<br />
<br />This mortgagefuade and entered into this 13th day of July
<br />19~. hy and between ;Lorna J. Helzer, a single person
<br />
<br />
<br />(I1ereiQaftcr:.tefel',(ed.to.as.
<br />street in (irandislluui,
<br />
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company
<br />
<br />mortgagee). who maintains an office and place of business at 421f West 3rd
<br />HallCotmty. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />WlTNIlSSEllf. that fortlle consideration hereinafter Slated, rt.ttipt of which is hereby acknowledged. themo~or
<br />does hereby mort~, sell, grant, assign. :mdconvey unto the mortgagee, its successorsandassi~.all oftllefol-
<br />lowing described propeny situated and being in the COUllty of Hall
<br />Stale of Nehraska.
<br />
<br />Let Six (6). in Block Three OJ. in Schimmer's Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska
<br />
<br />H.ttether With aU !tw H:n-cmcrn~ .:iud ap-purt;;nan'.,-c\- !hcnt"tn lX"h}u~m;l', "H tht" r-f'n-t\c ~"\HC" and profil' l:hcft.~ot. ~uHj ;tlt
<br />t:a~U~ flaht"'. rt'1'Vaht-o~ fntf'K'f-a1. n-il ~~nd ';.11' nJ,ht'\. ~wd rn-nfH-~, ,l-ater, water n~hl'::-. a.nd \\-ateI' \t(X~k. <Hid mdudmg
<br />~dt h'C'ilttR,. ph.unbinJf. reffl$,~.nIHon" h~htrn~, '''''>impmtj'!t "uh.1 ;di ~i'HJH".,,) ,)1 ~'n~lS ~k"'rnrH10H helonglng: Io !he-
<br />mortSAaJur no\io Pf hl"Tf"cint"f aH.lld1t:tl thereto 1.f If),\.''d Ul l,..)nnedi.OH \",'utl the PH"u1:i..,t",> h~~f~m dC'\...'TlhC'd and Hl addllHHl
<br />thefctl.l the f(tUO"~itltt dt'~(nbcd .pf(JPt"nl~~'\ \~htdl ;Ho,; Jfid \.h;~H be i.kem\'J hl h,~ $t\il.ne.., ,mo ;i pan of rhe fealt\', and
<br />aft' a f'\l.rtu'')n of tht' ~"UtH\' f'l:.'tf' the .odehtt"dnC'i.\ hCf("1l1 "l~lh:d-. (If nom", 'fl.'He "mHl(,,")
<br />
<br />r(l hll"( and to huld the '11111" "fH<llne \I\)f\~a#',<,. '" h...."'''' prov.d,'d:
<br />
<br />The:: mortllll1l'lI " lawlul" '<tl;t<:\! and ,>t~"""wd "t :llli.! hit' lhe nglH III ,ell and ,'om'e)' said propertv; that the
<br />~me l.~ ftee ff"()tn a.U e-n,umbr-am;~ t:\:t'"t"pf 4:s. hrronabtlVt' ft"tl{-e<1; anu fhat \-tongasor ((1\-'t"nan[~ to \",rarram and
<br />(,kti'!nd tbe HUt sltOlna..id tnctclO ahd {~'t"ry' pan thCfcuf 4~.aH1Sl ihe \Ja.im." uf aU PCTSOR\ who!nS;,)f:\ieL
<br />
<br />11Uf in~trumettt is gi~m to ~fe (he rm.ymmt of a rro:mi~s(}ry nOle: dau:cl
<br />ill Ilk' principal sum of L,!.,_0i?2:-.P2 ~,__, "g:ned by
<br />'n bc.-half o("_lntUll:.LL.,,,,_________
<br />
<br />July 13. 198J
<br />i:.Oi:tla-.Y:'rieTier'---
<br />
<br />~. u.~ _ or nOlC$ may from ti_ w 11111" be !ll(.1(!Jfied, 'efw:weU Of ""elli.!ed in wnting.
<br />
<br />In the event the title 10 !.lIid real eslate i, tramielrt'd. or cOllin"l<:\! to be Iranskrred, from Ihe ulli.!emlllJ('(j tor all'
<br />~Ilf by lUlY method whal_"er, tbe etlltrc prill<.'tpal ,UIlI alld accrued inlerest 'hail at ,1llC" hew me due "nd
<br />pa~ at Ibf cledloo of 1m- holder ~f. Failure !O ,,-,erci-.e tius optmn becalm: of Iran,fer ottilie a, ..bo'e ,talc'd
<br />in OM lnit&~ SluillllOlcom.till.lle.. Will vcr of lhe nihl W ~crd;c t1le sam.... in the evenl of any ,ub>equcllI tran,leL
<br />
<br />I, 'fhe mortJ.lllOr <'0-_15 and :qlten l>S fUlkrw"
<br />
<br />a, Tl:l.~ly pay. Itte t~__~ ~~'<<l by ,aid prQmil."ory nOle at the tullC' and III lhe 11111nner
<br />t" Pf~.
<br />
<br />It,'to.-,.. ;dl' HUt", il~~~ll'Ifllh. wlllel flll"". anti olllergo\'crmlKlIlal or munkipal (!large', line" ,.!
<br />~loMi f'lltwhlcll. tlfll'\-i>i(m ll.lb nol '-> m.o.<k her....inbefore. and ",II promptly ,lether ihe .,molll '"<"'f'1<
<br />i~fllf- 10 Ibl.'.tllkt ~tNl1(t,
<br />
<br />~~ t()'. pay ~ud'J.' ~;\~t'l$ft' tit.nO' ft'n. a!i- nUl'" be lw.:arr-t'd in tbi: pn){fi:tl(Ml ;lttg m.tHm:en~1th.~\\ I ~t ..,-nd ptnpt~t t\ ,
<br />*~."tJwl:_ 01 ,Ulf .aIlOf1lt'Y cml'lm~ tIy llle nl\)rlp~ fOf t!le n>ile<.'tj()!j d an} "' ;ill <.If lhe H"kNrol....,"
<br />~t:b~', ~Utt;z,,:t. f:..'tt t~ft~'''''ti.f;e h-~ illQ:fl,M-a.l-<<*'" ~St\ Hr '(;OtJrt p;ff)('t"'t.~tffn#t", ;.;1 Hl";:H~'t n~h("f iiri.l;l~~ii~n 1'1' f1r-..~~:(',,~d!fh~,
<br />"'fi'~~.....d l"H'P",fh
<br />