll.. _...*..,.. l>ef (em ll'L.l:.i%) inter""
<br />rhereaftft \tlltil pIIid llt tbeel<<tion of tbe mort&at\re: alld lhi, mortRl18e may ther<'Upon be fOfedo.e<! unmedlately
<br />1'0\' lbe ...lIt>le 'lf the inQclnwness hereby _",red. indudmll the co.sl of e"endllll! lhe abstlact of !Ilk f rOIll (he
<br />dat~ Qt t-hi6 ruurtpar to the time. t"lt {:"onuneU(:)llI ;'l.\J;l,;b ,,'m,lt. *F'out'tet1::i d1Hi Thrt.~/Qu-at't.(. r s.
<br />
<br />4, In the ev<mt of II {~re 0\' default lIS provided hereto, the monllll&<< shllll al once he cnurled to the 1'OS.
<br />~ _, and rm,oy- or tile real estate llfmesllid and 10 lhe reftl, "sun, loyalu",. lIrw I'<uhl' Ihe,eof,
<br />f_ 1M '!<<Tuilll <<I s~.It li#llts and duriug lbe pctftdency ,)1 for..:!osure I'r~"K:cedlf'lIS and su,'h IX'''C>SIl>l''. ,'Ie..
<br />~ llt l~ lJolidei,-lllf l{Jlbe mon~ upon r.:quellt, upon failure such deHvelY of sudl J)<)>",","lltl !l"'1 be
<br />t'IJlOf(" lly_l~, l>yany appropriate lepj pr~n~, lflcJudllll/. i\ re>.'eI'e! In! lbe property,
<br />
<br />~. 'rlleprOl.~ of ll.llY ~e of ~ pr~ly m ",,'t;Ql'~e "'uh the Pfc.:edulj! p,uqraph. ,haH be lIPph<<l luvt rn
<br />~. iM 4,..Mts ilnd. ~_ of >aW );,tk, tbe "itpem:c> i!IUIlft'O by tbe nwnPlrt {m .he I'urpmc (1\ ['''''''''WI!' ,,,
<br />-.llII<lUll! ...wJptlc~t)', ~IY. 10 pay lbe j~_ !><'~!l..ed beld...; ,.00 tlllfJIy. '" I"" lIn\' Silfplus Of
<br />it.- l<l Ihc~';n (II "..._ ~IIAUY cnm!e<;llbctrtu.
<br />