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<br /> <br />83,.-003tl24 <br /> <br />B~1Ji45 <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this .... ...... . .2.9Jb ."... day of . ., . . . . . , . J.ur~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . <br />19.83 ., among the Trustor.. fl9g~r: ,ti, . R?S.c.qE) . <;IlJd. .R~~~:l.i'!'J. M... .Rqi?90~.,. .H.u~l?an? ,a,nct ,It!~~~. . . . . . . . <br /> <br />....,..,....,. ............... .(herein"Borrower")... ...................... ,.. <br />John .~\ .~r9.,..p.e.l)" .Sltt9.r:n.~Y. .<':J.v.1fl:w....... .. . <hert::in "Trustee"), arid the Beneficiary. <br />CO]l1/1\~r:q:l,q).. $!it:'l,i,qgJ? 99!llPa;ny' .91". 9ra,l'\d . Islan,d .,............... a corporation.organj~cd and <br />existing under the 'laws of,. .,. . Nf!Pl"qsk~. , . . . .. . . '" . whose nddress is, . . . . . . . . .. . , . . . <br />21;2.1 ,~..W~!!:>PRq,. .P9. Box. .971, ,9l"an.d. .~s~~nd., NE, 68802. , (herein "Lender"). <br /> <br />BClRll.()Wf:R. in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein cf<!<ltcd. irrevocably grunts <br />and cOIn'eys to Trustee, 111 trust, with power of salt. the following described property located in thl'County of <br />t\Al,r" . , State of Nebraska: <br /> <br />A tract of' land all of Lots One (1), Two (2). Three (3), Eight (8), <br /> <br />Nine (9l and Ten {lO), in Block T.,ent.y (20) and all of Vacated alley adjacent <br /> <br />thereto and all of vacated Platt Street adjacent to Lots 8,9, and 10 and Lot <br /> <br />OnE! (1) in Block Thirty One 31), all in Evans' Addi.tion to the City of Grand <br /> <br />Island, Ha II County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />winch nil'" Ih~: ;1dUlr.:", of 1 O.:'i <br /> <br />i;'tr; St... ~;rand .Lsl.;and 1 Nt: <br />~ "~l~~iIf: 1 <br /> <br />;\:.Ityi <br /> <br />I herem "Pmp.:rt\o Addre"",,,', <br /> <br />l~t~lt. '11(1 :'IP {,>;,.u.t <br /> <br />Illt.IIIllI'!;; '~,111 .1l1 Ill, ,mpl""'m~llh <I,"''\' d, hn"ilkl ,....<h"J .1I1 th" prul),ny Jlll.J .!l1 ~'a"'cm~'ilh, !'Ighh-. <br />appurtcnUIl(<:li "'11I:S 1"'1.1"1"'(1 howc\cr to th\.~ nghh ,H,d JU:iUlfi!ll'''' g"ln herelll to L<:ndel III eolkct amJ llppl) ,,"uch <br />,cnh) , TO);lhK"", mHler;!l. Oil ami ga", ngh!", '-Ill..! I'Ctlhh, "',Her. \\..ll.'r nghh, lJnd wat<:r ,[(tek. and all thlUr~'., now or <br />n..:r~'illt...r .I11;1(:h".1 to th.' prOpl:'rt)'. all of whadi, l<.:placC:IlWnh and addlllon", thereto. ",hall be decOleu (0 bl' <br />and n:mam :J 11",11 {',I the pTOp,,'rty cown:d by thl~ Dl'':'' oj Tru",:, Mid al! o[ the foregoing. together with ",aid property <br />10f th.: k:I,,",' h,pld ",I.ll.: if tll" [)""J of f'ru>! " on ,\ ka"".:huld J dh !I, r"1f1 n:krrc:d to ..I' the "Property": <br /> <br />To SFfURF lP lender! Ihe repayment ,A th, mtkbkdnl.:\' cvidel1l.:ed by BOHOWI.:"", not..: dated, 0/29/.8.3, <br />I hcn::m '"Nme"f. 1Il the prinCipal ,urn of .Thousand, Four Hundr,ecl Nine.ty-: , <br />Six.a.n.d 801 100~,._-.,..,.---(.S9.5>496.BO.) Dollars. wah mlerc.,t Ihereon. prOViding for monthly in",tullmcnt'" <br />of principal and m1o:re~L With the bahmcc of Ihe mdcbtcdl1e\~. if nOI ~,ooncr paid. due and payable on . <br />Jur.e. ~ ' Hf.Ba , the payment of all other. ",um\, with imere~t thereon, UdV<\IlI':l'\l <br />III hcrCWllht~.lpr01CCI In.: ,,-'cuOly of In" Deed of Tn./sL :mll the performance of Ihe c\')Venan!", and <br />ofB()ruJwcr hetcinc-01!laincd: and Ib) the n,:pllymcmof allY future' advanc\:s, with ,nteTest thereoll, mad", <br />hy LCf~dcrpu.r&tli.mUo P'lri!~rllph21 hereof t "Future AdvilIlCCS"). <br /> <br /> <br />has tht' nght I("l grant <br />and dde!lU the <br />In ,1 <br /> <br /> <br />