<br />the sumsjiccuredby Ihis Deed of Trust shall COnllOlIC Hnimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Horf<)wer. thi, Deed lit
<br />Trust~nd thc,?l:>!lga!lons secured hereby shall remam In full fNt.:e and?ITect us II no accclcral!<'n h,l(l ocnmcd.
<br />20. Assi~nmenl QfRents; Appointment QfReceher; I.ender in Possession. .As aJdllltHlal seclIfltyhcrellnder.!3ornw,ef
<br />h~rebY;lssiglls to Lendcrthcr~nts. of the Property. .provilkd !hilt Borrower shall. prior lO ac:ccleration lIndcrparagraph I H
<br />hereoforll~"lldonment of the Property. have the right to collect and retain ,ueh n:nb :ls!hey oecllme due ,lilt! payable.
<br />Upon aecclera!Jon undef paragraph III hereof or ahllmlonmentolthe Properly. lender, in person. hyagclltor bY
<br />!\Idicially aplXlinled receIYI)r. shall be emitled toenterllpon; lakcposscs51on ofanu manage the ProperlY and to collect the
<br />rCnISof)hePrnpi.'rty inclllding Ihosepaslduc.i\Jlrenlscollecledhyl.cnde.ror the receiver shaUhc appliedfirsuo payment
<br />.of the t.;osts of management of the Property andcollecliollof rems.. including. but no! limited .to,recelve(sfees; pref1lhlm'
<br />
<br />~~~';;~;:e~l~h~~~~'fi~,tl~n!~it~%6i~~bA~lytt~~~~;~ef~:~(s":~c~u~nf~nr~~,j~~~dsums secured hJllhlS Decdl}f Trust. .h:nder andlhe
<br />
<br />21.. F'utllreAd"lmces. Upon requesulf Borrower. Lender. al. Lender'soptiM, pnor to tullrcc?nveyance ofthcPmpcny
<br />bYTruslee to Borrower, may make FutureAdva'K'~S to Borrower. Such FlIHire Advances. with intcrestlhcreon. ,hall be
<br />secured by this Deed of TflIMwhen eVIdenced by promissory onles Stalmg thaI sai.d notes ilrc secured hereby: . At 110 lime ,hall
<br />the principalamollnlof lhe indeotcdnesssecured by this Deed oj Tru',!. not mdudmg sums advanced In accnrdam',: helewHh
<br />to protectthl: ,ec;llily of thiS Deed of Trust, exct~ed the or/gmal amount of the Note pillS US$
<br />22. Reconveyance. Upon paymenl of all slImnecured hy this Deed of Trust. Lr:nder shall reyuest Trustee 10 reconvey
<br />the Property and shall surrender this Deed of T ruSt and ..II notes eVidencing indebtedness secured by Ihil Deed 01. Trml
<br />It' Trmll:e Trustee shall reconvey the Property Wllhout w'll'l'anty and without charg,: to the per"'n or pcrs,,,,., h:g.t1h
<br />entitled then~lO. Such person or pcr<<ons shall pay all costs 01 h'conlallon, If any.
<br />23. Substiltute Trustee. Lender. at I endcr's option. may from lime 10 time rem\1ve Twstce :lntJ appoilH :l '1Ic<:es,,'r
<br />IrI.lStce t() any TtIlsh:e apPoIIlll)d hereunder hy all II1Slrtllm'n! f('corded in the county III whlt'h this Deed of Trust is recorded
<br />WllhoUI convey<incc of the Properly. the successor trustee ,hall ,ucceed to all the Illle. power and dUlies conferred ;11'''11
<br />the Trustee her,clll ,md hy applicable law.
<br />24, R:ellru~~st for' Notices, Borrower rcqlJeSl~ thai copies of the nt'lIice of dcfaull and no!!cc of sale be ,ent lO 8orrpwcr\
<br />ilddress which is the ProperlY Address.
<br />
<br />Borrower has cxecuted [hiS. Deed of Trust. . /]-
<br />
<br />I~ u)/~
<br />V
<br />.') Roger W.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />^"aQnow~r
<br />
<br />Rosalie M~ Roscoe
<br />
<br />UC1ttUWtH
<br />
<br />Sf ...11' (H. NUlll......l\.,~. H,J 1
<br />On tlm 29th ,la~ 01 \m(~ 1 ij
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