<br />r
<br />
<br />83- 003717
<br />
<br />
<br />6. 111 the event said property is sold at a judicial foreclosure sale or pufSllant.tothe powCTofa,salehereinaboVe
<br />granl<<l,andthe proceeds are not <nfflcil!l1{ to pay the lQtalindebtednesssecurediJylbi5;,ill$ttumenlvllllli1;;~
<br />edby said promissory note, the . mortgagee will. be entitled to adef"tciency judgement for itheamountaf'.
<br />~iency withmllregordwappmis1.!lnMl.
<br />
<br />7. Intheevemthe mortgagor faikto pay any federal, state, or local tax_t, i_wLorotber;~1\jen;
<br />~ fee or other upeiIlledlargedqalnst thepl'\lJ.'l!ltrythe~jsberebY1iUthorizediatitS~~_
<br />tbesame, .Any sums so paid by the mon~shaUbe added to and become a.part of tlleprincipal_cefi1Be
<br />i~.~ by said .note,5~jecrto tllesame. termsand;::onditlons. If tlmm~sball.;pay.;and
<br />disdliirge tbe ~evidencedby saldprontissory note, and shaUpay.such',URlS andShalJi~~
<br />talteSUcnit:m and the emu, fees., and~ofmakjng., enforcing.andexecming rhis.mortgage;'thlill;liIUs
<br />mortgqeshallbe cancelled and surrendered.
<br />
<br />8. Theco~ herein rontained tihaltblndandtlm benefits and advantll@eSshall inUleto tberespeetlve:s~
<br />and ll$Signsof the parties hereto. Whe_ wed, lhesingular number shall includetbe plural, tbe;plUrtllAbe
<br />singular, and tbe use of any lICnder shall incllldt- aU genders.
<br />
<br />9. No waiver of any eO\o'ftfaDt herein or of lire obligation secured hereby shall at any time thereafter he held to bea
<br />waiver of the tertm hereof or of the note "'-'CUred hereby.
<br />
<br />10. i\ jlKlicial decree. order. or jud3cment holding any provision or portion of this instrument inva!idor unenfon;e..
<br />able.wll not in any way impair or preclude the enforcement of lhe remaining provisions or portiOllS;oftl1ls
<br />in.rrument.
<br />
<br />II. Any written notICe 10 be "sued 10 Ill.. ,noltgJIgOf punuam 10 the rrovi~ions of Ihis instrument shall be addressed
<br />to lhe mOltPlIOr al,2~~_i!E!s.1:i2,t;1~~_!~~!,_!~(]r~!caD,<!~,,!:I.E_~8~l,.,,__
<br />...,__..________''''..._,''..,._.__'_,__._____._''.__...___., and an>; wrilletl nolke 10 be issued 10 the mongagee'slmU
<br />be ~..-d to rbe mOftPll"" ll!_,p_,2,_ll<>~__2g2~L(;r_"I~d__}s}_~l:'<l_!__.~_~802 __,
<br />
<br />Is WtTNllSS WHEllfcl)f. lhe mortgqur has ..~ecuted this instrument and [he mortgagee has accepted delivery of
<br />thi. imlrument as of the day and year afnuau:l.
<br />
<br />-:->~~('~}.,~~.... ". .....
<br />
<br />Lor"" ,T. Helzer
<br />
<br />~P~..eeuted and ~~)m tlle pr~ of the follo'<<llll! ..lln"....(:$;
<br />. - /
<br />. { I
<br />, I / _____/
<br />~._~Hr~ '~y"
<br />
<br />(Add Approprutte Adulllwledgementl
<br />
<br />STATE OF Nl!B1lASKA f Before me, .. qualified Notary Public, personalty appeared ______.
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF~~___i ss. -~~!' ,1. Heber '=-=_~===~=:=.:::::::-=~:,:
<br />IlJIown to _nolle idmtical penon Of per$OG$ who ~ tlte forqoing IllSttUlnent and acl:.nowled8ed tlte execution
<br />.tbemJf 10 bc~ vobmwym and deed.
<br />\Y~ my baud and Notarial Seal on
<br />
<br />i~
<br />
<br />July 13
<br />
<br />.19~.
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<br />~--:i;?;-~>; *;,/.'/# ~--/ ~~~~~.~~u{~:.~~, ~(' i.~~J?f-':-'_
<br />N~Publk
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<br />, -......>..;::..
<br />
<br />-~&piro
<br />
<br />
<br />, i',.~--E
<br />19~:
<br />
<br />S'tATEOF~ I Before mea qualified Notary Pubtie. persQlI\llly appeared
<br />
<br /><.UsMTY OF _._____.t $S. ~'cl- ._=--===---=_._~_===::_._..
<br />a=o.Jl.lltUoa. k~ to ., 10 be:: tbol ~ and idl:mil;al j)IlnOll who sitMd the fmegtling. IlmrutU<!fll. and
<br />~ cl ~.Ied _tllIlWOOcl~IO bellis~ act at1d dftd aulldt offi..-er and the voluntary <tet and dMi of
<br />_~_ta.rlt$~llte' _ W&JUfmdtftemoOy itJlWthority.
<br />WkllCllijun~itaAd ad NotIritllSAl 00 ______~_,___,,' 19..,.
<br />
<br />~)
<br />
<br />NtiCltry Public
<br />
<br />_(;~.~jIf~,.'""'._,.,'_"__".,.,",..,'"._""_,."..,.,' I'
<br />