<br />
<br />83-003 se4
<br />
<br />8V.@ii645
<br />
<br />9. . Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condeml1atiornwotbertakingof theP,roperty, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall !xi. p~tid to Lender, . . ,
<br />In. the event of a lotal takin~ of the Properly. the proc'~eds shall be applied to the sums secured by thlS Deed of Trust,
<br />with the e'l(ees.-~.ifil:OY, paid 10 HOl'Tower, In Ihe event. of a~rtial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing;there shall be applied w the'sums secured hy rhis Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as ,is e.qualtothat proportion which the amount of the sums secured by Ih;,; Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Properly immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to BOrrower, ... . . . . .. .. '
<br />If (hel"rolleny IS abandoned by Borrower, or if. after I1Nice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to ma~e
<br />all awal'd .or Sl!!tde a daim for damages, Borrower falls to n~spond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice IS
<br />mailed,Lender is a~lthorized to collect and apptythe proce(~d$, al Lender's option. llilher to restoratiOn .~r repair of the
<br />Pro~rty or tnlbe sums sec\lred by this Deed of Trust
<br />Unless Lendel'and Borrower OIherwtsl~ tlgTee ill wl'iring, an\! Sllch application of proceeds to principal shall not extend.
<br />orpostpone thll due date of the monthly ,nst:lllrnenls referred to ill paragn,phs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount ot
<br />such illsfllllml~nts
<br />10. Borr~,wet No! Released, EXH~!'lsion of the timl~ for payment or modilkadol1 of amortization (II the ,llm~ ,eclIred
<br />by this Deed of Trusl granlcd bv 'lender 10 dOV succe~sol' inlCTest 01 H"rrow{~r shall lI('lt (Ipcrale to rdease, m 1lOY manner,
<br />the liability t~f the original Borrower Mid Bonower', successors in inlCreSI. l.cnder shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings ag:all1st such successor OT' refuse to extend tJ!11C for pavmenl or o:herwisl~ modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by Ihis DCI."d of Tmsl by re",son of an)' demand made hy the ongmal Borrower and Rorrower\ successors in inlerest.
<br />II. FOr~'D1rlIn('(' bv Lend<'r NOI II Waher. Anv fmbe'1raIlC{~ bv Lt~nder 11\ exercising any nght or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise ~llTorded hy ::;pplkabl,~ laW, shall not he ;.i Wai\!l~f i.f ')~, precllld,~ the ewn.:lse of any such right or remedy
<br />The procurement 01 msunif1<.:e "'I' the paVnll~llt of tax('\ or other Ikn, or charges by l.endel' shall not be il waiver of Lender's
<br />righl to aC(,'elel1al;~ the miHUrltV ", the Illdehledm:s\ ',ccun::d bv 11m Deed 01 Trust
<br />12. Reml"'i~s Cumulative. .i\ll remt"die, p"";ldt"d in lh" Dee,i 01 Trust ale {!lslIOCI and cumulative to all\{ other right
<br />or n:medy uod,er this Do::ed 01 Trust "I' 'dl'mded h ""Ii "I' '"'lllll\{, and ma, b<.~ exerCised concuffently, independentlv or
<br />suec,esslve.lv,
<br />D. Sueu,..,o"," ltlitd .\,,~iRIIS Bound: Jubll and SeVI,'TlIl l.iabillly: ('lIplions. The {';lvt'nanlS ~nd agreements herein
<br />.;ontllmed \Tlllll hU'ld, .md the righ!\ hereunder ,h.11I illllf<' I". iht "1,:Ct:S"lrs \1l1d a'iVI!l.OS .'1 Ll'llder and Borrower,
<br />\ubieCI 1.1 lht prll".",(l'IU 0' para!lraph ; heren! '\1! (j)V"'Hant' 'lgr<:emen" d !l(Hro\\er I,hall he ,mnl and several
<br />lhe captmlls ;mdl ht'adlmi-:\ 01 the par;l!lr:lph" Iked I :11,1 ,He hlf "onWlllence onl> ,wd are l'l<" In Ot' med h.
<br />lnlel'prel ()f deb"e !he pn.'VlllIOllS here"!
<br />.4. Notke. Ex,,:pl !or ~ny n()IK(~ requm:d .,11<1<:1' al'lpl!eahl,: 1;1\\ 10 bl: !o'!ven III :mother manner. Idl anY n,"!lee w
<br />Bmw.....er for lfl th'll need eol Tnm sh,lll he l<!\t:n h... m;Il!1t'l1l SUt:h nomle In <:tflllled mall addrc\sed If' Borrower at
<br />the !Prnpeltv ,.,r :il\lll.~h ",her ~ddle~, . BMWWI" mav desIgnale hy notic.... w I enaer a\ plO...,dcd herem. and
<br />'I.>I illll\' f)OIl~'C !,11 I endt'f 'hall ~ !IWen I'V ,:<trllllcd 11\:111, retu,n re{:elpl g'\.jues!ed, II' I cnders address sl;\led herem or 1(\
<br />',IKh ..'Ihel ;o\ldfl:ls' .., tefliikr m:t~'. dC'l.fgtl<l.le t,... '''H!~e In fltlrrr",er a, l"t"ldcd herem AllY l1\lti~'e prOVided IN in ttm
<br />l>ct:o.l ,,/ Tw!:! ,haH be deemed 1,\ 11.1"c Ix,ell f.' f!"n""<:f I t:ltk! wh,." j.tlVl.'n the "'"nncr des./:flaled Il,:rc,"
<br />IS. t:,"f~mn Un'll olt"".: (;o~"'milll! .a...: ';"',,,,",blUtt. jill' !Pl'l) dn'1I ,'1 1!1l'.1 ,'Ombml."'i tllll/(lnn t;<l\,'IllHlls f(.1'
<br />f1:ahl)ft>3j O/\f' .,.ad th'u~,unth)nn ;';'iJV~JUitna \llt')".h ~iH'llh:A.J Van;Jth~Jfl' b\ n~ft'\dH..tH)U ,',' \.~fln'h~ut(' ~t uu;(ufrn \e,untv- tf1suurnent
<br />"wefHlgle.1 rl"'II.....t'n HIl' Deed I fUll ,h;>li. he !:,"cfllCd hv Ihe \Cl\O. ,,! lh,' '" ... fll,;h tile I'Wl)l;l1\ " j",:,Hed
<br />hi 11M:' "\CeCIII tfllll d,n 1'ln'"'I<l!1 IH daul>C tl,,, 1",,,,',1 1 fuvl lhe "','te h \.Ii.II. "1'1'11C"hl... Ill"". '11th n.nl1lt~t shall
<br />1lI'1 ,~J/ltxl "I:htl llus Dc...d d ""I the "'nl(, ".h.,11 l:",.l! ell"'l "'utlnul ihe ",,,,H,,:I'!\l-[ .l'HlV,swn,
<br />4;fU; h~ thh c~'fjrd Pl'(liViU(lifp; o~ the rh:;:C\l t fU\~ .uhf the Nott~ ~h: \.t~I;:hHt.d ~l' bt~ ~\ier4bh~"
<br />it. Botfll.."f",. ('op)" ll....I'ln..CI .!ldli I.,: ,,,,,,,,,11,'<14. """01111"'" 'HP'" !Ill' N,'I.:: ;llld ,'I II", De>:" or It 11'1 iil lhl:' 11l11c
<br />Il! \~jfdf!'i;;.~uho,n ;)f :t,hc~ ~tr"t"rdatn'i' bcflfvl
<br />'T, l'fIIIIlil.!t'..r CIIII:' ~y: ^_prioM. lIl1 .HI> P,UI ,hI' f'fl'!W'h 'ill Inl(:l'l"~l lhe't'''' " ",II.! l'l Hllll>INn:d
<br />h<\i 1lc,);Uo.n:;f Vnd:to1lf tc~1\kt '\ PU(t~ \\,uHt'fl' >\-4~H"',('Ot, t~\..'hHJjUf: \";.. the 4.rt'~lH.Hl t,lf ,t$ li~n pt t'n",'tunbntnoi,,-C '\ut''toJdun-ue h'
<br />fh~:\ t:~ \~I lnJ.,'!jjr'. (hit i'h:-;ihuu:;~ nlUfH:) 'IJ'C<l,H ll~' Hd(.'I("'\-J: ~p, h~iW\l.."hoJd ~P'ph....H"'t't,,.,) ! ~ ) ,\ tn..u~h'~ i~,\ dev Ul.C ,
<br />,'Ion.;:cnt (0' ht "'plil"! " "'I pI 1;1"" Ih.:: d .1 iI"'" "'11"111 ",! , lh" ul .l\~' le4><<:lwl.lllllelt"\1 ,../ IlnN:' .. {.,Ie....
<br />"". ,_" I .::"del mll', I elide! , 01''''''', ill! Ill" \Wll' 'C':Wl'U h\ tlw. I keu Trllsl 1(1 he
<br />~tt.(f1"'.al(:'~,~' etW~t' 'l!'~~i~ h...J.'..r; ~~u\l-t"d "h~,h \\";ptHH~ h~ ;'h'~(;~jc{iilht tr, rruu h'\ t;,.1k ~-"t' H;Ul"fJt~f, t ct'uj('{
<br />",nd tM 1":1'.011 !he j>'''po:n;" he ...M ,H H ,,,,,I<:I Hi',j ,nild. "gt<:'1:ll!Iem "" "'Httll~ lIu: lht: 'le~'1 ,'1 'H.l\ lX'f'MlIl
<br />" :!olIb$.lll,,,,n e.w..~r ,,11,1 .h.., Ih<' '!"efC\l ,hI'''''''' "',,..<,,\ !Iv ,h,\ 1)(('\1 ,'1 I m",tl",1l ~, .,1 Mh,h 1:11<:' liS
<br />I Cftl.lef 1<ll.:>lll'cqMlC$1 IIle'~I'II;l' .....,'c,! "",J"';II(' I'fU",..,,,,l .Ill/H, jMl"'II''''l'hi 7, ;iIl" ,llk.rw....cf.' '1";.:~..llf
<br />"1 .l1\tefQI hlllt l'.'i:'\:\lI~lll ..nllell ",...um!'htm ;,,'(PleU ,",'(111111<\ ,,~ I ("..lel, I emk, sh..1I lelc.a><<: l.ntl"....."c !r"fI.
<br />;,1/ ol\l>PI.()i1.. '''Ide, Ih.. lle..:.l "I lru\1 ",..:I t;;"I.,
<br />H I t"l'kilci-' (,-l~'~h_.~~ '\u;,h Ii,>p-h>j"tf ..'h....<it"t,t1\:
<br />~r"'I"ph 4 l1ef~li Sud'. 1'10,,<'1: ,!I.tI. 1'1'" ,.:k :.
<br />,",'Indl lit" ,"....cz """} ;-lit) I he 'Ul'" ..I....'" ,,,H:iJ ,.hI<:
<br />l,...~kl ttlll} ...,lh,)", IUfihet ",".,e Jcm...",j
<br />
<br />
<br />n1~uj HHfhl\lli'CJ untJ'i.-C l'l-~ 4R..,(."k'ft,tb{~n l_t1 -.:h,-';.-\'fd~~l\:c wHh
<br />;n, lhdll ,j,", IH)ft! loe ,Ill!" Ihe 'IPIII.e ., 1'l1i.l.led wlIhlll
<br />8dUif~";t t~~l;,"" i'~;;.; \lh..h sunt" ~Hh~( 1>1 ;he e:,pUitb\.in {if \uch ptnod.
<br />tk"m...~" <on,..." ,1Ia ,,,medIcs 1ll:'lmiueU 'n p"'i.llllaph i ~ nct'c411
<br />
<br />",..",I "lUll..., (,,,,, ....'''1' lit'H....."1 ",,<I I. COlder "lflht:, ".wendlll "!Hi aglee d' lnliow\;
<br />
<br />II. .!\c:C.,Ll't'I.....; R_din. i'1;(...PC a, pnniOtG if! P"'1iCnoph 11h""....d, Upoll BMrQwer'~ t:rru.:b ..r any eUH'naat 0.1'
<br />...._ea' .;of IkJn....."'r .n Ih", I~d 01 'I flAl. ind... 1M ('()..~ftlUlt!> Co pii,) "Mil due an, ~U_ M'il:urtod b; Ihili Dflod
<br />ot 1'1'Wil, h'''~ PfIM 10 ...".f""8 ,.hMJI mail notin I.. Bom"'''f ." ,ro~ide-d In pllnICrapb 14 henool "f"i':dfyiac: i l) tbe
<br />~ fZ. Ilk ad_ u~qou-tod .ncute \uda bf'C'Kb; .31 a dace. not ..... lhan JO da" fmm 1ft dale 1M IK'IKe- is mailtod 10
<br />........., b)' ..bicb "ICbe buada _ M <u.fit:, .tmd (41 I'" "Nlurc 10 cun $uda breach un or tH.-fore- lbe dat... $.ped6cd
<br />... ce", -m"IC Pl1lIl' ruuh in llt'cckl'llUoo of the- wmo. loI'('urc:d b} 1lU!. l}ftd of 'I'",*" and Ale of !he Propert,. Ille nodce
<br />~ fllt'ttlCf I.th>rm Boao""ef of 1M ri&h' 10 f'C'illlOltale aflu an'ckr.lloft and Ihc ri&bt to briaa .llI court aetioo to usert
<br />the nu..-t~Il:~1 of .. .fll!dt Of sa, other .fe_ of Bono..el 10 acceleration and Ale. If Ihe breach is nol cured
<br />- tlot MfO.l'l!! Clle dale ..pecifi<ftl an the noticc, 1__. al l.endu's oplion may declare aU of the sums se('Mnd by Ihili Deed
<br />of TrulIl to M illllnedi:alIc:Jy d_ and paya" ..ithcM~t fUMher dcmand .tmd may in.oke the POWCf of salc and any ocher remedia.
<br />pet1llitk'CI by ...plkeabl4! law, tAIl.r $baD be efttided tn collect all <<aiIOnabIe casts aud ellpe_ incurnd in pUBuina the
<br />nmlldies pm.idellm tllUii pane" J8, ind~ but IlOt limit<ftl to, r~nabIe attome,)"s r_
<br />If the IlO'I!U of sale iIi inl'okell, T....ee sballl ftCUnla nolice of ddaul! in t'ach county In wbkb the Propert} Of some
<br />put the-not is IIK'aUd _d sbaII mail copies of such IIOIic:t in the manDl'r pnscribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the
<br />odIer pel"liOlllli pRH'ribed b~ applk..... taw. Aftu tbe 13.- of such Iii'll" lIS may be r"'lwred b, applk'aW" fa..', Trnstn sltUl
<br />v"e public noiic,e of su 10 the persons and in Ihe manMI' prescribed by applieablt Isw. Trustee, withouI demaud on
<br />8orrower,"'II4~1I tDl' Property al pubik auction to lhe- highest bidd",r at the lime and place and undu the- lerm.s desi<<nated
<br />ita dte ftOtktt of !Ii. In tlIU: M' InOR parcels and in meh ordrr as TnIlf1ee may dctermlne. Trustee mal postpone sale of all
<br />01' ."y plifc:eJ of 11be I"tlOpo."rt) by public lIl'IROU~1 al the time and pIau of any prni_sl) S<:Mdukd sale. ',endu 01'
<br />UlMler's de!iipee flUI, putt...... the Pro~rt)' lit any sak.
<br />I),..n R(:('jipil of pymflll of the- pnee bid, Trustee shall dfliH~1' 10 the pu.chaser TrulIlee's tkedconv",ying Ibe Property
<br />soW, ''J'lw reckllll!in tbe T....ee.s deed. shall be prima fad... .....deuce of the truth of the sCatements made therd>>. Tnmett
<br />......:1' ..., IP""~'S of tlW sale ia the. folJo...iI'll! o...l<<-r: la} 10 aU reasonable costs and upenses of 1.l>e sale, including. bul
<br />.... _itftl tG,"lfnas'e1!'lf fecs of _t mofe .bal! 3~4 of 1 % oflbe il;1'0!iS sare price, reasonab4e aHot'tley"s fees and costs of
<br />mkevlllktwe; 0010 aU lIum$ kcltted by thi!; Deed of Trust; iilnd fc) tM <'llee:ss, .if any, if) the person or persons l~ally entitled
<br />~~
<br />f9. ~M~f'$R"ht '0
<br />,hall bill"'.' Ill'!:' l1;iht
<br />;:~riit r II)
<br />
<br />
<br />oy thIS Deed of Trus;,
<br />'ff\lSI at
<br />sale Cl.lI'ltllined
<br />Sl.lm~ ...hi,h w~"'l\ld
<br />