<br />
<br />8~l-003623
<br />
<br />DEED ()F TRUST
<br />
<br />8YJa.4G
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this. . .2.9.tl? . . . . . . . . . . . . .day of. .. .Jl,lr!=!. ....,...........
<br />19.8.3.; .irnohg the Trustor,. .R:Qgel:'. W.. .R.o.&qq,,?, ?-!1P. .Itq$~H!"l. .l1-, .~9?9!'~". .l-!':l~1?an~. .a,~<! .'1~f~"...,..
<br />
<br />.... ..... ..... ....... .. .... ..... ,'.,.. .. . (herein "Borrower")" .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.' .. . .. .
<br />J.ohn .B'., Brfj:W:QeJ.l,. /i~.t::o.I?Q~Y. \it. .I,a.\-{.. .,..... .,. (herein "Trustee"), and the Benefitiary,
<br />C,O.llUlie:l::'cia,l. ,S<:\v,iOg$, .c'QPlp.alJY, Pt'. ,Or:a.t:l9. ;r:S.l,a.fj4 . . . , . , , . , . . . . . . , . . . . , " a corporation organized and
<br />existing; under the laws of. . " .N~p.r.a;~~<i-..... ... . .. .... ....... whose address is. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
<br />2:121. )1, W~.b.Q!N,.. PO .~Q~ .97.1,. .G.~qQ9 . ;r:;> l::mq, )IE. ~.8,802 . . . . , . . . . (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />
<br />BOll.IROWER. in consideration of the indebtedness herein l'('cill:d and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and conv1eys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale. the following described property located 111 thi.: County of
<br />. . . .. ..... .. )::IA~.~. . . . . , , . . . .. State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />A tract of Land Comprising all of Lot Thirteen (13), Island Acres Number 6, A
<br />
<br />
<br />replat ()f Lots 19 and 20, Island Acres, City of' Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />which bl:. Ihc.uklrclP of 3n~,W>est 15th. St. Grand Islaod,. NE 6a8PJ.
<br />
<br />{Stti'.H
<br />
<br />;\"11.,.1
<br />
<br />I herem "1)ro~rtYi\ddte"",;
<br />
<br />t~)....tit ...rtd ltp COde'
<br />rQli/"II~R w.lh ;tlllh. "lIpHI~~m....nt... no\\ "( h....r.....I!.:" a..;t.'u un lh,' prop..:n~, iJnd ;III ....awm.:nh. tight:..
<br />appul'tcmllllccs. Il'nlS (subjecI however to the righl" and Juthoflth:" g,v.:n herem 10 L,,'nder to colln't and apply such
<br />rl:nb} , rOl'..lti....". mineraI. 011 and gas righh illlJ profit.... "'illl'r. wall'r nghts. Jnd watl'l stock. and all tixturl.'s now or
<br />bcn;aftcr 'IIUaclll'd to th.... property. all of which. mdudmg r~placl'ml'nts. and additions thereto. "hall be dCl'IllI.'U 10 bl,'
<br />and rcmallll a p:ln "f the property covered by Ihis OI.'....d of Trust; and all of th.... foregoing. together with ,,,id pro~rt~'
<br />(or In.... l,ca.sdlOhl <:slilk if till" OI.'ed of Trus, bon ,. lea'choldJ ar..: herem rderred to as th.... "Propl.'rty";
<br />
<br />1''0 SlF.{'\JR1' 10 Lendcr (a l the repayment of Ihl.' indchl....dnes... ....~ idcnc.:d by Borrow....r.' nott: dated. 6/29!.8.3. , .
<br />'..... '... l[h....rell1 "Notc"), U1 the pril1\;ipal...um 01. N.in~t;Y-fi.v~TDql,l~?PP. .FQu~.li!l.n.d,r:~q N~fl.ety.-,
<br />Six. and .80j.lo.Q..,.,..,..,.-($95.~496.80J Dollars. Wilh mtere,t thereon, proViding for monthly m,tallmcnls
<br />of principal and inlerest. wilh the balance of Ihe indcbkdne"l-, If nOl \OOller paid. due and payable on,
<br />June. .29, 1968... . . ' , " ... .." ; the payment of ,Ill olher "urn" wilh inl(T('"lthl'fcon. auv<lllcnl
<br />:c h~i'c,wit1i-.-tn pii)tc_~,~ th(~, se'("t!~ity of l_hi~ 'Dc,cd of..,-T~ust~ and,,:thi; ~rf(Jrmancc of the -c~)vcnants, and
<br />BOrrower herdn cont,lim:u; and I b) Iht.: repaymc,nl of ,illY futun; auvanc('". with inlere,1 thCfl'On, madl'
<br />Lender pursuant 1<:1 paragraph 21 hereof I herein "Future Adv.lllCCS").
<br />
<br />and has righl to grunt am.!
<br />ddcn\l 10,.
<br />lish:Q a
<br />