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<br />83- 003623 <br /> <br />8~6 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Intel'eSt. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness eyjdencedby the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the prine'pal of and inleres! <br />on any Future Advancessecured by this Deed of Trust <br />2.. Funds for 1raxeslU1dlnsurance, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and inleresl are payahle under the Not<l, until the Note is paId III full. <br />a stirn (herein "Funds") equal 10 one-twelfth of the yearly laxes and assessments which may attain priority oller thIS <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus (me-twelfth of yearlypremu,m installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus omHwelfthol' yearly premium installments for mortgage inslJfllncl~.if any, all as reasonably eShmaled iOl!wlly and from <br />time to time by Lender On the basis of assessments liind bills and reasonabkestimates Ihereof, <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which arc insured I'l guaranteed by a Federal 01 <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds 10 pay said la~es, <lss(~ssmr:nK <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding ;wd applying the Funds. analy/ing s;lId act:oUnf <br />or verifying and compiiing said assessments /lnd bilts, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lendcr !o make such a charge. Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing "It the lime of CH:e\lfion of rhis <br />Deed .of Trust thalt interest on the Funds shall he paid to Borrow(~r, and nnles~ such agreement is made or ;.lpplicahh: law <br />requires such interes:t 10 be paid. Lender shall not be requm~d 10 pay Borrower any Ifll< or earnlllgs 011 the Funds. Lender <br />shall giVll to Borrowler. wilhout charge, an annual aCCOl!l1tll1g of the Funds ,howing credll<; and debi!, In (he Fllnds 'md the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds wa~ made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust. <br />Hthe amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with rhe fuWn: monthly installments or ('nnlh pay.;,t,ic pnor i(\ <br />the due dates of ta~es, ;;sS(:ssmenls, Insurance premiums and ground renls, ,hall exceed the amount reqUIred 10 pay said taxes. <br />3S$essments, insurance premiums and ground rents as Ihey lall due, such cxces, sh,dl he. at Bormwer\ optioll, clther <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrowcr or credited 10 Borrower on mOllthly installments of Fllnds If Ihe ;UTWIIlIl of IIw Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be slltlicient 10 pay taxe~. as~essmcnIS. in~urance premiums and ground nmts as they fall due. <br />Borrow~~r shall pay 10 Lcnder any amounl ncccssary !(' make lip the de/JelenclI wul1m )0 davs from lhr dale lll)fice " mailed <br />by Lender to nom~\1/er rel~uesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment ,in fuU ,)f all sums secured by thIS Deed oj Trust. lcnder ~hall promptly lelund I" Hnrrnwt'r any Funds <br />!held by Lender. If under paragraph! II hercot the ProperlY " ,,)Id or fhl' Prnpenv 'v othcrw,s," 'n:qlnJ(~d hI' l.,~ndcr, lender <br />"hall apply. no hll~~r than immediately pfllir to the sale "I the Properlv or '" a~q"'''t'''n 1)1' Lend<'/' :IIlY F,ltlds hdd hy <br />tender ::\lllle lime .of ;Ipplicatlon :,s a credit against the ~ums ",cured hy th"s Deed 0' 'I rust <br />J. !\ppllcation of PlIIyments. Unkss appli('ahle Lm 1'11,",de~ orher\.\i"c. all p3\'IlH.'nls fcn~l'ed hI' I endcr undt,r the <br />Note and pllragr,.phs, I ...n.:! 2. hereof shall he apf)lu.."<l hy 1 ender lirst '11 paymcn, <11 :.nlOllllfv ravallle 1.1 1 endcr hI' Blllrower <br />llInder paragraph 2. hereof. tben to interest pavahle. on II", NOle. then to the prinCipal ,II I!", ""tc. .llld then 10 1l1lereSl :lIld <br />l~n"Clplll on any Fulure Advances. <br />4. (~hlll'les; 1.i4~M. Elnrrower ,hIli! pay ;111 I""" ."sessm,'lIh .,lld dhe" . h:H':c~ lill'" ;",d ,!llp""t,..\I" "Ilntlllt.lhk '" <br />lhe ProllCM:)' which may all31l'1 a pnllfUy over ItuS Dl'ed ,.1' Trusl ;md !";lsehohl payments ,'f ~~rolllld n~rllS, ,f "ny, ill lhe <br />lnannc:r proVided under paragraph 2l1en:ol M, ,II nOI p:lld III such malineI'. hy nOlmwer 1!l,1kHl~1 p;lvm'lnl when <lue, IIm'c!!\, <br />101M pltyee lhcleOI lIorflllwcr ';hall promptly hlll1l\b 1(\ 1 "ndt'!,dl ""'1<1:' .,1 .,llW,,"'" dl"~ iluder :h" paragraph. ,Jill! m tl1... <br />c:vent Borrower sh~lll make payment .llfc<:lly, Borrower ',h:llljlwrnp!1; I IHI'"h '.' I ctldel '.Ill h 1'.1)'111"'1\1<, <br />l~llrrowc,r shalll)f,'ml~IIY di~h:u!:c Ml)' hen ....tud! h:" plH\nl\ U",'d '''.1 h,' <br />l'eqUIfCd l<) <liI..:h:!!'!:\!' .:<llY 'm.:!"I lien ,,' IOllg ;" Bm"''''l'r ,!lOll< 1,1 I,j in <br />"uell hell'" ;, man~tel" lU:,cclptable w L,'no..,r, ,'f ,hilll "I ,!<loll 1 1\ III <br />lelal p"x"Oe<iln~ Wt\ldl "perol!e l(, i.lfe,'..m lhe <:llhl1'(Cmt"ll !i\\'H'pl <br />5. Raamll<<l!l1U1I'1UKt!.. Hmm"'''f ',n;, Ihe "i;~;j, "bW,'" <br />,~ga!nSI !,'s~ by lhe. l1I"lards mduded ".lllm !Ill' !tllm ..."de. "I:IV I :,"l"lll' <br />4lDd III slil<:h ;am\ll.lllb .md I,'l! """II ll<::l"xj. ,n 1 "I"kr t11:IV 1,>\' ,""ll""1 ,., <br />l:l.Ich \;(l1IC.iiIItC '!t;j!'lmmlnl ,)1 ,o,..,;,~c ,,,*,,,,',1 p.l', <br />r~~ !nsur:ap~:;t,;: <:.J:trttlf pn'~vHhng tht'" ~n\\H~HH,\'" ..-!n~tU t)(.~ t'n',!_'~U 7'\" B,~f!{'\\il.'t ".jj1"11..:'\1 (,_', <br />thai $l.Id1 appfUy;li "I~all Itot be l.mrca~' "".!hodl! .,.\11 ,1"\'11'111111. "H HI'U!;lma: \''''1<''" <br />,ltrovided under plf'a.~'a)lb .,,'* h(:'tC'ot dt" ~"~H.t 4h!'t 'jL~4UjiCf. i,,\ UUH{'~'Ha ,'I;lfu~~g },.l'lOH("l:1{, <br />!lDWaDCe .::&mer. <br />.'\11 ml\Unl.ll(~1 rim.! '1.\lle""" j hel<'l)! " <br />d.aUliC In lavor .)1 111\<"11\ I,' IXfldel I (!1dC' ".lnJl In',,,, <br />~~nd Boflfowcr ~,h.n pt(~mptli~' t~\ l,~~'Hk,f .J;!I ':'~"')~("~~i1 jh,j~h'\,"" .1~H..i 1',,''\.f.~1rt\ <br />lknfowc:r !lib.III:.".: 11'!<~fIl"'1 nUl"'': !he m\j..3.II<.<:.m .iU,j I ""del J ,;,nl", nl.l\ Ill"~" " <br />by BoeRlwef. <br />l'nlC$" t(:nlk~ ~.!ld H"Hr',,"er i \!II.., ...",e "ll.'('<: <br />llh; Ur',,).~I(:f1)' ~.:.~nd~~(;d. ,a,olI,h t~~O~.tU4.jla ,~i <br /> lhcrl~b~ ,ml)JlHC"l '''''/\ fOhll.;."".rt "1 '''!);11' " <br />be ,mpiilllf.w, lhe 011"<1:1"..." p!l"':e...'d~ ,h,,1I '1'<1 <br />tl) liormw.:r If :Il<: f.!'oV(lH~ " ~blll!<iOl'<;,1 <br />dlate U()I"\:.:< ,.. llIiuled b~ lenuer 10 !Jon",<er <br />!S llUlhol'll:eo 1<. ~<lile,(!' -.,,~~ ;II'P') I.he Hhlll...'J(, <br />(If to dl(1 sum. """:'lifc~d 1>\ :ll" Dc.:d oil (I"t, <br />Uniles.s Icnder .tIld BeIHO",C! ,),il"'\.\i.SC''f'lllll!' .u" <br />(~r Pt")SCp..UlC Ihc due d~:uc ,,)l ~"'c f~h:l h,~d <br />,.u,h 1Il"l:lllUmc\lh, ill umler pantgr"ph lJ..:rc,'1 Ih" P'''pcn,,., <br />m and to any m'Ul,4netC p,,,h,;u:'Ii ,lilt! Hi ;md h. :he .'..,.."",h <br />(If a.:qlll:slh<l[l .h..lil p'l"~ hi Lcn.ier hi :he c.'liICI1i ill" 'limll, ,,:.:u, cd l>\ <br />",cquisll.~)n. <br />6. Pre$.er\alilllll 1III1l Maililt~lllllKC of I'roperl); tc..'-Chold.s; Condominium,,; Plallned Lnil D......,lop...., lib, BOI ''''''er <br />,haU kt:t;:p lh~ Pn,)fl~n~ in ~l,.)...hl r~'Pa~r ~~aJ ...hdH "''''~f-.."h: :lh,,'jd ,d!'. lhl; Prt,~pnt~ <br />,1Iad shaH C(}lnp!~' 14~th the pfOHS.\'Hh lH ;hn~ le;J:\c d dliS i}ecu ~,,( i ru...l ;'" ; Ir" I)c~~~i {rH~l p, vJl .1 unit in d <br />,:ondorujniuol ii;.H d J) UIHt dC\oe!()pnlcnL HOH\n\Cr ,;jlJ.: f<<.:rJ..H.;n ~d B(,Hrv~,-"f','~ 1~1": 'iJ":'t,'i~lLJt'I~)H <br />or covenants creating or g\)\,C.fiHUg the .:onoOllluhunl ~'r pj;HHh.~d \:n~t dc\t.:h:1pnl;,;nL 'iOl' h~ n'l~id.ltlnn... ',1) thl' <br />.c:ondominiunlor planned unIt devc1opnlcfH. and i..:\.H1~tilut:ni Lh-.,...-\.anJ.;J1I.... a ,,-'nnJ;,Jnltnii.H~n Ul1lt dCl.i.:!npnH.:nl <br />rider is. ex~..:utoo hy HQii'o,w.'cr doli rcc"-lrdeJ logether "~lh ,hi-'\. Dc~J t'! '1 ru~i, loe r..'D\iCn;,:dlts ;'1 \th.:h lJdcf <br />shall be incorporaIC,d ,m.) and shall amend and ,upplcmen: Ihe ,','\'c:n,H!h and llgrecmenb If);, If rhc flue' <br />'Were a part hereof. <br />7. Protection of Lender"s Securit). n Burro-wcr fad~ h) p\:rll)flll the ...:o'.'cnant... <br />Deed of Trust, or if any aCllon 1)1' pmcecJmg IS ,'OIlUllCIlU:J '.'hi"h IOlillcn"ily dffcCh <br />including. but not Jilll;ted ~O. c;llinen: dornain. irlsol\'cn..:y, endt: C'Hf()t~t:rncnt. Of <br />bankrup'l or decedent. rhen Lender at Lender's optIOn, notice to BOllower. f!1ay <br />s.ums_, and take such acti(lU .:1S is necessary to Inh;rc~L hut <br />n:asonable aHorney's fees and enlry upon the kl mal.:e fep""" If Lc:ndc: <br />condition of makinglhc loan secured by this Deed rk,rmwer shall Ine <br />insurance in effect un~ji such tinlc as the, reqUtrenlent fot such ;nsurlln~~c <br />l~df.':.r's written aJ![eement or avoHca.ble law B(H'rQ'w~r ~haH n:,:q. tht~ ;lt1:'h'HH'l:! (if .:dt rnortgag~.: H1SUCH1'-.(: pr.[fn!U[!1S !,~ tht' <br />fl!lanner provided lln.der paragraph 2 hereoL . . ~ . "._n' '. <br />Any amounls disbul'1lcd by Lender pUfliualll !O this paragraph 7. wnh Jl1lereSl <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Deed of Trus!. IJnless Borrower .mll Lender agree 1<.1 <br />amounts shall he pll.yll.bleupO.l1 notice from Lender to <br />~te ofd/SO!,ltSliment aU he rate payable froml/me .10 <br />atsul;h rale wouljI he contrary 10 applicable law in <br />~nnis!libh: Ul'll:ler a!lr~lil;tlble law. NCl!hi!l1ii 111 <br />an)' 1l(;!lonllefeur,,:!er, <br /> <br /> <br />I ;'ndr'l jt!l"\(ld~"'d <br />!." 1'.11,1 ;n lllt' nl:mnel <br />,"'li~1\ lo.Htc, dtlt't,'tir jd n,e <br /> <br /> <br />'>'\$VI~~~;g. ta'llf;Hh..{' \"(.".0" <br />J(:,p.,!~(' ;', '~~;~,.!t~h.' <br />l.~.t..)!~"~tnt...:dh' i l,'~:\jt~k ,>'1 ~ <br />1,~ ~ht: ,;'1.:'4. ua~d h~ !h~.. J l;;,:{."-\..i ~,j <br />h:q,,,-,,,.i ,Pi H,\''1f4t}......Cf .ilh <br />1he ;a.,.O!~_,fhl' ,,:~~nt\"r l'i~ki'" l;;-l <br />-l"~hh,~~II.:ll.. "H i \"fh.1C;', -('IPHiHJ !~'1ih"t 10 J"l....j,'--~lj'lh;,Jt \11 ICP.l!! <br /> <br /> <br />lh\{ ;...,\lto4!l-l,1 <br /> <br />.tfH~Hnn ,Ij <br /> <br /> <br />ai1o;.l jdg~.l.'eUlcnt". v"\nt~dh.~? thi... <br />i .cnu~r ~ _:,nklc;').{ /rl U1t: f}f!.)peJt) <br />01 prth.:c.:uJllg.... olvlng:; <br />dhhur~(" :)w:h <br />tp. ()l':ibuf'')t.::nKnt <br /> <br />;:l:-,ur~,ljh:l..' ;.1'1 a <br />t~) maioL-Jin .)u..:h <br />witb Bnrr(I'~~'Cr':,. :i.nd <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~h;tl1 he.~~t inl"~~~~;1~~~~T~;!':h,:~ <br /> <br />p::1Yi'nen~ t}f int(~req <br />at !hC high.c\l r;tt~ <br />e-.,p{;n~(', {tf Ulke <br /> <br /> <br />In be mad~ <br />10 ,my ;u~h <br /> <br />