<br />
<br />003624
<br />
<br />sV-flW545
<br />
<br />UNfI'ORM COVF.N.~NTS Borrower and I.ender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />J. Payment of Priodpll:l and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due th.: principal of and intcre,' on the
<br />il'ldebledness eviden,ced by the NOh~, prepayment and laic charges as p[()\Ilded ill the Note, and the princlpa! of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secmed by this Deed of Tm51
<br />2. F,..II!I!~ fOirTues Ilndlnslm5Dce. Subject 10 applicahle law or toa wrillen waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender ont!'!c day monthly installments of principal ;lOdmleres\ arc payabl<~ tlnd<'r the Nol<~. Imtilthc N<lle is paid in fult
<br />a stlm (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly ta.xes and c"ses"men1s which may aHain priorilY over thIS
<br />Deed of Trust"lmd ground rellls on the Property, if I1OY, plw, one"lwelflh of yearly premium in<;tallments ft>r ha7"ard jnwrance.
<br />plus one..tweolflh of yearly premium !ll<;la!lmems ((If m<'rlgage insumnce. if any, all as reasonably eslmwled imlially and from
<br />time 10 time l1y Lender 01'1 the basis Qf assessments .md hill~ and reasonahle eSlimllles lh<~reof.
<br />The Funds shall be: held in ;In institution the dcpns;.ts or aC':OIl11b of which are ins<m:d or guar:Hlteed hy ;\ Federal '.lr
<br />stale agency (;ndud;ng lender if Lender is such an inq,tulionl. le/'l<kr shall applythc Funds 1<1 pay said la,,:s. llS'essrncnts"
<br />msurafl(;,: premiums and ground rents Lender may not (~hargt~ for so holdmg lmd applying the FIIOds, ;In,dy/mg s"idaccollfll
<br />or verifying and compiling ,aid asse'.sml~nls and hills, ,1111,,;;, Lender pays !lorn'",e, Interc,1 on the FlInds and appll<'able lay,
<br />permits Lender to makll such a charge B,wrowcr ;md r .endcr may agree in wrlling "I the t,me of e~""llllOn ,,1' thi,
<br />Deed of Tms! that interest on the Fund, shall he paid 10 Borrower,. and unkss such ,lgreemem" rn:Hk or applicahlc law
<br />n~quires such inh,,~resl 1(1 he paid, Lender shall mH 11<": req!.lII"cd In pay BO!'fOWN any !nlen~"t or .:.arnll'l.l:!s on thl' Fnn(k lender
<br />shall give 1.0 Borrow"!:r.. wilhout ,harge. :1Il annual ",O{'oullrmg oi the FW'lih \ho\N!f1g (rt.~dlfs '.Hld dehll' to the Fllnds;lIld the
<br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Fund~ wa~ made Tlll~ FlllHin ,Ire rledg(~d as addiliMlal ~l:eurjty for the sums secured
<br />by Ih!s Deed of TrusL
<br />If the amount ",I the Funds held by L"nder. logdh,'f wtlh lhe future ""","hlv ,,,,,,.1101,"11' nf f'lInd, !J;,y"hk {'Pox I..
<br />~he due da~es ('If t3X(~'\. a"...c\smcnts:, in~ur:.tnc-e pl'(~n1ninll.;, ;:!fH.J ground H~nb, sh~\H e~n:cd the ,;Un(lont rcql,urcd H'l P.IY s~Hd taxes.
<br />a!t.~Si"n(l'l'lts, ~nSUr~Hll.'(,: premitHll'-; ~lnd gn:1UfU1 n~t1h :1\ [!l('" L:di due, .,.nch t'\ce'"l'. '\h;.B bl~, ~ll B~'lrrfHVt~r\ npti(,Hl, (~lther
<br />promplly reli>.nd In B'lrrower or al~diled 10 Bornlw.'!" 011 monthly tn,lalhll<,nh of F'.!!l<h If Ihe il!lllmllt of the f:und,
<br />h,eld by lendeir ,1;,,'11 no! lx, s"lhc!('nt ", pay eax<". ils"e"m,'lll'. ll1MIfa Ill'o' premmms ;<"d ground fi:nl' ,'s Ihey! all due.
<br />Borrower 'halll pay ~o I (:olln any aOlOllnl nen","ry 'n Illak<, "1' thl: ddlc,cnc'( ',,"h!Il'O Jav,. from tht' dal'~ n'..tl<:<: " mailed
<br />by tender \(\ Borrower reque">lIng paymenf thereot
<br />UJX1n pa}lmcnl in tull of all slims "~"'''ed Ih,',
<br />hleld Iw lender It uodel' paragraph t 1"~"'111
<br />"hall ;lpplv, no bier !!'mn !!nmedmlelv
<br />lender ;It lhj~ lll'l'le 01 appll~allofl .l'> a
<br />.l.I\PJIUrlJdon of p.~.mt'nts, : "Ie" ..ppll< ;'l'k
<br />Note anll p;H4lolr,,!'I'I', ! and hen,,'1 ,h;ill I,,, ;1l1rl<~:d
<br />u:nder p,;aU;I~1'31flh ~ ~~~"'re()L ~tll~n h' Hlh~rt'""i1 p~.\'~ib!l~ ,'in
<br />l'lno<':lplll "n ol!~" rHlllre Ad"'~lK""
<br />.... Chlqift: U~llSo fl<llflh\Tf ..r,;.1I
<br />the Pf"Pt~\' whIch ma" ,,1l,1Ill jlmlrl!\ "vcr
<br />n!,mnet. pruvlded : mder h,~ft'"t pr.
<br />~() the fh'ete(~1 Ri;'H:r,i,lc\l\t:'r
<br />e~f"t~t \haH In~iI"C :)li,\-UR"'f!!
<br />R(1f r'fH.r(~f' d'tiiaH th~'hantc
<br />
<br />
<br />i L'fHkr ',hall pinmp.tly refund to Bflrr()Wt~r any Fitnd~
<br />~hc Pf{)p~frV '" ~\lh{~f\\'l'e ;~'C:qulrcd hy I cndcL I coder
<br />,t.:tJu(\lHun hv i ~Jhh:r ;lflY t"'ilnd~ twld bv
<br />fhr,iked~'d Ifu\t
<br />I'." I ;.JI.;;d{"_ ,'qht::')"'<A,i'" ,dt p~lnTl,,'J1h
<br />1lit.,! p~i\'nle1H ;{:lh1\111h
<br />then I') ntlll('l(ul
<br />
<br />L'd !1\ l"nd"r nnder rh,:
<br />td ~ t.'lHkr hy HOl rowel'
<br />;ind t!ll"n t~! ffHcrcst ~ind
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />iTir"'\j~h.ln"i "\I!nhtlLJhh~ h.'1
<br />~~ru\!nd 1,;'rU\, If ;,any, an the
<br />f','Vm,,,,,',\ hell dm" llln:ctlv
<br />r\.\f~tgfdr>h ~~nd in sht"
<br />h p.l\"ment'
<br />nilj
<br />.;:"un:d t't\
<br />
<br />Ibl4ll '\Id~
<br />I"")"'';<:'U ;"I'.>It' ~pt,
<br />:~ltIl.ln''''''ir ,"HIC1
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<br />"ch~~d
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<br />~Ond(Hnintutn
<br />oder t'i t~X\~":IUU:-J. Bi..'i
<br />s.baH he H)~",,:~'fp,-'l;rJh,"~1
<br />were:, ;j, p.oi.n 1ht:;''C:...:t
<br />7, "n:IeI!,,,,:tio'l
<br />D>eC\l III T n~:,
<br />hur ni.~t
<br />i;"Ir de~...~edt:n~.
<br />sunlS and t;ik~~ \u...:h
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