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<br />83-00352 <br /> <br />0824246-2 <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> <br />THIS AW'JSUBI.E RATE RII.ER is made this 10~ day of June 1983 , aM. is <br />incoq>>rated into an:i shall be deered to amend and s . anent t.'1e .l>brtgage, l):ed of Trust, or reed. to <br />Sec:ureEebt (the "Security Instn:li'letit")of too same date given by too llI.'ldersigned <the "Borrower") to <br />secure Bo~--s P.iYiJJl!lntrote toO;mnerc.ial Fedenu. Savings am !.Dan Association (the <br />"'lerider") of the s.ane date (the"~te") .am.covet':I.ngthe prOperty described in the Security Inst:runen.t <br />an:iloeated <br /> <br /> <br />ntENOTE CONTAINS 1'>R.OVI$1:0NS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE IN'i.'ERESTRATE <br />EVERY 5 YEARS. IF THE INTEREST RATE 1 NCREASES , THE BORROWER--S MONTHLY <br />PAYMENTS \H1..L BE HIGHER. IF THE INTEREST RATE DECREASES, TR:E BORROWER"'S <br />!10~"THLY PAYM&NTS WILL BE LOWER. <br /> <br />AJl)!Tl(Rl\L GO'VE..~. In addition to the covenants ..anrlagreanents made. in. t:he Security Inst:r\:lnElnt. <br />Borrower and Lender. r'urtoor CO\{enant aodagre:e as follows: <br /> <br />A. I~rnREST RATE AND MOl't'1'HLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />U2 tbtle provides for an initial interest rate on J. 375.%. Sectiol'l 4 of the .' for changes <br />in the interest t'll.te and the OOl'lthly lE~ts, as fo1:I.~: <br /> <br />.. 4. INTEREST lllATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> <br />(A) Cl'lal1B~e I),u:es <br />The rate of interest ! will pay my C:~ 00 the . first day of ~ ... and. on <br />thl1 t day every 60th llX:rnch ttereafter. F.3Ch date on loti:ich my rate of mterest coU1d is called a <br />""llvmge [:ate." <br /> <br />l~) The hIdex <br />Bi2g:i.m.i.ngwJlth the first (hange Ihte, fJTj interest rate will be based on aoIndex.The "Index"is <br />the ~kly 1NE!rIag:e yield on United States 1':rea.c;Ut""! securities ad.:lusted to a coost.ant maturity of 5 <br />}'!MrS, .as made awLllable by the Federal Reserve floanI. 'U1e most recently available IOO.ex figure as of <br />the datla 45 '}''lys imot'le each ~ lhte 1.9 cal.l.OOthe "CUrrent Iooex." <br /> <br />tf the md4rx is 00 lo~ avai.lable, the ~tel:blder will cOOose a ne..... i.ndex is based upxl <br />'~:ulplU'l:Ible in.iotlillilltion. The l'bte Iblder ..."1U me ootice of this ch:>ice. <br /> <br />(C) Calc\~la ti,)l'l of Changes <br />~!lfore ~h wte, the ~te fblder will c.:llculat.e my !:Il\lW tate of interest by ~ 1.900 <br />p~reentl. lXlints %) to the Current index, 1"le sun will be my !:Il\lW interest rate until tile next. <br />a~ IBtf.!. <br /> <br />The 1'Ob:~ Holider'ilIill then detennine tiE d'.IJ.)Wt of the lIOlthly tli}'llIt!nt that w:>uld be sufficient to <br />t"lepty the IJnplid. 1pM.."lCil>>l of :ny loan ,l'll ti."xpected to ,~oo tbe a~ wte in full 00 the <br />I:Iin,urlt~l date ilt my r'lt."W rilte ot illter'~t Lr: Sl.1b$tantiaU:t f.'qual payments. The result of this <br />c.:w..~l~ion ..ul. be the l'lt."W omnnt of my llUlLhly paymelt. <br /> <br />II) EHe(:tiv~ Date of l113l1ges <br />~, lleW l-atJe of int~t Will ~ ..declive on each Q~ 1:ate. 1 will pg.y the oow I'.m)Wt of <br />lllr,r lIttlehly lB:~nl~ each lOOOth begillniq; 00 the first t:lOl1thly ;:n)'lIlt!t1t date after the Olangel:Bte mill <br />the <melDe. ll'IY. tlo\ pa~\t dW'lgeS ~Un. <br /> <br />Sotic~' of <br />~e !'blder ""'_11 or deliver to mea not-ice of .arty changes in the alOOUnt of my !lX:Illt.1'lJ.y <br />~l}'llll!!nt before tIll! effective date of any c.~e. TIle mtice will ioc~ude In.foI'lllaticn required by law <br />t(> be gJlven me ard alsD the Litle and telejXJooe n.utlbr;;r of a ~rson ..ho will answer any question I may <br />n.ave ~!,lU'di11g thtli cmkt;!." <br /> <br />B,. CHA.RGE:$: LIENS <br /> <br />Lbuor:m CoV8\ant 41 of :the Security Inst:ruDent is ili:lleOOed to read as follows: <br /> <br />4. ~.FS; tn:.~S. Bo:~r shall ply all, ~, ani other charges, fines and :f.mtx>sitiDns <br />attrihul;;able ,tel tl~ Pl::operty IHhich llI!i)7 attain a priodty over this Security Instnment, and leaserold <br />~ or gx'O\ln;i rents, if any, in the::aatl'1ler prwida:l I.Il:xier taragraph 2 hereof or: , if rot paid in <br />S\lCh 1DallOer. by lBorrolotleI' :naki.'1gplyment, ~ due, directl;' to the plyee thereof.EorrO\o1er shall <br />~J' fllt'tlish to Leader all rotices of amJIJIlt.s au;!; unier this paragraFh, arrlin the event Borrower <br />shall lli. paya~lt d.irectly. shall pnmptly furnish to receipts evidencing such <br />p!l~ 6orroWli~ shill pranptly disc.harge. any 1.ien 10hich has priority ove.r the Security L1Sttunent <br />pl."OV1ded, that ~r shall rot be required. to dis::harge any su::.h 1.ien so lcqs as OO~; (a) shall <br />~r;ree il"l. ...nti.'l:l~ to ere pa~t of the ohli;g,atilXl :secured. by such lien in a :mnoer acceptable to <br />Uime.r; (b) shall in li\'OOd faith contest: suc~ lien Qr defe.rx:i against eniorca:nent of $lJCh lien in, <br />ll~. ~i 'lI~....ttich in theop1n.i.oo of Lenier ()pt;;rat.e to prevent the enforcanent of the lien or <br />:fl:~t:ure of tbe .~t"1 or any part. t.~.f; or (c) shall :sec\,lI.'efran the ixiliier of soc.'; lien an <br />~l.t.m a. f<)'l:llil sa.tis:facto1;1 to lexler suhordL.1ating such l.ien to this Se:..'I.l:rity !l.1St:!:'t..1.noent. <br /> <br />Ai: ..~ or of the 18 subject to a lial wc...>J. may <br />shall tlOt.ic.esu::h Lien. <br />mre of ""..:tit.roS set .t;"rt.'1 tetl <br /> <br /> <br />
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