<br />8.3-- () 0352 J.
<br />
<br />secured by this Deed of Trus! shall COlllmue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower. Ihl$ Deed of
<br />!If\<! the obligations secured hereby shaH rema!.", in full !nr.;e and effect ,1$ if no acceleratlQn had Qc':urren.
<br />Zt). AS5iglllfl1ent of Re-fUS; Appointment of Re('e!ver: Lender in Posses.siDn. As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />hereby ll:$sigll$ to .L~:nder the rel1ls of the ProperlY, pw'mlcd tha! Borrower ,hall. prin[ In a<:cderalion under paragraph I ~
<br />11ereof ':>r abllndol1mcnt of the ProperlY. have the right to c\)llect and retain such rcnts as they become due and payable.
<br />Upon acceleratIon under paragraph 18 here,)f or aixmdnnment of the, Property, Lender, in person, by agent or by
<br />ludkiaUy :lppointt~d receive.r, shan be emhled in efller take of und mamlge the Property and to colleCI the
<br />rent~ of the Property including lhme pas! due, ."',11 renl~ nr the receiver shall be applied fir<;t to payment
<br />.\:,( fhe C('~h of manageme.nt of the Pn"perty and collection 01 [<;<11',. illclmling, but !lot limiled 10, receiver's fees, pn~miums
<br />.~)ll receiver', bonds :!ll'ld rea${mllble atlorncy"~ fees, :md then ll.l the <"II11S ,ecllred hy Ihis Deed of TrlJ~L Lender and the
<br />I"cee.jvcr shall be liilole, tn :,ccount onlv for Ihose n:cel'vecl
<br />21. Fotuff AdvM~, Upon rl.'.que~l of "I option, pfle)r to full r(~conVt~yallce ollhe Pro pert,
<br />t,y TrU$tee ftlilkc Future to Ikl1'l"nW,~r. Advam'cs, wltn Interest thereon, shall he
<br />:;eclIfed by when n",lcs ~!alml! Ihat notes are secured herebv. At no limt~ shall
<br />I:hc l"'rincipallu1'1C'<llnl <,f the indebtedl1e~s th'~ j),:(~.tf <:,1 Tru:\!, not sums advanced 111 a~;c(lrdance herewith
<br />tn prowel the >ecurflty 01 thIS Deed f"( TrusL ilH~ :wmunl of th..: US $ -()- .
<br />Z;Z, RCC:OIweYlulCf', Upol1 p,lymCl)( of aU ~url1' bv {hi, Deed of 1rU,1, shall r,:qucst Trustee t\) recon\'cy
<br />th<~ PWP'.lfty :,hall surrender Ihi, Oe,'cJ 01 TnJ$! ,md ;.,11 no!", eVldem.:ml! lfHlchtedne~~ secured by this Det~d 01 Trust
<br />"" Tru~lee Shli!! lh., Pmpert,\' \-vithou! warranty :<nd without charg': 1<) the person or persons legally
<br />entitled therel..... Such pers(m or shali all cow, of recordl\tlOl1. 11
<br />13" Sub5ti'llt~e TI'\.stl~. Lender. ,II e'ptlm\ nl<l\' !['t'rrl ome to
<br />lruslee 1'(l .HlY rrUM(:e appowled hcreunJer \'>\1 all I1H!fWl),"ll! [\j("or(1.:d m th~~
<br />\>\!Hho\H l.;'onv,,"Y.lH'tCC' of the Property, ih'e ;:.;uece.1,~~~"U tn;'H;~et; $haH 'iuc(.~etl;d h_\ aU
<br />lhe Trill,tee l1en:m ;tlld by' apphcabk: I"",
<br />24" Reqll<tSt 1folr ~otk~. Borrower n~qUl:'" lhal ....:1'"., d lhe r,,'Hn' 01 ddault and nNice of sale b<~ ,eqt w Borrower's
<br />.lddre~\ whl(,'h l~ lhe Propeny Addre'ss,
<br />
<br />
<br />rem(w,,'lrllsl('tl and appoint 11 Sllccessor
<br />in \'ihicl:1lhis D,eed of 'frust is recorded.
<br />litle. fKlwer ana dUlies conferred upon
<br />
<br />!N WITNESS \VHEllfOf, Bormwer ha~ e'J(('Clll<:d ti1l', Deed or Tmst.
<br />
<br />Larry
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />. ,. Borrower
<br />
<br />, _,' ,. h,
<br />Sal11'e A.
<br />
<br />( ,
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<br />Fenton
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<br />
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<br />COUnlV S\ :
<br />lx.tor,' !!le:, the underSIgned, a Nnwry Public
<br />Lorry E, fentoD 8Qd
<br />
<br />
<br />f,y( '<ud \"{)urHV ~h;/r\on;,dn. .-'~tnh:
<br />l1d ,lOci wil ('
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<br />.. to me known tn be thl'
<br />"'1q~OHl!( ",,{runten! :,1)d ;jcl,lll'wkdg\..d the ('X..'ClltlOti
<br />
<br />H.h:rH~,,'~d pcr-,n~'t i '" f \ub~..:r t~_'\t'd
<br />then,,'t Ix' t hi' i r ." .,d Jnd ,lenl
<br />\VHnt"'"\ n~\, h~Uhj ti~hJ nil(an~d \ ,,'.li ~d \;r;lnd
<br />,.i.11<' .11(''. ""II,!
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<br />I SlilOd
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<br />ill ,.lld COUIl!Y. the:
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<br />It II{ I{!-li I\' \ t. YASCI
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<br />'rOTRl~I"1
<br />
<br />rh.: I" the hQlder the !lOIt: "1 not.:, ''':(Ilfni h\ tfll, Deed 01 lru"l S:ud no!e or nOles. together
<br />WIth aU other lIld~~btcdll(:'S st'curcd 1), nus DC\',1 01 frus" Ila,>, "tinl p;lJd in full You ilfC .:.!irC<':ll'O to ,'aneel
<br />''lId 1),1r..: no!!.':, alld lnh Det:J otl fu"L w!"ll('h .He ,.kh'CI"..1 herdw, and 1.0 reconvey. wlthe)ut warranty. all the
<br />t::1>lak now hdd l>:~ you ,mdcf rim r)et~d of 1 m", hl 1.hc p~'r~on lx'!~,.ms legaHy <:nWieu ,!lerew.
<br />
<br />Date; ,
<br />
<br />;S-i.}d~it 6~low n"t,~ ~,t,~ N't;';$~r,,'~- fl,V L~H'Hl~r anD Re:<r.nct't.i
<br />