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<br />(1 'j ;~'l;}nth prior to t~S due date the 3nnual :non~a~e inSUT:.lnCe prerniU!l1 in ,;)rJt?r <br />^. ., - , <br /> <br />"vith funds t(\ ~1::1:- s'uC'h prerniunl h) the Secretary' of Housing and t::han f}e\'ek1pm('!p l:ursu::nlt h) the <br />National Housing ACL as amended. and applic3ble Regubrj'ms thereund<'r: ','f <br /> <br />DToviJe su('h lh)lder <br /> <br />8:1--003514 <br /> <br />(II) <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />If and so long as said note of eVer~ dale i),nd this lnstrurnenl ar~ ht~lJ bv the Secretaf\.' of Housin!:!, and <br />Urban DeveIo~pment~ a nlonthly charge !in Hell of a fnortgage insurance~ lJrentiurnj \vh-ich shall be '-in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (I,Ii 21 of one-half 0/2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking 1Oto account delinquencies or prepayments: <br />A sum I~qual to the ground rents, jf any. n,:xt due, plus rhe premiums that wiE neXI become due and payable on <br />poIid,es of fire and olheJ' hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus laxes and assessments nextdu,> <br />on the mortgaged property fall as estimated by the lvfortgagee) less all. sums already paid lherefor divided by the <br />number of rnonths to elapse befcHe one ~nonth prior t() the d~llt: v..:hen stKh ground renr$~ prt~nliurns, ta)<.es and <br />a.sseSSIm!mts '.vili bec.ome ddinquent. su<;h Sllms 10 ly.: held hy Mortgagee in lmsl w pay said ground rents, pre. <br />miums,taxes and special ;lSSeSSmelJ ts; and <br />All payments mentioned in the two prct'eding subsections or this paragraph and all paymcnrs to be l11<ldeunder <br />the DOle secured hereby shall be add'Jd together <Jill! rhe aggregate <l!TJmlnl thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month m a ';;ngJe paym,~nt be by the Mongagec 10 the jtems in rhe order set f<)rth~ <br /> <br />Ie} <br /> <br />O} rnerniun1 charges ander the ('OIHract of H1Sunrnc(' v;'lt-h rhe Si~~retary of H\)using and t"rban Devell)pnk'nt~ <br />or In(}n'lhiy (in lieu ofn~ortgagc ins'i-Ifanc(' preffliund, ~-i~ the C;b(~ rnay be: <br />J'H) g-round rents: taxes. as:;eSSl!lents,. (;Je ~nd rltber h,.izard' pren1iHins: <br />\lB) inten',t on tbe [1\'01" St~('lJred hereby. dnd <br />(IV) amoniza tion lhe [H'IHclpa.i "j said H.lh: <br />Any deficlcnc)' in the anhHJnt. of mry ~;uch 8;g;gregatJ.;~ mornhl'y p~.j'Ylnen! :::1,ld';;, untess rnadc goud by tile i\.1on.. <br />gagof prior h::> the dlH~ ~HC of the lleXl sad.l iJJ,ynH'jd LPnsHtl.ltt~ ~iJ: c\:cnt or default und{~r this. inongagc. l'he <br />rnayr c()HCt:t :.i 'tla.te ,'~ nOl I jour c+::.rns {'..fllJ ';nr l~~.,('h dollar {S j,) oj' c;.ich pa)'menl' !non: <br />than (' l::) ~ll,t~t\/$ ane~HS lO cO'V(~r the e.XTr~i, eXrh',~n~t"~ lnvolved ttl handling deli.n(p!(~nl. pa~:rrtnents. <br /> <br /> <br />T Thai if Ih.. tnral of Ilw pil\m"I1t.', mad., b~(hp\It\fI"L'al!(ff 'md.'I" i 01 :: pre('!'\ijng "hall <",,'PI'd <br />l.h., amounlnf pl!vmpm... :wruaily mad., hv Ihp\IHt'l","ll,!!l'" ill!' l!l'nund n.tll~, la\(',. lint! :;~"p""menl~. or in.:iUr:llH'f' pro. <br />miulIrl,.,. :IS th.. ct...,., ma\' !I.:., C'Udl exccss. If 1111.' loan ,~.:llIT"IH "r the ,)f the Mortgagor. shaH he credited b; <br />Ill!> \loril!l!g('" 0111 ,~uh,..i'(ll1(,lll paUll!'HI,. 10 iw madl' In !iw\lnrtil,allor.. or rdlllHI,'d III Ihn\lnl'tg3.j!llt'. If. howl''"!,!" Hit> <br />"1(lmhl:' Illlsllwm" made h, dlC under: ..t ~hilJl no!. bl:' sufficlellt !O pay ground <br />['(-nt, I ax('." and a,~;'f'~,~m"nl, M 'l1.-~ura!ln' prl'mnnn-.. IhI' , :"."" mil\' lip wlW[1 Iln. '.amt' -itall h"I.:o[11p dill' and pay. <br />abl!> flH'll till' \longa!l:or ",hall pa', 10 rhl' 'Inrlg,llH'" am :\01Ollnl ""(C'""'an 10 m:lk" up ill<' f!"n('i!'ncv. on or !w!'m'(' <br />lnl) dalp '.vhl''' p::l.>ml'nt oj -l!ch jll"1Ulld n'n!", lax.--" ",.~'>'"llwm'" Iff IIp''I,lrann' pn'flHum,,"hall lw dut'. If al lilW <br />lim\' llw \lnrl.j!al[()!' ,.rnd! lpnd..r In till' \lorl;;;!.l!""'. :"'J'urdan"" \\1111 Ill!' PH"; "ion- pi th., not.. "p!'un'd lwrphy, <br />full p:nll1/'1I1 <If 1111.:, ,,'min' HI(I('i,tH:jn..'~" l'<'j'lrp"pnh<d . 011' \\o!'!:!;!",,,,' -hid!. in ('of11plllil\~!. 1111' anWllt11 of :;rH'h <br />'ht(':(ln('~" \:n':di{ to the.: d('(:I,'!UHt uf the ":fong~tJi!,'ll[ p,J\rn{;'l1ts, \Hldi..'r pro\'ls~ons (U',! of paragraph <br />twreof I'hllh lht' \lOrl,z:ii!.'", ha.- mil. [",,'HlI1I' tdlli,,;UI,'d 1"1\ co nli' "I!I'HI"IIl!! ;HlIl I. rhan DCH:!I)pnWIH <br />i.lnd 't.ll~ halann' H'llldHHng, ill till' Il1ml, :In'ullllll.ued 'mll"1 >ill' pr.., ''''IIIll'' uJ :l. ]1(>1'001'. If then' <br />stud) ht" a (h.fauil ul'Hil-r ,i1l\ ~'~r tht' pnnl:--ion:^'" ~,l:f ~.hj:-- mOn}~(~ttP n',""u!l.lnu IH ;t puh!i{. "'a~{: Ihl:~ f)fpmi~.t,,,,~ ('oYe('r.d <br />ht~rt~b~~ Of if th\.' \lL1nUc~q,::,~~' '~~('(HHrf'" !.h~' PI'''V~'II\ Dth~:r\,t.i,~'" ;,hf-'i" d-t'iau,\!" ih~' \hHt~,~'d.~!Pl' "h~dl \ ,tl lllp iimp or <br />t.1('" ."OlnnH:'n('t-nH:lnl of ~Ut'-h prl;f't"(..din1!";'. nf ~Il tilt' I (11Jt.' J!l-t' fH>op.~n~.. \- od'lf'n\~:'.;:' iU'qlflH.{L dH' iJJH"P HH1n rpmain~ <br />ing in tlH' hHIt:L~ :tt'(.I,JI'tHJlat~.tJ UO\11'f ni I!<,.u;l~uaflh 'p","(-('dln~, .~..., ;1 "f{'di i tl;:~~iin~i th~. amnunl nf priHfipal thpl1 <br />fPlnaining unp~ud WHj'l'f "'d.:d noH', :J,nd....h pf.(~p~'r~,\ ~HJpf'"l ;n~: p,nnH'HI:- ~\li!i'i'! --,h~dl hi1\-t,\ hP('1l under (l:,) <br />01 paragraph <br />"1 ht.l;! tht-' \ii.\r!~:~,l~\lr \~ <br />.:h~Hgt:"~ hoe..., ,,1l HHfh1'ttl(\n". tiq <br />ray tht' ...aHH'. imd lhat lh,!:: \1i,n <br />rht' \(tH"tg:~',le::t)1 <br />rn~nb., and \-j,hl~h jHd) hi' <br />~d D) hn~ ~~nJ oni\ <br />!mr\\,st'd ,Hl <br />{akin.g. or if r.nt' <br />said t,~1 xe.,. i)[ <br />{~r JCi'::-rt~e ;nH ~\ fhe \hil t,~;i~~.;.1j <br />rhe r)gh~ to J~j\" \\ fHh.:'n ntJU~(' ~u ~h< <br />debt. If tK\:j~(~ t~ 1:,'11. tht; debt ,haU <br />I), Th~t( \h\'uhi he H'I p;l~' ~1n~~ ~,L1m \>1' );,t,'t;:P <br />tion~ rnay pavor perform toe ,'arne, ,:.'ind all (~x.ptndjtun,;~~ m~'H,k' <br />",haB be s~curc.d hert:by ~ and :,;h~"ln b\.~i~r inter(;':'l ;,t~ tht.' ntte \et fl~nh in the ~aid Q",}{c. unnl p{tlJ. <br />.., Tlt~H he as':\Jg,Jh, rr~tn~fi;.'r... ~.~nJ ~t.t): over l'{~ the ,\-'longa~t:t.^. !() hc ~:pplicd toward the' of rhe nu{t: dnd <br />~~um.s $e~ured ht'rc~ty~ ,,;,"a:.,t. ,.)f Qt,'.fault U1 the pCifdn"1~ia\.;1.;' the r,t:~r{tl"'. an,d CI.'H1ditJou:s \'long~ifle ,JT fh~ ,"~uJ <br />note. aU the rents, riVCral(;S and in(-llH}1,e IfJ r.>e derlvt'0 H';\:"' prc-mi...;zs during ~u;.:h timi.: ~.."l tht, ". indented <br />ncss :.;;haH rernaln and the "hall ha \:;.' \';.') ~'ig(:rH dt:sirtl fur rl..npt.b~ {It <br />s:Jid r.ind oJ sa.m.: and, \."o!j~~:riug t.he x,:.:';:)!s. fCVern.lC~ and It flUl ,;;aid ir~- <br />c\)tnes (:'.f ~aid ;.i.nd '.:\p~n\C':i: ;ncu~TClJ f{:~nting ~ind rnan:tging the <br />s~une, and fone'~ting rern.aJs (he balani:e .an,Y', t(j r~e app~ied r.l)\v~!rd the d~"chnrgt; ()f "'~ud tl~ortgAgt; <br />indebtedl1ess, <br />It ThHt he <br />required fmlll <br />and <br /> <br /> <br />,~nd \,thr:r ,~~P\ ~',:[nmt'n!al ,'If )':~\.mic,p;jl <br />hl"n:rnht~f:,:q(' ;ll1d!n 'ck,fauH tht'>r\~\)! tv1nn.gil)!.I;.'(' nl;:~ <br />lh~"[r'{~'H :~t\.H <br /> <br /> <br />I !h...'J.'H'H'(' td \. :~j;1f.t' 1..1! <br /> <br />{'rhHI ...i-\)j~'d.j,l.n \)! [hi", tHll,jer" <br />\\ hl.\k id" .iHq p~1rtH,Hl \~f !flt' ilfl.'lf(> <br />~ur..:h ",1 if .....U(:fl 1:1\/";, <br />lhe' \hall h:l:vc: <br />rhe mongagt' <br />the ~X;::HrdU~.ln s;iid njHt;;t~~' lL.lYs, <br />. then the: \401 tg;Ji-!t't~, at ib op- <br />:-rum I.)Vl' ing i,H) the ~~h{)\'o;;,' nU'tt: ,. <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />11 <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />