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<br />83- 003H23
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<br />83~18e
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<br />9, Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />cOlldemnatiorlor other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the eVl)!ntofa tota! taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />'With the excess.,; if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agreeinwriting; there shall be applied to. the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that 'prciportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking. bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />P<1id t~BolTower.
<br />. Utbe Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offer,; to make
<br />an<award or ~~ettle a dairnfor damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed; Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Ptopertyor to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount 01
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the lime for payment or modification of amortizalion of the slims secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted hy Lend,~r to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required 10 commence
<br />proceedings agalinst such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Bmrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />It. Forbe;oranc<l' by l,ender Not :1 Waiv...r. Any forbearance by Lcnder in exercising any nght or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise atfe,rded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy
<br />The procurement of insurance or lhe payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accele:ralle the maturity of the indehtedness secured hy this Deed of Trusl
<br />12. Remedies Cumulativ.... All remedies provided in Ihls Deed of Trust are dis!lI1c[ and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy unde:r this Deed of Trusl or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised wncurrently, independently or
<br />succes.sively.
<br />13, SUCI:Cl_rs and !\ssigns Bound; Joinl and Several Liability; Captions, The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall I hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, !he respccllve successors and assigns of Lender ill1d Borrower,
<br />subject to the pmv,sions ot paragraph 17 hereof All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall he jomt and several.
<br />The captions and healdings of the paragraphs of !hls Deed "t Trust are for convenience only and are nOI to he used to
<br />in!l~rpret or lilefine l~~ provisions bereof.
<br />14, NotIicl!. EXicepl for any nollce reqUIred under applicable ,aw to be given In another manner, la! any notice to
<br />Borrower prOVIded for in Ihls [).eed of Trust shall he given hy m:uling such notlce by certified mail addressed l<l Borrower at
<br />the Pmpertl: ,,",lidress or at such other address ;IS Borrower may deslgmllc by nOllce lO I.ender as pros'ided herein, and
<br />I b, any f1l1t1CIC 110 Lender shall he given by certifIed mail, ref urn recelpl requesled, to Lender's address staled herein or 10
<br />such ,)Iber address as; Lender may dC$lgnate hy nNlce II' Borr(lwcr as proVided herem Any nOllce prOVided for in this
<br />[).e,ed l)f TnlSll "hall he deemed w have bee.!! !lIven 10 l30rmwcr or tender when gIven 111 the manner deslgnaled herein.
<br />15. lJnijr~rm Oc~ of Trust; GovC'rniRl l.ilw: s..-"eflllbilit~. TIm form vI deed "f !rust comhtncs llf1lform ,ovenllnls for
<br />muional use "Ild nnlHm,form co\emmlS with Immed Vlm:llions lw lumdicllon hl J:onstitute a unifofm se~urilv Illstrument
<br />clwcflng rc41 PUlptfJ}', nus I~ I~( TeuSI ~hall he governed hy the law ot Ihe IUlIsdictmn '" which lhe ProperlV l, locIled.
<br />In ltbe evenltllllll an~' prOvIsIon or ClllU$c ollhlS Dc~-d "t Tfllst Of Ihe Note ,'ol111ich wllh ,Ipplll:ahle I.lw, s!.IJ:h conflict shall
<br />nut aft'ccII)lhl:r pHWI'~_ ot Illilli Deed of Tru';! or the Nnle wtlll.:h ':;111 he given clrect wl!hOlH Ihe lonllicllng provlsi(ln,
<br />iln~1 to IhlS end ilhe ruovisions of the Deed ,,! Trust ..no Ihe Note ,If!: declllred !o be s,c\'crllble.
<br />16. 1on'OllIIIfl'S ICap)'. Borrower shallnt' h'fl""hed ;J ,unlormed ("P)' o! the N(lte Jnd 1'1 this Deed III Tlll:\t .\1 the lime
<br />IlI,fXeCI.IIlI)O <iiI after recnrdilllon hereof
<br />.,. 1...1101' of tbe Propen)'; A_pdoa. It all <If pan .11 the l'!"Opell" <'f an intt:l~t IhercH' ,s 'old PI lllunlcrred
<br />hy 8ontl'WCf ~iWiilh{.uu LcndC',.", ~fHH ""r'~th:n ",tHtlJot"HL {.~) the <ft'i11j~\n -1'" 1i~n ~'f t"n\;'U'fnbf~Ul{~~ \ubt,rdinare h";
<br />IhIS, Oeed .,1' 'T"nl$l, {!1,' lhe er1raUon <It a pUICh..liC IllOlIe' "C(Ullt.. IOt,,"re,,1 lor lmuwhold .Ipph,mccs. \ C I ltilfuh:r h~ devt1e,
<br />dncenl ()f ~. "'Focratwll\ <If law upon rhe dath (11 a ,'Iml tellltllt or (d l lhe !:f:lnt 01 al'Y lelll>Chold mtefcst .,lthre!: Yl:iIfS Ilr l~~
<br />not J:Ollti:ilnlnlllt'n "'l'Ilon 10 purchltl>C, tender rmlV, "I lemle(, "pltl'", <$ccI.:m: :111 Ihe ~Il"," 'C:CUfN hy 11'11' l)cell oj TrullllO be
<br />,mrnedlllte.ly JUl:t ;md payahlc I.ender ,hall Ib'1r "";'I~...d "Udl "Ph"1! hI ;jc~'elcfalC' d, !'rmr ,,, Ihe ,aie: "I ll'llll..(er, tcndel
<br />11l1lJlthc peniOll lit wnom.thc Pfllptny 'co t(, be MIld "I !rllll"lcHed 1(":Jcll :lllu~cll1<:nl 111 wlUilIg Ihllt Ihe ~!cdit !J!~uchpef!i(1fl
<br />'" S..lIS(llCll)fl' l~l tender ;lOrd lh:il Ihc .olerelll r.;tyahJe "ft Illc sum, ~'llled t-,. I~II" need "I 'lm'l ..hall 1'>(' ijt \Ud1 rite ItS
<br />Lll:IMkr shlil! II~ual, If lender hilS Will\ed the "PUttll!" ,'~'c:lelilh" ,,,,)vided III thl~ II;Jrll!tfltph 17, ;ullJ if BorT<lWer'S suceessol
<br />IlIlnlcral hIui CJlQ;lItcd a WflUen .'luumpUOII i111,weellIeIU acccpl~-d III wnt,nlt hy tellde!. tellder ,hlIU ft'lca~c Borft,wcr from
<br />:.11 ohhjl:lllllm~ u,ndel 11'11:. Deed d' Trml ;md 11'1<: N.ltc
<br />If l..cl'ldel' ,~'eh"'~ ~lJiCh "pllOIl 1<' ao:;:""kr;,tl<:, lendcr ,!l;.1l milll lion,',,".:r notice oj .u;cdefluioll m (li;('oroanc"" with
<br />;mrlll'apb 14 hc:reoL 8mh OOllel: sh..lI1'1l(!\'uJe " pcrw\! ,'I !ltJl i.:" Ihan III da~~ lrom the d..te Ihe 11'ltiec " H!luted wllhin
<br />wltliCh Bouowlcr ilia)' r;ay IheSUIll~ dedare.,i due II lktrru,,"CI j"ll" '0 pay such sum:s prior tll Inc e'IJlfiltllm 01' $u~h penod.
<br />LetMkr mll)'. ~.dhou{ !urther 00"':0: ,)t demand 011 lk'u'Owe.. II""'''': ilny remed'c::l permilled hy p;ilrllllrllpn III hereof.
<br />
<br />NON.t:Nn'(IIlM COVH.'NIS. lktuowcr and Lender 'UHm.' <,;(WCnilI11 .1Ild i1l1lee liS tallows:
<br />I'" Aet>rlHaliolt; Rem~ E~npt ti pt"O"ided in parltCnlph 17 hr:rcof. upoa Borre.,cr'li bl'UCb of au,)' ('uvellll81 or
<br />.~ of &n:o"',rr in Ibis 1}ft4 ut Trust. incllklin,: elw co"en_1lI 10 pa, wbe.. due _y lilWDli ~fl'urH by Ibis Deed
<br />of 'rrusl. bMltt-lr priGt, to ac<<ieratilm shall mail nolice 10 Borrower lIS IN'O''ided in ,......... 14 hereof ~pedfYint: (I) the
<br />MIIdt; (1) lllc~ ilK'liort required '0 cure such bIY.dt; (3, a d.-te, 1101 less than 30 day. fro. tbe dale tbe notice is InlUIed to
<br />IIoITOwer, by w.llUch "uch lire_it mllllil be cured; aad (4) lhat tailure 10 cure weh breaclt _ or before the date specified
<br />ill tbe oolice 'lUII, rault in lI('('eltntliort of tbe sums s,ccurH b) this Deed of TrtIlit and sale of the Properly. The l10Iice
<br />_0 fUrl,",r ialorm Bon-ower uf the right to reiASlale after liICl.'eleraticm and the rigbt to briog a courl adJon 10 lIliIerI
<br />1M fl4_UsteJK:t' of III default or _10" uther defense of Bo....ower to accelefllltion and sale. If tbe breaell is not cuRCI
<br />oa ,or before filM, date specified in tbe OOtice, Lender at I.ender's oplioa I1llIIY dulllll"e aU of the sums secuRCI by tbis Deed
<br />ofTrusf 10 be iimmedi.lllely due and payable witheM furlber demand and I1llIIY invoke the power of sak and any other remedies
<br />peIlRitled by lIIpplicable law. Leacler sbaH be eadded to collect all reasonable CosU and expenses Incurred in pun;uintl: tbe
<br />remedies pnn.itkd hi tbis pangraplllS, inellllfiR&, but not limitH to. rellSOll8b1e attorney's feu.
<br />I( the power of sale is invoked, Tnmee shaU record a notice of defaull ia each county in wbicb Ibe Property or some
<br />paI'It thereof is Io('aled and sJoaU mail copies of such notice in tbe manner prescribed by applKable law to Borrower and to tbe
<br />other persons lP'RKribed by applicable law. After the lapse of such time as RIll} be required by applicable law, Tf'U5tee shall
<br />live public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee. without demand on
<br />Bonower. shall sell the Property lit public auclion 10 the highest bidder al the time and place andundei the terms designatH
<br />ia the notice of lrale In one or more parcels alld in such order as Trustee may determine. Trustee may postpoue salt of alt
<br />01' _)' parcellf)f the Property by public announcement at the rime and place of any prevhmsty SChHulH sale. I.ender or
<br />bnder's clesilllCe may purc"- the Property at any sale.
<br />Upon Reei.- of IllIymeat of the price Wd, Trustee shall deliver 10 the purchaser Trustee's deed ;:onveying the Property
<br />sold. The redtals;lntbe Trustee's deed shall be prima fad.e e"idcnce of the Imtnof the stalemenlll made therein. Trustee
<br />sluIll8fllJlY the. p,roc!l"etls of the sakin tbe folio....intI: ord",: (a) to:aU re_nable <:osts and expenses of the sale, including. but
<br />not limited to.T~e~s fns of not ~re!~ 3~ '?:t. ) %, of~ t~e /l,rosssal.,,: price, re~<;onablemtomey's fees and cost,s_ o~
<br />iRk eddehc,'t; {OJ to au sums. !lecun'd oy thIS ueea ot Ira...; an.. ICJ (Re t:'xce>$, I( any, to tbe person or persons legally eniluea
<br />Illemo. .
<br />19. Born'....ctI'.. Rigbtto Reinstate. Notwithstanding Lcnder's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />llQrrower shan hav.clhe right I" have. an oceeUings begun by tender to enforce this Deed of Trust discontmued at
<br />canYljmepri~ftqlhe carlier to (,lC.:ur,;)flhe sale of the Property pursuant IO!hepllll<'er of sale contained
<br />inlhis Dt.cd of1).uSl if: fa) BQrrower Lender all SUl'l\$ whkh w\)!lld
<br />Future AH;j1iiIl1Ct:~, if anv, l'Io:lcceleration
<br />\lgr~menls of . in this Deed <>f
<br /><lgrt'el'lHm!&
<br />in
<br />