<br />
<br />!he. snmss",eurcd by Ihis Deed of 'rrusfshall eontmue unimpaired Upon sueh paymenl and cure by Borrower. .lh1s Deed <II
<br />Trust amt'theohligaiionsseeured h~rebyshall rcm~m in f ul: force andclTcct as /fno acceleration had occurred.
<br />211.Assiglllme...tof Rel1ts; ApJloi...tmentofReceiver; l.enderi...Possessio.... Asaddl1lonalsccurity hereunder; !:lOrfllWCr
<br />here~y assigl1s1oLe1ldefthe renlS of the Property. p~~lvidedlhfll BorrowcnhalLpnOf to accderation under paragraph . I X
<br />her~of Or ab,md'~nrnent of the Property, have the rrght to collccl and retainsueh rents;lslhcybecQme due ~ml payahle.
<br />UP911 accclerationunder paragraph lXhcre(lf. or ahandqnmcmof the Property .1.ender..1O . person. hy < agent Qr by
<br />judlciaUy~pp()inted recelvcr.shallQeenritled to. enterllpon;la~e poss",ssion. of and manage the Property and to .. coUe<:llhe
<br />re.ntsof the Propcrtyinc!uding those paS! dlle. .All renlS<.,otlected by !enderonhereceivershallhe applied first tn paynlent
<br />oflhe costs (lfmanagcment of. the Property . and collection of... rents,. including, bnt nothmited to. re<:eivcr's fees.premiullls
<br />On receiver's.bonds and n::asonable<attqrney's. fees. andlhen to the sums secured hY..lhis Deed of TrusI, lender and the
<br />receiver shall he liable to ac.collnt c,mly forlhose rents actually received.
<br />ZI.FuUlJle Advances, Upon request pfBorrower. Lender. ill Lender's optioo, prior to full reconveyaocc ot'theN6perty
<br />hy Trustee to Borrower, may make Future AdVances to Borrower.. Such. FutnreAdvilO(;eS; wilhintcrest thereon. shilll he
<br />secured by this Deed of Trllst when evidenced by prom isspry notesstati ngthat said notes arc secured hereby.M not une shall
<br />the principal umount of the indebtedness secured by thIs Dced of Trus!, not includmg sums .ldvancedlll accordance herewith
<br />to proteclthc: security of this Deed of Trust. excecd the onglllal amount of the Note pIllS US $100,000.00 .
<br />22. Reconveyance. Upon p,lyment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall n.:questTnhteclO reCIlIWc)
<br />the Property and shall surrender this Deed of TruS( and all notes evidencing mdebtedness secured hy this Deed of Trml
<br />to Trustee Trustee shall reconvey the ProperlY without warranty and without charge to the pcrson or pers'1Ils 1cg.lIh
<br />entitled therelo, Such pcrson or persons shall pay all costs of recordation, If any.
<br />23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, al Lender's optIOn. may from time to time remove Tmstee and appoint a SUCCCS'l'f
<br />Ifllstee W any Trustee appointed hereunder by an I!lstrumcnl recorded in the county In which this Deed of Trust IS recorded
<br />WnhouI cOllveyance 01 the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed 10 all the litle. power and duties conferred lIP"1l
<br />th,~ Trustee hlcncin and hy applIcable law.
<br />24. ReqU.~SI for Notices. Borrower requests that copIes of the notice of defaull and notice of sale be sent to Borrower',
<br />address which IS 1 he Property Address,
<br />
<br />IN WorN'" W",",Of. Bw~" h" """'''' ,h" 0,," ,,' T,," . Q
<br />
<br />
<br />.. /~fR~2;)~~
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<br />. Rosalie M. Roscoe
<br />
<br />,~.,8O-frow.(
<br />
<br />BonolN!>l
<br />
<br />STAn, O~ Nlllll",S,",", HALL
<br />On this ..la, of ,June
<br />duly commlsStnr1t"l.l ;md quahlktl for ,.ml ~oun!y.
<br />am1
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<br />ES I FOR RECON\ Fl/\NCr.
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<br />To Tll.lisnt.
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<br />rhc IlndcISlgn<:d I) lhe holder Ot Ihe not.: ,'r nOle, '''''UI<:<I by Ih" De"d 01 fru"l :,;ml tlOle or noh'" w!!t'lh(,'l
<br />Wllth ;lil othcl; 1I1dei'tI'edn~'",s ~ccun.',i Ih" no:ed 01 rrll~!. havl.' heell P;IIO III lull You ;Jrc ht.'n:by directed to CHH:'cl
<br />SlIi,d note or :)',)1<.') ;U1J tl'll:' Dc!:d 01 Tn))!. ...h,dl .lll' dd"':n:J herd)). and lClOllH:Y. "llhoUI Wlllf;IlH~,dl Ih!:
<br />e:,lale !lQW h,:Id by you undet Ihl) Deed <)1 l'rll)!!<l the pcrwn Of pCr~(ms legally "nllli~d lh(:IClO.
<br />
<br />DaLe:
<br />
<br />'$p",'it,;to Geiow 'if'!OS L,ne Reser..ed Fm Lencer and Re<coroe-r;
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