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<br /> <br />1(::352... <br /> <br />'~L Coude"l!matioD~ The 'O'foceeds of an\'d or ,.:fajm [('If damaQ:e" djrec~ Of cOnseQt1en!iat !ri 'Connection ",,~ith any <br />condemnation .or ,Jrtber taking of tbe Property. or pan ,hereof. N for co!l~eyance in lieu of coOdemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of th-~ Property, tn;: proceeds shaH be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, if any. paid 10 Borrower. In !!l\~ event of a panial raking of the Propeny. unless Bo:rowe:- and Lender <br />otherwise agree in wriling. there shall be applicd to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proponlO!l 01 the proceeds <br />as is equal to lh~tt pmpc1rtion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trost immediately pnor ~o the date of <br />faking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior 10 the dale of taking, with the balance 01 the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Pr~rty is abandoned by Bormwer, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower !.hat the condemnor offers to ?1~e <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails [() respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such .notlce 1S <br />mailed, Lenoer is authorized to coUect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. eIther I,) restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to Ihe sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the dllJe dale of the monthly installmems referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installment.'l. <br />Ill, Berrn~~er Not Reletied, Extension of rhe rime fN payment or modificalion of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed <:If Trust granted by I.eoder to any suc(:essor to interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, In any manner, <br />the liahility of the original B(Jrrower and !3<)!rowcr's successt\rs In inlerest Lender shall not be reqUIred to commence <br />ptOCeedifigi ~j;<<~nst such 5uc-cessor or f-cfusc t(~ extertd tirne for. payment i)f ('\the~ri5e modify amortiza,tion of. t~e sums <br />secured by this Deed or Trust by reason nf any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors In mterest. <br />11. FO~lrllD<C\' by {.-eRde-r Not a Waiver, A.ny forbearance by Lender in exercising allY right or remedy hereunder, or <br />(ltherwise afforded by applicllblelaw. shall nOl be a waiver of or preclude Ihe exercise of any such ri~ht o~ remedy. <br />The procurement oJ imurance or the pa.ymenl of taxes or othef liens {If charges by Lender shaH nOl be a waIver of Lender's <br />right 10 ;l.ccelera~e the martlnly of the indebledncs, ,ecured hy !hls Deed of Trust. . . . <br />11. Reme-cties Cumullltivo!'. All remedies proVided .n this Deed of Trusl are distlllel and cumulallve 10 any othernght <br />or remedy tmde:r :this Deed of .Trust o,afforded bv law or equity, ;md may be exercised t'onclIrrently, independently or <br />succli!$sively. <br />13, Su<cces.sors and Atitgn.'1 Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreemenls herein <br />contained Schal! hind. and the righls hereumlt~r "hall mure to. ,he ft,'.specuse SlW_'CSSOr:;; and assigns of and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisit)M 01 paragraph i"l hereof All covenants and agrel:ment, of H()rrOWt~r ,hall be )omt and severaL <br />The c'llptions and headings of the paragraphs '-'/ thiS Deed .,\1 Trust are lor convenience only and are nol to be used to <br />interpret or defuse: the prtPhs:inns he:reo'f <br />14. Nodf.'e" for any notlce rcqum.,:d under law to be gIven 111 al1Nner manner, (a) any notice to <br />!lorTOwer provided for this Deed of Trust shall be such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower al <br />the Property Address or at $uch (lIner [lddre:;,,> as may hy notice to Lender ,lS provided herein. and <br />{hi notice 10 Lender shall be DI' (crtifil-'ll lelUIl1 leeelpt leqne~ted, t,,) Lender's address stated herein or 10 <br />"uen JH.!dl'e5:s as l...ender may . notice w Borrt.))'vl:r as provided herein Any notice provided for m thl~ <br />Deed of shail be deemed to ha~e to l!{ltTOWer or Lender when given in the manner designated herein, <br />1:5. U'l'IifOl:"!lll need of 'Tmsl; Gonrning Sr.'I'ersbiiily, This form of deed of tru,t combines uniform covenants for <br />national nse and n~1n,ul1iform covenllnts wnh junS{!ictlon to constitute :l uniform security instrument <br />coveri,ng real propeny, ThIll Deed or Trust :;h;dl he law of the luri~H.hction 10 which the Property is located. <br />In Ill<: event that ltllY or clause ",f 11m ot Trust or the Note conllie!s wllh applicable law. such conniel shall <br />!lOl alle"!:t ntner 1)[:h!S Dec,d of Trus( or !n\'.' Note whldl can r",: !:tfect wlthollt the conflicting provision., <br />and 1.0 thiS end provisions of tbe fleed (It Tn,:st :me Ih" Note ;He 1(\ b',~ se\'erabk <br />'16. BMrU1l'f~:l'S (;1~, Hl)fl'OWer ~hl1!l be hlm;shcd " ',:(Hl!'omwd ('lilY of iil\: Note ,ma of this Deed of Trust at the time <br />(>1 c;>;ecull~ll1 or aherrec(.)cdati()ll nereQt. <br />:11. 'TflllJSl'ell (,t tllte f"roperiy: A\lISutl'lplion. If "lJ .\1 pan of the PW].1t:1W or:m interest therem is SQld or transferred <br />!iQrrower without Lel'lder's pm.H wnllell (OIi:i,:nL t ;'.1 thc erCl.lIWn of ;1 hen <)llcurnbnmc,) subl>rdinate 10 <br />Deed 01 -rru~l, b) l.he ,fI:lltW!) of <l '''()IWV ''''(.Olll}' H,!(:nO;i! to! hO\l~ch(}ld \ ',; l a transfer by devise, <br />UC'$C(cfll or by ,'perati(,n of law the ,'I i, 1""\1 !C'[Hlllt \ d) the oi an)' interest of three years or less <br />not an lemlel IT:<'.] , ,,' 1 ':00':::1"\ "plion, ~H Ihe Mum; ';ec<1l'cd hv this Dced of Trust 10 bc <br />lltlmedialdv sh::.ll h"v,: ""HYCU ;,Udl to ac(.eh:n.H, If, In the. sllle or t.rlln~ler. Lendel <br />and the \"lel:s.on 10 "",hem) the Properly ,;, to he MJld '.':r read, agre.:mt,nl '" thai the crt~dll of such person <br />\.$ ~"li$b<:toIY 'I) Lend~'r "nO, thlll. the "Htor"",! payable on Velm" ,'~\.:m<:d My Ihi~ Deed Trllst Shll!! be at such rate a:s <br />Lcm:kr !ihal! reql":"1. It Lendcr h", wallled tht" oPlim. il,:,dc,""i,' fHtlVlded tills I . und if B()(TOwcr's hU;';Ct$sor <br />III mlereS{ hil~ eKeeuled ~l wn.H~)n ,t""'Ump~H.ln ;.I\.:':."P!<)(\ in wrinng hv L~nder, shall release Borrower from <br />all obligatKlfJ.s under :tll' Dt~<:.d of .Tnl$l "nd NOle <br />I t Lender 'c:xen:t$C:s such ;.)pt.'()U t(J lk':(''l.:eh~f~t~e, t .("ndef .,hhi! rn4ili Borrow<';':f l:)(\'.c nf il{.;'ceteration in ac..::ordance with <br />14 h'm~o.f SIleo notice shall prtw)(.le i.~" lh:ll'l days Imm the daw the m)\lt:e is mailed within <br />rna)' fh~~ ttl..uus. d~\;,jaxed dut; B,('~n~Y",''':;;:r f'~"d~ P,;i:Y ,'Ht;;;;h :s.{Hn~ t!v~ exptratiol) {)f such perlod~ <br />Le,..'.lder rnay. ...,~,b()u-t rl't){tt:c or dernand .f:kHrl(r'~el"t JDvoke an; rt~lni~d;es by paragraph IS hereof. <br /> <br />Nl)!"',LUN~,f';,()~lM ("OVEtof/d,n s. "Borf\'i'*,,'>(;r ,;'HHJ l.,~,~nder ~llnhe..r co'vf;nanl ~H)d agree foUows. <br /> <br />18, i\<c<,..l~,nliiGlt: Remedies, i<:~ll<:"'!l'I as pnH'id61 il'l. Illllragr1<lph I' 1\\:'..('01'. npl)n Rorrm'"r's brooch of lIny covemmt Qf <br />.llIr<<menl l)f il'Ol1"(I'....W. ill Oe..'d of Tnl"I, i.IH;llldillg lht W''''.i'llll~lll ...hfl:R dlle 1l!1~ sums secured bv this Deed <br />of Tnlsl, Lcltdllf prwrl" :tcceleralim, ,mail ",au nulk., 10 .as in f'lU':.l1grap!i' 14 ht~reor sllecil'):ing: (1) tbe <br />mad!.; (2) tile ",diou If) (;url:~ud) l>rellicb; {:II * dale, I~ot ll':;;~ froll> the dale the notice i~ mailed IQ <br />!lQrl"Uwer, by '\Ilibikh br~ach rt>uliit m, \:tfred: IInd {41 lhat failuu to (..un~ bNlIIch Oil ,)f before the dllle specified <br />in the llotic:e 11111)' resuh in lIt'<cdet.atioll of filII SUIm; s1l:<ClJred b~ Ibis net~d of Tmlil. ami sale of Ibe Property, The notice <br />lill:llIl fartber inionn n01"l'O".;:r of III" II} r"instalt' aht'1" ao:ell'ral!ofl; and Ihe rillpt w a ~'.}uri ,,(dOll to a~'ii:rt <br />thll 1~Il.c;d.~.teuee of ~ tkfallll or 1Hn detccllsc of Bonowl:r to ilu:elenttitln ",fHi "'WI':, the breach is not cured <br />Ill) or beJore 11M- Qie s~d(iffI in lb., aiJli.:\~. I,endel at U'mit:,'~ d<tdare aJl of tlu, lilHtlSSeCUflld by this Doeed <br />of TI'\ilii1 tohll II'iArMdiately due iUld plIJ"ibll: witbuHt lllrlll'" aod tile of sale ami any otller rellHlcUllS <br />permlltJi:d byu,plJeable law, t.l'ftd"r ~bldl be "lllitled t.o ,:oll",cI all (osl;. lm:urnd ill pUfSldu.g tilt <br />ltl.lltelUes proril;ile1il ilt this; lit, but r,..t lil'nited io, fll.l/,SOIlAble <br />lflb<<>: M .SllI<e is Tru.,.lee I'<){.ofli a ""li"" of default in "ad, ..hieb tbe Properly 'n ~mu! <br />IJocllteGllnd af :;11.:11 nollee ill ill", m"lUil~.t P'''M:ribed by law tl) l3olTowl'" llodt() tb.e <br />. /\flel" tl'le lap",,' "I slIdl ll1no: a, may be by 11IW, Tru~1ee 8hllll <br />and 'l~ the tllanfU,r I;..' law. wilbout d(!lrunJ,{l Olt <br />llu::J>I'O~rty li'l!>>l;ib!ic illldi(,n tll the at lh~ and piat:" <\In-a IUHler II", ICl"lns (i""ign3tlH.I <br />in 1(111<1: l>r n~n allu in sll.:h mal' de:tenuin\\, Truslee mllY postpone sai~ Ilf wi <br />lI11fl',),UI\l:'I'ment "" the and pla<:(! {.f ::Ill)' IlTl!viow;ly sdu,dul,!'d liak.Len<kr o.r <br />lit~.IlY 1i1tl;le. <br />Trust.e.. shall t!el.l~'.er '0 Ihe IH:.m::h:iM!< 'I.l'u~le('s dc,,(i c{>n;ve,ying tile J"ruperly <br />ffadt: uid€llC" of Ihe trulh 01 lbe statement, mooe in"nlill. Tms~lle <br />ofw.\Il' in 14:l1 1<> all r".::t!ionable <C~'sts _d of the sale. Includll1g. hut <br />feil'$ or t~t mor,: titan.. <:;. uf dl<t Kross ...Ie pri<i:e, 1It1<)mtll'~ tee~ xuul <COIils of <br /> ~".(J.r.,d b'l' fhi. I~d t,f "foe...""; ."Hi !e; Ibe ..,,(:<""'~, if .QAiY, hI Ih" ,x:r""<.l m. pe'l:"!IiO.6.'I' elldtl"d <br /> <br />